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Dare to Surrender

Page 12

by Jeanne St. James

  Standing at the stove, she turned her head to glance at him over her shoulder. Her long dark blonde hair fell loose down her back and over her shoulders as her sky-blue eyes stared at him in question.

  He cleared his throat. “Are those the clothes that Rayne brought over yesterday?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  His eyes skirted down her back and settled on her perfectly shaped ass gripped tightly in the stretchy material. Fuck him. Those pants hugged every curve she had.

  This was crazy. He never wanted a woman so badly. He could only guess it was because he got a taste of her and his appetite was whetted. Though, he’d had plenty of women when he was younger, none had captured his attention enough for him to go back for seconds.

  For some reason, he couldn’t get enough of Olivia Holloway.

  This was all Eli’s fault. He was the one who was interested in her in the first place, he was the one who put the thoughts into his head. Now it was Grant who felt like he was drowning.

  He needed to come up for air because he loved Eli more than anything and he didn’t need his sexual desires screwing that up. He wanted nothing or nobody to ever come between them.

  Liv had no idea the power she currently held over the two of them. They were both like stud dogs panting over a bitch in heat.

  Maybe it was just because it had been so long since either one of them had been with a woman and they had needed to experience it once again. At first, he thought being with Liv last night would only remind him why he preferred men.

  But he’d been wrong. And that worried him.

  How he got from leaning back against the counter, to encircling Liv in his arms, pressing his cock against that round ass of hers, licking her neck and brushing his thumbs over her tight nipples, he’d never know. One minute he was lost in his thoughts, the next he was molesting their guest.

  Though, it wasn’t really molesting since she was gasping, whimpering and encouraging his actions. She should really be discouraging him instead. At least until after dinner and most definitely until after Eli came home.

  But, holy hell, he suddenly felt the same draw to the woman that Eli must have felt immediately when he found her at the office.

  Now he kind of understood. Only kind of, since he was still struggling to understand his own reaction.

  “I want to fuck you,” he whispered against the skin of her neck, his hand slid up from her breast and he pressed it to her throat.

  “Yes,” she hissed.

  “We can’t. Not right now. We have to wait.” Though he made no move to back away.


  “Because it’s not smart. Not only because this is new, but it’s not fair to Eli. He needs to be included. If the three of us are going to have sex, it needs to be the three of us together, not separately. At least in the beginning...”

  “The beginning,” she repeated softly.

  When she repeated that, it hit Grant what he’d said. He made it sound as though this would continue. At least for a while. Like this wouldn’t end as soon as they got her mess straightened out and Randall Dean was behind bars for murder.

  Because he was sure as soon as that happened, she’d be moving out and moving on. She’d get a degree, a better job, have a better place to live and get back to her independent self.

  “I agree.” The low, deep voice came from the entranceway from the hall to the kitchen.

  Grant stilled but didn’t move away from Liv. He didn’t want to appear guilty, like he was doing anything wrong. He turned his head to give his husband a welcoming smile.

  “Sorry that you caught us in a compromising position.” He kept his voice light.

  Eli moved farther into the room, carrying packages. One was from a big-box electronic store and the other from a well-known computer store. Trey must have come through. Or at least Rayne had kept the man on track.

  “I can’t blame you, mon amour. Elle est irrésistible, non?”

  Yes, she certainly was irresistible. But Grant was relieved to see that Eli didn’t seem angry at all. He decided to answer in French. “Désolé, la tentation de la plier sur le comptoir et de l’avoir est presque trop forte.” He decided to confess his desire to bend Liv over the counter and fuck her. They needed to remain completely open with each other if this was going to work.

  “Mais tu ne l’as pas fait.”

  But you didn’t, Grant translated in his head.

  Eli continued, “That’s all that matters. Mon amour, if we are going to teach Olivia French, we need to follow it with English when we speak it. Agreed?”

  “Yes, agreed. Do you want to learn French, Liv?” Grant asked as he extracted himself from her and stepped away.

  “Yes, I’d love to. I’m not sure how much I’ll pick up in the next few days, but, hey, just learning a few words would be cool.”

  Grant’s eyes slid to Eli and the darker man tilted his head in response. Eli placed the packages on the kitchen table and moved up to him, grabbing his T-shirt and pulling Grant to him. Then Eli’s mouth hit his, giving him a deep, cock-hardening kiss. Though, Grant was already hard from Liv.

  “I didn’t give you that,” Eli murmured against his lips.


  Eli stared him in the eyes for a moment then moved away and over to Liv. He brushed a hand over her long hair, then, with a hand to her back, leaned into her, peering over her shoulder. “What are you making?”

  “I make a mean Lemon Chicken.”

  “Mmm. Smells great and so do you.” Eli nuzzled Liv’s neck, then slid the hand from her back down until he cupped her ass. “Ça te dérange que je te touche? Do you mind me touching you?”

  “You’re asking a little too late, aren’t you?”

  Eli chuckled. “Oui, c’est vrai. Yes, it’s true. Pardon. You can smack me if you want for being so rude.”

  Smiling, Liv reached up and traced her fingers over his jaw. “I’ll forgive you. You two can touch me more after we eat.”

  When Eli glanced his way, Grant shot him a smile.

  “I’ll let you get back to it. I’ll set up your gifts from Trey.”

  As he walked back toward Grant, Liv spun around. “What gifts? I don’t want gifts.”

  “Stuff you needed, Liv. Don’t worry, he’s not trying to buy your love.”

  “He doesn’t need to do that anyway. I do love my brother.”

  “I know you do,” Grant answered softly. “It’s a temporary cellphone since you can’t use yours anymore. Yours was trackable, so Eli got rid of it. And in the other package is a laptop for you so you can do your schoolwork.”

  “What happened to mine?” She glanced at Eli. “Didn’t you find it at my apartment?”

  Eli sighed and rubbed a hand over his eyes. “I didn’t, Olivia. I’m sorry.” He glanced at Grant quickly before continuing. “Your place was trashed. They didn’t only look for you at the halfway house, they broke into your apartment. They took your laptop. Everything else was pretty much destroyed.”

  “Everything?” she whispered, her eyes wide and now shiny.

  Shit. Grant steeled himself in case she started crying. Everything she probably owned and worked hard for had been in that apartment. He could see it being a major loss.

  “Yes, unfortunately. Some clothes might be salvageable but we’re not going back there. It isn’t worth it right now.”

  Liv quickly brushed a hand over her eyes, sweeping away any evidence of her being upset. “Did they get the memory chip?”

  “No. I found it.”

  She sighed with relief. “Okay, well that’s good, right?”

  Eli hesitated.

  “Right?” she asked again.

  “Yes, but you downloaded it to your computer, correct?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  “Then, when they break into your hard drive, they will know exactly what you know.”

  “And that’s bad.”

  “It is,” Eli confirmed.

  “They’re going to wan
t to find me now more than ever.”

  “That’s my feeling,” Eli said.

  “We’ll deal with it,” Grant added.

  Her gaze landed on him, held for a moment, then suddenly her spine straightened, her eyes cleared, and she went back to the stove. “That’s right. I’ll deal with it like everything else that’s been thrown at me my whole life. I have no choice but to deal with it.”

  “No, Liv, we’ll deal with it. All of us,” Grant corrected her. “You’re no longer alone. We are all here for you.”

  Liv nodded but kept fussing with the chicken in the skillet.

  “Did you hear Grant, Olivia?”

  “Yes,” she said firmly, still keeping her back to them. “I’ll have to thank Trey for the laptop. Hopefully, I’ll be able to catch up on my course tomorrow.”

  Grant and Eli looked at each other for a second, then Eli went to set up her new laptop.

  Chapter 11

  Liv didn’t think she could get any wetter. Grant laid flat on his back while she straddled his head as his tongue stroked between her folds and teased her clit. When the tip of his tongue circled and flicked, she ground her hips harder onto his face. And when he sucked her hard, she just about hit the ceiling.

  Eli made a noise and her eyes met his. He was sliding in and out of Grant at a pace that was slow and steady. His gaze ran over her face, then down to her breasts where Grant’s fingers twisted and tweaked her aching, pebbled nipples.

  Eli’s dark fingers dug into Grant’s hips as he continued to thrust, his eyes intense as he watched Grant pleasure her.

  Reaching out, she ran a finger over his full lips and when he parted them, she slipped it inside. Taking advantage of that, he sucked and swirled his tongue around her digit. She never realized a man sucking her finger could be so erotic.

  She slipped her wet finger from his mouth and he said gruffly, “Je veux te voir jouir sur son visage. I want to watch you come on his face.”

  She agreed with Grant; Eli’s use of French during sex was the cherry on the sundae.

  “Touche toi,” he said.

  This time she didn’t need him to repeat his command in English. She could figure out what he wanted her to do. After slipping her finger back between his lips just for a second to get it wet, she pressed it to her clit while Grant fucked her with his tongue.

  Sensations flooded over her in a rush, making her arch her back and push her breasts into Grant’s hand as he squeezed them roughly. She focused on where the two men connected, Eli’s dark cock sliding in and out of Grant from tip to root. He groaned into her pussy and the vibrations made her grind against his mouth even harder with a gasp.

  She was beginning to really appreciate it when Grant got rough. He seemed to be holding back, though, and she didn’t want him to.

  Not at all.

  When his hand climbed up to her neck, she took over squeezing her breast, tugging on her own nipple roughly as Grant’s fingers curled around her throat and tightened.

  A shiver ran up her spine as he constricted her air just enough to make it exciting.

  “Tighter,” she whispered, and Grant complied, his fingers squeezing just a little more. Not enough to cause pain, but enough to take her to that very edge. She held Eli’s gaze as she said, “I’m going to come.”

  Then she exploded, her body stiffening and twitching over Grant. She cried out as the thrill of him tightly holding her neck turned into an intense orgasm that made her want to collapse into a blissful pile. But she couldn’t. They were far from done yet.

  Shifting slightly to let Grant breathe, she leaned over and licked away the salty beads of precum that clung to the tip of his cock. He was hard and ready as Eli continued to fuck him at his—she was sure—maddening slow pace. After a kiss and another quick lick to the end of Grant’s cock, she rose and brushed a bead of sweat off Eli’s forehead with her thumb.

  She realized that Eli’s pace had to be driving both men crazy. Though, with Grant’s mouth busy, he hadn’t had a chance to complain.

  An idea came over her as she stroked Grant’s erection, his hips rising and falling along with both her movements and Eli’s. After laying a kiss on Eli’s mouth, she murmured, “I’m going to fuck him at the same time.”

  She wasn’t sure if it would work since she was no expert at threesomes. Hell, she was no expert at sex at all. But she wanted to try it and she was sure the men would let her try anything she wanted.

  “Facing me or Grant?” Eli asked, his question a bit strained.

  After a second of playing her idea out in her head, she said, “Him. Grab a condom.”

  Eli’s arms were long enough to be able to reach the box that sat opened on the nearby nightstand. He snagged one, ripped it open and rolled it onto Grant. “I assume this is okay with you, mon amour.”

  Grant’s body shook beneath them as he chuckled. “I was just waiting to see if you remembered I was here.”

  “Hard to forget that, mon amour,” Eli replied with amusement. “Especially with my cock in your ass. In French, ma chérie, that’s... surtout avec ma bite dans ton cul. Though you will never have to use that saying.”

  Liv laughed softly. “No, I won’t.”

  She carefully moved to turn around so she no longer straddled Grant’s face but instead, his waist and she leaned over him, her hands planted on his chest.

  “Ma chérie,” Eli groaned. “You are temping me greatly. I can see both ta chatte rose et lise et ta rosette serrée. Grant may be getting one, but I may take the other.”

  Liv shuddered at his words. On a breath, she said, “Guide him inside me,” while shifting backwards until the head of Grant’s cock brushed against her sensitive, swollen flesh.

  The urge to impale herself on him swept through her and when Eli gripped her hip and held Grant’s hard length in place, she did just that. A long hiss escaped her as he filled her deeply and she felt the rush of being in control of the pace. When she moved to sit up, Eli pressed a hand to her back and pushed her back down. “Stay down, ma chérie, I have plans, too.”

  Grant lifted his head to study their position, Eli still deep in his ass, Liv riding his cock. “Have I died and gone to heaven?”

  Eli chuckled. “I think we have.”

  “I agree,” Liv gasped as she rocked back and forth, taking his whole length then releasing him until just the tip remained inside her.

  Eli tapped her hip. “Stop... only for a moment.”

  She stilled and turned her head to watch him grab the lube which was still on the bed, pop the cap open and squirt a generous amount down between her ass cheeks. The cool gel ran down her crease, but Eli quickly collected it and spread it around her anus, poking the tip of his finger inside. Just that little touch felt amazing and she shifted back, encouraging him to do more.

  He tapped her hip again. “Now ride him as you’d like.”

  Liv began to move again, taking all of Grant’s cock and she knew exactly when Eli began to move again, too. Grant’s eyes rolled back in his head and he let out a long, low curse.

  “No, not heaven. Complete euphoria,” he groaned. “Baby... fuck... you have no idea.”

  “I plan to,” Eli answered, his finger starting to dip deeper into her tight hole farther and farther. “Relax, ma chérie. Let me please you.”

  As much as she tried, she couldn’t, but Eli pushed on anyway, and finally... finally, he worked her at the same pace he fucked Grant. The sensations spiraled around her, through her, the energy gathering in her core. She squeezed both of them tightly deep inside her.

  Grant’s gaze met hers, and when she dropped her head and bit his nipple, his body arched beneath her as his fingers dug into her hair, pulling hard. She gasped which released her grip on his flesh, but she moved over to his other nipple and did the same thing, leaving a mark in his skin.

  Then she shoved her face into his neck and bit him there, too.

  “Fuck, honey. Fuck!”

  His reaction drove her to do more an
d she grabbed his neck like he had done to her and squeezed hard.

  He gasped and bucked beneath her wildly.

  “Mon amour,” Eli murmured. “Easy.”

  “Faster, baby. Fuck me harder. Please,” he groaned. “Kiss me, Liv.”

  She did what he demanded as did Eli, with her taking his mouth and rocking her hips faster and Eli pounding him harder, their flesh slapping together.

  Liv barely lifted her mouth from his. “Tell me if I squeeze too tightly.”

  Grant said nothing, so she did just that, put pressure around his throat. And she swore his cock got harder. She brushed her lips against his as she pinched his nipple hard. His mouth opened, and she swept her tongue inside. When he groaned, she stole it from him, swallowing it.

  With Grant’s cock and Eli’s finger inside her working her to a frenzy, with her taking Grant’s mouth and pinching his nipple, she was at her limit. She teetered on that edge, ready to fall over. But if there was time, she wanted to climb back up and fall once more.

  However, the men were at their limits, too. Which became obvious when Eli slipped his finger from her, grabbed her hips tightly and began to fuck Grant so hard, she almost felt as though he was fucking her at the same time. The pounding was jarring, and Grant broke the kiss to encourage his husband on.

  Grant wedged a hand between them, finding her clit and pinching it as hard as she had pinched his nipple. Gasping, she twitched, her pussy throbbing around him, her fingers tightening on his throat even more.

  His eyes met hers when he groaned, “I’m coming.”

  His words made her orgasm hit her hard. She tried to say, “Me, too,” but the words failed her. Instead she threw her head back and wailed as the climax rushed through her. Then Eli’s fingers dug into the flesh at her hips even more and he thrust one last time, staying deep inside Grant and she could only imagine he was spilling inside his lover, his mate, his husband.

  Then his damp forehead pressed to her back and she could feel the rapid rise and fall of his chest, the thunderous beat of his heart. With a satisfied sigh, she rested more of her weight over Grant’s chest, his breathing also rapid and rough. He combed fingers through her tangled hair and brushed a thumb along her bottom lip. Then he tilted his head up and snagged her lip gently with his teeth. On a sigh, he released her, and his head flopped back to the pillow.


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