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Empire High Betrayal

Page 8

by Ivy Smoak

  I’d been so worried that he’d break my heart. Why hadn’t I protected his?

  “Did you kiss whoever it was?” he asked.

  “Yes.” I held my breath.

  “Did you sleep with him?”

  “No.” I shook my head. “I mean, technically I slept in his bed, but we didn’t…”

  He winced. “I don’t want to hear any more.”

  “I’m done with everyone else, Matt. The next time I see him, I’ll make sure he knows. And I’ll make sure to tell Felix the same. I’ll even make sure James knows. I love you and only you,” I said.


  He didn’t say he loved me back. And I didn’t know what he meant by okay. But it didn’t sound like anything was okay. He just stood there, staring at me, a frown on his perfect face.

  “Okay.” The word was barely audible from my lips.

  He kept staring at me. His chest rose and fell. And then he turned away, like he couldn’t bear to look at me anymore.

  That was a dismissal. He didn’t have to say the words. I knew when I wasn’t wanted. I slowly stood up. I grabbed my pajamas off his nightstand and pulled them to my chest. My mom’s perfume wafted around me. Was this how my mom felt when she walked away from my dad? Like her heart was in a million little pieces?

  Matt ran his hand through his perfect golden hair. For just a few minutes, I’d been the one to do that for him.

  I clutched the pajamas closer to my chest. My mom had walked away to protect me. But walking away from Matt? That wasn’t protecting anyone. It was killing me. Was it killing him too? I stood there for another moment, hoping he’d turn around. But he didn’t.

  And just like that, I was invisible again. Staring at him from a distance. Wanting him desperately, but knowing I could never have him.

  “I’m so sorry, Matt. I should have heard you out right away. I was just so…angry with you. I thought you were keeping what happened with Rachel a secret in part because you didn’t want to tell me the truth. And I didn’t understand why you didn’t trust me with what Isabella had on you. I didn’t understand why you kept me in the dark. I would have believed you if you’d been upfront about it. And I would have kept your secret.” I instantly regretted the last thing I said.

  “Yeah, you’re good at secrets, Brooklyn.”

  Ouch. I bit the inside of my lip. It hurt because he was right. “I was never trying to hurt you. I was just trying not to…drown.”

  He didn’t respond. He just shoved his hands into his pockets and looked down at the ground.

  I didn’t want to leave his bedroom. I didn’t want to have to leave with Miller. It all felt wrong. But what was I supposed to do? Beg him to let me stay? “Matt?”

  He didn’t look up.

  What was I doing? I wasn’t going to beg him. He’d dismissed me. I would have done the same. Just thinking about him kissing someone else made my chest ache. I held the pajamas closer to my chest as if it would prevent my heart from breaking any more. There was nothing else to say. I’d lost my mom and my uncle. And it made me feel abandoned and alone. And I’d just held on to anyone and anything that offered me comfort. Matt didn’t understand what it was like to lose everything. Yes, he’d lost his aunt, but it wasn’t the same. And even though it wasn’t an excuse for my behavior, it had still happened. I couldn’t undo it. I couldn’t rewind time, even though I desperately wanted to. I’d just lost the best thing I’d ever had. And I was so fucking sorry.

  Part of me wanted to close the distance between us and hug him. But he looked so un-inviting. He didn’t want me anymore. And I had no one to blame but myself. It felt like I didn’t know how to do anything right anymore. He was all I wanted. Why had I messed it up? Why? I walked past him before I broke. He didn’t stop me. It stung worse than him removing his hand from mine.

  I opened the door, but he reached out and slammed it shut. His body was pressed to my back, caging me in.

  “No more running,” he said, his breath hot on the back of my neck. “For once, you’re going to stay. We’re going to fight. And then we’ll make up.”


  He kissed the side of my neck and I lost the ability to speak. His lips felt so much freaking better than the tears falling down my cheeks. He slid the ring back on my finger as he kissed my neck again and more tears fell.

  I thought he was kicking me out. But he wanted me to stay? I tried to turn around but he pulled me against him.

  “I don’t want to fight with you,” I said.

  “Too bad.” He lightly nipped my earlobe. “Because I’m furious with you.”

  “Matt, I’m sorry, I…”

  “Tell me,” he said, cutting me off. “Did he touch you here?” His fingers slid beneath my shirt, skimming the top of my underwear.

  I swallowed hard. “No.”

  “What about here?” His fingers slid beneath the lacy material.

  “No.” My head rolled back on his shoulder. This didn’t feel like a fight. It felt like we were already making up.

  “Did you want him? To touch you there?”


  “Brooklyn.” His voice cracked.

  I closed my eyes. We definitely hadn’t skipped the fight. Or else he wouldn’t have sounded so sad. “He didn’t touch me like this,” I said. “And I didn’t want him to.”

  “Then why did you sleep in his bed?”

  “Because I felt alone.”

  “Imagine how I felt.” His fingers slid lower. “You wouldn’t answer my texts or calls. You iced me out. I was suffering just as much as you.”

  He was right. I should have heard him out. I was hurt but I should have cared that he was hurting. “I thought you were keeping a secret to protect your friend,” I said. “And when I found out it was because you did something to hurt him? It was hard to believe your side.” Especially because I hadn’t given him a chance to explain.

  “So you ran from me instead of talking? Why is your first instinct to run?”

  “I don’t know.” It was hard talking to him when his fingers were so distracting.

  “You do.” His lips traced the back of my ear. “Tell me.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut. “It’s hard for me to love people, Matt. Everyone I love leaves me.”

  His kiss was gentle on my neck. “So why’d you leave me if you knew how much it fucking hurts?”

  I was protecting my heart because he kept hurting it. And if I gave it to him like he was asking? I could lose everything. “Because then you couldn’t leave me.”

  “I would never leave you, Brooklyn. I don’t know how many times I can say it. I don’t know how many times you have to push me away to prove that I’ll keep coming back. But I’m not going anywhere. You belong with me.”

  I nodded. I did. I belonged in his arms. Just like this.

  “Do you promise to stop running from me?”

  “Yes.” His fingers slid slightly lower. God.

  “I don’t want you talking to James anymore.”

  The segue didn’t surprise me at all. I almost expected him to have a few contingencies. I’d proven that I was an untrustworthy flight risk. And if this is what he needed for me to prove I wasn’t, I’d give it to him. My friendship with James wasn’t worth losing Matt. “I won’t. I swear.”

  There was a long stretch of silence.

  “Okay,” he finally said. It didn’t sound like a dismissal this time.

  I tried to turn to face him again but he gripped my waist, keeping me in place.

  “Tell me what you want right now.” The tip of his nose ran down the side of my neck before he nibbled my shoulder through the thin fabric of his t-shirt. “And maybe I’ll give it to you.”

  I swallowed hard. Not this again. Was he hellbent on torturing me? I didn’t know what to say. No, that wasn’t exactly true. I knew exactly what I wanted. “Touch me.” I wanted to skip to the make up portion he promised. I never wanted to fight with him again. I expected an explosion, not a heated
conversation where he held me hostage with his hands. He fought unfairly. I’d always give him whatever he wanted like this.

  “Here?” He kissed my shoulder where he’d just bitten.

  “No,” I moaned. “Lower.”

  “Here?” He kissed farther down on my shoulder blade, his hand not moving an inch.

  “No, not there.”

  “Say it, Brooklyn. Tell me what you want from me.” He tugged on my earlobe with his teeth.

  “Poke me in the pants.” What? Really? That’s what I came up with? I wasn’t even wearing pants.

  He laughed, kissing the side of my neck. “As endearing as that is…I want you to tell me that you need my fingers inside of you. Or would you rather have my tongue?”

  “All of it.”

  He finally let me turn around to face him. His eyes weren’t cold and distant anymore. He looked hungry. For me.

  “I want all of you,” I whispered.

  He grabbed my ass and lifted me up, slamming my back against his door.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist as his lips collided with mine.

  “You said you didn’t want to do this when I was mad at you the other day,” I said between kisses. “Shouldn’t we wait until you’re not mad at me?”

  He kissed me again as he carried me over to his bed and tossed me down on it.

  I bounced before sagging into the soft mattress.

  “I’m not mad at you.” He leaned over top of me. “I’m in love with you. There’s a huge difference.”

  “I’m in love with you too.”

  “But I do need you to agree to a few rules before we go any further.”

  I nodded. Sex rules? Was that a thing? Or a safe word or something? Why would I need that? What is he planning on doing to me?!

  “From now on, you’ll kiss only me.” He pushed up my t-shirt and planted a kiss on my stomach. “You’ll only fall asleep in my arms.” Another kiss a little lower. “I will be your first and only husband.”

  I laughed.

  He bit my skin in response.


  “You’ll come to me when you’re in trouble.” He kissed the same spot he’d just bitten. “And you’ll give me the rest of your firsts.” His fingers hooked in the waistband of my panties. “And you’ll never run away from me again. We fight for each other. Always and forever.” He pulled my panties down my thighs. “Agreed?”

  Fuck yes. I lifted myself up on my elbows so I could look at him. “I promise, Matt.”

  He kissed the inside of my thigh, making me shiver.

  He locked eyes with me as he lowered his mouth. “Now I think it’s time we took care of a few of those firsts, don’t you think? I think you requested all of it? But let’s start slow. I have two things in mind I think you might really enjoy.”

  I nodded. I had no idea what two things he was talking about. But when his mouth collided with my skin, I knew I wanted everything he could give me. Two things. Ten things. Every single thing. I’d give him all my firsts if they felt this fucking good.

  This time when my fingers tangled with his hair I felt more complete than I had in months. More alive. More loved. I wasn’t scared. I wasn’t alone. I wasn’t just barely holding on. I was freaking soaring.

  Chapter 11



  I woke up to kisses along my clavicle and Matt’s fingers in my hair. “Mmm.”

  “Hey.” His hand stopped on the side of my face as I slowly opened my eyes.

  I blinked up at his smiling face. He’d kept his 5 o’clock shadow because I’d told him I liked it. He looked so handsome. I reached up and ran my palm along his jaw. “Good morning.” We’d never been together like this in the morning. He usually slipped out before I woke up. But I guess that wasn’t necessary here.

  Matt smiled down at me. “Good morning, beautiful.” His thumb dropped to my lower lip. “I like waking up to you.”

  I smiled up at him. “I like waking up to you too.”

  He slowly sat up and I realized he was already fully dressed in his Empire High uniform.

  “Are you leaving?”

  He ran his fingers through his hair. “I actually missed a lot of school last week. Coach Carter said I couldn’t play in the game next weekend unless I came in today. I’ll stay with you if you want. You know that. But…”

  “What? No. You should go. I’ll be fine.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. I don’t want you to have to miss your game. It’ll be the first one I’ll get to come to as your girlfriend.”

  He smiled at me. “I’d like that. Maybe you could wear my letter jacket?”

  Oh. Isabella had cut up all my clothes. But I didn’t think Matt’s jacket had been part of the destruction. It had still been packed away in a box. Thank God. “I’ve been dying to wear it. Maybe I should just come to school today too. I think I feel okay…”

  “No,” Matt said. “I promised your dad I’d take care of you. You still need rest. I even brought you breakfast in bed.” He gestured to the tray that was sitting on the bed.

  I’d thought I’d smelled bacon. I sat up, keeping the comforter pressed against my chest. That was the sweetest thing ever. “Thank you.”

  “Take the day off. Relax. Sleep. Whatever you need.” He kissed the side of my forehead. “I’ll be back after practice.”

  “Am I allowed to go downstairs?”

  He laughed. “Of course. I’m not locking you up here. I just thought you might be more comfortable in my room.”

  My dad would have tried to lock me up. He had tried that.

  “There’s a TV in the kitchen if you want to watch something. And there’s a library if you want to read. My mom’s here, so you can just ask her for whatever you need.”

  I nodded. I liked Matt’s mom. Maybe I could just hang out with her today.

  “I like that look,” Matt said.

  “What look?” I smiled up at him.

  “The messy hair. Rosy cheeks. My ring on your finger.”

  I smiled as looked down at the ring. “I shouldn’t wear this out of your room though right? Won’t your family wonder why I have it?” The last thing I wanted was for the Caldwells to think I was stealing jewelry.

  “My dad made it clear he didn’t want a Pruitt in the family. I made it clear that you aren’t. And that even if you technically are, you won’t be for long.”

  I pressed my lips together. “You told them you wanted to marry me?”

  He reached out and brushed a strand of hair out of my face. “Don’t worry, I’ll tell your dad the same. I know that’s one of his rules. To always make my intentions clear.”

  Yeah, it probably was, but I hadn’t read the freaking contract.

  “I’ll talk to him today,” he said. “So yeah…wear the ring. You’re mine. And I want everyone to know it.”

  Matt calling me his always made my stomach fill with butterflies. “As a promise ring, right? That’s what you said it was?”

  “You can call it whatever you want.” He placed a soft kiss against my lips.

  “Because that’s what it is.”

  “Whatever you say, Brooklyn. Engagement ring, promise ring, either way…”

  I laughed. “But you didn’t propose.”

  “Hmm.” He climbed off the bed. “Didn’t I?”

  “No, you did not.”

  “I think we remember that differently.”

  “We’re not engaged, Matt.”

  “The ring says otherwise. And don’t you dare take it off. You’re mine.”

  I wouldn’t dream of taking it off. “Okay.”

  “Okay then.” He adjusted his tie. “Text me if you need anything.” He leaned over and placed a kiss against my lips. “Make yourself at home.”

  I smiled as he left the room. Home. I looked around at the dark red walls. I never would have imagined this place feeling like a home. But it was already starting to. I lifted up a piece of bacon and took a bite. Yeah, I coul
d get used to this.


  It didn’t take long for me to get antsy. If Matt expected me to wear this ring everywhere, there were two people I needed to talk to. Class had already started, so Felix had to wait. But Miller was here somewhere. I had to find him.

  I wandered out in the hall, avoiding looking at the chandelier. I was a little surprised that Donnelley wasn’t standing somewhere with a machete and instructions from Isabella to lop my head off. But he was nowhere in sight. My feet echoed on the stairs. The Caldwell mansion was still scary. But I knew one room that wasn’t. I walked into the kitchen and was disappointed that Mrs. Caldwell wasn’t standing at the stove humming like last night.

  There was a TV hanging under one of the cabinets, just like Matt had said. But I didn’t really want to watch anything. The TV reminded me of movies which reminded me of Uncle Jim. And I didn’t want to sit in the kitchen and cry. I needed to talk to Miller. What had Mr. Caldwell said about the security last night? That they needed to stay outside?

  I turned to the back door and almost screamed when I saw someone there. But it was just…wait, Rob? Rob was standing there, smiling at me through the glass. He lifted his hand and waved.

  What was he doing here? He was fighting with Matt. And he should have been in class.

  But his smiling face made it seem like he did belong here. Had they all made up and I just didn’t realize it? I walked over and opened the door. “What are you doing here?”

  “Me?” Rob said with a laugh. “What are you doing here?”

  “Matt invited me?” I wasn’t sure why it came out as a question.

  Rob smiled. “Yeah, I heard a rumor you were camping out here. I thought I’d come over and see for myself. Wanna hang out?”

  “Oh. Um.” So they had made up? Or not? It didn’t matter, I didn’t have time to hang out with him. “I was actually just about to…”

  “Come on, Sanders. There’s nothing to do in this big house. Besides, there’s so many rumors floating around, I’m dying to know the truth. Did you really sleep with James?”

  “What? No.”

  “Then you should probably come and fill me in.”

  “Come where?”


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