Love Of Country (Country Love #3)

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Love Of Country (Country Love #3) Page 1

by Green, Vicki

  Table of Contents

  Love of Country

  Love of Country


  Vicki's Books


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen


  Back To Country


  About the Author

  Love of Country

  Vicki Green

  Love of Country

  Lost and betrayed,

  Alone and forgotten,

  Until the beauty of the land,

  Shows the way home

  Trevor Mackay has his own demons from his past but finds solace in his friends and owning a farm he’s always dreamed of. Boarding horses for those in town and giving riding lessons help him cope. However, when a lost young girl enters his life, his demons return to haunt him.

  Caprice Greer had a happy childhood from what she can remember. Barely turning sixteen, her world changed. Her life became a game of survival, and she struggled to keep the will to live. Three years later, she finds herself in a different world. A gorgeous, kind man with blue eyes and a beautiful smile shows her kindness and the way of country life.

  Will he be able to help her get beyond the horrors of her past and help her get the happiness she deserves? Will he be able to do that for himself as well?

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Vicki Green Copyright 2015©

  All rights reserved.

  Amazon Edition

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form with authorization of the Author Vicki Green©

  Editor: Kathy Krick @K2 Editing:

  Cover Design by Cover to Cover Designs:


  Featured cover model Gary Taylor (on cover):

  Furiousfotog Photography of Gary:

  *Due to strong language and sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18+.


  To those who’ve had to endure horrible things in their lives,

  Live with loss and heartbreak,

  Struggle to survive.

  Always be strong,

  Live the best you can,

  Let the beauty in the lands be your guide

  Vicki's Books

  Forever Series:

  My Savior Forever

  Together Forever

  Soul-Mates Forever

  Razers Edge (sequel novella to Soul-Mates)

  Stand Alone:

  Finding My Way Home

  Touched Series:




  Heartache Series:

  The Loss

  Beyond Love Series:

  Sacrifice For Love

  Falling For Love

  Country Love Series:

  Country Heaven

  A Taste Of Country

  Love Of Country


  Ever since I was a youngin’ I was told to respect people and that all good things came to those who wait. Those things came to good people who helped others and did good deeds. I also learned that bad things happen too. My parent’s accident. And the love of my life leaving.

  I was taught about the beauty of the land when I was so small I had no idea what that meant. Who taught me those things? Grammy. After my parents were killed in an unforeseen accident, Grammy took me in and raised me until she died of cancer when I was sixteen. She showed me how to work on a farm and take care of all her animals, which I fell in love with fast. They don’t ask for much. Food, water, and a little love. But what they give back is so much more.

  Then there was the girl who stole my heart. She lived just a few miles from Grammy’s. I knew she was my soul-mate, the one I was to live the rest of my life with. But her parents moved and took her away from me. Back then we didn’t have internet, or all the things that we have now that would have enabled us to keep in touch. Oh, we could have written to each other but her parents didn’t like me. Not sure if she ever wrote to me. If she did, I ‘spect that her parents didn’t mail any letters for her. I wrote to her. Every day at first. Over time, I sent my letters less and less, never receivin’ a reply. I finally gave up hope. Those hard lessons I learned at such a young age only made me stronger, more determined. It also shattered my heart and any chance of ever lovin’ someone again.

  After Grammy passed, I had to give up her farm and land. I was unable to make ends meet. I had to let go of her and the place where I’d grown up, but I had my memories – no one can ever take those from me. I moved around a lot working at various places and tryin’ to find where I belonged.

  One stormy night, when I was about nineteen, I stumbled upon a girl lookin’ to be the same age as me in a dark alley. She was huddled in the back corner. Her arms wrapped around her legs and cryin’. My heart broke for her immediately. She was filthy, looked underweight for her body frame, with a black eye and various bruises on her face. I just couldn’t fathom that someone did that to her. Oh, I was well aware there are vile people in the world but never had encountered any yet. Until then. She was shy, secretive but allowed me to help her to my place and clean her up. I was able to get her to tell me her name. Shiloh. I couldn’t get her to go outside, and she wouldn’t tell me what happened. I started to get frustrated, even though I respected her wishes and stopped askin’ questions.

  Then one night, I think it was after Shiloh had been with me for about six months, we were sittin’ around the coffee table eatin’ the supper I’d brought home and she just started talkin’. She told me about this hideous mad man who took her and made her do horrible things. Told me how she’d been writin’ it all down in a small notebook and how she wanted to publish a book about all her misfortunes with him. She thought it would make a good book or a series. We ended up becoming close friends, somethin’ I hadn’t had for a long time. So, with the meager money I’d been makin’, I bought her a used laptop at a pawn shop. It had the things she needed already on it. Shiloh spent most of her time after that writin’. Because it was hard for her to tell me some of the horrible details of things that had happened to her, she let me read what she wrote. Gotta say, it scared the shit outta me but also made me fume with anger. I wanted to go find the son of a bitch and kill him with my bare hands, but she always stopped me, calmed me down. She became afraid he would kill me instead, tellin’ me he was a sick man and he’d do anythin’ to have her back. She explained she’d already gotten
away from him several times but he always found her, took her to a different place and would punish her worse every time he dragged her back. I respected her wishes, but it didn’t stop me from wantin’ to go after him.

  A year had gone by and he found her again. I looked for Shiloh but couldn’t find her. I ended up movin’ around a lot but somehow she’d always managed to find me. I’d take care of her, my feelin’s of wantin’ to kill him growin’ each time but she’d become my priority instead. Seems like every time she healed and would think she was safe, he’d find her again. She’d go out to get groceries or he’d grab her at my place when I’d be at work. We’d been to the police, time and time again, but they never seemed to catch him. Slick son of a bitch. Another year went by and we were sitting on the couch watchin’ a movie while she was recoupin’ at my place again. I’m not sure how it happened, ‘xactly, but we ended up kissin’. Weird thing was, it felt like I was kissin’ a family member. Shiloh felt the same and we ended up laughin’ our asses off. She became the sister I never had as I became the brother she always wanted. Strange how things work out.

  She ended up publishin’ her first book and it soared to the top of the charts. She wrote under a pen name so that people wouldn’t know who she was. At one point, I worked in an office that dealt with authors and their works. My boss was a publisher who was extremely interested in this Delia Shire, Shiloh’s pen name. I ended up hookin’ them up and Mandy, the publisher, and Shiloh became friends over time. The three of us got even closer in the next couple of years. Mandy and I both feared for Shiloh’s life and did everythin’ we could to try to protect her. But Shiloh always insisted that we were in danger for doin’ that and wouldn’t tell us how badly she was hurt each time until after the damage was done and she’d run again. She’d explain how this was a game to him and how one day she feared the only way it would end would be her death. Wasn’t ‘bout to let that happen.

  I’m not proud of my past, or the things I had to do to survive. Not everyone has had to grovel to get a bite to eat, do things they would have never imagined they’d ever have to do, just to get through another day. Yet I did what I had to do, tryin’ to make a life for myself, all the while tryin’ to help others along my path.

  That was my life, until that fated night….

  Chapter One


  My life has been one whirlwind after another, but my love of country brought me back to it, even though the circumstances were not very great. People left my life and then more came into it and filled it with love. I’ve got the best friends a man could have since I came back to the country. But I also almost lost my life and I did lose some people I’d come to call family. In God’s good grace, he left most of them in this world, yet a few were not so fortunate. Still, I know he must have had his reasons.

  After Shiloh’s and my horrible experience by the hands of that vile man who tormented her, I’m stuck in a hospital bed, with two gunshot wounds, barely able to fend for myself. It wasn’t the first time I’d been injured. That madman really got me good this time though. I really thought I was done for. I thought the maniac had killed everyone – had won the game. Thank God, it was his demise, but we did lose someone who’d become a friend. Dayton. I blamed myself for his death. Dayton lost his life trying to save others. He was a good man who didn’t deserve his fate. I guess Shiloh and Colby are gonna plan a service for him, once we’ve all healed properly.

  Right before this happened, Caprice, or Prie as she likes to be called, entered our lives. She’s only nineteen, seems sweet but has a small frame and a bit undernourished. The same madman who terrorized Shiloh and also caused our injuries had also taken Prie a few years ago. She too led a terrible life, one that he managed to destroy. She don’t talk much, is shy and withdrawn. The only feelin’s I’ve seen come outta her is when I came back to life in the hospital. Shiloh and Sadie think she’s kinda sweet on me, but I think we just have a kindred spirit. It’s like we connect somehow. Hell if I know how though. But every once in a while I get a feelin’ that I’ve met her before, know her somehow. I’ve given up tryin’ to figure it out. For now. I guess she sees somethin’ in me that I can’t see in myself. Either way, I’m glad. She seems like a nice girl. I’m kinda glad she’s quiet. I don’t like to talk much myself.

  Prie is an unusual girl but in a good way. She stuck by my side every moment while I’ve been in the hospital. I need to get her to eat and drink more. She’s really way too thin. I guess the madman who had her for the last three years wouldn’t allow her to do that too much. I wish I could have been the one to have killed him for terrorizing my friends for so long. I would have liked that satisfaction. But that was for Shiloh to do. She got her revenge even though I know it’ll never make up for what all he put her through.

  This young gal has had one bad life, but all I know is the little she’s told Shiloh and me. Shiloh and Prie connected pretty fast, goin’ through some of the same things with that maniac. I’m glad that Prie felt comfortable around Shiloh. Guess when you have somethin’ in common it’s easier to feel that way. She was a little scared of me, at first, but Shiloh’s always told me I could charm the skin off a rattlesnake. I’m hopin’ she’ll stick with me and my friends for a bit and let us help her see that things can be good again for her. For now, I’m stuck in this hospital bed, tryin’ to get healed enough so they’ll let me go home. Home. I haven’t had a real home in so long. I sure hope to keep this one.

  I will say I’ve been fortunate havin’ new friends who’ve become my new family. Colby and Memphis helped me get some land and a farm, somethin’ I’d been wantin’ for a long time. I wanted to get back to my roots. Maybe underneath it all, I wanted to be proud of somethin’ again, make Grammy proud. I know she’s been keepin’ an eye on me, watchin’ over me. I haven’t asked Prie yet but I’m hopin’ she’ll come stay with me at my farm, at least for a while. I know I’ll need some help gettin’ around for a bit and she has some healin’ to do herself. Inside and out.

  “Trev?” Shiloh’s voice brings me out of my reminicisin’. I’m just glad she’s alive. Feels good to be able to hear the sound of her sweet voice and see her beautiful face. To think that madman could have not only taken her life but also the life she’s carryin’ inside her.

  “Hey.” I smile. “How’s my gal and my nephew doin’?”

  A nurse pushes her towards my bed in a wheelchair and once she’s close, the nurse sets the brakes and then leaves us alone. Shiloh gives me her beautiful smile. I watch her hand smooth over her stomach and her eyes glisten. “We’re doing very well, thank you. Well, as good as we can be.” Her face changed to sadness. “And how are you doing? You really scared me, Trev.”

  I readjust in the bed, wincin’ with my movements. “Ah, you know me. I’m fit to be tied layin’ around here. I’m sorry I worried ya.” The corner of her mouth lifts a bit. “I’d like you to tell me everythin’ that happened after I passed out but right now my mind is a little garbled.”

  Her eyes widen but then soften. “I imagine so. I’ll fill you in when you’re strong enough.” I give her a smile and a wink. “Caprice is lying down on the couch in my room. Sweet thing. I don’t think she’s had a wink of sleep since this whole thing happened.” I swallow hard, my emotions fillin’ me. Knowin’ that after the biggest scare prolly of her life and bein’ hurt herself, she stayed with me all this time to make sure I was okay. Really chokes me up. “I hope she wakes up soon and gets some food and water down her. She really needs to take care of herself too. I’d imagine it will be a little tough for a while with a broken arm.”

  “Yeah, uh….” My voice suddenly gruff. Hard to talk when your heart is lodged in your throat. “I was plannin’ on talkin’ with her about maybe stayin’ with me for a spell. You know, helpin’ out with what she can do and all.” Shiloh’s eyebrow raises and she gives me a smirk. “Well, ya know I’ll be laid up a while and I
’ll need some help ‘round my place.” I look down and find I’m pullin’ my covers together, fistin’ them. I release my grip and look back at her.

  “I will.”

  Both our heads turn with her quiet whisper. She’s standin’ in the doorway, the fingers on her good hand are twistin’ the ones coming outta the cast, and she’s lookin’ down at the floor.

  “Hi, Caprice. You look a little rested.” Shiloh smiles as she looks at her. Caprice looks up from underneath her long lashes.

  “You can call me Prie,” she whispers.

  Shiloh’s smile widens. “Prie. I love that. Thank you.” Shiloh turns her head to me beamin’ with her smile still on her face. “Guess I should get back to my room.” She lets out a big yawn. By the timin’, I’d think it was fake to make a getaway, somethin’ she’d do to tease me, but the ways she looks I think it’s real. She reaches over and hits my nurses button on the railing of my bed, but instead of sittin’ back, she grasps my hand.

  “Yes, Mr. MacKay?”

  “It’s Shiloh. Can someone please help me back to my room?” Her hand squeezes mine and I feel like I’m about to get choked up again.

  “Oh, yes, Miss Willson. Someone will be right there.”

  We just keep starin’ into each other’s eyes, almost a silent talk between us. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. Try and rest. Please?” I give her a nod ‘bout the time a nurse comes walkin’ into the room. She squeezes my hand once more and then the nurse unlocks the brakes on her wheelchair and I watch them leave. I look at Prie and then away quickly, not wantin’ her to see the tears in my eyes. My dad had told me there isn’t room for cryin’ when you’re a man. ‘Course that was when I was so young that I had a long time comin’ before I’d become a man and by then Dad was gone. Still, it feels wrong to cry in front of anyone. Not my way. I hear her quiet movements and watch her from the corner of my eye. She walks over to the small couch and lays down, pullin’ up her legs beneath her.


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