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The Lost City: The Realms Book Two (An Epic LitRPG Adventure)

Page 42

by C. M. Carney

  Lex looked up in a panic. He’d seen enough movies to know that kind of statement always led to a sudden, inexplicable downpour. But, the night skies were clear, with just a few wispy clouds passing in front of Korynn’s moons. He heard no distant rumbles of thunder, saw no flash of lightning. After a moment he eased back against the door.

  “And I’ve got the patience of a saint,” Lex said.

  Vonn chuckled in derision and Lex felt his face flush with heat. How does he do that? He banged his head against the door several times. “I’m just so bored.”

  “You want the book?” Vonn asked.

  “Nah, reading is not really my thing. I’ll just wait for the movie.”

  “You’re not making sense again.”

  “Am too.”

  “You do realize that you are a priest of a knowledge god, right? So, maybe reading should be ‘your thing’.”

  “Yeah, a dead one.” That had been a particularly irritating discovery. Right after his physical form had been forged, he’d learned the god he was a devotee of had been dead for millennia.” Just another eff you from the Realms to Lex.”

  “All things have a purpose.”

  “Yeah, yeah, you keep saying that. If your dipshit philosophy is true and your all-powerful Source has some hidden purpose for us, why are we still camping in the dirt?” Lex stood and for the umpteenth time in the last several days, he traced his fingers along the edges of the carvings, seeking some hidden catch or mechanism that would open the doors.

  “It is not for us to question the Source.”

  Lex roared in frustration and pushed against the doors with all his might.

  “What makes you think that’s going to work this time?”

  “Didn’t you tell me to have faith? Well, I’m gonna faith the shit out of this bastard until it lets us in.”

  “You sure you don’t want a turn with the book? It is likely the only copy on Korynn,”

  “Great so my god is dead, and I can’t even discuss his book with my book club, CUZ NOBODY ELSE HAS A COPY!”

  “Why are you yelling?”

  “I DON’T KNOW!” Lex roared and pushed and grunted and swore and sweat, but the door refused to budge.

  “Huh, this is interesting,” Vonn said, absorbed by the book.

  “What is interesting?” Lex said a bit too harshly.

  “According to this, your god may not be dead after all.”

  “Well … maybe … he … can … open … this … effing … door!” With each word, Lex smashed the door with all his might, and as the last word exploded from his mouth there was a small click and the doors flew open.

  Lex tumbled forward and fell flat on his face. He grumbled, spat out a mouthful of dust and slowly got back to his feet.

  “Uh, Lex?” Vonn said in alarm.

  Lex looked up to see a group of five large, bald, featureless men staring down on them. They held very long, very pointy spears and they were pointing them rather close to Lex and Vonn’s faces.

  “Hi, fellas. Say, wouldn’t happen to know a guy named Gryph would ya?”

  The End of The Lost City

  Gryph and Lex will return in Chaos Rising.

  And, if you’re wondering what the hell Lex is talking about, go read Killing Time.

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  The Realms - An Epic LitRPG Series

  Reading Order

  1) Barrow King

  2) Killing Time

  3)The Lost City

  Other Books By C.M. Carney

  Planewalker - A Sci-Fi Short Story


  I couldn’t have made this book what it is without the help of numerous people.

  Thanks to Erica, my first reader, and the love of my life. You make me smile every day.

  Thanks to my mother Kathy for a lifetime of support, and my sister Melissa, who is becoming more and more of a dork every year thanks to my nephew Caleb.

  Thanks to Charlie and Mary Lou Adams for so generously letting me house sit their home in Colorado. Without your roof over my head I’d still be slogging away at this book. And Elbie says hi.

  Thanks to Philippe and Jamie Rasborn (and the kids) for letting me work at their dining room table when I was supposed to be on vacation.

  To my awesome Beta Readers, including Erica Rasborn, Robert Petersen, Ben Evans, Keegan Moss, Scott Frederiksen, Derek Morgan, Trent Baker, Kenneth Darlin, Lance Wheeler, Bret Ankenbrand, Zach Goza, Steven Weber, Jennifer Haviland, and the others who gave me feedback.

  Without you guys, The Lost City would be a shell of what it is today. Thank You.

  And thanks Lou Harper for the awesome cover.


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