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The Burlington Manor Affair

Page 21

by Saskia Walker


  She was about to deny him when the sting in her flesh turned into pleasure, the afterburn setting loose a heady sexual thrill. Her sex throbbed with longing, the pulse in her clit beating wildly.

  “Carmen,” he warned.

  She did as instructed, staying facedown.

  “That’s better.” He delivered another slap.

  She groaned. Reaching out, she closed her fingers around the struts of the headboard.

  “You really do have the most gorgeous arse.” He slapped it again.

  “It won’t be gorgeous by the time you’ve finished with it,” she blurted, unable to hold back the words.

  He paused and she could feel the tension in him. “The way you’re wriggling about is quite the turn-on. It’s like you can’t get enough of being spanked and want me to see how much it’s turning you on.”

  She squeezed her eyes shut, wondering how she’d ever manage to endure the humiliation. But it was true; she was turned on by it, vividly so.

  He slapped her again, and again, this time catching the underside of her buttock and the top of her thigh. The shock made her cry out. She panted, her whole nether region aflame. Heat shot through her from the points of contact, each strike connecting with that place at her center—the place where she craved his thrusts. Pleasure, pain and shame quickly engulfed her.

  Moaning loudly, she arched her back, anticipating the next smack.

  He changed his tactics and stroked the underside of her buttocks instead, his fingers making brief, maddening contact with her swollen sex.

  While he toyed with her, running his fingers over her burning buttocks, the heat spread out, heightening the arousal she felt. Her breasts were tight, nipples hard against her bra. Her thighs were damp. She could smell the aroma of her own desire.

  His fingers moved lower, pressing against her swollen, sensitive folds until he reached her clit. When he touched her through her panties, she panted aloud.

  “You need a little relief, or so it seems,” he commented. He tugged her undies off.

  Carmen rolled helplessly on the bed as he did so, unable to resist or assist. She was already close. She felt it brimming inside her, burning hot and pulsating. He thrust his thumb inside her while his hand curved over her mound, crushing her clit. When he rocked his hand, she bore down on it, moving frantically, desperate for release. Her body was so wired that she reached orgasm moments later, crying out as she came.

  Then he was on the bed behind her, pushing her legs farther apart with a demanding knee. Cool air ran over her inflamed sex. Then she heard the rip of a condom wrapper. Her core clenched in expectation.

  He slapped her on the buttock and positioned her hips, pulling her onto her hands and knees. That action—so brief, so commanding—made her weak. She was still swaying when he opened her up with two fingers and thrust his cock inside her.

  “Rex,” she cried out in relief, suddenly filled with him.

  He pulled her hips hard onto him, lifting her physically, his cock buried deep. Every bit of her was singing out with pleasure at his penetration.

  When his hands moved over her tender, inflamed buttocks she grasped at the headboard to stop the world spinning.

  Pinning her there, he stayed still.

  “You’re mine for a month,” he told her, “and I will not endure any submissive of mine defying or subverting any of my instructions or needs. Not one.”

  The very tone of his voice had her close to coming again. She tried to move, tried to respond to the pressure he was maintaining inside her, but he wouldn’t let her.

  “Do you understand?” The tension in him was evident in his voice.

  Frustration built, her body craving friction, her sex so stretched and full with him that something had to give.

  “Carmen, I will not fuck you until I have your agreement, and I think we both know this has to happen.”

  “Yes, I agree,” she cried out, unable to do anything but that.

  Then his hips began to roll into hers and the ability to think or negotiate was gone.


  IT WAS NEAR nine o’clock by the time Rex got Carmen organized and in the car. She sniped at him throughout dinner. She ate heartily, though, which amused him, despite the weight of concern he carried. The fact she sat down rather tentatively said it all. Her adorably pinked derriere was keeping her on edge. It also made her face flush whenever she moved.

  She glared at him each and every time, despite the look of sheer and utter satiation also apparent on her face. It didn’t bother him that she was still disagreeable, as long as she wasn’t in the house where she’d been in danger. Since he already had her agreement to obey him—given in the throes of orgasm—that was all he needed.

  The coincidences of the day were too worrying, and he suddenly recalled that time he was sure he’d spotted someone watching him when he was in his father’s library. Once he’d examined the stairs where Carmen had fallen, he was convinced he had real cause for concern. The banister looked as though it’d been deliberately sawn so it would give way. The tacks that held the carpet in place had been carefully removed, and one of the old carpet braces—a relic from the 1930s—had been pried free. There was only one inevitable result there. The carpet would buckle up and become a death trap for whoever came down that way. It was a minor miracle she hadn’t fallen all the way down. The marble floor in the service hallway below would have been an unforgiving landing pad.

  When he quizzed Mrs. Amery as to why Carmen had used the staircase, the housekeeper informed him she always went down that way after she arrived back at the house, to go outside and look at her favorite place, the lake.

  Why didn’t he know that? It annoyed him that her habits were so elusive and mysterious to him. Someone else knew that, though. Someone who’d timed it to perfection. Could it be the same person—or persons—who had ambushed him in London? Whoever it was, they were rank amateurs. Neither prank had come to much of a result, but it had been enough to worry him about what they might be after. Was somebody after Burlington Manor and willing to do anything to get it?

  As far as he was aware, neither he nor Carmen had any real enemies. Amanda’s actions the week before kept coming back to his mind. Could she have something to do with it? He wouldn’t rest until he was sure. Even though he was frustrated by the unanswered questions, it was with relief that Rex drove the Maserati out of the grounds and headed in the direction of the main route southwest, back to London.

  They drove in silence. Rex knew she was still battling inner demons over agreeing to this. Why was she so adamant not to be with him during the week? He thought she’d enjoyed their time together at the noodle bar in London. She’d certainly enjoyed their time together this evening, despite her protestations. He couldn’t help being amused, despite the effect she had on him. He meant only to spank her into submission, but once they got started and she’d let rip with those moans of hers, his cock was rigid and there was no turning back. He had to be deep inside her while she was so helpless and shuddering with release under him. His orgasm had been intense, stimulated as it was by the tight fist of her delicious cunt gripping him in welcome. She was so slick and hot from what the spanking had unleashed. For a moment he’d lost touch with reality and the reason why he was spanking her in the first place.

  Then she sat docile yet smarting at the dinner table. Her face was flushed and her eyes black. There was something so mesmerizing about the way she looked after he’d taken charge of her and given her a good seeing to. It made him want to do it endlessly.

  Annoyance poured from her, even now, while she sat staring ahead in the passenger seat, her hands neatly folded on her lap.

  Rex reached out and put his hand on her thigh. “You will be rewarded.”

  She didn’t reply. However,
Rex sensed her reluctant interest.

  Using his hands-free car phone he called Lance. “Sorry to disturb you so late. I have a favor to ask.”

  “What can I do for you?”

  “Your sister-in-law’s apartment, is it still available to rent?”

  “Yes, I believe so, but it’s expensive, and it’s only available for a couple of weeks.”

  “That’s ideal.”

  “You know someone who needs a luxury pad for a short-term let?”

  “Yes, me.”

  “You okay?”

  “I’ve got a problem on the home front. Need someplace else for a short while. Listen, I’ll reach London just after ten. Can you put me in touch with your sister-in-law so I can go straight to her to collect the keys?”

  “How about I fetch the keys and text the address to your sat nav. We can meet there.”

  “Sounds good. Are you looking for a bonus?”

  “Once we secure that Rashid contract, yes.”

  Rex laughed.

  When he disconnected the call Carmen was looking at him with curiosity. Immediately she turned her face away, refusing to ask.

  Rex smiled. She didn’t want to accept that someone might want to harm her. That was understandable. Until he found out what was going on, he was happy to let her think it was just some little sex game he had going on. Besides, she enjoyed it. He could see it and he could feel it. She was secretly intrigued by his latest demands.

  Upping the ante, that’s what she’d called it.

  Yes, it suited Rex perfectly.

  * * *


  The first night she only reproached him with her eyes, withholding comment but making her mood felt in that way women could. By the time they got back to London and found the place, they were both tired and edgy. Sensing another argument brewing, Rex gave her the master bedroom and assured her of her privacy for the night.

  The following morning he skipped out early to find fresh coffee and breakfast takeout. Luckily there was a nearby Italian coffee bar that served pastries and breakfast wraps. By the time he got back to the apartment with the goodies, she was in the shower. She seemed impressed that he’d gone to some effort and they ended up in each other’s arms. They made it through the weekend drifting on a tide of sexual indulgence and intimacy. Thankfully her ankle didn’t get any worse, although it had helped keep her in check. By Sunday she was able to move around without his aid.

  Monday morning, however, brought about a complete revolt and she made it quite clear that once she was back in business mode she didn’t want to be controlled in any way.

  “Too bad,” he said, daring her to defy him.

  She stared daggers at him.

  It was going to be a demanding week, Rex decided.

  She hadn’t complained about the apartment, which was a relief. It was comfortable, anonymous, and it did the job. Nobody knew where they were. At least, nobody he couldn’t trust. Then he asked himself who he could trust? I can trust my people. Lance was the only one who knew. No doubt he’d share it with the other guys by the time Rex got in. They’d be looking for an explanation as to why he wasn’t in his own home, but he knew them inside out and he had no reason to doubt their discretion—which he would ask for as soon as he got to Slipstream.

  It wasn’t until Rex told Carmen he had no intention of leaving her until he made sure she was safely inside a secure building where visitors had ID that was checked when they came in and out that she flipped completely.

  “What, are you insane?”

  He shrugged. “Possessive. For now you’re mine. It’s my prerogative.”

  She stared at him with a mixture of horror and fascination. “It’s just silly.”

  Rex stood his ground. He intended to take her to work and collect her from there at the end of the day.

  “New rules,” he stated.

  That was met with muttering and disbelief.

  By the time he got her down to the car in the underground car park, she was seething. She practically stomped away to the car, forcing him to hurry to keep up.

  “Be careful, you might hurt your ankle.”

  She glared at him across the roof of the car while he retrieved the keys from his pocket. “This is not what I agreed to. You keep shifting the goalposts to mess with my head.”

  “You were hurt. I’m caring for you and taking you to work. Big deal.” Rex nodded at her. “Get in.”

  She wrenched open the door and climbed in, practically slamming the thing off its hinges when she shut it.

  Rex rolled his eyes and looked up at the ceiling of the underground car park, praying for strength. For a woman who enjoyed playing the submissive in the bedroom she sure could turn into a spitfire when the mood took her. He couldn’t help wondering if that’s what had happened to her. Even though she’d said it was just him she’d been submissive with, he had a mad image of her being hog-tied by some bloke because she was letting rip with her feelings about some issue or other, and then she’d got off on it. The idea amused him greatly. It broke the tension he felt and as he got into the driver’s seat he smiled her way.

  “What?” she snapped.

  “I was just picturing you hog-tied, which I assure you I am quite willing to do, if necessary.”

  “Hog-tied?” She looked at him aghast. “What the hell sort of kinky freak pervert are you?”

  “This, coming from you, who instigated the whole submissive thing in the first place.”

  “If I’d known that it meant being hog-tied when you took the fancy—”

  “Don’t get too excited,” he interrupted with a laugh, “it was just a passing comment.”

  “Oh, bloody hell, Rex. Fuck you!” But a moment later she laughed, too, and then her face fell. “You don’t really think someone wanted me to trip and fall on purpose, do you?”

  He hated to see her worry. That was his job. “I can’t imagine anyone wanting to do that to you, Carmen. You were probably right in suggesting it was a maintenance issue.” He reached out and squeezed her hand. “The stairs will be repaired this week.”

  That seemed to reassure her. “There’s a lot to do at the house,” she commented, brightening. “I started a list.”

  They parted on good terms. She even kissed him goodbye.

  Once he saw her inside and noted the security system, he raced back to his car. He had a lot to do before he collected her at five. He’d worked through everyone that might hold a grudge against them, and he had a mental checklist and a plan of attack.

  When he got to Slipstream, he hit the ground running. The first thing he did was contact a reputable private investigator. He outlined his concerns and requested an appointment for as soon as possible. Once that was organized for the following morning, he left a message for Nate to call him back. Rex needed to know how Amanda had been after the party, but there was something else he had to ask his old friend, too. He needed a contact who might help shed some light on the dusty skeletons in the cupboards at Burlington Manor.

  Nate rang within the hour. “Rex, what can I do for you?”

  “Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Listen, there’s some stuff I want to find out about my dad. Can you put me in touch with your old man?”

  “Of course. You’re in luck actually. He spends a lot of time in Italy since he retired, but he’s back for my cousin’s wedding so you can catch him in London this week. I’ll email you his number.”

  “Cheers.” He tried to keep his tone light and conversational. “Hey, did you manage to keep Amanda in check after you left the party?”

  Nate laughed. “She’s a bit of a handful, but yes, I did.”

  “Was she still angry with me, or Carmen?”

  “She had a bit of a rant, but i
t was fleeting.”

  A fleeting rant? That didn’t sound like someone who had grounds for two physical attacks, but Rex didn’t dismiss it.

  “I managed to charm her,” Nate continued.

  “Good to hear. I owe you one.”

  “Not really, I always liked her but years back she terrified me.”

  Surely not? If Nate’s thinking of taking Amanda on, he’s even more bonkers than I am.

  “I think I’m man enough to deal with her now,” Nate was saying. “Besides, back then it was you she wanted. No one else but you.”

  Rex groaned internally. Who else’s life had he messed up when he fell into bed with Amanda? “Sorry, mate, I hadn’t realized.”

  “Water under the bridge, but before you go, there’s something I should mention.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “I bumped into Kelly the other day. She was asking about you. She’d heard about the funeral.”

  Rex stifled a sigh. The last thing he wanted to think about was his ex. “And? I sense there’s more.”

  “She seems to think she still has a chance with you. Um, what should I have said?”

  “I think I know you well enough to know that you said the right thing.”

  “Yeah, maybe. I told her you were fine, but I didn’t encourage her.”

  “You’re too nice for your own good, Nate. That was over weeks ago...or are you mentioning it because you’re thinking about asking Kelly out yourself?”

  There was an awkward moment. “No, not at all. I’ve been rather busy with Amanda since you charged me with her care.”

  Rex shook his head. “I didn’t mean it to be a life sentence, man.”

  “My mistake.” Nate paused. “Actually, it’s okay. She needs someone.”

  “And you’re the man?”

  “Maybe.” It was tentatively offered. “As I said, I always liked her.”

  “Watch your back. She can be mean.”

  “Fuck off.”

  Tersely delivered, the response made Rex shake his head. Nate was a goner. “Happily.”

  “Whatever. Look, I really don’t need your opinion.”


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