No Limits
Page 5
“To bed,” Chace replied. “Lieutenant,” he added belatedly.
“No in those rooms you’re not,” Kyle said. “You’re going to be sleeping in my bed tonight.”
“What?” Chace exclaimed. His heart started racing. What the hell did that mean? He rounded on Kyle angrily. “That’s disgusting. I’m not doing… whatever sick thing it is that you have in mind.”
“Take it easy,” Kyle chuckled. “We’re just going to be sleeping. It is very important to me, however, that you remember why I am superior. Chace, tell me again why I’m superior.”
They had been through this multiple times. Chace knew what he was supposed to say. “Because my manhood has been defeated and caged whereas yours is free,” he said.
“Precisely,” Kyle said. “I want to drive that point home both while you are awake and while you sleep. Therefore, I have created this little device.” Kyle held up a dog collar and a belt. He dropped his pants to the ground, revealing the spandex undershorts he had been wearing since the morning training session. He buckled the belt tightly around his waist. Then he held the collar out to Chace. Chace noticed that there was a chain a few inches long attached to the collar. “You’re going to put this collar on,” he said. “I am then going to attach it to my belt. If you’re not getting the picture yet, you’re going to be spending the rest of the night between my legs. I’m imagining that your head will be resting on my abdomen or my crotch.”
“That’s… that’s vile,” Chace sputtered. “That’s disgusting. Why would you possibly want that?”
Kyle’s grin grew. “I told you why,” he said. “I want you to remember that my manhood is free and superior. This way, you will be immersed in the feel and smell of my manhood all night long. You will dream of it and when you wake up you will find yourself staring at it. I want to start overwhelming every one of your senses with it. I want you to think of nothing but how inferior you are without your own.”
“No,” Chace said. “Never. I’m not doing it.”
An excruciating pain suddenly hit Chace. He groaned and dropped to his knees.
“That’s a good boy,” Kyle said. He patted Chace on the head and put the dog collar around Chace’s neck. Almost gently, he led Chace by the arm to the bed. He helped Chace get under the covers. Then he clipped the collar to the belt. “Remember,” Chace heard Kyle say from above the covers. “No taking the collar, chain, or belt off. Night!”
Chace’s face was pressed up against Kyle’s rock hard abs. What was that pressing up against Chace’s cheek? He realized with horror that it was Kyle’s cock. Chace’s face was buried in another man’s groin. As the musky smell of Kyle’s balls wafted up to Chace’s nose, Chace did his best to master his fury. There would be a time for revenge. He didn’t know when, but it would come. It had to.
Chace didn’t sleep a wink all night. Kyle’s sweaty spandex-clad package stuck to Chace’s face and with every breath Chace took he inhaled Kyle’s distinct musky aroma.
Chapter 16 – Aria
“What's this, daughter?” Queen Hippolyta asked. “I didn't realize that you had a scouting mission today.”
Aria shuffled her feet nervously. Capturing Luke had been simple enough; she had merely sprinted up to the boy as he was about to get into his car and jabbed him in the neck with her serum. She had been quite thrilled with the find. Luke was gorgeous and proved to be quite blessed below the belt. Ari had gotten in a few gropes as she had loaded him into her car. Taking his clothes off – particularly his hot football pants – had provided more nice surprises. Now, with the Queen staring at her and Luke moaning as his head lolled around from shoulder to shoulder, Aria wasn’t as confident. She had never so directly defied the queen before.
“I wasn't, my queen,” Aria said. "But it was necessary,” she followed up quickly. "My trainee, Riley, wasn't mating with any of our males and she has a crush on this boy. I thought that if I got him, she would mate and fulfill your objectives for her.”
Queen Hippolyta stared at Aria in silence. It was a hard stare. Finally, the queen shook her head. “Aria, you do not listen and you do not obey. That is very dangerous for someone so new to our order. If you had done this for any other trainee your punishment would have been quite severe.”
Ari had been looking at her feet in shame but now she glanced up with hope. Was Riley so important that the queen would completely overlook this? Aria had expected some form of punishment.
“Do not misunderstand me,” the queen said warningly. “No trainee is indispensable. If you do something like this again I will have to be severe on both of you. There will be no forgiveness.”
“I understand, my queen,” Aria said. “It will not happen again.” She turned her attention to the boy. “Look at how fine this specimen is,” she said excitedly. “He is a wonderful find.” She reached out and cupped his package through his spandex. It was ample, warm, and soft. She loved the feeling of holding it in the palm of her hand. "Plus, he's 18 and Riley assures me that he's straight. He's perfect for us.”
"We shall see,” the queen said. “For your sake, he better be. I want to hear by tomorrow that Riley has made love to this man. It’s time for her to be initiated into womanhood and into our order.”
Queen Hippolyta left the room. Since Aria had made the unscheduled trip solely to get Luke, no other boys had been captured. That meant Aria and Luke were alone in the room.
Luke’s eyes fluttered open. He looked around the room in confusion. Then he tried to move his hands. His eyes darted up in surprise when he realized that they were chained behind him.
Aria placed her hand on Luke’s ripped, bare chest. “You must have a lot of questions, cutie,” she said. “How about I give two to start this off. Go ahead. Ask me whatever two questions you want.”
“What… what is this? What’s happening?” Luke sputtered.
“Well, I’ve abducted you,” Aria said. She kissed Luke’s chest. He tried to pull away but he couldn’t get very far with his chains on. “You now have two choices. You can enter a period of servitude for my order which, I can assure you, will be very enjoyable for you.” She placed a finger in the middle of his chest and let it trail down past his solar plexus and then on to his abs. “Your second choice is to walk out of here.”
“You’ll just let me go?” Luke asked.
“Yes,” Aria said. She shook her heard. “It would be such a shame, though,” she said. She reached down and put her hand on the high school stud’s crotch. She fondled his manhood longingly. It was so big. Riley would get Luke first, of course, but then Aria would have a turn. All her sisters would too. A virile young stud like this who was a new addition to the mating pens would be in high demand. She imagined the feeling of his cock inside her as she raked her nails down his strong, broad back and pressed her lips up against his. Luke looked into her eyes defiantly but as she began stroking his cock she noticed that it quickly grew in his spandex. When it was stiff she pinched Luke’s cock head and then patted his balls a little roughly. Luke winced. “If you choose to go, though, you can’t take these with you,” she said regretfully, continuing to pat his balls. “This either,” she said, grabbing his cock. “You don’t belong to us so you’re free to go. Your manhood, however, is ours forever. So, cutie, those are the answers to your questions. What’s it going to be? Are you staying here or going? Oh, I should tell you one more thing in case it helps make up your mind. There's someone here whom you may know."
Chapter 17 – Chace
As Chace opened the door to his shared room with Kyle he ran a hand wearily through his hair. He was exhausted from a long morning of training. Every part of his body ached. He wished he could immerse himself in a hot tub and let the warm water soothe him. Check that, what he actually wanted was a hot chick. Nothing loosened tension like sex. Chace had not gotten any action for weeks at it was driving him insane. He wanted to rip the damned chastity cup off his body.
If only he could. Chace sighed and pushed the door op
en. He had only taken one step inside when a woman’s voice said, “Well, well. Hubba, hubba. Is it two-for-the-price-of-one day?”
Chace looked over in surprise at Kyle’s bed and saw a busty dark-haired girl in a bikini sprawled on it. His cock instantly became hard. It rubbed against the top of its cup-shaped prison painfully.
“I’m afraid not, Tatiana” Kyle said as he walked out of the bathroom. “My friend Chace has become something of a eunuch. He is unable to sexually satisfy a woman.”
A look of deep disappointment crossed the woman’s face. “Oh, how sad,” she said. “He is gorgeous. Almost as gorgeous as you, my love,” she finished, turning her attention back to Kyle. Chace bit his lip in frustration. Clearly the only thing that interested Tatiana was what lay between a man’s legs. She had dismissed Chace as soon as she had learned he was closed for business. He wished he could have proved his manhood to her by ramming his cock into her. The fact that he couldn’t drove Chace nuts.
“Tatiana is a friend of the Gargareans,” Kyle said. “We have something of an arrangement with her. She gets to have sex with her pick of males from our order and when she has a child we will pay all the child’s expenses. In return, we get that child when he turns 18.”
“I’m not the marrying type,” Tatiana said as she rubber her hand between her legs. “I do want children, however, so the arrangement works fine for me. I love the boys here in the mansion. They’re perfect; ridiculously hot and with no strings attached. I don’t know what it is you all do here but I like it. I especially like my good friend Kyle here. His body is unparalleled and his penis, well, I haven’t seen any more impressive. “
“Chace knows,” Kyle said. He walked over and patted Chace on the head almost like he was petting a dog. It was all Chace could do not to round on Kyle and punch him. He could almost feel the cup vibrating warningly. “He spent last night getting intimately familiar with my family jewels. It’s nice to see that the wrinkles my cock made on your face are gone,” Kyle said as he touched Chace’s face.
Tatiana raised her eyebrows. “Very interesting,” she said. “Kyle dear, I didn’t realize that you played for both teams.”
“I don’t,” Kyle said. “I just like to show my servant who’s in charge. Speaking of which, why don’t you get Tatiana warmed up for me, Chace? It’ll be something new. I like to watch. Once you’ve got her engine running, I’ll step in and take over for the important part seeing as how you, well, can’t perform.”
Chace looked at Kyle in confusion. What exactly was he proposing? Tatiana seemed to grasp the plan immediately, however. She smiled and rested her head on a pillow. She lifted her legs up and slipped her bikini bottoms off. She spread her legs. “Come on, eunuch. Get started,” she said.
No. No, they couldn’t mean… Chace looked at Kyle in horror. Kyle was grinning. He did. Kyle expected Chace to go down on her. Chace had never gone down on a girl before. Girls went down on him, not other way around.
“I’m waiting, eunuch,” Tatiana said.
Kyle patted Chace on the shoulder. “Get moving, buddy,” he said. “I don’t want to have to wait too long.”
Chace walked up to the bed slowly. He glanced down at Tatiana’s crotch. She was massaging her clit invitingly. He lowered himself to his knees and placed his face between her legs.
Tatiana grabbed Chace’s hair and pushed his face down. “Let’s see what you’ve got, pretty boy,” she said.
Well, girls had given Chace head numerous times. How hard could it be? He stuck his tongue out, flattened it, and took a broad lick of Tatiana’s vagina. It was wet and relatively tasteless, perhaps slightly tart. The smell wasn’t too bad.
“It’s not a popsicle,” Kyle said. “Mix it up a bit. Come on, man. You’ve got to get good at this. It’s all you’ve got now.”
Chace licked Tatiana’s clit again. He started alternating between quick and slow bursts of speed. Tatiania seemed to like that. Chace started trying different things, like trying to spell out the alphabet with his tongue. He took the way Tatiana thrust her hips and her moans as an indication of how well he was doing.
Chace ate Tatiana’s pussy for what seemed like an eternity until she was gasping and Kyle said, “Alright kid, that’s a great start. Well done. You’re getting the hang of it. Now stand beside the bed in case we need you for anything.”
Chace did as he was told. Kyle stripped off his tight tee-shirt, revealing a ripped upper body. He walked to the edge of the bed and smiled at Tatiana. Tatiana purred like a cat and sat up. She crawled over to Kyle, bit his waistband, and started lowering his pants with her mouth. Chace looked away but Kyle said, “No. I want you to watch everything.”
Tatiania finished lowering Kyle’s pants. He was wearing spandex underneath and displaying an impressive-sized bulge. Tatiania cupped it with her hands and then lowered the spandex. Chace watched with sick fascination as Kyle’s massive cock sprang out. Tatiana put it in her mouth and began to suck it.
The sex was, frankly, amazing. Both Tatiana and Kyle were ravenous. Chace imagined himself in Kyle’s position as Kyle thrust his cock into her. He saw Tatiana moaning and clawing at Kyle through Kyle’s eyes. More disturbing, however, was the fact that Chace couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of Kyle. The guy had an amazing body and his darker skin tone was somehow exotic. Chace stared at Kyle’s smooth, tan, annoyingly perfect butt as Kyle made love to Tatiana again and again as Tatiana moaned and then began to squeal with pleasure.
Finally they were done. Kyle collapsed beside Tatiana and groped her breasts. She panted and caressed his body. Then she looked over at Chace. “You,” she said. “I want you now.”
“He can’t,” Kyle said. “I told you.”
“That is not fair,” Tatiana said. “No one should be left without sexual pleasure.” Her eyes narrowed evilly. “There are many kinds of pleasure, you know. Take off your shirt, eunuch, and get in bed.”
“No, I’m not…” Chace began.
“Do what she says,” Kyle ordered. A smile played across his lips. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, at least when it comes to the actual act of sex. I promise. It’s a rule here. Let’s see how close we can get to that line, however. It’ll be a fun game.”
Chace reluctantly took his shirt off.
“Very nice,” Tatiania said admiringly. “Now the pants.”
“No…” Chace began.
“Do it,” Kyle ordered.
Chace lowered his pants. Tatiana raised an eyebrow when she saw the cup but didn’t say anything. “Now,” she said, “get into bet and put your head between Kyle’s legs.”
Chace looked at Kyle imploringly but the boy nodded down at his own crotch. Chace got into bed on all fours and lowered his head between Kyle’s legs. Kyle brought his legs up so that his inner thighs were nearly touching Chace’s cheeks. Chace could feel the heat coming off the smooth, tan thighs. Kyle was still sweaty from his vigorous session with Tatiana.
“Good,” Tatiana purred. “Now, I have brought something special for a moment just like this.” Chace could hear her rustling around in a bag. A moment later, he felt something hard and cold slide between his butt cheeks.
“No!” he exclaimed.
“Relax, it’s just a dildo,” Tatiana said.
“I know that,” Chace said. “I don’t do that… kind of thing.” He had tried giving anal sex to girls before but the idea of getting it done to him was absurd.
“Shhh,” Tatiania said. “You’ll like it. It might take a few minutes but it really is pleasurable. Once it hits your prostate you will be thanking me.”
“Give it a try,” Kyle said encouragingly. “You can’t use your cock anymore so you might as well see if you can get off through some other means.”
It was disgusting. It was wrong. Chace would never do it. And yet, with the two of them looking at him, waiting, and with Chace’s pent up sexual frustration and with cloud of lust hanging over his head from what he had just witnessed, he became d
esperate. Slightly, almost imperceptibly, Chace nodded his head. He couldn’t bring himself to voice the words.
“Excellent!” Tatiana crowed. “I love doing this. Every man should know how it feels to have a cock inside of him. Now, my darling, you will. Welcome to the club!”
With that, Tatiana rammed the dildo into Chace’s virgin asshole.
Chace gasped in pain as pain surged through his body. His head sunk lower towards the Kyle’s cock.
“Do you like that, sweetie?” Tatiana asked mockingly. “If so, you’ll really like this.” She flicked a switch and the dildo started to vibrate.
The reverberations sent shock waves through Chace’s body. “Ah. Ahhhh!” he cried. So many conflicting sensations were wracking his body. His mind was clouded with confusion and the hum of the dildo.
“Now,” Tatiana said excitedly. “Suck Kyle’s massive cock.”
No! Never. Chace tried to back away but Tatiana held the dildo firm so that he just impaled himself more. He wouldn’t do it. It wasn’t right. Just weeks ago he had been one of the most sexually desirable studs in his school. Girls would have paid to suck Chace’s cock and guys would have died to be him. Chace pressed his lips firmly shut. He would never suck another guy’s cock. He couldn’t. He wasn’t gay.
“Think about it,” Tatiana said. “With every hole you fill you obtain more feelings and sensations. Anal sex is so much more pleasurable when you have a man’s cock to suck on. As the taste fills your mouth and the smell overwhelms your nostrils, you tie the senses to the feeling of the dildo in your ass. It completes the experience.”
Chace shook his head. That didn’t make any sense. It couldn’t be true.
“Look at Kyle,” Tatiana urged. “Is he a man? Yes. He is not an old white hairy man, however. He is young. His skin is tan smooth, hairless, and exotic. See the way it shimmers across his rippling muscles with youth and vitality? Think of him not as a man but as a beautiful creature to worship.”
Chace looked at Kyle’s body. It wasn’t like those of other guys he had seen in the locker room. It was exotic and, Chace supposed, beautiful in a way. Kyle was certainly very strong and yet there was also a certain cute femininity to the way he looked. Chace was just so horny. He desperately wanted to make love to a woman. Kyle wasn’t a woman and yet he wasn’t a manly man and he was right there in front of Chace. Chace had a deep, hard, disturbing urge to place his lips on Kyle’s body. The urge grew. Chace wanted to taste Kyle’s skin and make him crazy with passion just as Chace had done with so many girls.