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Page 11

by Bramble, Casey

  The sales pitch was interrupted by Sarah loudly clearing her throat. She finally recognized the woman. “I think Ms. Berksdale is here for a job interview.”

  Raven’s eyes widened in wonder and she sounded impressed. “How do you know? Are you psychic?”

  Sarah handed Raven the application, wondering if her business partner ever paid attention to anything. Quickly the redhead skimmed over it.

  “Okay, so where does your husband work?” Raven seemed intent on doing this interview so Sarah leaned back to watch.

  Beverly told them her husband was a laborer doing construction jobs around town but money was always a little tight. Since Alma was about to start school, she decided that taking on a job would help.

  Studying the application, Raven barely glanced at Sarah before saying, “You’re hired. Two-hundred and fifty gullions a week, full insurance and two weeks vacation a year plus seven personal days. We open at eight in the morning and close at five Monday through Friday. Start tomorrow.”

  Sarah’s mouth hung open. “Uhmmm… Raven, don’t you think we should discuss it first?”


  Thanks for putting me on the spot, Sarah inwardly fumed. Thinking of the most polite way to phrase her words, she forced a smile,”We have to do background checks on all applicants. There are things we have to look at and discuss.”

  Raven rubbed her chin thoughtfully. “Alright, Beverly if you steal from us there isn’t a place in the world where my family can’t reach you. We have a deal?”

  It was Beverly’s turn to look startled but she managed to nod her head twice and tried to say something that sounded like, “Yes, Lady Branwyen.”

  “Okay that’s settled. Now let’s go get some lunch.” Raven grabbed the still irate Sarah and dragged her out of the room.

  A soft, misting rain fell from slate gray skies. The water soothed Sarah’s cheeks that were still flushed with anger. No sooner had they settled down to lunch when a castle guard interrupted them. Raven had been summoned by Her Grace again so Sarah grudgingly came along. They walked through the castle doors without knocking and immediately a serving girl rushed forward to take their coats.

  “I’ll be right back, Lil’bit.” Raven promised, “I have to go grab something from my room and then we’ll go see what Elspeth wants.”

  So Sarah waited for five minutes, then she waited another five. She was about to get up and explore the castle when a loud bell chimed. A maid she hadn’t noticed hurried from a corner to open the front door. Sarah grinned and decided some things were worth waiting for.

  “Ms. Sarah, what a pleasant surprise.” Daniel Blackstone bowed graciously in the castle entrance way. Sarah demurely offered her hand. He brushed his lips against the soft skin and smiled while the maid shut the door and disappeared from view.

  “I would have thought you would be at your shop this afternoon. You seem to be doing a lot of business.”

  “You’re at the top of my to-do list.” Sarah’s face burned crimson with embarrassment when she realized what she said. “I mean I’m making your sword first.”

  Daniel chuckled, “I can hardly wait. I’ve noticed you are the finest blacksmith in Florence, as well as the most beautiful.” He gave one of his patented grins, perfectly designed to melt any woman who saw it. It worked but Sarah recovered herself enough to ask what brought Daniel to the castle.

  “Business, and a request seeing that you’re here.”

  “Which am I?” Sarah thoroughly enjoyed the direction this conversation was headed.

  “As soon as I deliver these reports, there is something I’d like to ask you.” Daniel handed a thick stack of envelops to the maid waiting nearby, with instructions that they be given to Lady Chandlish as soon as possible. The maid bowed her head and vanished.

  “What are they?” Those papers could have been a map to a buried treasure and Sarah couldn’t have cared less.

  “Just the annual medical reports.”

  Sarah murmured something to make it seem like she was really interested then asked if Daniel would like to have a seat in the parlor.

  “No, thank you.” Daniel licked his lips nervously before taking Sarah’s hand in his. “Ms. Petty, may I have the honor of escorting you to dinner one evening?”

  She maintained a calm exterior but beneath the façade Sarah was bouncing with joy. The richest, most handsome guy she had ever met was asking her on a date. It was her childhood dreams come true. Oh she was going; oh heck yes she was going and Daniel would be taking her.

  “I would be delighted, Daniel.” Sarah jerked rigid as if someone had just thrown a bucket of ice water down her back.

  “Looks like Sarah caught herself a man.” Bekah’s words floated accusingly from the stairs.

  “Seems like it, Sis.” Raven’s voice joined her sister’s.

  “I think he wants to kiss her.” Mandy was there too.

  Sarah saw her fear reflected in Daniel’s eyes. All three redheaded Chandlish sisters together, being almost polite, meant that something was about to go horribly awry. Not daring to look up the stairs, Sarah and Daniel shared the same hope that something-- anything-- would show up to distract the demon sisters and their assistant imp. It didn’t.

  “You might be right, Mandy. But I bet he’s flirted with every woman in the house except me.” Raven complained.

  “And me.” Bekah sounded offended.

  “He’s never flirted with any of us.” Mandy bellyached.

  Sarah cringed.

  “You’re married.” Raven and Bekah pointed out in unison.

  “He didn’t before I was married.”

  “So he’s flirted with mom and Felicity, who are both brunettes, and most of the maids.” Bekah sounded like she was enjoying herself which didn’t help calm Sarah who wondered who would feed Snuffles in the event of her untimely demise.

  “Now Sarah, who is very much a blonde.” Mandy sang the words “a blonde” way to cheerfully. Daniel could see where this was going and knew what was expected of him. Fortunately he could be very charming when the need arose.

  “Maybe he doesn’t think redheads are pretty?” Raven’s voice was full of sorrow and Sarah knew right then that something was about to go boom.

  Tales of heroism when confronted by immeasurable odds inspire the human soul to greater strength in the face of sure defeat. Bravery becomes story. Story becomes legend. Legend becomes a clarion call to those who struggle against oppressive forces. Hundreds, even thousands of poems and stories have been told of a warrior’s valor in combat. The songs of bards pass from generation to generation describing in epic detail the heated pitch of a last desperate battle. In Sarah’s opinion, they were nothing to the courage Daniel displayed at that moment.

  He turned to face the three sisters, who were standing about half way down the stairs with their arms crossed, trying his best to avoid what promised to be a very bad time. “Ladies, of course I think each of you is quite lovely. It’s just that, up until now, I’ve lacked the words to pay sufficient homage to your beauty.”

  “So you’re a dullard?” Bekah didn’t sound too sure of that excuse.

  “No, of course not, it’s just that I was nervous. What is the old expression? Red on the head--“

  “Fire in the hand!” Mandy finished enthusiastically.

  “I believe its fire in the hole.” Daniel flashed his most disarming smile. Sarah stood frozen in abject fear.

  “No, no Daniel.” Bekah corrected him.

  “It’s definitely fire in the hand.” Mandy giggled.

  “See.” Raven said. The three sisters held up their right hands, each holding a shimmering fireball.

  Sarah broke for the room to the left as an explosion roared behind her. The shock wave nearly knocked her off her feet but she kept running. She could hear yelling. Two of them were after Daniel and the third, she didn’t know which, was after her.

  After dashing through another doorway into a sitting room, and convincing herself that es
cape was possible, something warm and heavy tackled her from behind. Sarah twisted until she was lying flat on her back with Raven straddling her stomach. They wrestled briefly but though Sarah was stronger, Raven had the advantage of being on top. Finally the blonde surrendered.

  “So what’re you going to do now?” She panted, still struggling feebly.

  “I don’t know.” Raven stuck out her tongue but she was breathing a little heavy as well. “Maybe I should steal that kiss Daniel was hoping for.”

  “Oh, so you want to kiss me?”

  “You want to try and stop me?”

  Yes—No, Sarah wasn’t sure. Before she could answer, Raven’s weight shifted slightly. Gentle fingers stroked her cheek and Sarah closed her eyes, still not sure what was happening. Her lips parted of their own accord; her nose filled with the scent of boysenberry.

  “We caught him Sis!” Bekah stomped through the door, dragging a pleading Daniel by the scruff of his jacket. Mandy followed, gently admonishing the young man for not being attracted to redheads. Daniel proclaimed vehemently that redheads were most beautiful creatures on earth. Raven pulled Sarah up by the arm.

  The Furies carefully eyed their captives, trying to decide the best form of punishment. Sarah and Daniel, both abandoning any hope of escape, sat meekly on the couch not knowing which sister they wanted to win.

  “We could tie them up naked in front of the court house.” Raven tossed out the first idea. Sarah couldn’t tell if she was joking.

  “No. Mom said we’d be grounded after last time hit the papers. Although if we didn’t put up the sign again.” Bekah was putting a lot of thought into this. Sarah didn’t think they were joking.

  “We could make him kiss each of us.” Mandy suggested. Daniel perked up at the suggestion and even dared voice his approval of the plan.

  Bekah shook her head. “I can see where kissing Sis would be punishment but not us. Isn’t that right Daniel?” She glared haughtily at the man while he fidgeted with a button on his jacket.

  “Absolutely right, Rebekah.” Daniel’s was still convinced he could charm his way out. Sarah knew he’d just made a life altering mistake but decided on keeping silent. She had enough money to buy her own dinner.

  “So kissing me is a punishment?” Raven sounded offended and started fake crying on Mandy’s shoulder. “He’s so mean.” The words were muffled but still clearly audible.

  “No, I mean, I- of course not, Branwyen. I would love to kiss you.” Daniel was showing signs of panic. Sarah took a sudden interest in how lavishly painted the ceiling in this room really was.

  “So now you’re saying you don’t agree with me?” The tone matched the curl of Bekah’s lips. “Plus,” She ignored Daniel’s fervent pleading, “you made Sis cry. Bad, bad Daniel, we’ll have to punish you.”

  Holding up a cord of rope she somehow kept hidden in her pocket, Raven sniffled. “I just happened to have this. Lucky, huh?”

  Mandy clapped, Bekah grinned, and Daniel tried begging for mercy. Sarah calmly wondered how hard it was to paint a ceiling that high.

  “Lady Branwyen,” The maid from earlier stood in the doorway. Sarah didn’t know if it was due to her outstanding professionalism or simply that she had become used to such sights, but the girl didn’t bat an eyelash despite walking into a scene where a half-naked man was in the process of being trussed up by three giggling she-beasts. “Her Grace wishes to see you in the chambers.”

  Raven muttered and disentangled herself from the pile of limbs. After thanking Daniel for being so fun, she followed the maid through a door in the back of the room. Bekah and Mandy didn’t like their entertainment being prematurely ended so decided to cause some more trouble. After Sarah untied his hands, Daniel took a seat next to her. She took a moment to note that he looked even better, if it were possible, without a shirt on.

  “Now where were we?” He appeared remarkably nonplused all things considered.

  “I believe I was about to accept your invitation to dinner Wednesday night.” Perfectly playing the part of the blushing damsel, Sarah dropped her eyes and gave a half smile.

  “Then I shall pick you up at seven.” Daniel stood. “Now I must be going. Unfortunately those three always manage to make me late somehow.” He bowed and kissed her hand for the second time. After watching him leave, Sarah threw herself backwards onto the couch with a satisfied grin.

  “What do you want Elspeth?” Raven was not happy because they had decided to put Daniel on the 5 o’clock train, but would never make it in time now.

  Elspeth and Stephen looked up, not even bothering to fuss at the pale girl for her rudeness as she took a seat in front of the desk.

  “We want to invite Sarah to receive the mark of the White Rose.” Elspeth hoped to shock her adopted daughter by this announcement.

  “Already? You’ve barely known her a month. How do the others feel?” Raven jerked up bolt straight in her chair, feelings of worry and pride fighting for position in her face.

  Elspeth smiled. Raven was rarely caught by surprise and it was when people were surprised that they were easiest to read. “Sarah is a co-owner of a Chandlish business and a good friend to Valentria’s royal family.” The Duchess explained. “Her safety is very important.”

  “As for your sisters,” Raven mentally noted that Els didn’t refer to them as ‘my daughters’ and that meant she was being nice, “they haven’t been told yet. You know her best so let me ask you this; do you trust Sarah Petty enough to allow her into our family and to bear our mark?”

  She’d been expecting this, had counted on it in fact, but Raven made a show of thinking it over, not wanting to appear too anxious. “Yes ma’am. I believe Sarah to be above reproach in every way. She is both honest and honorable.”

  “Very well, I shall put it to a vote to the rest of our family.” Elspeth peeked at Stephen who voiced his concurrence.

  “Petty was one of the most honest men I have ever met. I find it hard to believe Sarah to be dissimilar from her father. I vote yes.”

  Elspeth patted her step-daughter’s shoulder affectionately. “I’m proud to see how well you’re doing, Branwyen. If your mother and father were here they would say the same thing.”

  “Thank you Elspeth. And you too Stephen.” Raven hugged the large man who accepted it despite rarely allowing anyone to touch him. “Let me know as soon as you can, please.”

  Elspeth smiled warmly, “Of course I will, Branwyen.”

  When she left the office, Raven warily trudged up the stairs to the room she and Bekah shared. Her older sister was already waiting and looked up as Raven closed the door. With a swipe of her hand, a hidden rune was activated that made the room soundproof.

  “We were right. They asked Sarah to receive the mark.” Raven told her, sitting down on the bed.

  Bekah’s jaw clenched. “That was quicker than I expected. They must’ve realized you can’t be tracked anymore.”

  “Yeah, and that’s going to make things trickier but now we can make sure Lil’bit can’t be blamed in any way.”

  “It’s about to get very dangerous, Sis.” Bekah placed her hand on top of Raven’s. “We can always call the whole thing off.”

  Raven tried putting on a brave front. “No, we have to find out who the spy is. I’ll be fine.”

  “And your little problem?” Bekah stared at her little sister, her best friend, with real worry.

  “We have the congreve crystals only we know about. I’ll call you and make sure we take care of it before there are any emergencies.”

  Bekah pulled Raven closer and the two sat alone in the world.


  “COME BACK HERE YOU FURRY LITTLE THIEF!” Raven barreled through the doorway into the living room, chasing Snuffles who held a large purple pillow in his mouth. The prairie-thumper ducked behind the couch. Raven feinted right; Snuffles took off to the left.

  “Sarah, make him give it back.” Raven cried. Snuffles backed into a corner and s
hook the pillow vigorously.

  Sarah was having none of it. Daniel would be here in a few minutes for their date and she’d be damned if anything was going to ruin her makeover. She and Liz had gone shopping that morning and Sarah was happy to discover the money they were making from the shop made it easy to buy something nice to wear. She wasn’t going to be buying more clothes from Lafitte’s anytime soon, but for someone who had been shifting through bargain bins a few months ago just buying something new was extremely gratifying.

  Still the two were an amusing distraction that helped pass the time, and it was an epic battle. Snuffles dove under the couch. Raven leapt on top thinking to corner him. Snuffles darted for safety but Raven timed her jump and caught a corner of the pillow. A fierce tug-of-war ensued with neither combatant willing to give ground.

  Before she could decide who deserved the victory, Sarah heard a knock at the door. Happily ignoring the two growling creatures in her living room, she opened it with a smile.

  Positively radiating charm, Daniel bowed his head in greeting. Sarah invited him in and instantly regretted it. There was a loud ripping sound followed by hundreds of downy feathers filling the room. Buoyed by the ceiling fan they danced like snow.

  Raven felt the effects of gravity much more severely. With a surprised squeak she fell into a high back chair which tumbled over with a resounding crash. The irate redhead stared upside down at Daniel and Sarah.

  “I hate that damned critter.” She muttered. The critter in question proudly sauntered over to Sarah, the torn pillow case held in its mouth like a trophy.

  The blonde bent over to pick up the soggy material and patted Snuffles affectionately. “Good boy. Did you steal that from the mean ol’ redhead? You’re mommy’s good boy, yes you are.”

  “Hey Raven.” Daniel waved.

  Raven grunted and rolled over.

  “Don’t wait up.” Sarah closed the door but before it latched heard Raven saying something about wombat stew.

  Sarah watched as Daniel refilled her wine glass and remembered that it hadn’t been too long ago she was worried about how to pay for groceries. Now here she was, having dinner at the nicest restaurant she’d ever seen. Things had definitely worked out for the best since she’d moved to Valentria.


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