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Saving The Brother's Best Friend (Gems 0f Love Book 4)

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by Agnes Canestri

  Saving the Brother’s Best Friend

  Book Four - Gems of Love Series

  Agnes Canestri


  Gift to my Readers

  Other Books in this Series

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25



  Author’s note

  About the Author

  Gift to my Readers




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  Other Books in this Series


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  Chapter 1

  “Are you kidding me?” Giada snapped the ticket from her twin brother’s hand and gaped at it.

  Except, Giordano wasn’t joking. This was a real airplane ticket to France. And nothing less than three full weeks in Provence. Her heart leaped and she flung herself into his arms. “Thank you so much. You’re the best.”

  Her brother smiled but stayed stiff under her emotional outburst. Giada peeked up at him.

  Something’s off.

  She studied him with care. His smile was asymmetrical and it didn’t reach his eyes. When Giordano grinned from his heart, his eyes narrowed into tiny curved lines, like some cartoon figure.

  She angled her body back and whacked him in the chest. “Okay, what are you not telling me? What’s the catch?”

  Giordano pulled his face into a feigned grimace of hurt. “Why are you always so suspicious and moody? One moment I’m the best and the next you’re accusing me of some hidden agenda.”

  His voice wavered at the last words and he backed off a few steps.

  Aha, so there was an ulterior motive. He couldn’t look or sound more guilty. Giada put her hands to her hips and stared him in the eye with her brows furrowed. “Giordano Biagi, it’s not for nothing that we’re twins. You know that I know when you’re lying. So spill the beans. Why did you buy me an expensive vacation to Europe? Is it some kind of bribe? Do you need me to cover for you with Dad or Uncle Giovanni?”

  “It’s just a graduation gift, Giada. Last year when you finished art school, I didn’t have enough money to give you a special treat. Now I do. Also, I’m not some reckless kid anymore. I don’t need you to shelter me from our parent’s fury.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Okay, fine. But don’t blame me for assuming the worst. How many times did you and Gabriel get into trouble and I had to save your butts?”

  She had mentioned Gabriel without thinking. His presence was so engrained in her memories that she didn’t realize what she was doing. But as his name rolled off her tongue, her stomach gave an involuntarily twitch.

  Why did she have to react this way? It was all water under the bridge. Spilled milk. She wasn’t in love with Gabriel anymore, so she could very well say his name in passing without risking a heart attack.

  She focused back on her brother, just in time to catch the small spasm beneath his left eye. What had resonated with him so strongly? Was it the name of their best friend? After all, Gabriel had relatives living in Provence. Was he connected in some way to this crazy, generous gift?

  Her brother cleared his throat. “It’s funny that you mention Gabriel.”

  Giada narrowed her eyes. Her sixth sense was right. Again. “What’s funny about it?”

  Giordano turned away as if he had a sudden urge to admire Giada’s wardrobe, then shifted his attention to her bed.

  Why was he avoiding her glance?

  She placed the plane ticket on the table, then stepped over to him and shook his shoulders. “Gio, would you care to answer me?”

  Her brother finally looked at her and sucked in a breath. “Fine, fine. So the trip to France isn’t just a spontaneous present…I need to ask you a favor.”

  Giada scoffed. “Huh, I knew it. But it must be a pretty big one if you bought me a three week vacation in Provence.”

  “In fact, it’s really the vacation itself that is the favor.” Giordano rubbed his neck.

  Why would he need her to travel to France? Giada had been putting money aside to take a trip there eventually, and Giordano knew it. She cocked her head to the side. “Why on earth would you assume that you need to ask me to go there? I’m more than happy to comply.”

  Ever since Giada began to specialize in metal and plaster sculptures, she wanted to visit in person the most exquisite examples of French plastic arts. Sure, she would’ve chosen Paris if it was up to her instead of Provence, but she wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

  Giordano relaxed. “Ah, that’s good to know. Then you certainly won’t mind some company, will you?”

  Giada’s brows shot up. “Company?”

  “Yes. In fact, you’ll be traveling with Gabriel. He needs a little moral support while visiting his family.”

  Giada’s pulse picked up. She couldn’t travel with Gabriel to see his family. Why should she? Was her brother nuts? And what was this whole nonsense about moral support?

  She hadn’t seen Gabriel for the past three months. The mental cleanse she’d begun required her to stay away from him. His constant presence had made it impossible for Giada to forget him. But she couldn’t dwell on her one-sided feelings for all eternity. It wasn’t healthy.

  She put a hand at her throat to prevent her voice from coming out high-pitched. Her twin wasn’t aware of the depth of her attraction for Gabriel and… Giada paused mid-thought and gave herself a mental slap.

  Past attraction, yes, definitely past attraction.

  Anyway, best to keep her brother in the dark. He was too close to Gabriel. If he knew Giada had been in love with their friend, he couldn’t keep it a secret. “I don’t understand what you mean. Gabriel goes to visit his grandmother every year. Why would he need me to tag along?”

  Giordano shrugged. “I’m not sure. It might b
e connected to the half-year sabbatical he took from his job a month ago.”

  “A sabbatical?” Giada’s mouth popped open. “Gabriel? That can’t be right. He adores his work.”

  “Well, he did. But now he’s on unpaid leave till the end of November.”

  “I can’t believe you didn’t pester him to find out his real motive.”

  “Giada, we’re guys—don’t forget it.” Giordano chuckled. “I chat with you because you’re my sister, but I’d never share the same things with a guy friend. Not even Gabe. Male friendships don’t work that way.”

  Giada chewed on her lip. “But…he’s wanted to be a firefighter ever since he could pronounce the word. What made him do it?”

  “No idea.” Giordano shook his head. “He only told me about it afterward. All my questions about why and how were met with a polite but distant refusal. You know how he is when you bug him about something he doesn’t want to talk about.”

  Yes, Giada knew it very well. Gabriel wasn’t big on sharing when it came to his own difficulties, that’s for sure.

  Could he be in some kind of trouble? Worry snaked through Giada’s heart, and a sudden desire to shield Gabriel from whatever problem he was facing spread in her chest. She had to roll her hands into balls, letting her nails cut into the tender flesh to snap herself out of these overpowering emotions.

  What was she doing?

  She wasn’t Gabriel’s confidant or girlfriend. She was just his best friend’s twin sister who happened to grow up with them and was around a lot. Okay, maybe that last part was an understatement. She was also friends with Gabriel, as much as Giordano was.

  Then again, how many times did Gabriel call her since she’d decided to stay away from him? Zero. So that settled the question as to whether it was her duty to save him from any mess he’d gotten himself into.

  She bit her lip. “Gio, I’m sorry for whatever happened to Gabe. But I don’t want to travel to see his family. It’s not my place. Why don’t you go?”

  “I can’t.” Giordano clicked his tongue. “I’m about to start that new investigation Uncle Giovanni entrusted me with. It’s the first time I’ll be working undercover for a rich client.”

  “Ah, yes. That Ruby case you told me about.” Giada waved with her hand. “Fine, you can’t. Why doesn’t Gabriel ask another one of his pals? I’m sure Stuart or Phil would be happy to get a free vacation.”

  Giordano blew his cheeks up, then let the air out slowly. “First of all, it’s not a ‘free vacation.’ Gabriel and I split your travel costs. We did pay for it, you know. Second of all, he needs a female he can trust. Last time I checked, you qualify as such, don’t you? I mean you’re definitely a girl, and you know Gabriel almost as well as I do.”

  Giada inhaled slowly. She needed a second to process the information. So Gabriel not only needed her help, but he was so desperate to get it that he’d paid part of her plane ticket? But why did he need a woman at his side?

  She twisted her chin up. She had to press her brother more. Giordano definitely knew what was going on. “Yes, I know Gabe. Which also means that I’m capable of sensing that there’s something weird about this whole proposal. You say he wants a female he can trust. For what?”

  Giordano bounced his head from left to right. “I don’t understand why you’re so reluctant to help him out. Did he offend you or something?”

  Huh, her brother might be a great private investigator, but he certainly wasn’t talented at reading Giada. Maybe it was for the better though.

  She shrugged. “No, he didn’t. I just don’t want to get mixed up in something strange. Are you sure you don’t know what’s going on?”

  For a split second, Giordano’s lips opened but then closed. He sniffed and said, “Nope. I only know the poor guy seems depressed these days. He has to visit his grandmother and he doesn’t want to do it alone.”

  Giada sighed. The idea that Gabriel was sad didn’t leave her as untouched as she wanted her brother to believe. On the contrary. Her protective instincts were brewing.

  But she couldn’t fall back into the same trap. How many times had she been the one to smooth out the trouble Gabriel and her brother got themselves into? How many times had she listened to Gabriel complain about his girlfriends or advised him how to improve his relationships? She’d done her fair share of altruism. On second thought, maybe she’d hoped that someday Gabriel would wake up and see her with different eyes.

  But that day never came. She’d only hurt herself badly in the process. Enough was enough. She wasn’t anybody’s security blanket anymore.

  She steeled herself and met her brother’s expectant grimace. “Well, too bad he’s feeling under the weather. But I’m sure you’ll be able to exchange my ticket and get your money back. I would love to go to France, but on my own terms. So thanks, but no thanks.”

  Giordano pursed his lips, bobbing his head back and forth. “Okay, fine. But I told him I was sure you’d want to help. If you don’t, you should tell him this yourself.”

  Giada gasped. What? She’d need to call Gabriel to refuse his request? Oh, crumbs. She was hoping Giordano would take on this unpleasant task. After all, it was her brother who’d built up Gabriel’s hopes for her readiness to jump at his call.

  She gaped at her brother’s smug smirk. Did he expect her to back off now?

  True, Giada hated to disappoint others. She was a people pleaser and not ashamed of it. Wasn’t it nicer to indulge the people she cared about than to fight or contradict them all the time?

  But not today. This time, she wasn’t going to follow her gut. She’d stick with the wise voice of her brain, even if it meant she’d need to hear Gabriel’s voice on the phone.

  At the thought of his deep baritone, her chest fluttered, but she plastered on a brave smile and looked at Giordano. “Of course, brother. I’ll call him this afternoon and set the record straight, don’t worry.”

  “No need to wait that long, Giada.” Her brother’s grin widened and a mischievous glint filled his brown eyes. He pulled out his cell phone and tapped a few times on the screen. Then he peeked up. “You can give Gabriel your answer right away.”

  The doorbell echoed through the house.

  Giada jerked back, her jaw dropping. What did her brother do? “Gio, don’t tell me that’s who I think it is.”

  Giordano winked. “These conversations can’t be done on the phone. Gabriel’s been waiting in the car. He wanted to thank you in person for agreeing to help. But I’m sure he’ll understand that you prefer not to.”

  Giada’s heart jumped to her throat. Gabriel was here.

  Here. In front of my house.

  How was she going to refuse him now? He was her kryptonite. If he asked her to do it with those large grey eyes boring into hers, would she be able to resist?

  She gritted her teeth. Yes, she would. There was no way she could spend three weeks together with Gabriel. It’d be the total failure of her cleanse. It would destroy all the work she’d done to reconstruct her fragmented soul.

  She gave Giordano a glance that she hoped looked confident. She turned toward the entrance. Her neck throbbed as she approached the door. She filled her lungs with air and blew it out before turning the doorknob.

  Arranging her features into a composed expression, she pulled the door open. “Oh, hi, Gabriel. What a pleasure that you dropped by.”

  Chapter 2

  Gabriel shifted on the car seat and glanced at his watch. Giordano had been gone for more than twenty minutes now. Maybe Giada wasn’t as enthusiastic about this plan as his friend anticipated she’d be.

  Gabriel sighed and rubbed his neck. He hated to ask this kind of favor from anyone, even Giada, though she was the only person besides Giordano with whom he felt completely at ease. Still, he preferred to take care of his own problems. This time, he had no choice. Not after the stunt his father had pulled.

  Would his old man ever learn what it meant to be a responsible adult?

  Probably no
t. If he hadn’t in sixty-seven years, then he wasn’t going to start now.

  Why was Gabriel still so eager to help him? His dad never treated him well. No, definitely not well. But he was his father, and the bond of blood was unshakable. At least, in Gabriel’s book.

  Gabriel gulped as various unpleasant memories threatened to surface. He shrugged to push them back to where they belonged — in the depth of his soul. He avoided visiting there as much as possible.

  Lately, it was getting a bit crowded down there.

  He studied the porch. No sign of Giordano. His friend said he’d signal when it was Gabriel’s turn to show up.

  Gabriel’s eyes glazed over as he stared at the front door. He closed them to get some relief from the itching sensation.

  As soon as he did, he realized it was a mistake.

  The flashes of orange flames, the smell of burnt flesh, and the screams assaulted him so abruptly that he let out a cry. His eyelids sprang open.

  His breathing hitched. He forced himself to inhale slowly to tame the dizziness. The therapist had warned him that these flashbacks would last for a few months. He’d even given Gabriel some pills, but Gabriel refused to take them. He didn’t want to forget what had happened. No, it was much better to remember, so he’d never be as careless as he’d been that day.

  The beep of his cell phone came as a relief. It was one thing to safeguard those traumatic memories and another to be sucked back to the terrifying events once more.


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