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Page 4

by Bramble, Casey

  The lady who greeted her was absolutely gorgeous. Rich brown hair was piled atop her head in what at first looked to be in total disarray but in truth was immaculately coifed. The make-up was perfect, hiding any blemishes, which Sarah doubted were numerous if not flat out non-existent, without being garish or heavy. The saleslady wore a tight brown skirt with a white shirt with small ruffles down the middle. Brown stockings and heels that were both fashionable and comfortable finished the look of a woman with taste but a job to do. Sarah, who hadn’t worn make-up in two years that she could remember, felt very drab next to this paragon of grace.

  “I’m Sarah Petty.” She finally stammered after collecting her thoughts. “I have an appointment.”

  “You’re Raven’s friend, right? She told me that you’re attending the ball with her tonight. My name is Veronica.”

  Sarah smiled sheepishly, still feeling completely out of place. “I wouldn’t say friends, really. We just met yesterday but she won a bet and I have to go to this party with her.”

  The brunet gave a friendly chuckle. “Count yourself lucky. I lost a bet to her last time she visited and I had to sing the Valentria anthem in front of everybody. I was so embarrassed.”

  The two girls shared laughter before the saleswoman wrapped her arm in Sarah’s and led her to the stairs. “Have you had lunch yet?” She asked, to which Sarah shook her head no. “Oh good. Our chef has prepared veal medallions simmered in a lobster sauce, with a blue cheese salad and boysenberry dressing as a side.”

  “I can’t afford to eat here.” Sarah explained as they reached the top of the stairs and turned left, the fact that customers who came to buy clothes sometimes sat down to a five star meal not really surprising in the world of wealth she currently found herself transported to.

  Veronica told her that it was all part of the package deal and that she wouldn’t need to pay a dime as they entered wide double doors. Eight tables sat in two rows of four, unlit candles in the middle of each. Wide bay windows allowed in sunlight and the plush green carpeting was soft enough that Sarah felt a difference between it and the marble floor even in her heavy work boots. A young man, probably only a year or two younger than Sarah, greeted them both with a smile.

  “Stan, this is Ms. Petty, Raven’s friend that we were told to expect.” The sandy haired server bowed graciously as Sarah asked that she just be called Sarah.

  “May I take your coat, Sarah?” Stan reached for the garment. As he placed it over a nearby coat rack, Veronica turned a sharp eye to their guest.

  “Sarah, I need to measure you, if you don’t mind.” The blonde girl nodded and the brunet placed her hands on Sarah’s hips, moved them up to her shoulders then produced a pad and pen from some invisible pocket and jotted down numbers before looking at Sarah again. “Raven says that you’re a blacksmith, right?”

  Sarah started to feel anxious again and wondered if now these people were going to make fun of her. “Yes I am. Does that matter?”

  Veronica smiled, “Well of course it does. You see, many of the women who shop here rarely get any form of exercise. At Lafitte’s we strive to accentuate a person’s natural beauty rather than just provide expensive garments. In your case, I could tell by the tightness of your hips that you’re in shape. Since you’re a blacksmith, your arms will be well toned. Add in the fact you have flawless skin, I think that an opened back gown will be the most appropriate for tonight. Maybe something dark blue to go with your eyes.”

  Sarah nodded slowly. “You’re very good.”

  The saleswoman took the compliment graciously, “I’m expected to be. Everyone who works here is trained with the idea of perfect comfort for our guest. Although, to let you in on a little secret, Raven requested that I take care of you this afternoon. She seemed to think our personalities would get along well.”

  The blonde girl smiled and stuck out her hand, “Well I’m glad that Raven has such good taste, Veronica.”

  The brunet shook the offered hand firmly and said, “So am I, Sarah. Now I’ll let Stan take care of you for the next forty-five minutes or so while I go get everything ready.” With that, Veronica turned and left the dining room as Stan escorted Sarah to her seat.

  Stan showed Sarah to a table near the balcony were she could look out over the street. One group of children was having a water gun fight at one end, while a different group seemed to be playing hide-and-seek at the other. The chair she was sitting on was the softest leather she had ever encountered. Warm to the touch, in molded to her body perfectly. Stan asked her what she would like to drink and with a smile, Sarah said she didn’t think they had any sweet tea in the back. The server nodded and disappeared to the back for a moment, reappearing with a large glass of amber liquid and a basket of warm croissants.

  Sarah gingerly took a sip of tea, surprised it was iced but still expecting it to be unsweetened. She was happy to realize that not only was it sweet but that it was also the best tea she had ever drank. “I didn’t think fancy places like this would have sweet tea.” She mused out loud, forgetting for a moment that Stan was standing right next to the table.

  “We only make it when Raven comes in. She’s very insistent on having it.” He explained.

  The woman at the table sat her glass down and peered at him for a moment. “Can you tell me anything at all about her, Stan?”

  “Not much, I’m afraid.”

  “Oh, right. You’re probably sworn to some kind of secrecy by the store. Sorry I asked.”

  Stan laughed, “No, nothing like that. It’s just that there isn’t anything much to tell. Raven and her sisters come in at least once a month. Sometimes their mother comes with them but that’s pretty rare, usually about twice a year.”

  “What about her friends? I’m sure she’s brought them in before.” Sarah took another sip of tea and buttered two pieces of bread, offering one to Stan.

  The server politely declined but continued the conversation, “Not in the two years I’ve been working here, she hasn’t. It’s always struck me as being a little odd, honestly.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “I’m sure you’ve heard about memberships to Lafitte’s. We only have around a hundred members at any one time. Raven and her family are five of those. Being a member is something of a status symbol and half of our customers are people like you; people who are guest of a member who is trying to impress someone.”

  Sarah nodded slowly while chewing on a piece of bread. “I can see how some people would be impressed.”

  Stan smiled and continued. “The odd thing is you are the first person she has ever extended a guest pass to, at least as far as I know.”

  She started to ask another question but a soft ringing from the kitchen interrupted her. Stan excused himself with a slight bow and disappeared, for a moment, returning with the salad. He sat the bowl down, with a small cup of dressing on the side. Asking if she needed anything else at the moment, he returned to the kitchen, leaving Sarah alone in her thoughts.

  Just as she was finishing the last bite of lunch, Veronica came back saying that the dress was ready, if Sarah was. She followed the saleswoman back down the stairs and into a dressing room where a dark blue dress was hanging on the back of the door.

  Sarah sighed dreamily as the material slid over her skin. It breathed easily and wasn’t heavy in the slightest, something she had wondered about given the sheer volume of material being stuck on someone used to jeans and shirts.

  After pirouetting so Veronica could make adjustments, Sarah wistfully took off the garment and allowed herself to be lead down to the salon where her hair and makeup were fixed.

  Finally everything was ready. Sarah had been dressed for half an hour or so and was wasting time looking over the jewelry in the cases when a familiar voice in her ear made her jump.

  “You look stunning.” Raven whistled appreciatively. “Are you about ready?”

  “No, but I guess we have to go anyway.” Sarah was now having second thoughts about going t
o the party but a deal was a deal so she reluctantly got in the car.

  A short trip through the city later they stopped in front of a huge building even fancier-- if that was possible-- than Lafitte’s Boutique. Sarah looked for a place to hide but found herself stuck as the door was opened and a man offered his hand. Only a reassuring smile from Raven made her get out of the car despite desperately wanting to stay right where she was, but get out she did and instantly regretted that decision.

  Throngs of people milled behind partition ropes on either side of a long red carpet that ran from the street up to the doors of the Collinson Hotel. People dressed in incredibly expensive looking clothes were walking up the carpet in pairs, men in their finely tailored suits and women in dresses meant to show off the amount of wealth the wearer possessed. Sarah felt drab, out of place and a strange buzzing noise filled her ears. Mechanically she shuffled forward when Raven tugged on her arm.

  “You’ll get used to it in a little bit.” Raven whispered as flash bulbs popped around them. Sarah didn’t want to get used to it and really just wanted to leave right then but that option vanished as soon as they were inside.

  “Okay, here’s how this works.” Raven took the blonde’s hand in her own to stop Sarah from fidgeting. “They will announce me, and then say, ‘Escorted tonight by Ms. Sarah Petty’. We walk in, your arm on top of mine, our fingers slightly entwined. We pause for a moment at the end of the carpet, nod slightly once and then mingle. Easy as pie.”

  Sarah look flustered and not at all pleased to be where she currently was. “Should I smile?” she asked nervously. Going to a party was one thing but a gala held in the fanciest hotel in the country was not what she had bargained for. Plus she was someone’s escort, to be announced in front of the most powerful and influential people in Vestavia. If not for Raven’s hand on hers, she still had every intention of running away, fairy tale dreams about poor princesses be damned.

  Raven cocked her head to one side. “Don’t you like hanging out with me?”

  “Of course I do.” Sarah was to busy gawking at the ritzy hotel to really pay attention.

  “So why wouldn’t you smile?”

  So Sarah put on a huge smile, showing off all of her teeth and straining the corners of her lips.

  Raven’s eyes widened in surprise, and then narrowed. “Uhmmm… that looks really uncomfortable.”

  “Well it fits my mood”, Sarah muttered darkly before asking how she should smile, since Raven was the danged expert.

  “Like you’re having a pleasant thought.” Raven suggested. “Let’s both think about the fact we’re opening a brand new shop.”

  A true smile etched itself on Sarah’s face and Raven mirrored it. The two stood silent for a moment in the foyer, staring at each other while the muffled sounds of the ball drifted out to them. Raven started to say something but was interrupted.

  “Raven, Sarah. They’re ready to announce you.” A man’s voice called from somewhere above.

  Raven held her right arm straight at the elbow and Sarah placed her left on top. Their fingers intertwined and the redhead felt her heart skip a beat, which was weird because she’d never been nervous at these things before. “Just remember to keep smiling.” she whispered to Sarah.

  The large doors swung open and the noise of the ball fell silent. Sarah could feel five hundred pairs of eyes scrutinizing her as she shifted her feet uncomfortably. It took every bit of self control she possessed to not run screaming back outside. Then the music died down and an expectant hush filled the room. From everywhere a loud voice announced; “Presenting the Lady Branwyen Chandlish of Valentria, escorted tonight by Ms. Sarah Petty of Vestavia.”


  The girl was restless and slid into the chair in front of the fire. She crossed and uncrossed her legs repeatedly before getting up and picking out a book from the shelf.

  With a sigh of great annoyance she finally lay down on a couch that had somehow appeared in place of the chair. Nothing very interesting was going to happen tonight so she might as well get comfortable.

  The shadow rolled in darkness, a terrible beast aching to be free of its chains. Soon the girl would have to release it. Soon it could kill.

  Raven bit her tongue to keep from crying out as Sarah’s fingers locked tighter on her own. She glanced to her escort, who was smiling calmly as if she wasn’t in the process of crushing a fellow human’s bones in a vice-like grip. I’m gonna get fussed at for this one, the redhead figured gloomily.

  For her part, Sarah managed to keep from yelling at her new business partner. Yes she was ticked at Raven for not telling her who she was, but also at herself for not figuring it out. Felicity, Rebekah, Branwyen, and Amanda; the four daughters of the noble house of Chandlish, the richest and most powerful family in all of Florence. Rumors held that they could trace their lineage back to the Fall of Azaroth, if one believed such things. Of course, Sarah decided she couldn’t be blamed too much for not catching on at first. She never paid attention to the comings and goings of the upper class, having long ago realized that they had as much effect on her life as the stars did.

  Still, she should’ve been warned.

  Two women, the one in lavender wishing someone had made her gloves out of iron instead of silk and the one in dark blue doing her best to pop off the other’s fingers at the knuckle, strolled down the red carpet, smiling. After the assembled party goers had clapped politely, Sarah started to drag Raven to the nearest unoccupied corner when a young woman dressed in a forest green gown rushed up and wrapped her arms around Raven. “Bless the five”, Raven nearly shouted, shaking her hand free from Sarah’s grasp and hugging the other girl back.

  “Raven, how’ve you been?” The black haired girl squealed in delight.

  “Been good Kelly, how about you?” Raven stepped back and introduced the two girls. “Sarah, this is Kelly Masterson. We went to finishing school together.”

  Sarah smiled warmly and accepted Kelly’s outstretched hand with a friendly shake. “So she doesn’t know your real name either?” The words that dropped from Sarah’s lips and the withering glance she gave Raven belied her genial demeanor.

  Kelly just laughed. “Nobody does at first. She introduced herself to me as Raven the first day of school and she’s been Raven ever since.”

  ‘Why is that’, Sarah wondered to herself.

  As if reading her mind, Raven shrugged, “Sis gave me that nickname when we were younger. It stuck.”

  “So how do you and Raven know each other, Sarah?” Kelly sensed that Sarah was still a little put off and tried to lighten the mood.

  “Lady Chandlish has asked me to be her business partner.” Sarah responded, making sure she used Raven’s title because she was still fuming over the fact she hadn’t been told from the beginning that her future partner was nobility. Going by a nickname was well and good with friends, but business partners! Was this the kind of treatment she could expect once they actually opened the shop?

  “Kelly,” Sarah’s voice dripped with honey, “do you mind showing me to the buffet table?” Raven was hungry too and started to follow but Sarah turned a chilling eye towards her. “I’m sure nobility has servants to bring their dinners.”

  As Kelly and Sarah walked towards the tables set up in the back of the hall, Kelly glanced over her shoulder at Raven who mouthed the words, “fix this”.

  Kelly nodded once before she and Sarah were lost among a sea of rustling petticoats and penguin suits as the band struck up a quick waltz.

  When they reached the table Sarah nearly blanched at the sight of so much food. At one end, there were steamed crab legs and boiled lobster. At the other, various fruits, vegetables and cheeses spread over silver platters with what she guessed were dipping sauces in bowls with ladles sticking out. In front of her were thinly sliced pieces of meat, simmering in a brownish sauce with chunks of mushrooms floating on top. Different types of bread were placed strategically between the three different
types of food.

  “What looks good tonight?” Kelly’s voice broke through Sarah’s astonishment.

  “Everything?” She answered, still staring. An unladylike rumble in her stomach reminded Sarah that she hadn’t eaten since lunch at Lafitte’s hours ago.

  “I believe we will try the lamb. Thank you.” Kelly nodded to a young man dressed in a stiff white jacket and black pants. The server, barely sixteen, produced a crystal plate and small fork for both of the ladies and placed two pieces of meat on each. Sarah smiled her thanks and followed Kelly to the far end of the tables, where another server was filling flumes with champagne.

  After they had their food and drinks, the girls sat down on one of the many chairs sat up around the main dance floor. Sarah looked confused for a moment and asked how she was supposed to eat while holding her drink. Kelly said that the great thing about the dresses they were wearing is that they made wonderful tables. She demonstrated by putting her plate in her lap, where the ruffles held the plate in place while she used her fork to delicately slice a piece of lamb. The glass of champagne stayed in her left hand the entire time and Sarah was suitably impressed enough to try it herself. To her surprise, it worked a lot better than she had hoped. The edge of the fork slid into the lamb smoothly. This style of eating wouldn’t have been possible with the steaks she was used to but with meat this tender it worked like a charm.

  They ate in silence for a moment before yet another server in white jacket and black pants bowed his head to them and asked if they would like another glass of wine. Sarah, having already finished her glass, said yes. She and the young man stared at each other for a moment before Sarah sheepishly realized he was waiting for her empty. She handed him the flume and he left.


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