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The Archon's Apprentice

Page 24

by Neil Breault

Chapter 21


  Omoni walked closer to Mikol, never taking his eyes off of him. Their battle of wills raged. Mikol kept his gaze for as long as he could but turned away as he could not stand the betrayal. Omoni chuckled softly and smiled.

  “This does not have to be hard for you, Mikol. All I want is to know what you found and to get the runic power back. You can rule with me and become my apprentice.”

  Mikol tasted bile in his throat. He stood up and faced Omoni. He shook his head. Before he could say anything, Omoni’s smile transformed into a snarl and Omoni flung his hand out. Mikol was rocked backward by the spell. Mikol had not seen what had been thrown at him, nor did he have time to figure it out. The spell had crashed into his shield spell and had flown into his armor as well. Omoni was not fazed and Mikol found he was no match against the seasoned Preceptor of Wardens. Mikol was forced to dodge out of the way of another spell. Omoni had been ready and Mikol was blasted backward onto the ground. When he tried to stand he found any movement caused him pain. Omoni sighed.

  “This did not have to be hard. I gave you a choice. I thought you were smart enough to see the inevitable as well. Unfortunately, you choose poorly.”

  Omoni paced in front of Mikol.

  “Let’s see if you can still be a good student. We both know there was no weapons cache. So what did I send you to? What did you find? What was this Obelisk? All I could get from Voletain was that it was a relic best left in the past.”

  Mikol found himself trying to speak, though no sounds escaped his lips. Omoni sighed and looked down at Mikol. He laughed, making a quick gesture with his hands. Mikol felt his throat loosen.

  “Sorry, please try again.”

  The pain was still present in the rest of his body but he was able to take several deep breaths and calm himself.

  “I don’t know what the obelisk was or what it was for. But it was in a cave full of runes.”

  “Was? Hmm, so you destroyed it?”

  Mikol breathed deeply, trying to remain calm. Omoni was looking off in the distance, not at him. Mikol quickly looked back and saw Bayle with his crossbow ready. Mikol gave him a painful shake of his head. Bayle moved back behind a pillar. Mikol looked back and saw Omoni still looking away, so he remained quiet.

  “Well, that does explain some of what has happened. I wondered how trained assassins could not kill you when they set up that ambush outside Silverhall.”

  “How could you know about that?”

  “If only you had showed an inkling of promise before. There is much that you were not told about blood magic. It is not all about destruction. Blood magic can link two people so completely that they can talk to each other with only their thoughts. I have read of those who could do this with runes, but it seems that was lost in the Sundering. Really, runic magic and blood magic are actually two sides of the same coin. Runic magic uses the magic of the world. Blood magic takes the power from the body. Both use symbols and words to focus energy to do what we want. Before the Sundering, there were those who did not need runes or binding words or anything else but their minds. They simply willed something and it happened. I hope to regain this knowledge eventually.”

  “Why do you need the runic magic back? You seem to be doing well without it.”

  “While they are similar, they are not without their flaws. Blood magic can be more powerful than runic magic, but it is less controllable. The power is also very ephemeral. Using both magics together allows for control and unlimited power.”

  Seemingly to illustrate his point, the faint glow that had suffused Omoni’s body was disappearing.

  “Without the runes to bind the essences of the dead, the power eventually leaves. There are many stories of warriors killing their injured comrades for the temporary power it provided. For those bold enough to use this power it has led to many victories over the centuries. It is one reason the Savage Kingdoms have been able to survive as long as they have. Against an enemy willing to kill their own, it is hard to maintain the balance of power. It is actually those stories that led me to understand there is something to be gained with both magics. I have a chance at real immortality. With all the knowledge of the world I did not think I was the only one to come to this conclusion but I found nothing in all my research about it. Until I came across the Archon’s book. With the promise of hidden power, I sent you to find the knowledge for me.”

  “There was no knowledge in that cave.”

  “No, but there was some sort of power. I found more ancient texts of forbidden power only recently. They were in Voletain’s private library. To think he knew about immortality and didn’t act upon it.”

  “He would never want immortality if I meant he had to kill to extend his life.”

  Omoni snapped his head to stare at Mikol.

  “Don’t be too sure of that. Do you know how old Voletain was?”

  Mikol shook his head.

  “Those life runes that keep your royal family and Archon alive so long only last a mere 300 years. Your father was almost 300. Voletain had already been Archon years before you father was born. So tell me again what Voletain wouldn’t do.”

  Mikol did not have an answer but knew Voletain would not have used such horrific magic. He shook his head at Omoni.

  “Whether you believe me does not matter. I have the knowledge he kept hidden. You have only delayed my plans. I will remake this world without the corrupt royal family keeping it stagnant.”

  “There’s no way Kagarin’s army will let you live.”

  Omoni laughed heartily.

  “Actually, they are no longer Kagarin’s army. As soon as his bodyguard makes it to the camp and tells them what has happened there will be much fighting for control. The army will fall apart and return to whence it came. If they don’t, I have enough mages in their ranks to help stir the pot. Kagarin was truly a compelling man. No warlord has been able to unite the Savage Kingdoms as wholly in over a thousand years. But his demise is a death knell for all of his plans.”

  Omoni stopped pacing. He reached down and grabbed Mikol’s chin.

  “Now, I will give you one last chance to do the right thing. But let me tell you, I will use whatever power I can to get the answers I need. Will you help restore my power?”

  Before Mikol could answer, a bolt flew from the back of the room, striking Omoni in the arm. Mikol felt an immediate cessation of pain and was able to move again. Omoni and Mikol both stared at the bolt sticking out of his arm. Mikol realized too late he should have done something. He came to his senses and started to prepare a spell, but Omoni was quicker. Mikol was flung backward. When he came to rest on the floor he felt pain erupt all over his body. Helpless, Mikol watched as Omoni focused his attention on Bayle.

  The first spell caught Bayle off guard. It shattered the shield Bayle had erected. Bayle dropped his crossbow to dodge away from another projectile. From what Mikol knew of blood magic, he could not comprehend how much energy Omoni was expending to shower the back wall with projectiles, but his knowledge mostly came from Omoni. The resulting explosions caused debris and dust to fly everywhere. Omoni stopped firing spells and scanned the room. Blood splattered off of his hand to the ground.

  Mikol held his breath as the dust settled. Nothing moved. Mikol and Omoni saw the light as the same time. Mikol yelled as the area around the light exploded with magical fire. Omoni grunted. There was still no movement along the back wall. Omoni took a few cautious steps forward, hands ready to cast another spell. Mikol had regained feeling in his limbs. He flexed slowly to make sure he could move. Confident he could do something, he sat up. Omoni looked back at Mikol and narrowed his eyes. They both heard quick footsteps. Omoni turned back in time to see Bayle running full tilt at him. Omoni took a step back as Bayle’s sword came within inches of his face. When he released his spell at Bayle, they were both flung backwards from the explosion.

  Finally able to move freely, Mikol stood up. He saw Bayle lying on the floor. He was breathing but
otherwise not moving. Surprisingly, Omoni got up unharmed. When he saw Bayle on the floor he moved to cast another spell, but Mikol was able to cast his spell first. Omoni saw the spell before it hit him and dodged away. He cursed as he had to let go of the power of his own spell. Mikol did not relent the assault and fired spell after spell at Omoni. Omoni had stopped dodging out of the way and Mikol grew bolder with his spells. He grinned as he thought about how he would be able to avenge Voletain. Moments later his grinned disappeared. The spells were not injuring Omoni. Instead, they were being absorbed by a growing ball of energy in his hands.

  “Hey, Scar Breath!”

  Omoni and Mikol looked around. Bayle was now standing. An arcing ball of fire was coming for Omoni. In the next instant Omoni took his borrowed power ball and hurled it at the fireball. Mikol dodged away behind the throne as an explosion rocked the room. Mikol felt the heat of the fire from around the throne. The room was silent. Mikol peered around the chair to see Bayle had been flung back and his clothing was singed. Otherwise he looked fine. Omoni had received the brunt of the explosion. The left side of his face had been almost burned away. Mikol could not believe his eyes as Omoni stood up. He could only look on in horror as Omoni rushed to Bayle and grabbed him by the throat.

  With a quick jerk, Omoni held Bayle up off of his feet. Mikol could hear Bayle struggle to breathe. Bayle grabbed Omoni’s arm but could not force his grip away. He tried to kick Omoni but found that ineffective as well. Mikol stared at them helplessly. He could not think of anything that would stop Omoni; he was just too powerful. He started to draw different spells but stopped when he realized they would kill Bayle too. He did not see any other choice now. He stood up from behind the throne.

  “Stop! I will give you back the runes. Don’t kill him.”

  Omoni turned to Mikol. No longer did his face even look human. The half that wasn’t smoking split into a sneer and Mikol could only think Omoni was trying to smile. He lowered Bayle so his feet just touched the ground. He did not loosen his grip. Mikol still heard Bayle struggling to breathe.

  “Do it now!” Omoni cried.

  Omoni reached out to Mikol, motioning for him to come closer. Mikol took a step towards Omoni. He watched in horror as Bayle condemned himself by stabbing Omoni in the shoulder with a knife. Omoni cried out and then snarled as he grabbed Bayle with both hands. Mikol could see Bayle mouthing the word run just before he heard the crack of his neck. Omoni laughed and let Bayle’s lifeless body fall to the floor. He grabbed the knife from his shoulder and plunged it deep into Bayle’s chest. Mikol could not watch any longer. Heeding Bayle’s last words, he ran.

  Chapter 22


  Mikol ran as quickly as he could. He felt Omoni’s spell still coursing through his system. His runes did not want to activate, and when they did activate they did not work properly. He did not have a destination in mind and ran blindly down the halls. All he knew was he needed to be away. There was no one in the halls to stop or greet him. He was glad for this, as he did not know if he could trust anyone. As he rounded a corner he found he had run back to the dungeons. He made sure there were no more prisoners before rushing out the secret exit.

  When he rushed out the door he was momentarily blinded by the sunlight. It had seemed like days had passed since he had gone in to the castle, but it had only been a couple of hours. He scoured the area looking for indication or tracks of those he had freed but did not find anything. Whether that was a good or bad sign he did not know. He hoped they had escaped. Hesitating, he found he did not have a plan anymore. His thoughts turned to the Wardens and he knew he needed to find them. He ran east toward the billowing smoke, hoping they were still alive. The closer he got, the heavier the world felt. There was only devastation in the fields surrounding Valefort. There were too many bodies to count. He recognized some of them as castle guard and soldiers. Others he only assumed were enemy soldiers of some kind.

  He searched for the Wardens in the carnage. Some of the bodies were so mutilated he could hardly tell they had been human. Only the decay of those bodies let him know they were not Warden. He turned over another body after recognizing the clothing. The man’s face was wrecked beyond recognition but he felt he knew the man. He tried to remember the man’s name but could not. Infuriated, he yelled out loud. How could he have let this man die for him if he did not even know his name? He felt tears streaming down his face. Desperate to find someone alive, he raced from body to body. He found the other Wardens but still did not find Dervo.

  When at last he found Dervo’s body, it was well away from the battlefield. Dervo had crawled away from the battle, leaving a path leading towards the city. Mikol knew now he and Bayle should have stayed with the Wardens. He could have done something. He could have helped them. Should have helped them. Protected them. But what good would it have done? His father was still dead. Voletain was dead. He had watched Bayle die and had done nothing. Mikol fell to his knees and wept. He did not know for whom he cried, himself or those he had failed. He did not care.

  He heard footsteps behind him. He knew he should run, or fight, or do something. Instead he did nothing. The footsteps stopped behind him. He waited for the man to say or do something. Nothing happened. When finally his curiosity became more than his self pity, he looked back at the man. He only felt a blow to his head as his world went black.


  Mikol’s eyes fluttered open. Light assaulted his vision. It hurt to have his eyes open, and he could not tell where the light was coming from. There was pain all over his body. He tried to stay awake and fight through the pain and light but ended up unconscious once again.


  When he awoke next he was in intense pain, stronger than before. He tried to see what was causing the pain but found he could not see at all. He panicked until he felt the cloth covering his face, blocking out any light. When he took deep breaths he found he could ease the pain. It was now only on his arm. His head turned as he heard muffled voices. The cloth covered his ears too. He struggled to move but found he could not. When the pain surged in his arm he tried to scream. No sound escaped and pain increased until he passed out.


  Mikol woke with a jolt. He did not know how long he had been unconscious. He was no longer bound by any restraints and he could move freely. A soft light came through the bars of the door. He was back in the dungeon. He had played in the dungeons as a child, but never had the doors been closed. He stood up slowly, stretching his limbs out as best he could. The only things in the cell were the stone slab for a bed and a bucket. He tried the door. Not surprisingly, it was locked. Peering through the door window, the only thing he could see was a sconce across the way. There was no movement and he did not hear anything else. He felt pity for himself but knew he had to do something. Getting out would be simple with the right spell. He quickly drew the rune and spoke the binding words. The spell did not activate, and he felt a sharp pain from his left arm. He rolled up his sleeve to see a glowing rune that had been carved into his arm. The pain and glowing increased until he fell unconscious again.


  When next he awoke he knew he was not alone in the cell. He did not move. He breathed slowly, listening for any sign of who was in his cell.

  “It is no use pretending. Your breathing changed when you woke up and now you are just making a fool out of yourself,” said Omoni.

  Mikol sat up slowly, favoring his left side.

  “I see you have experienced my newest creation. I haven’t even given the rune a proper name yet. I was inspired by a similar rune from ancient times. Though it only blocked magic. It was used when someone committed a crime. Personally, I thought it was too civil. Now with recent events, I have added a bit of fire to it. I thought it appropriate. Do you like it?” Mikol could only guess Omoni was smiling. His disfigured face did not have any normal movement anymore.

  Mikol stared defiantly. Omoni chuckled as Mikol’s hand caressed the rune on his arm. The sca
r was already forming.

  “I thought it best to make it a little more permanent. They used ink during the trial and if the person was found innocent the ink was removed. But since you are not innocent, this is not coming off.”

  Omoni walked over to the stone bed and sat next to Mikol.

  “I told you once this could be very easy. You declined to take the easy way. This is now the way. But I will ask you one more time, will you help restore my runic magic?”

  Mikol did not turn to face Omoni. He feigned courage and attempted to find a comfortable way to sit on the stone. There was no comfort to be had.

  “No? Well, we have time. And now that I know you won’t try to pull anything, we can try a more educated way. I will tell you what I know already and you can tell me if I am right.”

  Omoni stood in front of Mikol. If Mikol closed his eyes he could almost picture himself back in Omoni’s office having an ordinary lesson. Except the visions of all of those he had failed came rushing to him. He forced himself to look at Omoni as he paced back and forth.

  “Now, I know there is something to the attunement rune.”

  Mikol could not help the sharp intake of breath when Omoni mentioned the rune. He tried to cover what he had done.

  “Don’t act so surprised. You do not have the attunement rune, nor did Bayle. More importantly Dervo and the other Wardens Voletain sent to find you are now missing their attunement runes. How did you remove then?”

  Mikol stared at Omoni without blinking. He took steady, deep breaths to remain calm. He was not going to tell Omoni anything.

  “I will find out how. I know it was not a physical thing. I examined the bodies and found no wounds or scars. I can’t rule out the cave or the obelisk. I assume something there removed it. No matter, we will be making the journey to the cave soon. Now that I know where the location is, the trip will be much easier. Don’t think yourself too smart. If you figured it out, then I will as well.” Omoni stopped ping and faced Mikol. “Did you know the attunement rune was first created to block magic? Not quite like my masterpiece there, but it did the job fully. No one who had the Ora’Than’Autok ever used magic again. That was its original name.”


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