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Kinky Bet

Page 10

by Maggie Nash

  Whoa, baby!

  He pulled her closer, rubbing the hard length of his erection against her body, confirming he was as aroused as she was. Steamy pictures of them both naked and writhing together on black silk sheets flashed through her mind. She could almost feel his sweat dripping on to her chest as he thrust inside her. Holy shit!

  The sound of raucous whistles and clapping brought her back to reality. Pushing herself away from Mitch, she sucked in a deep breath, turning away from him so she could get her bearings.

  Oh my God!

  She’d never gotten that turned on in such a short space of time before, especially not with a total stranger.

  “We had lift off, ignition and spontaneous combustion all at once here folks. The temperature just went up twenty degrees in the studio. Phew! Now that is what I call a K.I.S.S!”

  Mitch willed his jeans to loosen as he watched the object of his lust walk away from him. Fuck! Talk about hot. That woman was molten lava and he wasn’t about to let her out of his life yet. They were destined to have the hottest sex he could ever remember if that kiss was anything to go by.

  His breathing took a few minutes to regulate, but that few minutes gave him enough time to come up with an idea.

  “You still need money for the charity, Davo?”

  Elise turned her gorgeous face back to look at him before she continued walking across the other side of the studio to sit down. Let’s hope he could get away with it. He wasn’t about to let her go just yet.

  “Sure thing, Mitch, my buddy. What did you have in mind? Seconds?”

  “Not quite, but I think it will make you happy.”

  “Ladies and gents, we have another bid coming from Mr. Collins. Here you go mate…take the microphone and tell our listeners what you have in mind.”

  Elise jumped forward in the chair, her head shaking back and forth in protest as she mouthed an emphatic “No.”

  Too bad. He had the advantage now and he damned well was going to take it. Thanks to ratings hungry Davo he had the means to keep Miss Elise Blake closer for at least one night.

  “I will donate a further ten thousand dollars if Ms Blake has dinner with me tonight.”

  “Done! Wow, it must have been a great kiss. I should have tried it myself while I had the chance. Hey, Elise? What do you reckon?”

  Mitch studied her face, which was a distinct red colour and getting angrier by the minute. She had spirit. That should make things interesting.

  Davo shrugged, and turned back to his microphone. “Oh, I guess she’s overcome, folks. We’ll hear from her later.”

  Mitch watched as Elise got out of her chair and walked out the door, racing down the corridor. He threw the mike back to Davo and chased after her. He caught up with her as she stood inside the elevator, frantically trying to close the doors on him.

  “Leave me alone you, sicko! Are you out of your fucking mind?”

  He pushed the doors back open enough to allow him to move in beside her before they closed again. “What the hell is wrong with you? I only want to have dinner with you.”

  She moved to the far end of the elevator, as far away from him as she could get. “Yeah, and the rest.”

  He blew out an exasperated sigh. “I want to get to know you better. Where’s the harm in that?”

  “So you admit you’ve been following me for the last four weeks? That is just sick. I should call the cops.”

  The penny dropped. Of course. She’d known who he was all along. So what was all that ‘and who are you’ crap about? “I’ve been trying to meet you for the last month. I haven’t been stalking you.”

  “In my experience, when someone says no at least twice, then that means they don’t want to go out with you. Don’t you think that, after a half dozen declined invitations, you’d get the message that I’m just not interested?”

  He pressed the stop button and the elevator crunched to a halt. “I’m a man who doesn’t give up on something he wants until he exhausts all avenues. And you, Elise, are something I want.”

  “What are you doing? Release the elevator!” Her eyes widened in fear and he knew he’d gone too far. Releasing the button, he moved back to the wall, his palms up and outward in surrender. “I’m sorry, that didn’t come out like I meant it to.”

  “Seemed pretty clear to me. Now let me get the fuck out of here.”

  “I didn’t mean to freak you out. I’m sorry, Elise, that’s the last thing I want.”

  She looked away, making a fist with her right hand and tapping it against her leg.

  “Why me? Why have you been leaving messages and notes at my work? As far as I know until today we’ve never met before.”

  He looked up to the ceiling, wondering how he was going to convince her he wasn’t the loony she thought he was.

  “It’s hard to explain, but when I saw you at Club Fetish, I was intrigued.” She turned her head back to look at him, her beautiful pale eyes wary. “I wanted to meet you, and then, of course you refused. After that first time, I thought ‘fair enough’, I’d leave it and move on, but every time I’d hear you on the radio, I knew that I wouldn’t have any peace until I met you. Then you threw my offers back in my face, and that got me really curious. I had to find out more about this woman who managed to repeatedly outwit me. I love a good mystery, and believe me, you are a mystery. And I really, really hate to lose.”

  Now that wary look in her eyes turned to annoyance. “So this is all just a game to you. You want to dominate me. You get enjoyment out of playing with peoples’ lives, do you?”

  Fuck. That went well. With every word of his bungled explanation, he fell deeper and deeper in shit. He didn’t know what it was about this woman that made him want her to understand where he was coming from. Usually he saw no need for explanations. He never explained. He just did.

  Backing her up against the wall of the elevator, he placed both his hands on the mirror tiles either side of her head. “Does this feel like a game to you?”

  Elise’s eyes widened and her mouth opened in protest as he kissed her again. He devoured her mouth as both their bodies reacted to the magnetic chemistry between them. He was positive to her negative, and they were powerless to break the field. Jeezus, this woman made him hot. The soft sighing sound she made in her throat, and the amazing smell of her satiny skin had his whole body igniting. He didn’t know what was happening here, but by God, he wasn’t letting her get away from him now He slipped his hands under the hem of her shirt and skimmed across her satiny skin. He felt her shiver in response. He smiled against her mouth, revelling in her body’s response to his touch. When her hands crept up around his neck, her breasts flattened hard against his chest, and he could feel her nipples budding. Slipping one hand inside her jeans, he found her panties and dipped inside her crotch, finding her more than a little damp. Oh God, she was responsive. His other hand skimmed over her lacy bra to lightly cup her breast. Her nipple elongated under his touch, begging him to squeeze it. She gasped into his mouth and his erection pressed painfully against his jeans.

  The doors to the elevator opened and he stealthily removed his hands, but the kiss continued, their breathing getting more and more ragged as the minutes ticked by. The sound of discreet coughing finally broke through the trance he was in, and he slowly released her lips. He couldn’t help smiling at her passion-dazed eyes when he released her. The hungry look was enough to give him hope that there was a chance they would get to have the best sex of their lives. He had no doubt at all that’s how it would be when they eventually came together. She was going to be a challenge to dominate, but he had a feeling she’d be worth it.

  The sound of a mobile phone chiming out the Wagner theme to ‘Apocalypse Now’ broke the tension. Elise continued to look at him is a daze for a few more seconds, then reached for her phone, flipping it open. Without breaking eye contact, she spoke. “Elise Blake.” She pushed the button for the studio floor and sunk back against the wall. “Sure, fine. I’ll be there in a min
ute.” She turned away from him for a few seconds. “Okay. I understand.”

  Snapping the phone back in place, she lowered her eyes, now avoiding eye contact of any kind. “I have to get back to work. What time and place do we meet for dinner?”

  The elevator door closed, leaving several potential passengers outside and cursing. Mitch stood completely still, stunned. This was too easy. Something wasn’t right here, but he wasn’t going to worry about that right now. Not when she was agreeing to meet him. He’d work it out later. “Eight o’clock. Tetsuya’s”.

  She looked up, her eyes narrowed. “Tetsuya’s? You have to book six months in advance to get a table there.”

  He smiled at her. “I have a regular table. You want me to pick you up?”“

  “No, that’s fine,” she said as she pressed on the button for the door. “I know where it is. I’ll meet you there. If that’s all, I have a job to get back to.”

  The temperature in the elevator dropped twenty degrees in less than a minute. This was not good. He was going to have his work cut out for him to repair whatever damage that mysterious phone call had made. “No worries. Tell Davo I’ll drop the cheque off in the morning.”

  “That won’t be necessary. You can bring it along tonight. Why come back tomorrow when we can finish this business tonight?”

  As the door slid open, Elise moved to walk out, but Mitch touched her arm, stopping her. “It won’t be finished after tonight and you know it.”

  “If you say so.” She pulled her arm back, turned away from him and walked calmly away.

  The door closed, and he pressed the button for the lobby. The game was far from over. He might have the date, but she sure as hell wasn’t acting like she was conceding defeat. Time to regroup for the next battle.

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  About the Author

  Living in a fantasy world as a child, Maggie was fascinated with telling stories. Whenever she shared her adventures of imaginary friends and saving the world from the bad guys, her mother called it “Romancing.”

  Actually it was more likely a really good ploy to get out of doing chores! Little wonder that after a life spent in many different occupations, Maggie has settled in to writing romance fiction. Her stories range from dark erotic thrillers, to fantasy tales of bondage and submission, to romantic suspense and paranormal.


  Maggie loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at

  Also by Maggie Nash

  The Master’s Prize

  The Relic

  The Dream Master

  Summer Spectacles: Illuminations

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