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All Hellos

Page 5

by Michael Barnette

  The woman turned to face Gabriel, her hands moving over his lover’s chest and down his body, the touch an erotic invitation. She wasn’t wasting any time in trying to implement her plan while the night was still reasonably young.

  Adrian watched as Gabriel leaned in and kissed the violet-eyed beauty, his hands skimming along the sides of her body, thumbs finding her already hard nipples. As long as they’d been lovers, he’d never seen Gabriel reacting to anything female like that. Seeing it make him want to go back to the cabin, or head for their bungalow so he could watch Gabriel actually fuck Iris. He was sure it would happen even if he’d been the one playing the main course in a sex sandwich last time.

  Of course I understand, Gabriel. You can’t have sex with a human, though you did manage it with Carrie that one time.

  Not safely, I can’t. And Carrie isn’t exactly human either, since she’s a Sorceress, the blond retorted.

  True enough, I suppose. At least she could see you for what we both are and not slip a mental gear. Adrian reached around the woman he was pressed against to set his hands on his lover’s gyrating hips.

  Exactly why humans are too dangerous for me.

  I won’t argue with you. Besides, I think Iris may just be the solution we need.

  Hardly. She doesn’t exactly belong to us, you know.

  I know, but I think she likes us, and that’s halfway to getting her to stay with us afterward, isn’t it?

  Maybe, the blond admitted. But I’d not go and get too attached. She might just as easily tell us to piss off as to stay with us.

  She might, he agreed. But I’m putting my bets on us, Gabriel.

  On us, or on her?

  Adrian let his amusement seep like sugared butter into Gabriel’s mind. Either way.

  Incorrigible, that’s what you are, you know.

  I prefer to think of myself as a optimist, he replied as they squeezed Iris between them to share a kiss, his hand creeping around stealthily to pinch Gabriel’s ass.

  Gabriel pulled back suddenly, shock in his blue-green eyes.

  Iris was giggling, and he imagined she’d seen what he’d just done to the blond.

  “What did she do?” he asked Gabriel, playing innocent.

  “The woman goosed me!” He almost sounded indignant, and would have managed it if he hadn’t been smirking.

  “Goosed you?” Iris did her best to sound scandalized, but her giggling spoiled it even more than Gabe’s smirk. “Why, sir, I never did such a thing!”

  “I see, the two of you are conspiring against me, is that it?”

  “Us? Conspire? Against you? Never, good sir,” Iris said in her best historic manner.

  “Of course not!” Adrian assured him as he rested his hands on Iris’ waist where Gabriel could clearly see them.

  The woman in question was rubbing her butt across his crotch in a most enticing manner and Gabriel bent down to whisper, “We could all go back to your cabin and have more fun.”

  “We could,” she agreed. “But if you remember, this was your idea and his. I think you said something about wanting to build up some anticipation so we’d have a nice time again.”

  “Yes, I do recall you wanted to do that,” Adrian agreed, noticing the hard line of the blonde’s erection under the velvet trousers he was wearing. There was something very strange happening with Gabriel. He’d never seen the Immortal react to anything female like this before. Not once.

  He studied his lover’s face, noting the heat of desire, the way he was looking at Iris. I wonder if the answer isn’t right under my nose. He leaned down and inhaled Iris’ scent, eyes half closed.

  “Hmm...I did say that, didn’t I?”

  Adrian nodded absently, his attention directed on what he was doing. If he’d been one of the shifters he could have done this far more easily, but he wasn’t totally without the ability to identify things by scent.

  He’d been attracted to Iris almost instantly, but for him a good set of tits and feminine curves never failed on that score. He drew in her fragrance. Woman, some light floral perfume and something else. An odor that barely registered on his senses. Subtle, a faint musk.

  He leaned over the woman and buried his face in Gabriel’s hair, drawing in the totally familiar smell of his lover and finding an almost identical musk under the cologne Gabriel always wore.

  So that’s it! A wicked smile curved his lips. This was going to be better than he’d anticipated. Certainly much better than Gabriel expected.

  Power drew power. Blood called to blood. Among Immortals, finding another of their own kind—one of the opposite sex—was a one in a billion occurrence. Adrian smugly kept what he knew to himself. He’d just let Gabriel discover the truth on his own, because some surprises were best left to the involved parties to discover.

  Iris had her hands on Gabriel’s hips now and had started to shimmy up and down in a passable imitation of an erotic dancer’s pole routine, using Gabriel as the pole. A glance down at Gabriel’s crotch showed that the man was good pole material at the moment, because he had a hard-on that was worth dancing about.

  He watched as Iris held on tighter to the blond’s hips, her tongue sweeping across her parted lips, reminding Gabriel what she’d done to him earlier.

  Gabriel wasn’t the only one sporting a pole either. Adrian glanced around the room and noticed they were being watched by a number of other men and not a few women, some looking purely jealous of what Iris had. It amused him and if Gabriel noticed, it would probably bring a smile to the other Immortal’s lips.

  When it came to a woman being hot and not afraid to show it, few men cared if she was their ‘type’, since once the gears to the smaller head engaged, not much else mattered.

  Iris moved around behind Gabriel, her body sliding up his back.

  Fanning the flames, Adrian moved in, turning his back to Gabriel, his butt against the man’s erection.

  After tonight there wouldn’t be a person at the All Hello’s party that didn’t know what was going on with the three of them, and he for one didn’t care.

  He didn’t think Iris did either, and he damned well knew gossip never mattered to Gabriel. The older Immortal had endured far worse than words being spoken behind his back, just as Adrian had.

  Hands gripped his hips—Gabriel’s—and he felt the man’s pelvis pressing harder.

  It wouldn’t be long now. He pulled away, spinning around to the music, facing Gabe just as Iris slipped back between them, her back to Gabriel, rubbing her ass over his erection.

  Adrian saw the spark ignite in Gabriel’s gaze, eyes bright and hot, aqua fire rimmed with a flash of gold. Before he knew what had hit him, the other man had him by the arm, Iris was dumped over Adrian’s shoulder like cargo and the two of them were being bodily hauled out of the main hall amid roars of approval, good natured gibes and the applause of the partygoers.

  Iris was giggling as they hurried across the campground, heading for the bungalow.

  “I guess he’s had enough anticipatory build-up,” she commented to him. A hand was roaming across his back, finally finding its way lower to pat his ass appreciatively. He laughed softly.

  “I’d say so,” he agreed, reaching up to steady her where she lay over his shoulder. “Hope you don’t mind being treated like a sack of rice.”

  “No, not at all,” she replied. “I’ve got a lovely view from here.”

  “Do you now? Like what you’re looking at?”


  Gabriel’s grip tightened on his arm, his lover just short of jogging.

  “We aren’t going to go away, I promise, Gabe. There’s no need to run.”

  Eyes blazing with lust turned to regard him and he could see the faint shimmer of the man’s inner self sweeping across his body. His lover was close to losing control, something he’d never seen the other man do.

  Gabe gestured, urging greater speed. Adrian just nodded and broke into a trot, his arm around Iris’ waist tightening to keep h
er on his shoulder.

  She started laughing harder. “Wow, he must want it really bad if we’re in this much of a hurry.”

  What is wrong with me? Gabriel asked him silently.

  Adrian shook his head, Hell if I know. Which was a flat out lie. He did know what was driving Gabriel, and it was a secret he planned to keep. He still needed a plausible answer, however, and one came readily to mind. Have you ever been with an Immortal woman, Gabriel?

  No, his lover replied. She’s the first I’ve discovered other than Vivian, and that bitch isn’t really an Immortal.

  So maybe that explains the way you’re acting. He wasn’t about to ruin the surprise Gabriel had waiting for him.

  It might, Gabriel agreed, but he didn’t sound terribly convinced. He opened the door of the bungalow and dragged Adrian and Iris inside.

  It is possible that is the reason for my sudden interest in a female.

  Adrian was just putting the woman back on her feet, and both of them were watching him intently.

  He returned Iris’ regards, taking in her curvaceous beauty, the bright gold of her hair, the alluring violet of her eyes. He wanted to take her himself, to fuck her until neither of them could think or speak. A flicker of power rose in answer to his thoughts and he struggled to squelch it, not wanting it to get out of control. But it didn’t want to be controlled, and that shook him even more than his reaction to Iris. He hadn’t lost control of his true self in so long he couldn’t recall when it had last happened. Perhaps the night he’d made Adrian his. He couldn’t think of any other time since.

  He’d always enjoyed sex. He couldn’t get enough of Adrian and there were times when they spent a week or more in bed enjoying one another, living on nothing but the strength of his Immortal soul. But this…this was something totally different. It wasn’t just mutual desire, it went deeper than that. It was something primal, something he couldn’t name.

  Adrian set the woman down and Iris stood there, her heated gaze sweeping over him. He could almost feel her appraisal as a physical caress.


  He stared. No, he could feel something as she studied him. Something more than just mutual attraction.

  Power answering power.

  He took a step forward, understanding slowly dawning on him.

  She wasn’t just an Immortal.

  She was the same kind of Immortal.

  He stood there, dumbfounded as she strolled over to him, raised her arms to slide them around his neck and rose up on tiptoes to place a sweetly lustful kiss on his mouth. Their tongues engaged in a languid mutual exploration, his hands sliding down the small of her back to grip her behind, kneading her very feminine ass.

  Adrian. It was almost a helpless plea. Help me. Please. She is the same as I.

  I already knew that, his lover admitted as he moved in, twining his arms around his waist, lips finding the nape of his neck and sending a thrill of desire spiking right into his groin. He could feel Adrian’s erection pressing against his butt, the man teasing him, moving his hips in a slow thrust that left no question regarding his intentions.

  Are you trying to tell me something?

  Could be. Are you getting the message?

  Gabriel pressed his ass into the dark-haired man’s crotch. It seems rather clear, yes.

  Adrian continued to kiss the back of his neck, finding every sensitive place, warm breath sending a cascade of chills down Gabriel’s spine. Iris’ hands moved along the front of his frock coat, undoing buttons. He found the situation to be a strange one. He was used to being the aggressor, at least in most situations. Not this time, though. They were taking charge, and it sent thrill of anticipation through him. He had no idea what the pair were up to, and he found not knowing exciting. His cock twitched. A moan worked its way free of his parted lips as Iris slid his coat off his shoulders and pulled his shirt free of his pants, her hands making burning trails of fire across his chest.

  A shudder passed through him as cool air warred with the inferno raging beneath his skin and he heard Adrian snicker quietly, the sound gloating.

  Bitch, you are enjoying this, aren’t you?

  Damn right I am. Seeing you like this is making me want you.

  You always want me.

  Glitter-sparkle merriment romped through his mind from Adrian’s, and he could sense how close his lover was to losing control. They were both running the ragged edge of letting her see what they really were, playing a dangerous game that could seriously hurt Iris.

  Don’t worry, I won’t slip, and neither will you.

  If only I was as sure of that as you, my beautiful monster.

  The shimmer-light laughter bubbled through the link, champagne of the mind dancing inside his head, reminding Gabriel why he loved the other man so much.

  I am that, aren’t I?

  He felt Adrian’s lips on the side of his neck, a slight pain and hard sucking told him what Adrian had done. And that is far too dangerous.

  A gasp was wrenched from him as he felt Iris’ warm breath through the velvet of his breeches, her teeth pulling at the cords lacing them shut. Let Adrian worry about keeping Iris from seeing anything she wasn’t ready for, he just wanted to feel what was being done to him and damn the rest. Gabriel forgot any concern for the dangerous game they were playing, too caught up in the passions raging through his body to care.

  “Let’s play ‘layer cake,’ shall we?” Iris murmured. “You can be the sweet frosting between us.”

  He couldn’t help but smile at her words, nor could he help the way his cock pulsed when he heard her speak. Her breath seeping through the velvet of his pants was an enticement he had no intention of ignoring. Her hands moved over him, her touches light, teasing, and he found he was helpless to resist the pull of her sexuality. He also realized he had no interest in trying to deny his desire. Centuries of feeling virtually nothing for women, and now this. Lust savaged his normal reticence where women were concerned, and he had no idea how he would keep the eternal beast at the core of his being from escaping his control.

  He heard Adrian chuckle as the man reached around and finished unlacing his breeches. “The lady has an idea, Gabriel. Should we see what she has in mind?”

  “It might be fun,” Gabriel agreed as Adrian slipped his coat off him and tossed it aside. The rest of his garments were quickly removed and he found himself being guided down on the bed by Adrian. He wasn’t even fully settled before Iris had his cock in her mouth. The warm heat felt like a step toward heaven and he couldn’t control the groan as she took him deep, the head of his engorged cock brushing against the back of her throat. He groaned at the sensation, the sound lost down Adrian’s throat as his lover teased his mouth with a honey-sweet tongue. Firm hands caressed down his body, fingertips tickling the scratching lightly.

  You are purely evil, he thought to his lover.

  You knew that when you met me, and you kept me anyway.

  I was suffering a momentary lapse in sanity.

  You were suffering from unbridled lust.

  That too, Gabriel answered as another needy groan thrummed across his lover’s vocal cords, coming back to him as an amused chuckle. Between the two of them he was starting to suffer from the same sort of madness that had gripped him the day he’d found Adrian.

  Iris sucked him until he was gasping and bucking, moving closer to an orgasm he wanted with a desperation he hadn’t known in a long time. When she stopped he actually whimpered, then blushed slightly, embarrassed that such a pathetic sound had slipped free. More important than his momentary lapse was his confusion over her cessation of the wonderful things she’d been doing. He felt bereft, wanting more of her incredible mouth.

  Adrian grinned at him, his dark gaze rife with mischief, tiny golden motes glittering in their depths. Oh, yes, Adrian was having a grand time tormenting him. Raising his head to look at Iris, he saw similar mischievous intent in her vivid purple eyes. “Why did you stop?”

  She smiled at him. “
Time for the layer cake.”

  Adrian rolled away from him, grinning fiendishly. He grabbed their bag of toys and pulled out the lube they always had with them.

  Gabriel sat up, looking from the woman to the man, wondering what the pair of them were planning. Or maybe Iris had the plan, and Adrian was simply letting her lead.

  Either way, he had the feeling he was in for something delightful and deliciously wicked. The only thing that disturbed him was the fact he might lose control completely and let her see his inner self, an event she was not ready for under any circumstance. He wanted her, yet he was worried he would make a mistake and ruin everything. Losing control wasn’t something Gabriel did anymore. He hadn’t felt this strongly about anyone except Adrian.

  If she really was like him, he didn’t dare lose it now. Not when it could drive her away from them or worse, shatter her mind, which was the thing he most feared.

  Iris lay down on the bed beside Gabriel, reaching up to pull him down for a kiss. He obliged with enthusiasm and she turned on her side, guiding him to follow, which he did, the two of them kissing. She smiled as she noticed Adrian lying down behind Gabriel, a hand brushing across her waist and down over her hip to caress across her thigh.

  She was eager to try this and glad that Adrian was evidently willing to go along with it, even though she hadn’t explained anything to him.

  Both men were so beautiful, their bodies nicely sculpted in hard lines of bone, muscle and sinew, totally masculine and completely unmarred, not a trace of a single scar that she could detect on either of them, which was a bit odd.

  Not that it mattered.

  Iris wanted them, wanted to milk them dry and go back for more. She couldn’t get enough of them, and she found herself thinking how sad it would be to say goodbye to her newfound lovers. She’d only just met them, but already she knew she would miss them when the weekend came to its inevitable conclusion. Of course, she wasn’t sure why she was thinking about that. It was far better to feel at the moment and leave the thinking for later, perhaps on Sunday evening while she was driving home. Or on Sunday night, after she got home and had to be alone without any part of them but memories.


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