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Love Survives: The BWWM Interracial Romance Collection (Volume 1)

Page 41

by Dez Burke

  “Hi, Mom,” she greeted and she stepped through the door.

  “How was school today?” her mom asked with a sly grin.

  “What’s going on, Mommy? Why are you smiling like that?”

  “I hear you have a date tomorrow. I am just happy that’s all. Gregory is a nice young man and you aren’t getting any younger,” Chevaine’s mom replied.

  “What? How did you…” Chevaine could not believe that her mom knew of Gregory’s plan. He must have stopped by on his way home.

  “Now, now, don’t get all worked up. Gregory and I had a nice little chat just before you came home. He is a nice boy, you know.”

  “Mom, I don’t care how nice he is, I am not going on a date with him!”

  Mrs. Cameron was surprised at the vehemence in Chevaine’s statement. “Why on earth not?” she asked her daughter.

  “Because I don’t like him that way, Mommy,” she said quietly.

  Her mother was not deterred by that argument. “How are you going to know how you feel if you don’t give it a chance?”

  “Mom, you are impossible, ugh!” she said in frustration, and went to her room.

  A few minutes later there was a knock at the door. “Come in,” she called. She knew it was her mother coming to calm her down.

  “Listen, Chev, I know you don’t love him but sometimes love takes time to grow. You know, I couldn’t stand the site of your father when we were young.”

  “Really, Mommy?” she asked her mom, as her interest peaked.

  “Uh-huh, he was a pain in the derriere you know, always following me around and begging my parents to let him marry me. I was interested in someone else who turned out to be a jerk. But your father was there when that other boy broke my heart and I saw him as a loving, kind man who I was proud to make my husband.”

  “I didn’t know that, Mommy.”

  “All I’m asking is that you give that boy a fair chance and if after your date you still don’t like him, then I’ll not bother you about it.”

  “Okay, Mommy, I’ll try. For you,” she agreed as they hugged. “But if he tries anything, I swear I’ll clobber him!” Mrs. Cameron left the room in a fit of laughter.

  She wasn’t happy about it but she wanted to make her mother happy. Chevaine wanted to go on dates and picnics, but not with Gregory. It was another man she wished had asked her out, but he wouldn’t. He probably left someone back home whom he was planning to marry. She and John had never discussed anything personal so she had no clue what he left behind or what he intended to do in the future. As far as Chevaine was concerned, Pastor McCrary was her pastor and that was how it was going to stay.

  Saturday morning came all too quickly. She went to the church office around eight in order to get some work done. School was taking up most of her weekdays so it was Saturdays and a few afternoons per week for office duties. John was not in when she arrived and she welcomed the solitude in order to think. But it wasn’t to last very long.

  “You’re here!” he greeted her, coming through the door, covered in sweat.

  “What happened to you?” she asked her pastor.

  “I usually run in the mornings so I thought I’d just get back in the habit. Plus, it gives me a chance to get to know the place a little bit better,” John replied, admiring her glowing skin and pouting lips. “So, are you looking forward to your date?” he asked.

  Chevaine, with surprise in her voice replied, “How did you know?”

  “Your mom, I just passed her and she asked me to excuse you early so you can have a picnic with…. Gregory….is it?”

  “Yes, it’s Gregory,” she replied quietly. Resigning herself to her fateful date. Now she really couldn’t get out of it. What will people think of her for not keeping a promise? Now she was really doomed, she thought.

  “Are you alright Chevaine? You look a little piqued,” John observed. Was she upset because he knew of her date or was she reluctant to go?

  “I’m okay, sir, I’m just fine.” She knew her discomfort was heard in her voice but she couldn’t help it. Everything inside her cried out against going on this picnic with Gregory. Her instincts told her that this was the beginning of trouble and that things would never be the same again.

  Chevaine prayed silently in the bathroom at ten forty-five, asking God for a miracle. She asked that he show her the way and that her heart will know when Mr. Right came along. She also prayed that if Gregory was Mr. Right her heart would open up to him on their date. Chevaine had faith that she would know by the end of the day if she should see Gregory again.

  He came at around fifteen minutes after eleven, which was the first sign of unreliability as far as Chevaine was concerned. Though happy that she got to spend an extra fifteen minutes with John, she was also upset that Gregory would be late for a date he bamboozled her into. He should have at least shown some respect and been on-time.

  They trekked up the hill to a patch of land overlooking the city. The view was beautiful but what they both didn’t know was that Brother Thomas’ wild mule and the feared black bull were in the pasture nearby.

  It was during their very basic meal of cheese sandwiches and lemonade that they heard hoof beats close by. Before they could gather the basket and blanket they had sat on, they saw the donkey headed their way with the bull in tow. They weren’t sure if the bull was chasing the wild donkey or if they both were on the attack.

  Gregory, the coward he was, bolted towards the plantain field down the side of the hill, leaving Chevaine to fend for herself. She was a smart girl and knew that a mule or bull could not climb trees so that’s what she did, climbing the closet ackee tree she could find.

  The mule galloped swiftly into the bushes with the bull right behind. Chevaine wanted to be certain they did not turn back before coming down from the tree and quickly heading back to the office. Though the date was a disaster, she was overjoyed at knowing she got her miracle. “What else could it be?” she asked herself as she entered the front door of the cottage.

  “What happened?” John looked up in surprised and asked.

  “It was hilarious!” she laughed, as she realized how happy she was to get rid of Gregory.

  The sound of someone breathing heavily sounded at the door. Gregory leaned against the door-jam looking very haggard indeed. He could hardly catch his breath and was sweating profusely. John filled a plastic cup with water from the cooler and handed it to him, which he swallowed gratefully.

  “I-I thought….haaa….you were….haaa…right behind…me…hooo,” Gregory breathed. His speech came between long pauses where he tried to catch his breath. His face distorted a bit, which amused Chevaine. She heard a light chuckle and saw that John was trying to contain himself as well.

  “You expected me to follow you after the way you took off, leaving me to fend for myself?”

  “Is somebody going to ease the suspense and tell me what happened?” John piped in, throwing his hands in the air.

  “W-w-ell…you see…,” Gregory started still a bit winded.

  “Brother Thomas’ wild mule and his black bull interrupted our wonderful lunch, where Gregory here took off down the hill into the plantain field!” Chevaine could no longer contain her amusement at the memory of Gregory galloping down the hill in sheer terror. She’d never seen anyone run so fast before. She burst out laughing, which utterly embarrassed Gregory.

  “So what did you do, Chev?” he’d never shortened her name before and the sound of it on his tongue brought warmth up her cheeks.

  Gregory noticed how John looked at Chevaine and a stab of jealousy pierced his heart. Now he understood why she was so reluctant to go out with him. The pastor was after her! But he would not give up. No pastor was coming to steal his woman, he told himself.

  “I climbed a tree until the coast was clear, then I came down the hill,” she said matter-of-factly.

  Finally breathing more normally, Gregory insisted he thought Chevaine was behind him. “I said I thought you were right behind
me. How was I to know you wanted me to hold your hand?!”

  “Gregory, what’s done is done, no need to be rude. I’m safe, you’re okay, so that’s that!”

  ‘I’m sorry, I really thought you were following me,” he said with remorse. Gregory turned and walked out the door, vowing to win Chevaine’s heart if it was the last thing he did.

  “It was a miracle!” she exclaimed.

  “What do you mean?” John was curious to know what she meant.

  “I asked God for a sign and that was it. I knew Gregory wasn’t the man for me,” she replied. John’s heart almost burst with glee upon hearing that. The reaction totally surprised him as he realized he was disappointed that Chevaine and Gregory were dating. Maybe this was a sign to him as well, and all he needed was God’s guidance.

  “Aren’t you upset that he left you behind? Most women would be,” John asked.

  “Naw, I was at first but then I was also glad it was over,” she giggled.

  “I’m glad you are okay,” John supplied, “I don’t know what I would have done if something had happened to you,” he added without thinking. He had been thinking it but never planned to actually say it. His ears became red and he turned quickly away.

  Chevaine stood there not knowing how to respond. Her heart thudded in her chest and her palms became sweaty. “I mean, I’m just glad you are okay,” John added. He was a little embarrassed about saying what he did but it was already said and he had to move forward. He hoped she didn’t feel awkward about it.


  Her work at the church office was piling up due to school and John alone could not handle all the paperwork plus his pastoral duties. The building of the church was coming along, but the balancing the checkbook and recording the payments along with managing the payroll for the men building the church was all work that Chevaine had to do at night.

  John had an idea. He spoke with the board members who were appointed to assist with planning and execution. He called a private meeting the following Monday after the fateful date, while Chevaine was at school. The board included Brother Martin, Mrs. Cameron, Brother Thomas and Mrs. Chambers. They gathered on the office where Mrs. Cameron supplied them with refreshments.

  “Thanks for coming. I have an idea which I hope you will agree and vote on. We need a full time secretary….,” he began.

  “But Chevaine is the best person, no one else can do it the way she can,” Mrs. Chambers interrupted.

  “I know. That is why I was hoping you would help convince her to work full time here. We would offer her a salary. This is at least until the building is done and things start to run smoothly.” The four board members started talking together in low tones, discussing the likelihood of Chevaine working full-time in the church office.

  “Well, we will see what we can do Pastor. Maybe she can teach part time and have more time to work here,” Mrs. Cameron stated.

  “That’s a good idea, Mrs. Cameron, that way she won’t feel torn,” John agreed. The meeting also included discussion on how to keep the young people in the community after leaving high school by creating jobs opportunities. It was a productive meeting which left one more petition to go to his Canadian church. He was to petition the church to get sponsorship from the Canadian business community to build a factory in Cotton Tree Hill. But it would not stop there. A proper road had to be constructed as well because the main road was in a terrible condition.

  The members of the church would be responsible for paying the secretary and Pastor’s salary which they insisted upon doing. John was being paid by his head church but the members insisted that since they were receiving so much that they needed to bear some of the financial burden.

  That evening Mrs. Cameron spoke with her daughter, who agreed to put in for part-time at the school. She knew she was needed at the church office but did not know how to solve the issue and was glad for the suggestion. Chevaine loved teaching and would have had a hard time giving it up altogether, so splitting her time evenly between the church and teaching was the best for everyone.


  It was past eight and they were still at it, trying to balance the books and get the paperwork back in order. He was leaning over her shoulders and she could feel his heat on her back. He was leaning so close to her that she could almost fee his heartbeat. Her pulse had quickened and a strange sensation ran through her body. Somehow her mind got a bit fuzzy and she lost concentration.

  “Chev, are you listening?” John was saying.

  “Yes, yes….I-I’m listening.” She got up and went to the cooler to fetch some water. Her throat had become really dry and she needed the distance.

  John felt it too. He just could not tear himself away from her. He wanted to bury his face in her hair, and take in her intoxicating scent. He looked over at her, standing at the fountain, and his heart beat heavily in his chest. He felt his manhood respond to her attractiveness. She was wearing the usual long ankle length cotton skirt and top which covered her modestly. There was nothing bare or exposed or even hinting at unseemliness, but her curves could be detected under her clothing and her breasts were firm against the fabric of her blouse.

  As she finished her water and walked towards him, John found himself walking towards her as well. Without a rational thought as to what he was doing her pulled her into his arms and brought his lips crashing down to hers. The minute their lips met his mind was brought back to reality and he pulled away as quickly as he had kissed her.

  “What have I done? Please forgive me, I don’t know what came over me,” he apologized.

  Chevaine could hardly catch her breath or make sense of what just happened. She stood there with her fingers caressing her lips. The scorching sensation of his kiss left an indelible impression in her mind along with the imprint on her tender lips. She felt the moistness between her legs and flushed from embarrassment. John saw her shame and thought it was due to his actions.

  “I am really sorry, Chevaine, I didn’t mean to.” She said nothing, but picked up her purse and headed out the door. John regretfully closed the office for the night.

  She had been longing for some sign that John was interested but now she was afraid. Her body was doing things she was not used to it doing before. She felt things which scared her and she wasn’t sure what to do about them. In all her twenty-six years, Chevaine had never felt this attracted to anyone. She had never craved being around someone so much nor had she ever felt like she wanted to experience the intimacy between a man and woman. It scared her. Her emotions confused her and she didn’t know what to do.

  “Now what?’ she asked herself. She had left the office in such a rush that she hadn’t thought her actions through. She didn’t want to go home just yet. She needed a place where she could sit and think for a little while. She took out her new cellular phone and rang home telling her mom she was not at work but she was okay.

  Mrs. Cameron was worried about her daughter, for she had been really quiet lately. She often went to a spot under the apple tree overlooking the city, staying away from everything to think. That’s where she knew Chevaine would be, but she worried that something might be troubling her daughter.

  As she hung up the phone a knock came at the door. It was Pastor McCrary. “Hi, Pastor, what can I do for you?” Mrs. Cameron was not surprised, as he often stopped by to have his meals and to talk to Chevaine about church business.

  “Is Chevaine here?” John asked Mrs. Cameron.

  “No, she hasn’t come home yet but I know where she could be.” Mrs. Cameron thought that if Pastor showed up Chevaine might tell him what’s bothering her, so she sent him to the apple tree where her daughter might be.

  The night was dark but John knew the place. It was somewhere he normally stopped to rest during his morning run and sometimes he went there at night. He had no idea it was her special place. He could hardly make out her figure sitting on the large boulder under the tree.


  She spun around, startled
at his voice. “How did you find me?” she inquired.

  “Your mom,” he said quietly. “I had to talk to you.”

  “Why?” she knew why but she had to ask.

  “You know why, Chev.”

  She felt a bit nervous and her heart thudded wildly in her chest. He had come up close to her and she could feel him, though they did not touch. She wanted him to kiss her again and the thought annoyed her.

  “I-I…,” she stuttered as she tried to say something.

  “No, I’m sorry. I came on to you and I know you must feel uncomfortable. We have to work together every day. You see me at church every Sunday. I…” he was cut short as she placed her hand on his lips.

  “I wanted you to kiss me,” she said, her voice shaking a little. John was taken by surprise. He knew she felt something but he had no idea how much. They stood there for what seemed like ages before either of them spoke.

  It was Chevaine who broke the silence. “What happens now?”

  “We take it one day at a time and see where it leads.”

  “I’d like that very much,” she said, and with that out of the way she walked into his arms, twining her arms around his neck. On cue, as if they knew each other’s thoughts, their lips came together in a tender kiss.

  Meanwhile, a figure lurked in the dark not far away. Anger and jealousy rose in him as he watched the white man and the love of his life kissing. Gregory had never felt such hatred in his life. He wanted to kill John but he turned and walked away instead. “He’s going to pay!” he told himself.

  The bray of a donkey in the bushes sounded nearby, alarming them. There also came a scuttling sound and then an animal screamed. Though he could not cross the fence to where they were, they left in a hurry just the same.

  They decided that they would wait until they were sure about their feelings and future to let anyone know about their relationship. They would simply get to know each other in the meantime.


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