Book Read Free


Page 13

by N Kuhn

  I don’t recognize the number, but considering what’s going on, it could be important. Picking up, I hear raspy breathing on the other end.


  “You think you’ve won? That Travis is going to come crawling back to you huh? You threw him away, and now you think you can waltz back into his life? Why can’t you ever be satisfied with what you have? Why do you have to keep taking what’s mine? First my job, now my man? Go on, go back in there and get your nails done, you rich bitch. You’ll regret fucking with me. You want to see more photos? Or do you want to star in the next ones I take?” Stacey. My breath hitches, getting stuck in my throat and I can’t speak. What the hell. I’ve only had this number a few months. Where the hell did she get it? Looking around the parking lot, I can’t spot anyone or anything out of the ordinary.

  “Keep looking bitch. You won’t find me.” Hanging up the phone without replying, my hand is trembling. I’m so confused and can’t understand what’s going on. But I have to pull it together and get to Travis. He needs me. As I pull out onto the road, my phone starts ringing again, only now, I choose to ignore it. It beeps, indicating a voicemail, but then starts ringing again. Sighing, it could be Bent again. Picking it up to look, it’s Aiden. I choose to ignore it. Rushing to Buffalo General, I need to get there and find out how Travis is.

  Running into the emergency room, the entrance is covered with Paparazzi. How do they already know he’s here? Why are these vultures like this? Don’t they have anything better to do, instead of circling someone like sharks? Recognizing me from yesterday, the shout at me, yelling, asking who I am and what’s going on. I’d like to know the answers to those questions too. What am I even doing here? I’m with Aiden, not Travis. I can’t get back together with him. He’s too destructive. Just days out of rehab and he’s already drunk and back in the hospital. Arms reach out, grabbing ahold of me, stopping my run. Bentley spins me to face him, and I can’t hold it in anymore. Tears fall, and my body convulses with sobs.

  “It’s okay Britt. He’s going to be ok. He needs some stitches, that’s all. He’s not high. Just drunk. No drugs. He’s ok, you’re ok. The truth is, I called you because you’re the only one who will get through to him. He will listen to you.”

  “No, he won’t. I tried last night. Before all of this. But he locked himself in his room and wouldn’t answer.”

  “Britt. Look at me. He’s hurting. He needs you. Go to him.” Shoving me along the hallway in front of him, Bent pushes me through a curtain and I’m staring down at a very pale Travis. His beautiful eyes closed, his brown hair falling over them, just like always. The strong lines of his jaw and chin, terse with tension.

  Sidling up next to him, I rub my hand over his. This will be the second time I’ve had to be at his bedside. Can I really handle this? Can I handle being in this sort of life? Part of the destruction that he’s bent of doling out? Feeling me touch him, Travis flinches, pulling his hand away from mine. But he doesn’t open his eyes.

  “I know you’re awake. Look at me,” I demand. He turns his head towards me and I suck in a breath. His right side of his face has a gash that was stitched up. Even after healing, there will be a scar. But I think it will only add to the already handsome features. His golden eyes look at me quickly, then away. As if he’s ashamed for me to see him like this again.

  “You ok?” I ask, wiping the hair out of his face.

  “What do you think? I couldn’t even stay sober a week out of rehab. My mother is dead. My father is most likely going to be embarrassed by me, and I’ve lost my friends.”

  “Lost your friends? I’m here, Bentley is here. He’s the one who found you, the one who called me.”

  “Bas. I lost Sebastian. I haven’t seen Max since I went in to rehab. You, you have Aiden and you’re happy. I’m just nothing. You were right, when you told me that years ago. I am nothing, just garbage. I’ll never be anything but a drunk and a druggie.”

  Sitting in the chair next to the bed, I look at him, holding his hand. He’s like a lost little boy, and no one is here to comfort him. Holding his hand to my face, I stare at him.

  “You know we can’t be together. Not now. I have a life, school, things in my life are good. But that doesn’t mean I care any less about you. I should have never said those things to you. I was wrong. Trav, you’re good. You’re so good. I have seen you play, heard the words you right. When you’re on stage, it’s like you’re in a little bubble. Your world. Everything around you disappears and you do amazing things. Your voice mesmerizes people. You can do this. You just need help, have to let us help you. Do you want to go back to rehab? Or get counselling?”

  “Your father said that he would find me a counsellor, and I’m moving today. So, I’ll be away from everyone.”

  “Yea, I heard you’ve been seeing daddy. What’s going on?” He tells me about the contract problems, and how shady it is. It’s sickening to think that his own father is taking advantage of him like that. Sighing I lean back in my chair.

  “I’m glad that daddy is helping you. That’s amazing. I’ll help you, if you want me to. You know, hold your hand while you talk to the head shrink, or talk about your mommy issues.” Shit, I can’t believe I just said that to him, but thankfully he’s laughing.

  “Crap Britt, don’t make me laugh. It hurts.” He raises a hand to his face, and I bat it away.

  “It’s ok, enhances your bad boy reputation.” I tell him. “You may want to go out the back way when you leave though. The pap are camped out front. They keep asking me who I am and if we’re together.”

  “Oh man, I’m sorry about that babe. I wish they would leave you alone.”

  “Hey, it’s no big deal. They don’t know where I live yet and I’ll be heading back to school again soon. They won’t be able to find me. Just goes to show that everyone else sees how special you are, not just me.”

  “But you shouldn’t have to deal with it. You were just trying to be there for me because of my mom. And it’s not that they think I’m special, I’m just Marcus Dane’s son, the druggie, aggressive son that does stupid things and makes headlines. I’ll be fine Britt, you don’t have to babysit me.”

  “Well, I have to go then. I ran out of a mani pedi with my mom and she was really worried about you. I think they’ve really started to like you. Too bad it’s a few years too late huh?” He laughs again.

  Standing, I look back at him one more time, as I back out of the curtain. Suddenly, I’m shoved back forward, landing on the edge of his bed. Looking up, Stacey is standing over us. Her hair is frizzy and hanging out all over the place. The bags under her eyes are purple and black, bloodshot. Her hands shake, balled into fists against her sides.

  “Of course this whore would be here with you, wouldn’t she?” Throwing a newspaper on the bed, she points at it.

  “You two have been awful cozy since you got home Trav. It’s only been a few days huh? Didn’t I warn you bitch? I just told you, not even an hour ago, to stay away from my man. You took my job already. You can’t have him too.” Lunging towards me, I scream, throwing myself to the side of the curtained area. Reaching out for balance, the material rips in my hands, and I land in the open hallway. Seeing the commotion, nurses and Bentley rush over. Stacey bends down, wrapping her hand in my hair. Yanking my head up so I’m looking at her, she leans in to whisper.

  “I’ll kill you princess. You think your daddy can save you? I’ll get you. Stay away from him.” Letting go, she takes off running the opposite way. Security rushes after her, as Bentley helps me up.

  “What the hell was that all about?” Bentley asks.

  “Did I forget to mention that Stacey is stalking me?” Travis says, “You ok Britt? I’m so sorry. I never thought she would do anything to you.”

  “Yea, well she’s stalking me too. Calling me, sending me those god damn photos of you and her.” Shaking my head, trying to clear my thoughts, I push away from Bentley, picking up the paper from the bed. It’s a tabloid, wi
th photos of me embracing Travis, in his mother’s yard yesterday. The headline reads ‘Travis Dane’s new groupie’ and I feel like all the blood has drained from my face. Aiden. Checking my cell phone, I have twenty four missed calls. From Aiden. This is not good.

  “I-I have to go. Trav, please, call me if you need me. But, I-“ Without finishing, I turn and walk away. Pushing my way back through the press, throwing ‘No comment’ at them, I wait until I’m locked in my car to freak out. Screaming, I slam my hand into the steering wheel. Listening to my voicemail, Aiden’s voice gets angrier and angrier with each one. It’s been quite a few emotional days. Right now I don’t want to deal with this. I head home, ready to curl up with some tea and my parents.

  The next morning, I sit out on the front porch. Watching as the sun rises over the city sky line, my father comes out to sit with me. Focusing on fidgeting with non-existent wrinkles in my skirt, I wait for him to speak first.

  “Hey princess.”

  “Hi daddy. What’s up?”

  “Nothing, just figured I’d sit out here with you. Travis is supposed to stop by with some signed papers for me. Your mother and I know what happened. I’m happy you’re there for him. He really needs it right now. Things are hard, and most likely only going to get harder for him. But, he needs someone strong he can turn to. I’m so proud that it’s you. The cops called, they said they caught that crazy woman. I’m sorry we kept it from you, but she’s been sending threatening letters here to you, and some to Travis. I just didn’t want to concern you.” Looking over to my father in disbelief, it’s still hard to hear my parents speak well of Travis, and even harder to know that the three of them conspired against me. Stacey has been sending letters? The calls and threats weren’t enough?

  “Did you know about the photos too?” He shakes his head.

  “Travis showed them to me.”

  “No daddy, she sent them to me too.” He just sighs. What has Travis done to change their minds anyway? Hearing the vehicle pull in, I catch a glimpse of Travis. As he unfolds himself from the Mercedes, his tall, lean body looks great. His white shirt tight across his muscles, and the way his jeans hug his hips, has my mouth drooling. Sure, I’ve thought about how much I miss Travis. But it’s been so long since I thought about how he looks, naked. Mental images of his body and how he uses it, flood my thoughts. My gaze rests on the stitches down his face. The angry red slash like a beacon of desperateness.

  “Mr. Landers,” he says, reaching out to shake hands with my dad. “Britt.” Nodding at me, he averts his eyes quickly.

  “Hey Trav. What’s going on?”

  “Not much. Mr. Landers, thank you, for everything. I have the lease papers here,” he says handing my dad an envelope, “The new place is great. I think it’s what I need too.”

  “Oh, yea, you got a new place. That’s great,” I say. He smiles at me shyly, as if we haven’t known each other for ever.

  “Ok kids. Trav, I’ll talk to you in a few days son. Ok? I have a meeting with Duke and the label attorneys and I’ll let you know the results.”

  “Thank you sir. I have an appointment with that counsellor this afternoon, an AA meeting tonight and I want to get into the studio as soon as possible. I wrote a lot of songs while in rehab. Plus, I had Rebel Raiser Records contacting me. I guess there are already rumors about the band breaking up.”

  “Just don’t speak to them until we can straighten your contract out now, then I’ll look that one over. We will get things situated for you, son. It’s going to work out. I won’t let you down.”

  “No, sir, I appreciate everything. It’s me who doesn’t want to let you down.” Watching my father get up and walk inside, a smile on his face; Travis glances over, then waves.

  “I’ll see you Britt.”

  “Trav wait, we need to talk.” Standing, I grab his arm, and walk towards the back of the house. When I was younger, my parents had built a tree house for me. It was great. I could see my whole neighborhood, but no one could see inside. Dragging Travis behind me, we head towards it.

  Climbing up, I sit cross legged, waiting for him to sit next to me.

  “What’s this all about Britt?”

  “Trav, are you really okay? I mean really?”

  “No, I will be though. Your dad got me an apartment, and he’s helping me get out of a bad contract, well, you heard us. Things will get better. Um, why didn’t you tell me Stacey was harassing you? You don’t deserve that. I’m sorry you were drug into this, into the papers and my mess of a life again. I know you have things going so well for you. I’m happy for you Britt. Honestly happy that you’re finally getting your law degree. I remember what you used to say that meant to you.” Without acknowledging what he said, I lean over, stroking his now soft shaven face with my hand. Avoiding his cut, my finger trails its way, down his chin, across his lips. His golden brown eyes register shock, before lust, hunger, and need replace it. Leaning in, I kiss him. Slowly pressing my lips harder and harder to his mouth, his own opening to allow my tongue access. It feels like home, I belong there. With more urgency, I kiss him until we are breathless. Our hands reacquaint with each other’s bodies and it’s as if we never parted. Pressing further into Travis until he’s on his back, I climb on top of him. The hardness between his legs tells me he’s ready. Running my hands under the white tee, I can feel every familiar curve of his muscles, every piece of warm flesh that is his body. Travis pulls at my shirt, tugging it over my head with a demand we haven’t felt since we were teenagers, doing it for the first time. Dipping his head low, he bites at my nipples, slowly licking then nibbling. The warmth in my stomach begins to boil, and the wetness in my panties starts to soak through. Tossing my head back, I can only moan with the pleasure his every touch jolts through my body.

  Wearing a skirt has its advantages. I need only to undo his pants, and he’ll be there, ready and waiting to penetrate my needy pussy. Shoving Travis’s face from my chest, I fumble with his zipper, impatient, wanting to feel him inside of me. Reaching in to try and help me, I swat his arms away.

  “I need you Travis, now, inside of me. I can’t wait, won’t wait any longer.” Not speaking, he lifts me up and onto my back, getting his pants down, he frees his long thick cock from the boxers beneath, and I inhale a deep breath. I didn’t realize how much I missed this, or him. Arching my hips, I press myself against him, anticipating how his shaft will feel inside of me.

  “God Britt, you’re so wet. Always so wet and ready for me.” Pausing as if just realizing what’s going on, he looks down at me, concern covers his face.

  “Are you sure?” Not answering, I grasp his dick, placing the head at the entrance to my waiting pussy.

  “Fuck me Travis. I need you.” Shoving the head of his cock in, he thrusts his hips, sliding himself all the way inside of me. His movements slow at first, build a thirst inside of me that seems unquenchable. As he throws himself inside of me, I can feel my muscles clasping around his dick, trying to hold him inside of me, not wanting to lose this feeling of fullness. Sweat glistens on his brow, and he stares directly in my eyes. I can see the love written all over his face. As regret begins to gnaw at my insides, it’s quickly chased away by the orgasm that rocks my entire being. Trying to quiet my release, I groan as Travis crushes his mouth to mine, hungrily kissing me. Feeling me pulsate around his cock drives him to his chasm of bliss. Pulling out, he comes on the floor of my childhood playroom. It’s the hottest thing we’ve ever done.

  Laying there panting, I can’t look him in the eyes. I know it was wrong. I’m still with Aiden whether happy or not, and the last thing Travis needs is complications. He’s just starting to get his life on track. He doesn’t deserve me to play with his feelings.

  “It’s ok Britt, I’ve never stopped loving you,” he says, hooking a finger under my chin, pulling me to face him. The regret must be written all over my face. He leans in, kissing my forehead softly, but I pull away. Nodding his head, as if understanding what it means, he then remov
es his arms from me. Tossing my tank top back to me, I pull it over my head, then try to smooth out my tousled hair.

  “Britt, no matter what, I’m always going to love you. I know I’m not the man you need or deserve. I’m sorry I can’t be what will make you happy. But, I love you. No matter what.” Sitting there speechless, I watch as he descends from the treehouse, and walks towards the front. Jumping down to follow, as I round the front of my parents’ house, I call after him.

  “Please, Trav wait. I’m sorry, please come back and let’s talk about this.” Aiden is standing on the porch.

  “Really Brittany? What the hell is he doing here?” The anger of his gaze burns into me. Guilt fills the pit of my stomach. Taking long brisk steps, Aiden is by my side in the blink of an eye. Travis stands in the yard, halfway to his car, watching, as if waiting to make sure I’ll be ok.

  Aiden throws some papers at me. Scrambling to catch them, I flip through. A cover photo of me fleeing the hospital, after Travis had been admitted. The next, a photo of me standing next to his bed, Stacey ready for attack, and then finally, one of me in the yard at Sidney’s holding Travis as he sobbed into my shoulder. The last, the photos of Travis and Stacey that were sent to me. Looking over at Travis, I wonder if he’s seen them yet. The hurt must show on my face, because he looks down, away, anywhere but at me.


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