Book Read Free

Tiger Moths

Page 16

by Sandra Grice

  “It is serene, isn’t it? There is something about the ocean that draws me to it. Ever since I was a kid I have just been in love with it. I am really glad Jason put this concert on our tour; I guess I didn’t realize how much I needed to be here. It has really helped me to refocus on what is important. And apparently it worked out pretty well for you and Jason too, huh? Who would have ever thought the two of you would meet up like this again? The odds have got to be way out there. It’s like finding a lost jewel in the bottom of the ocean. I’m happy for you two; I hope it works out this time.” You have no idea how much this is killing me to say this to you. But you deserve to be happy.

  Dale felt a bit odd talking to Johnny about Jason. Jason was a very complicated part of her life, and if it had been anyone else she would have felt like he was prying. But there was something different about Johnny, something uniquely sincere. There seemed to be some pre-existing bond between them, like they had known each other for much longer than they really had. She supposed that was just a part of Johnny’s personality, so easygoing that he put everyone else at ease too.

  “Jason and I have a lot to work out, but we will see. And what about the odds of the two of us meeting again? I told you back at the Café in Nashville that the person who wrote that song would make it, now, didn’t I? Johnny, your music --well I’d never really heard much of your work until the concert, except of course for Gracie’s version of Smoky Sunset. But it touched me. It sent me back to a lot of good memories. God has given you an amazing gift.”

  He looked at her for a moment and caught himself wishing Jason was not in the picture. Instead of saying what he was really thinking, he said, “Yes, you predicted success for me, Dale. I have been very blessed. I can’t tell you how much it means to me that you really like my music.”

  She was impressed by his humility and felt her soul drawn to him. How could someone with so much fame remain so grounded, so authentic?

  “I am really happy you came to the island. Gracie is just crazy about you. You have made this the trip of a lifetime for her. Laura and I will probably never hear the end of it. I can’t believe I’m leaving here next week.” She paused for a moment reflecting on her time there.

  Smiling, she continued, “You know, when I was a girl my parents took me to the beach every summer, and like you, I fell in love with the ocean then too. There is just nothing like watching the sun move across the sky, feeling the gentle breeze, smelling that salty air, and knowing that He who made it all watches over us every day. It makes me feel so small, yet so at peace in God’s arms. And you know, it’s funny how it just gives you this huge appetite when you come off the water. That’s another reason why I do this early morning run - so I can eat!”

  Johnny laughed as they neared the end of the six-mile route. He felt so comfortable with her, so drawn by the person she was. And her sweet spirit was contagious. “You said it! There is nothing quite like sitting down to a fiesta of good food. And man, this island has shown me some good food.” You are so connected to God, and that joy of yours is amazing. Granny would have loved you.

  “Hasn’t it though? I’m telling you the Chamorros know how to eat. Speaking of eating, are you up for some breakfast? My apartment is just up the street and Gracie would love to see you again this morning. Eating is always a celebration for us, and then we are going down to the beach for a worship service.”

  “Thanks that would be great. I like to surprise my fans. I’ve never experienced a church service on the beach, but I can’t think of a better way to worship.”

  Dale and Johnny finished the run and stretched as they cooled down. It was early morning, but the humidity was as thick as usual. Both were sweaty and hungry and having a great time as they entered the apartment.

  Laughing at some silly joke, Dale opened the door and led Johnny into the kitchen. The lights were all on, so she knew Laura and Gracie were already up. She could smell French toast and bacon. “Yum, my favorite!” She winked at Johnny.

  “Good morning, sweetheart.” Jason stood behind the stove and smiled. But the smile faded when he looked up and saw Johnny.

  “Johnny, what are you doing here?” Jason struggled to regain his composure. “I mean, I, uh, didn’t expect to see you here. Looks like I need to throw on some more food. Laura and Gracie are in the back goofing off. I called and ask Laura if I could come on over and fix breakfast. She said sure. When I got here, I told them to relax and I would take care of breakfast. I knew you didn’t cook, Dale, and I thought I would treat everyone. I know this is your favorite.”

  Dale was more than a little surprised, and a little bit agitated, which surprised her even more. Jason was moving a little too quickly for her, but she realized they had lost many years of their lives. Realistically, who could blame him for being a little overly anxious? Yet, to be honest, she was much more drawn to Johnny than to Jason. Her feelings and thoughts comingled and confused her. It was almost overwhelm her.

  “Jason, I didn’t realize you were coming over. I, uh, well as you can see I went out for my run, and actually had a rare running partner this morning.”

  “Yep, I am the lucky one today. I had a great running partner, and now a surprise breakfast that just happens to be my favorite too!” Johnny’s good-natured laugh filled the room.

  “Johnny Clark! Momma, it is Johnny Clark right here in Aunt Dale’s kitchen!” Gracie raced to Johnny’s side.

  Laura walked in, still a little sleepy. She had never been a morning person, and she still was not. “Oh my goodness, it is,” she yawned. “Dale, you have a house full this morning, girl.”

  “Well in Guam, the more the merrier. Why don’t we eat out on the deck? Gracie, can you show Johnny where the plates are and set the table with him? Laura, you and Jason have the cooking detail, and I am going to go freshen up a bit. Johnny, I’ll bring you a towel, and there is juice in the fridge.”

  Dale walked down the hall smiling to herself. It felt good to have friends here, but she would have to speak to Jason about not being too aggressive. She still needed time and space, and he needed to be willing to give her that.

  She would have loved a shower, but a sponge bath at the sink was all she had time for. Besides, this was a group that she knew would not mind, and she enjoyed the company. She washed and towel dried; then slipped on a tank top and shorts. One last look in the mirror and she would be ready. She gasped at the reflection of Jason standing behind her.

  “Jason, what on earth are you doing? You shouldn’t be in here. This is my private bath!”

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you, sweetheart. I just wanted to have some privacy to be with you for a few minutes. We hardly ever get a chance to be alone.”

  “This is not the time; I have guests and …”

  “Have I told you how much I missed you, how much I love you?”

  “Jason, please, why are you pushing so much? You need to get out of here and give me time.”

  “Why? There is no one else in the picture now except you and me. What are we waiting for?”

  Jason reached out and brushed her hair away from her face. She stepped back. Her reaction was quick and certain. What was I thinking? I don’t like this assertiveness in you, Jason. In a flash of clarity she knew that Jason was not part of God’s plan for her life. Now she longed for an equal dose of courage to tell him so. But that would have to wait. There were others she needed to attend to for now.

  “Really, you need to just give me some room. It’s been a long time and we are different people now. We need to just slow down and get to know one another again, and you need to realize that this may not work out for us.”

  Before she could finish he quickly jumped in. “What are so unsure of, Dale? Is it someone else? Don’t lie to me. If there is someone else you need to tell me now. You of all people should know what lies can do to a relationship. Tell me now. Is there someone else?”

  She was startled by his sudden outburst. His hands squeezed her arms, leaving red fin
ger impressions on them. Her heart pounded and the pores of her forehead produced fresh beads of sweat. His quick mood swing was bizarre, unlike anything she had ever experienced with him before. Luckily, Laura came to her rescue.

  “Hey, y’all. The food’s getting cold; y’all come on out,” Laura yelled from the kitchen.

  Relieved, Dale slid by Jason and motioned him to come on. She had a sinking feeling. This is not my destiny. No matter how strange our meeting each other here was, I was not meant to be with Jason. God, please help me escape from this path I am on.

  A few minutes after they sat down to eat Jason excused himself early from the meal.

  “I’m really sorry I have to go, but I can’t get out of this business appointment. My boss wants to make sure everything went well here. I can’t wait to give him the report. Dale, I’m sorry I have to go, but I’ll call you.”

  “Okay, Jason. We will talk later.” She hoped that she masked the relief his departure brought her.

  After breakfast, Dale cleared away the dishes while Johnny went to change clothes and pick up his car. The group piled into his rented Sidekick as if they were family. They chatted and sang as he drove to the sea-side worship service. Johnny was nervous, or excited, or both. He couldn’t quite put his finger on the odd thrill that seemed to be welling up inside of him. It was as if he were driving to a destination his soul had been longing after for as long as he could remember.

  Ten minutes later, Johnny pulled into an already full parking lot. They disembarked and followed the sound of music. Johnny was amazed as he watched everyone, especially Dale, worship and sing songs of praise. They had such – what was it? Such joy in them. The more he watched and listened, the more he realized he wanted that same joy in his heart. Singing quietly, almost to himself, he felt a stirring deep within.

  At the end of the third praise hymn, Dale leaned close to him and whispered, “I know I sing about as well as I cook, but just because I can’t sing doesn’t mean that I don’t have a song.”

  Johnny smiled back and said quietly, “You sing like an angel, and you have an unbelievable song. All of you do.”

  Dale stopped singing and looked into his twinkling eyes. They reminded her so much of heaven’s stars that she nearly wept. “Johnny, God has given all of us a song by his gift of Jesus, His only Son, who came to this world and died for our sins. The things of this world will pass away, but through Christ Jesus we have the promise of eternal life.”

  He looked back at her, speechless. She took his hand and led him to a quieter place on the beach, near the water. “What is it, Johnny? What is in your heart right now?”

  “Dale, I have so much, but I don’t have your joy.”

  “You can have it right now. All you have to do is accept Jesus as you Lord and Savior, and you will know the amazing joy of His salvation. And Johnny, I promise you, there is no greater joy in the entire world.”

  “Is it really that simple?”

  “It really is. God’s saving grace is really that simple, but it’s not easy. It is hard for us mere mortals to look past the world’s temptations, especially those that make us feel good. But if you truly put your faith in Him, He will change your heart and your life forever. All you have to do is pray for salvation and trust Him.”

  “I want to; I want to say that prayer now. Will you be here with me?” Johnny’s heart raced and he thought, for a moment, of his life up to this point in time. He thought about his mother and grandmother who had been praying for him ever since he left for college, and now he understood why.

  “I’m right here with you, Johnny. Go ahead.” Dale put her hand on his shoulder.

  He bowed his head and began, “Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus and His sacrifice for me. I know I am a sinner, maybe one of the biggest You have come across in a while. But I know You will forgive me, and I know that by the blood of Christ I can have everlasting life. So, God, today, right now, I just put my life in Your hands and I thank You so much for receiving me even after all the things I’ve done. And I want to thank You too for putting Dale in my life so she could show me how to know Your great joy. Amen.”

  He remained with his eyes closed as Dale watched him lift his face skyward. He felt the warmth of the sun beating down on his face, and imagined it was the very breath of God who held him in His loving arms. He had never experienced such love. When he finally opened his eyes he looked at Dale. She stood next to him, her face radiant as she laughed and cried at the same time.

  “Oh, praise God, Johnny!” With tears in her eyes, she reached over and hugged him tightly, and he returned her embrace. Suddenly he started laughing like a little boy. He laughed so hard that he too began to cry. A rush of joy swept through him like the ocean’s waves, for he knew he was now a child of God.

  “Dale, I feel so….” He was breathless and at a loss for the right word.

  “I know, there are no words, but I know. And it only gets better, because He will give you the desires of your heart. That doesn’t mean what your old heart wanted. It means that with your new heart comes new desires, desires that are God-given, desires that are designed to keep you always in His will.”

  “I just can’t believe I’ve waited this long to receive this gift. So many things my grandma used to tell me make sense now.”

  “Well hey, you two.” Laura walked closer, her smile changed to concern. “What’s wrong? Are you two okay?”

  “Laura, we are perfect.” Dale wiped away a tear and continued. “We have never been better, although I’m sure we both look a mess. Johnny just accepted Christ!”

  “That’s fantastic, Johnny!” Laura hugged him warmly. “There is nothing in the entire world like it, brother. You know, Gracie has been asking a lot of questions about creation lately; I think her heart is being prepared too.”

  “Mommy, why is everyone hugging Johnny?” Gracie had stolen away from the children’s group to join them.

  “Come here, Gracie. I have been saving my biggest hug for you, my girl.” Johnny scooped her off her feet and she giggled her unique Gracie giggle. He loved hearing her innocent glee. He loved everything God had blessed him with. But most of all he loved his Lord and Savior, and he knew joy beyond compare.

  Johnny continued, “Now how about we all celebrate this glorious day with a grand tour of the magnificent island God has given us. I’ll drive, if Dale is willing to be our tour guide.”

  “I’d love to!” Dale responded.

  It was the best day he had had in years. The sense of freedom that had eluded him for so long now filled him. But he knew the day had to end. Finally, Johnny drove them to Dale’s apartment to drop them all off. He hugged Laura and Gracie goodbye with warm and genuine affection. Then he turned and looked at Dale.

  “I cannot thank you enough for sharing with me the joy of salvation, and for letting me spend this day with you. It was fantastic! Dale, when you all get back stateside please don’t hesitate to call me.” I don’t want to lose you. He took a scrap piece of paper and scribbled his private number on it. It was something he only shared with his closest of friends. He deeply hoped she would use it. Somehow he felt like he needed her, and she needed him. Do unto others.

  “I know you will probably be around, you know, hanging with Jason, and all, but if you ever just want to have a cup of coffee when he is busy … just to stay in touch.”

  No Johnny, Jason and I are not going to work out. She wanted to tell him that, but how could she say anything when she had not even broken the news to Jason? Yet, something about Johnny’s availability excited her. He was just so easy to be around, so familiar, and he made her laugh like she thought she had forgotten how to laugh.

  “Johnny, it was my pleasure sharing our day with you. And the angels in heaven are celebrating this day with us. You have been so kind to entertain Gracie, and to be our most gracious driver today. You take care, and have a successful and safe tour. I’m pulling for you on that entertainer of the year award. And Johnny, keep Him always cl
ose to you.” I wish we could get to know each other more. I wish I could be there to help you grow in Christ. I will pray for you, Johnny Clark – that you will always feel the love of our heavenly Father.

  “I will. I know I have a lot more to learn, but my heart is His.” When he reached over and kissed her lightly on the cheek she could hardly conceal the reaction. Not since Jason had anyone made her feel this way. She leaned back and smiled. Gazing into his beaming face she knew she had looked a little too long.

  “Don’t drown; don’t let them pull you down,” she whispered.

  He stared with equal intensity into her eyes. “Stay true to who you are, Dale. Stay in touch.” I wish we had a shot, but you are with Jason. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

  Dale walked back to the apartment with Gracie singing “Smoky Sunset” at the top of her voice. Laura just looked at Dale and rolled her eyes. Dale winked back and they both laughed. It had been a day Dale had not predicted, and she had no complaints, except when she thought about Jason. Last night had been a mistake; she never should have kissed him, but she had no idea he would leap at that one moment the way he had.

  It was almost eight thirty when they arrived home, so dinner was quick and Gracie was asleep within the hour. She had been bouncing all over the place for the entire day; it was no wonder that she was exhausted. Having put her to bed, Laura joined Dale on the patio for lemonade and one of her favorite things – girl talk. She had been itching to talk to Dale all day.

  “All right, girl, time to tell Laura what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours. I saw you and Jason last night, but today, I’m just not feeling it. What gives?”

  “I never should have let last night happen. Jason and I have lost what we had. It can’t be restored, and it’s not because of fear, it’s because I just don’t love him anymore. And he seems different. It was almost frightening how demanding and possessive he was with me today. I don’t even really think he loves me; I think he wants what got away from him, like he has something to prove. I don’t know, but whatever the case, don’t place any bets on that relationship.”


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