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The Agent's Covert Affair

Page 17

by Karen Anders

  “What is it?”

  “There’s been an attempt on your sister’s life. It was something that a cartel member got onto a naval facility. They believe he entered illegally.”

  Her heart sank at the same time her stomach tightened. “Is she all right?”

  “Yes, she’s fine. They’ve doubled the guards and everyone is being searched before they enter the hospital.”

  She sagged against the seat, her heart pounding from the adrenaline. “I’m so relieved.” He leaned over and kissed her on the temple, then gently hugged her, before settling back behind the wheel. She pushed the door open. “We have to resolve this now, but Matty and Lily are always going to be in danger, even if we do rescue him.” She got nauseated thinking about the implications and the disruption to both their lives. How were they going to handle this threat hanging over them? She would have to think about that once they got Matty back. Right now she had to talk to the grieving mother of the man who had taken her nephew and almost killed her sister. The same man—teenager, really—who, God help her, had tried to kill them.

  Derrick started texting as she closed the door behind her, trying to breathe around her fear for her sister and their precarious future. Focus. This moment, this desperate, heart-rending moment, was about Matty.

  She walked up the street. Glancing back, she saw Derrick get out of the car and follow her at a safe distance. She took a deep breath. People were filing through the home; condolences to the family were part of every funeral.

  Emma got in the line, many of the women openly weeping, others stony-faced; there were even children present. Once Emma was in the house, she found Luis’s mother accepting condolences from people, seated in a chair near the altar. Luis’s body was in the center on the floor, covered with a white sheet and surrounded by four lighted candles.

  The Montoyas’ loved ones and friends were sharing in a prayer vigil, or velario.

  Emma moved forward as an elderly woman who cried and squeezed Mrs. Montoya’s hands moved off, wiping her eyes. Gabriela Montoya’s eyes were red-rimmed and her cheeks rosy from crying. When Emma reached her, she looked up and her features froze. “You should not be here,” she whispered.

  “I know this is a terrible breach of conduct, but it is imperative that I speak with you privately. Please, Mrs. Montoya. We both have lost so much,” Emma said in Spanish.

  Gabriela heaved a huge sigh and Emma waited, her gut in knots, anticipating her response. If she turned her away, it would be the last best chance to find Matty.

  The woman closed her eyes, then she rose. “Come with me.” Emma followed her into a small room and she closed the door.

  “What is it you wish to speak with me about?”

  “You know why I’m here. You know what your son has done.”

  She brought a tissue up to her nose and blew, wiping vigorously. “Yes, I know all of it. He had no choice. I have no choice.”

  “Yes, you do have a choice. You can choose to do the right thing.” She reached into her jacket and pulled out a photo of Lily and Matty. “This is my sister, Lily. She’s in a coma in the hospital. That’s my nephew, Matthew, but we call him Matty. He was kidnapped and I think you know where he is.”

  A sob caught in her throat as shame and remorse filled her eyes. She clutched the tissue to her mouth, gasping around the sorrow, pain and tears. “Mateo.”

  Emma’s eyes burned, her throat thick as tears welled and slid down her cheeks. “Yes, Matthew. Will you tell me where he is? Please... Gabriela, from a terrified and loving aunt, to a grieving and loving mother. I’m begging you.”

  “He is not far from here,” she whispered and Emma let out a soft, relieved sound.


  “A hacienda in the forest, one that used to belong to the Sanchez family. They were wealthy and prosperous before the cartels took over. Murdered and buried now. That place is the home of a monster. But Gilberto took it over. I work for him and have for many years. He is a bad, bad man, but he is death to those who refuse to do as he says. We couldn’t go against him, but he’s killed my boy anyway. Loose ends, I overheard him say. He ordered with no heart... Flores to kill him and leave his body for the police to find. He wants you and your friend dead.”

  “We aren’t going to give up. Will you help us?”

  “He plans to replace his son Arturo with your nephew. He will make it look like a rival cartel has killed Arturo. But he’s tired of Arturo’s party boy ways.”

  “He’s going to kill Matty’s father?”

  She looked at Emma with a startled expression. “Arturo? No, he isn’t the boy’s father. It’s Gilberto. He is the one.”

  Shock coursed through Emma and she had to take a moment to absorb the information. All this time she thought it was his son who had gotten Lily pregnant, but it hadn’t been. Gilberto wanted a new family legacy. He was going to make Matty in his image, a monster, a dealer in death and addiction. A greedy, ruthless drug lord. Oh, no!

  Emma reached out and clasped the woman’s shoulders. “Where is he? Where? Please tell me.”

  Gabriela sobbed for a few minutes, the sympathy in her eyes thick with her grief. Then she took a breath, her eyes hardening. “I will give you directions, but you will have to be very careful. If he catches you, he will kill you. I will draw a map of the house and where the nursery is. I have already packed a bag for him in case of emergency. It’s in the closet. Don’t forget his medicine in the fridge. He has an ear infection, but he is doing very well.”

  Emma hugged her hard and the woman hugged her back. “I’m sorry for what my son has done. Maybe my actions can redeem him in God’s eyes. I can only pray.” She wrote out the directions, then drew a quick map. “There are guards, but you can avoid them. Go through this path.”

  Emma reached for the door, but Gabriela stopped her with a hand to her arm. “Good luck and may God go with you.”

  Emma covered her hand, then reached into her pocket and pressed some bills into Gabriela’s palm. “Take this for your son as a gift from one he’s wronged. I hope you find peace.”

  She nodded, closing her fist over the money as Emma slipped out the door and made her way past the altar. Derrick was standing just outside the house.

  “I know where he is,” she said, brushing at her tears.

  “That’s great news.”

  “There’s more, Derrick. So much more,” she said grimly.

  * * *

  Derrick absorbed all the information that Emma told him as they raced through the night toward the Ortegas’ place, located at the edge of the forest, according to the map. It was several miles past the Montoyas’ village.

  They would have to be quick and silent to get in and then get the infant out. If he cried, made any noise whatsoever, they were going to be toast.

  When he stopped the sedan, they were far enough away from the hacienda to stay out of sight, but close enough to go through the woods and take the path Gabriela had outlined for them. They exited the vehicle. “Let’s take another look at the map.”

  “Derrick, we need to hurry.” She took a step, and he hauled her around and into his arms.

  He wrapped her tightly against him, stilling her for the moment. “We have to be strategic about this. Let me get our ducks in a row.”

  She tore her gaze away from the path and the lighted house beyond and looked at him. “He’s so close, Derrick.”

  He tightened his hold on her again when she renewed her struggle. “I know. Give me a few more minutes. Trust me, Emma.”

  She relaxed then gave him a nod. “All right.”

  He took the paper from her and studied Gabriela’s drawing, memorizing it, then he handed it back to her. “This is the way we’re handling this. I will go first, neutralize any threat.”

  “What about getting
into the house?”

  “We’ll go in through the kitchen. Everyone should be asleep except the guards. Gilberto and Arturo’s rooms aren’t near the nursery, but the nanny’s room is, so we’ll have to be very careful not to wake her. We’ll go up the back staircase—it’ll bring us close to the baby. We’ll get him and then we’ll hightail it out of there.”

  He pulled out his cell and texted.

  We need extraction thirty minutes from now. We should have the boy. Will advise if not.

  Austin texted back:

  Copy that. Helo inbound. Stay safe.

  The chopper was on standby and would meet them at a small airfield only ten minutes from here.

  Derrick reached back and pulled out a wicked-looking knife. He was in his element, here in the shadows. No one would stand in his way.

  With Emma behind him, they started through the trees. After going a few steps, Derrick spied a man taking a leak near one of the trees. He signaled Emma to stop and Derrick melted into the shadows, his steps so quiet it was as if he’d transformed into a ghost.

  He came up behind the man, and he died without a sound.

  He motioned Emma forward. They walked the rest of the way to the kitchen door without incident, avoiding two patrols. “Keep watch,” he whispered as Emma turned her back to his and he picked the lock.

  He opened the door and stepped inside. Emma went directly to the fridge, opened the door wide enough to grab Matty’s medicine. She tucked it into her jeans pocket. Then in the dim light Derrick, using the memorized map in his head, found the stairs.

  Taking it slow, they climbed to the top. Derrick could hear light snoring coming from the room across from what Gabriela had marked as the nursery. On quiet feet they eased the baby’s door open and quickly ducked inside. Trembling, Emma went directly over to the crib, and she clutched the bars, her face alight with joy, and Derrick held back his own fierce triumph. They weren’t out of the woods yet.

  “Matty, oh my little love.” She reached down and came up with a bundle of blankets and sleepy infant. He looked up at her, his eyes blinking owlishly in the dim light, then he smiled softly and drifted off to sleep.

  “Get the bag in the closet while I get him strapped in,” she whispered low and urgently. As she navigated the confusion of the carrier, snuggling Matty up close to her chest, he didn’t stir. Derrick pulled open the closet door and grabbed the fully stocked bag inside, slinging it over his shoulder.

  At the door, he listened intently, then opened it a crack. Nothing moved; the snoring was still buzzing in the quiet of the house. They slipped out, closing the door behind them, then made their way down the stairs.

  They crept silently across the kitchen and out the door, crouching until Derrick was certain the area was clear.

  “Move and don’t stop for anything,” he said in a gruff whisper. “If I’m not there in five minutes, head to the airfield.”


  “Don’t argue with me, Emma.”

  She ran her hand over Matty’s head, then she leaned over and kissed Derrick, her mouth soft and warm. He closed his eyes, absorbing the aching press of her lips. “Thank you,” she whispered fiercely.

  He cupped her face for a moment, then his hand dropped to her upper back. He gave her a little nudge. “Go.” Her gaze lingered on his for a few more seconds, telling him how much he meant to her in that short moment. His throat got tight.

  She rose and cautiously covered the open ground. He watched her disappear into the trees and he straightened, pulling out the knife. He started to follow, covering her back. There was no way he was going to let her down now. No matter the cost.

  Chapter 14

  Emma clutched Matty as she ran. He opened his eyes a couple of times, but the rocking of her body seemed to soothe him. She looked over her shoulder several times, but couldn’t see Derrick.

  Her emotions were running wild at this point. She was elated to have her nephew back, but terrified about getting them all safely out of Mexico. When she reached the car, she pulled out the keys and stood there, searching the trees for Derrick. She was praying with all her might that he would show up and they could go to the airfield together, her insides twisting with fear. There wasn’t a moment to spare and anything could go wrong.

  A few minutes passed and sweat trickled down her temple, her muscles held in such tense awareness, her body starting to tremble. It was in such contrast to the sweet-cheeked, peacefully sleeping baby in her arms. She held on to the belief that Derrick would show up any minute. How could she leave him behind?

  Her breathing harsh, she paced back and forth, looking down at her nephew. Looking at her watch, a sob caught in her throat.

  It had been six minutes. She couldn’t wait. Torn in two, her heart feeling like it was being ripped from her chest, she started to unstrap the carrier, fear and dread coursing through her.

  “Emma,” Derrick whispered as he broke from the trees, “get in the car.”

  Almost collapsing from the relief, she threw him the keys, which he caught on the run. Jumping inside, she strapped both her and the baby in. Drenched in sweat, Derrick started the car and was soon going back the way they had come.

  They flew over the road and turned down a dirt track to the hidden airstrip. Derrick’s contacts and network had revealed this remote runway was often used by drug runners. It was out of the way, but close enough to Caliche to make it the prime spot for them to catch the Blackhawk.

  When they drove up, Emma was overjoyed to see that the chopper was already on the ground. Without waiting, she threw her door open and started to run for the vehicle.

  A car engine rumbled behind them. She whirled and took cover behind the hood of her car. Derrick was already out and pulling his weapon. He trained his gun on the driver as he stepped out.

  “Hey, what is going on with you two?” Velasco said, his voice confused.

  He stepped forward, but stopped dead when Derrick pointed his gun at him and said, “How did you find us?”

  “We were notified by our government that you had secured the boy and were headed to this airstrip. Reyes called me. He came on ahead.” Velasco’s gaze went to a point behind them. “Hey, there he—”

  A gunshot cracked across the forest, sending birds fluttering into the sky with frightened shrieks. The faint light of dawn was just brightening the horizon. Velasco clutched his chest, a shocked look on his face, betrayal in his eyes as he crumpled to the dirt and lay still.

  They whirled and Emma’s heart climbed into her throat when Inspector Reyes, Arturo Ortega and another man stepped from the cover of the chopper. Arturo looked like the playboy he was, not someone who’d be involved in kidnapping, the ugly world of drug dealing or murder. On the other hand, the man with the coldest, deadest eyes she’d ever seen looked like he fit right in. Her attention shifted to the man who had betrayed them, his oath and his country. Reyes said, “You two are very resourceful. I knew that old woman would give everything up. I should have just taken you out when you were sleeping.”

  “Why didn’t you?” Derrick said, his voice glacial.

  Reyes shrugged and smiled as if they were having a pleasant conversation. “I have a reputation to uphold. I didn’t want you dead in my custody, so many messy explanations.” He chuckled and swept the gun toward Velasco’s prone body. “Now, I’ll just blame everything on Velasco. It’ll look like he was the traitor.”

  “Why?” Emma said, desperate to save her nephew, but seeing no way around this cold, calculating man.

  “Well, the money. Gilberto pays so damn well.” Arturo laughed, while the silent man’s eyes glittered. “I’ve been working for him for quite some time.” He shifted and focused on Derrick, his brow furrowing. “Remember I told you I’d gotten where I am by surviving. You’ve got to play the game. That’s how you contin
ue to breathe.”

  She could see both pilots slumped over in their seats. Emma started to back up, but before she could take another step, Reyes said, “Uh-uh, Emma. I’ll take your nephew. Hand him over to my colleague and your deaths will be quick and painless. The boy will not be harmed. If you don’t...” He shrugged again. “Well, a stray bullet might cut short the boy’s promising future.”

  She squeezed her eyes briefly closed as the man approached her. His blank eyes meeting hers, he smiled and said, “Give me the boy.”

  She looked at Derrick with an anguished expression. He sighed heavily and she could see he was calculating his odds. With a resigned but furious nod, he told Emma they had no choice.

  Awash with a whole storm of emotion, she uttered a broken cry and convulsively tightened her hold on Matty. She trembled from head to toe, leaving her emotionally suspended. Oh, no. Oh, God, no. Something broke loose in her. The man grasped the baby and it was all Emma could do not to fight him. He ripped the boy out of the carrier and from her arms. Then the man shoved her back against the car. Her nephew woke up with a start. He took one look at the man’s face, burst into tears as he twisted his body and reached for her. Derrick caught her against him, watching the man with eyes that promised retribution. He laughed and walked around them, casually stepping over Velasco’s body. The sound of an engine broke the dawn’s stillness as a Lincoln pulled up and the man with the empty eyes set Matty into the backseat.

  Arturo passed her and Derrick caught his arm. Arturo looked at him as if he wasn’t clean enough to touch his shirtsleeve. “Your father’s going to kill you, Arturo,” Derrick said. Reyes backhanded Derrick with the gun and he was knocked back into the car.

  “That’s a lie,” Reyes said, giving Arturo a smile. “He’s just trying to manipulate you.”

  Emma clutched at Derrick as he glared at Reyes. “No,” she said brokenly. Feeling as if she was trapped in a nightmare, Emma stared in horror at the back of the man who had Matty, whose wails were deep and urgent, tearing at her heart. Transfixed in shock, her numb reaction turning to a chilling sense of helplessness as she watched Velasco smile again, form his finger into a gun and point it at her. “Pow,” he said. His laughter cut off as he got into the backseat with Matty. Arturo, his expression haughty and smug, got into the front passenger seat.


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