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The Man from Shenandoah

Page 5

by Marsha Ward

  “Easy, boy,” he told his horse. “It ain’t likely they’ll take after me in town.”

  The Yankees drew up at the far end of the street, then turned and started back to town. As they thundered toward him, Carl noticed a young girl opposite him, evidently trying to decide whether to cross. She hesitated a moment, then bolted out into the street. In the middle, she looked around at the approaching soldiers, tripped, and fell into the road.

  Without thinking, Carl spurred his horse into the street, leaned out from his saddle, and plucked the arising girl from the muck. Sherando carried them across the road while the Yankees whooped and whistled as their horses rushed by, venting their disappointment. Carl got down the street, turned a corner, then pulled up and set the girl on her feet and slid off his horse.

  “Hush my mouth! That was the foolest thing I ever seen a body do!” Carl made no attempt to stop the hot words from tumbling out of his mouth. He glared at the girl, standing in the street with her chin up and her eyes flashing, auburn hair disheveled, the front of her clothes mud-caked and dripping. “You surely could have been killed, and that’s a fact! You keep clear away from that gang of Yankees, you hear? Darn fool girl, anyhow.” He got on his horse and left her standing there, pridefully biting back tears of relief. Then he rode away, shaking mud and slime off his arm, and muttering to himself.


  Carl dismounted at Rulon’s fence and tied his horse, then rapped on the door. Marie answered and looked him over a moment before letting him enter.

  “Did you fall off your horse, brother?” she asked, arching an eyebrow.

  Carl glared at her. “Don’t start in a-teasing me, Marie,” he warned, stalking into the room. “Where can I clean up?”

  “The well is in the back. I’ll bring you soap and a towel if you’ll tell me how you got so dirty.”

  “Keep them. I ain’t going to give you the satisfaction.” Carl left through the kitchen.

  Marie heard the squeak of the windlass as she headed toward the stairs. “Stubborn,” she proclaimed. Before she had gone up two steps, someone rapped in the front door again. Marie sighed, came back down, and opened the door.

  “Ellen Bates! Whatever happened to you?”

  “Please let me come in. I’m afraid those nasty Yankees will bother me again.” Ellen’s voice quivered dangerously, and Marie stepped back to admit her. Then she closed and bolted the door.

  Ellen Bates was covered in the front with a slimy layer of mud. She stood by the door, shaking and dripping on the floor. Marie grabbed her arm and led her to the fire.

  “Set here by the hearth while I get some water to clean you up.” Marie went toward the kitchen, then halted. “Ellen, my brother Carl just went into the back yard with his arm all covered with mud, and in such a rage. Does he have anything to do with the state you’re in?”

  Ellen moaned and covered her face with her hands. “Is that who he was? I’ll never be able to face him.” She got up and moved toward the door. “I have to leave.”

  “Oh now, you ain’t going anywhere.” Marie barred her way. “I won’t let you go out there looking like you fell down in the road. Oh lawsy! That’s what happened, ain’t it.”

  “I was crossing the street in front of those stupid Yankee soldiers running their horses down the way, and I tripped and fell. Your brother kicked that big horse of his and fetched me out of there. Then he set me on my feet and cussed me up and down. He really flapped his tongue some at me,” she mumbled. “You’ve got to hide me before he comes in.”

  “You’re not afraid of Carl, are you?”

  “Not afraid. Just shamed. It was highly foolish of me to try to beat those Yankees across the street, and to get plucked out of the mud like a rag doll.” She shuddered. “I’ll never be able to hold up my head around him my whole life long.”

  “That’s likely, but you can’t keep from seeing him. He’s here to take me on home. Ma needs

  me right now. We’re going….” Marie looked sideways at Ellen. “I mean, we’re going to be busy with…the planting.”

  “Marie, you’re telling a fib. What’s happening?”

  “I’m sorry, Ellen. I can’t say.” She sighed. “But I will tell you, real soon, I promise. We’ll clean you up, and I’ll find some clothes so you can go home.”

  Marie left Ellen by the fire and went into the yard. She found Carl washing his shirt in a bucket of water. As she approached the well, Carl flicked drops of water at her and grinned.

  “I’m sorry I was so fierce with you,” he said. “Seems like ever since I got home, I’ve been muddy more than clean, and it’s wearing on my nerves. Once, a cow knocked me into the mud, and now I’m filthy on account of a dumb girl.”

  “Well, that ‘dumb girl’ was coming to visit me, and she’s out in the parlor dying of fright that you’ll cuss at her again. Carl, how could you?”

  “What? She’s here?”

  “She’s my best friend.”

  “You surely do pick dumb friends.”

  “I ain’t looking to fight with you, Carl. You had no business yelling at her, though.”

  “She nearly got us killed by a bunch of Yankees I had trouble with once before.” He held up his dripping shirt. “Look at that. I was on my way home and they cut off all my buttons. Claimed I was violating my parole. I do not favor them casting their eyes on me again, seeing as how they’re running the show hereabouts.”

  “Ellen knows she done a fool thing, but she’s sorry. You’d best come in and make amends for yelling at her.”

  “Not me, Sis. Let her die of fright. I ain’t apologizing for giving her something she earned.” Carl put on his wet shirt and tied it closed with some bits of string.

  “I see. Well, she needs to clean up, so if you don’t aim to meet her, you’d best remain out here.”

  Carl mumbled something.

  “What did you say?”

  “You don’t want to hear it.”

  Chapter 4

  Two hours later, Rod Owen whistled as he tossed little Roddy into the air.

  “Please, Mr. Owen,” Mary cried out. “The baby is so delicate.”

  “Mistress Mary, you worry too much. This young’un is strong as an ox. And he’ll need strength where we’re going.”

  “You’re still trying to get us to go with you? Rulon, tell him we can’t go,” she pleaded.

  Rod continued. “Would you druther stay here and bid good-bye to your folks? Your pa agreed to go with me. Not only him, but Tom O’Connor, Angus Campbell, and Ed Morgan are going. I figure we need only one other family, and I’ll talk to them on the way home.”

  Mary found a chair and sank down into it. Rulon crossed the room to squat by her side, and lifted her chin with his blunt fingers. “It won’t be as bad as you figure, Sugar. I’m getting stronger every day, and you’ll have your ma and sisters along. Look here, it’ll mean a good start for us, and we’ve never had one, with this war. Mary, we’re four years wed, and all we have to show for it is Roddy and some pots and pans.” He got up and turned to his father. “Pa, we’re going with you.”

  “Rulon, I’m pleased. You won’t regret it none. Well now, are those girls ready to go home? I expect I’ll need a wagon to haul their things.”

  Mary got up, sighing heavily, and went to get the girls, and as she passed her husband she gave him a long, despairing look.

  “Afternoon, Mary,” a young male voice called from the kitchen.

  “That’s Clay home for lunch,” Rulon said. “He likely don’t know you’re in town, Pa. Clay,” he called. “Come here a minute. Someone’s here to see you.”

  A slim youth entered the room with his hat still on his head, brushing specks of straw off his colorless homespun shirt and faded brown trousers. “Pa!” he exclaimed, hastily taking the hat off his blond head. “When did you get into town?”

  “I been here all morning, son. I bring happy news. We’re pulling up stakes and heading for Colorado Territory.”

�re what? Where Uncle Jonathan lives? What do you want to do that for, Pa?”

  “I’ve sold the farm, Clayton. We need a fresh start, and I’m sick of the sight of Yankee soldiers.”

  “You sold the farm? Our home, Pa?”

  “I’ve decided, son.”

  Clay stood silent for a while, then said, “All right, Pa.”

  “By the way, your sisters are going home with me, but you stay here and help Rulon get ready to travel.”

  “What about my job, Pa?”

  “Give in your notice this afternoon. Your brother needs you full-time, him not being so spry yet.”

  “Oh lawsy,” Marie interrupted, coming down the stairs. “This house has been full of people all day.” She came into the room with her bundle, trailed by Julianna, Mary, and Ellen, whose dignity had been restored by a wash-up and a change of clothes.

  “How’re you going to get us home, Papa?” Julianna did not like to walk if she could ride.

  “I’ll hire a team and buggy with Clay to drive us,” Rod teased.

  “Papa,” Julianna wailed. “That takes money, and the Yankees have all of it.”

  “You’ll ride behind me, and your sister will double with Carl.” Rod looked around the room. “Where is Carl?”

  “He’s in the yard being a blue-nosed, stubborn fool,” Marie told him.

  “He’s angry on account of me, Mr. Owen,” said Ellen.

  Rod finally noticed the extra face. “You’re Chester’s girl. Is your pa home?”

  “Yes, sir, he was when I left this morning.”

  “Well, we’re heading out to your place, so you can come along with us. You can ride with Marie, and Carl can walk.”

  “Oh, please, Mr. Owen. I’ll be happy to walk. You don’t need to bother Carl none.”

  “He’s already almighty bothered.” Marie giggled into Ellen’s ear.

  “We’ll work something out,” Rod declared.


  As Ellen walked down the pike with Marie, she daydreamed herself onto the back of Carl’s horse. She imagined she felt the hard muscles of his torso under her encircling arms, bit her lip, and gave a shudder of delight. Then she realized her arms were wrapped around her own front. “Pleased, God,” she prayed under her breath, “let him forgive me for being a fool.” She squeezed her eyes shut in her fervor.

  “Miss Ellen, are you ailing?”

  Ellen jumped, and opened her eyes as Rod Owen came alongside her, leading his horse with Julianna aboard.

  “You were making such a face, I wondered if you was feeling poorly.”

  “Oh, no,” she hastened to assure him. “I was doing a mite of thinking.”

  “Would you favor riding for a spell? You can hop up there with Julianna and the baggage.”

  “I’m fine, Mr. Owen. I like to walk.”

  “You don’t always do it so good,” a scoffing voice broke into the conversation.

  Ellen whirled around, her face flushing with anger. “That’s not fair, Carl Owen. Tripping was an accident. You wasn’t invited to busybody your way into my bad luck. Better for me had the Yankees run me over.” She turned and ran off a ways before walking once more.

  “You do have spunk, I’ll say that,” Carl called after her.

  Rod scowled at his son. “That’s no way to treat the little lady. You apologize to her.”

  “Pa!” Carl protested. “It’s a misunderstanding betwixt her and me. Them Yankees were hooraying her in town, and I got some riled at her for getting in their way.”

  “No son of mine ever spoke to a girl in like manner, Carl, and you ain’t going to behave in a new fashion because your temper’s short. You get along and make sure she’s smiling when she gets home.”

  Carl shrugged his shoulders and set out after Ellen, frowning as he trotted his horse up the road. Ellen had gotten about ten yards ahead of his sister even though Marie called for her to wait and ran after her.

  Carl slowed his horse to a walk alongside Marie, who was breathing hard and holding her side. “Save your breath, Sis. Go back and walk with Pa.”

  Marie looked up and giggled. “You’re going to apologize, ain’t you. Afraid I’ll listen?”

  “You’ll try. Go along back to Pa. This is all his idea.”

  “I told you to say you was sorry, but you wouldn’t listen to me.”

  “Go along, or I’ll help you,” he threatened.

  “I’ll go. I obey Pa better than you.” Marie wrinkled her nose and stuck out her tongue, then stopped walking to wait for her father and sister.

  Carl heeled Sherando into a faster gait to catch Ellen. As he came up beside her, he slowed the horse again and looked down at her angry, set face. “Say, you ain’t still sore at me, are you?”

  Ellen kept walking.

  “I was mean as a mad dog to you back there in town. I’m sorry.”

  Still she walked, facing front, giving no notice to his words.

  “I was worried about you. Looked like you were going to get yourself killed.”

  She stopped, hesitated, then looked up at him, shading her eyes. “You were worried? Why?”

  Carl reined in the horse. “That was no way to treat any girl, especially a Southern girl. Them Yanks figured to hurt you. That scared me.”

  “You were scared?” She began to walk again, and Carl followed, walking his horse.

  “Yes. You was, too.”

  “I saw them horses coming faster than I had figured, and that’s what made me trip. I about died of fright.”

  “You about died of trampling!”

  “I’m sorry you got so muddy, and worried, but I’m most sorry I didn’t get a chance to thank you. You saved my life, I reckon.”

  Carl was silent for a moment, wondering why the conversation was so easy. One thing, he told himself, this girl don’t talk funny like that Hilbrands gal, playing a man like a fish on a hook. After a while he asked, “Is your pa planning to rebuild the farm?”

  “What choice does he have? We got to put the crops in, and I guess the barn goes up after that. But I reckon we don’t need much of a barn, since the Yankees came through and took almost all the stock!”

  “You’ve got you a temper, girl. Almost as bad as mine.” He laughed.

  “That’s what my ma keeps telling me. She says, ‘Girl, you’re never going to catch—’” Ellen’s face turned red again.

  “What’s that she says?”

  “Never mind. Not important.” Ellen began to walk faster again.

  Carl nudged Sherando to a faster gait and caught up to her.

  “If you’re in such a hurry, you can ride behind me for a ways. Likely Marie’s bag is soft enough to sit on.” He put down his hand to help her up.

  Ellen stood still in the road for a moment, then she accepted Carl’s offer, took his hand, and he boosted her up on the baggage behind him. “Hang on tight,” he advised. She slowly put her arms around his waist, and he felt the warmth of her body against his back. Then she rested her cheek against him, and he noticed that the thud of her heart matched the beat of his.


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