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Dragon's Keep: The Complete Dracengard Series

Page 51

by Christopher Vale

  Tamesis opened his mouth to respond, but to Anne’s surprise Rayfen spoke first. “Be nice to your bride. Let her have the wedding she wants,” he had hissed from behind his skull mask. Then a chill ran up Anne’s spine as Rayfen turned his dark eyes upon her. “I assure you, the Lord of Darkness shall attend this ceremony no matter the ritual.” Tamesis and the Astroff relented and Anne received the wedding she wanted, though Tamesis did insist that a Shebath priest officiate.

  Now Anne stood just outside of the doors to the Great Hall dressed in a stunning red gown with long train. Ella and Ariana wore less elegant gowns of sky blue.

  Morgan was dressed in a fine jade doublet and kissed his sister on the cheek. “Very soon you shall be Empress,” he smiled at her. She returned the smile. Morgan stepped away and through the doors.

  Ordinarily, the king would sit upon his throne behind the priest, giving his formal approval of the marriage, but because the Wizard outranked Morgan that would have been unacceptable. Thus, Morgan made his way to the head of the hall near the priest and stood with the other witnesses and guests.

  Soon Tamesis was at Anne’s side. He offered his arm, which she accepted and the two stepped off through the large double doors into the Great Hall, followed by Ella and Ariana carrying Anne’s long train. As they entered the hall, they walked down what was essentially an aisle formed by the guests standing on either side. The guests all bowed at the waist as Anne and Tamesis walked past them. They arrived before the priest, a large rack of candles surrounded by flowers flickered behind him.

  The ceremony and the words spoken were all a blur to Anne, as they often are to brides and grooms alike as the excitement of the marriage takes focus. Then the priest asked the Dark Lord Shebath to watch over the marriage and Anne watched as the flames from the candles erupted into the shape of a large, devilish looking figure staring down at her. Anne squealed in fright and took a step back.

  “Are you alright, my dear?” asked Tamesis. Anne turned toward him wide-eyed. He had not seen. She turned back to the flame, but it was nothing but ordinary candles once again. Anne turned to the guests and her eyes surveyed the crowd. None had seen the fire. Then her eyes met Lilit’s. Lilit nodded with a knowing smile, before bowing to Anne. Anne was certain Lilit had seen it too. She turned back to the priest and composed herself. She urged him to continue.

  Soon the ceremony was over and Tamesis and Anne turned back to the crowd where they were introduced as Emperor and Empress of the Middle Realm. The crowd cheered.


  “Your Majesty,” Anne heard from behind her and turned to see young Geoffrey bowing deeply at the waist. She smiled pleasantly at him. “May I present my mother, Queen Griselda, and brother, King Edward.”

  Anne held out her hand and Edward took it, bowing deeply. “It is a pleasure to see you both again, it has been years,” Anne said with a charming smile.

  “The pleasure is ours, Your Majesty,” Edward said.

  “I do hope Ella and Geoffrey are getting along well here in Avonvale,” Griselda said.

  “Splendidly,” Anne assured them with a warm smile. “Ella has become one of my closest confidants and, of course, you know that we shall soon be sisters.”

  “A wonderful arrangement, Your Majesty. Edward and I could not be more pleased and did not expect such a kindness since she had been betrothed to the outlaw Erec Valestead.”

  “That was no fault of hers,” Anne said before taking Geoffrey’s arm and pulling him to her. “And, of course, we owe the splendid wedding feast of wild boar to brave Geoffrey here.” Geoffrey reddened under the praise of Anne.

  “Yes, we have heard nothing else from him since we arrived,” Edward teased as he ruffled his little brother’s hair.

  “It is good that he is proud,” Anne said as she looked at Geoffrey, but when she turned back to Griselda and Edward she saw someone behind them that she did not expect. Through the crowd, she was certain she saw Orrick.

  “Your Majesty, are you alright?” Griselda asked. Anne’s eyes jumped to hers. “You look as though you’ve seen a ghost.”

  “Perhaps I have,” Anne mumbled. “Please excuse me,” she said as she released Geoffrey’s arm and walked past Edward and his mother.

  Anne made her way through the crowd, but was stopped every few feet as some guest or another wished to congratulate Her Majesty. She lost sight of Orrick and pushed her way through an unrelenting couple from Beagonia. Her eyes quickly scanned the crowd and found him again. He stared back at her, but seemed to get further and further away.

  “Orrick!” she shouted above the crowd, but then he turned and disappeared into the sea of faces again. Anne pushed her way through, moving more frantically now, but she could not find him. She stood, spinning around desperately, scanning the room to find her true love. Then she heard her name.

  “Anne!” Anne spun to find Ella rushing toward her, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Please stop him,” Ella said.

  “Who?” Anne asked.

  “Your husband,” Ella said and Anne turned to see the Wizard berating her brother. He had Morgan down on both knees and he slapped him over and over again across the face.

  Anne rushed toward them. “Tamesis, what are you doing?” Anne demanded.

  The Wizard chuckled. “I am teaching your imbecile brother a lesson,” he said.

  The Wizard reared back to slap Morgan again, but Anne grabbed his arm, stopping him. The Wizard’s look of amusement turned to one of anger and he backhanded Anne across the face.

  He reared back to slap her again, but before he could, Lilit was there. “Son, do not harm your beautiful, young bride,” she pleaded desperately, but he only sneered at her.

  “She needs to learn some respect,” Tamesis snarled. “You were supposed to show her her place, but instead groveled to her. Even Rayfen has deferred to Anne over me!” He was angry now and Anne realized that his anger was directed at her, not her brother. He was right. To her surprise, both Rayfen and Lilit had taken her side and this had clearly been causing the Wizard’s anger, resentment, and even jealousy to bubble to the surface, culminating in rage. “Perhaps you should join your brother on your knees before me,” the Wizard spat at Anne as he pointed to the floor at his feet.

  Anne’s face flushed with anger and she began to lunge for the Wizard, but she felt arms snatch her and pull her backward. “Let me go,” she sneered at her captor.

  “Hush now, Anne, let us get you back to your room,” she heard Andrick say as he pulled her away. “Terrance…”

  Sir Terrance was soon on Anne’s other side and the two men dragged Anne away from her new husband. “It will do you no good to make him any angrier, Your Majesty,” Sir Terrance said.

  “Yes, take her to my chambers and strip her naked and tie her to my marriage bed,” the Wizard laughed. “I shall deal with her soon enough.”

  As she was dragged away, Anne’s eyes met those of her brother, whom she loved dearly, on his knees to the Wizard, his face red and blood stained. She saw fear there. She turned away and noticed Ariana and Ella holding each other, watching her, both crying tears, not for themselves, but for her. She stared at the scars that blemished Ariana’s beautiful face and feared that the Wizard would do much worse to her. Tomorrow morning she would most likely be a hideous beast—scarred, bruised, and beaten. She looked up at Andrick who was attempting to calm her, but she would not be calm. She had had enough.

  “How dare he treat you this way?” she heard Asmodeus’ disembodied voice whisper in her ear. “You are a goddess! You must let him do this to you? Kill him now!” She pulled an arm free and reached down, wrapping her fingers around the hilt of Sir Terrance’s sword. Before the knight could react, she had pulled it free of its sheath and in the blink of an eye she dashed across the room.

  The crowd watched, stunned as the red blur that was Anne stopped just past the Wizard. A fine mist of blood dissipated as the Wizard’s lifeless body fell to the floor. His head dropped to the ground ten
feet away. Anne held Terrance’s sword in both hands. She scanned the crowd. Everyone simply stared at her in silence, then turned their collective heads toward the Black Knight.

  Rayfen stood still, arms hidden beneath his cloak, staring at Anne. Then he began to walk slowly toward her, his eyes never dropping from hers. He stopped beside the Wizard’s head and glanced down at it before slowly drawing his sword. Anne readied herself for the attack she knew was coming. She knew she could not defeat Rayfen, but damn it she would try.

  Rayfen raised his sword, but instead of attacking Anne he plunged it downward into the Wizard’s head. He lifted the head up to his face and stared Tamesis in his lifeless eyes. “I told you to be nice to her,” Rayfen said and then began to laugh, a hoarse cackle coming from behind his mask. He stopped laughing suddenly and slung the sword downward causing the Wizard’s head to fly off and bounce across the floor where it rolled to a stop at Anne’s feet.

  Rayfen spun looking over the crowd. Then he shouted in a terrifying voice. “Kneel before the Empress of the Middle Realm!” he commanded. And everyone in the room lowered themselves to their knees before Anne.

  Chapter 8

  Aura held a sword in each hand. She stared at her opponent—another seraph—tall and muscular with long, golden hair tied in a pony tail behind his head. Both wore shining, silver armor that reflected the light that surrounded everything in Auraehalis. They stood on white polished stones in a courtyard of a large building with enormous white columns.

  “Are you sure you want to do this Gavri’el?” Aura asked the seraph across from her. Gavri’el nodded slowly. “Very well.”

  Gavri’el made the first move—leaping forward, crossing the courtyard in the blink of an eye, and slashing downward with his sword of light. Aura deflected the blow and spun to her right, bringing the sword in her left hand around toward her opponent. Gavri’el spun inward crossing swords with her. She stayed with the turn and brought the sword in her right hand around and aimed directly at Gavri’el’s head. The seraph barely ducked underneath her blade.

  Gavri’el rolled onto the floor and popped up on the other side swinging across, but Aura easily deflected the blow. She countered, but was deflected. He countered and thrust, but she moved out of the way too quickly for him to make contact. Gavri’el spun again and swung through. Aura blocked the blow with the sword in her left hand and then swung downward with the sword in her right slashing the back of his leg and causing him to drop to one knee. She then reached down and slit his throat.

  She heard laughing and clapping behind her and turned to see Mihang’el applauding her. “Well done, Aura,” he said. “Are you alright, brother?” he asked Gavri’el as he stood.

  “Yes,” Gavri’el replied.

  “When you turned your back to me, I had you,” Aura told Gavri’el. “You are fortunate a blade made of light cannot harm you. A blade forged in darkness would have killed you.”

  Gavri’el nodded. Mihang’el laughed at him again. “Perhaps next time, brother,” the seraph said.

  “Do not feel bad Gavri’el,” Aura smiled. “I have defeated Mihang’el more times than I care to count.”

  Mihang’el stepped close to Aura. “Tis good we are on the same side then,” he said with a smile. “Do you have a moment to speak, General?” he asked.

  “I shall always make time for a member of the Council, Mihang’el.”

  “Then let us walk a bit,” Mihang’el said with a friendly smile. “Gavri’el, please join us.”

  “Of course, brother,” Gavri’el said.

  The three of them strolled from the courtyard. Aura followed Mihang’el as he walked along the corridors of polished white stone, which beamed light.

  “We have been friends for a long time, Aura,” Mihang’el said.

  “Yes, we have,” Aura replied.

  “Gavri’el and I were born not long after you and Alaric and we have known the two of you our entire lives.”

  Aura nodded. “What are you getting at Mihang’el?”

  “What happened to your brother and the other elophim was sad. It broke the Father’s heart,” Mihang’el said.

  “Yes, I know that. You will recall that I sat in judgment of them,” Aura reminded him.

  “The Father loves you a great deal, Aura. It is no secret that you are his favorite.”

  “Your point?”

  “Where were you yesterday?” Mihang’el asked. “I looked for you everywhere.”

  Now Aura knew what he was getting at.

  Mihang’el stopped and turned to stare at her. “It would hurt the Father greatly if he found out you have been traveling to the Middle Realm in violation of his orders.”

  “And how do you know where I have been?”

  “It is not possible to hide something like that forever, Aura.”

  “So are you going to tell him?”

  “Of course not,” Mihang’el said.

  “Then what is this about?”

  Mihang’el placed a hand on her shoulder. “It’s a warning from an old friend,” he said. “If I have noticed, the Alphas will notice eventually.” He nodded toward the shield maidens standing guard before a grand door of gilded gold, armored and carrying impressive shields and long lances. “Things have changed since the Watchers were banished. I’d hate to see the Valkyrie come after you.” The irony of Mihang’el’s statement was not lost on any of them. Everyone knew that Aura would have been a high-ranking member of the elite, all-female military order of Valkyrie had she not been sister to the leader of the fallen.

  Aura looked down at the ground guiltily. “There is nothing going on,” she said. “I just miss my brother and visit him sometimes. Would you not visit Gavri’el?”

  Mihang’el narrowed his eyes as he looked at her. “If he were banished?” He took a deep breath and then nodded. “That is all?” he asked. “You have simply been visiting Alaric?”

  “Yes, that is all.”

  “We just don’t want the same thing that happened to Alaric to happen to you, Aura,” Gavri’el added.

  Aura nodded. “I know,” she said. “You are right. I must be more careful.” Her eyes cut to the shield maidens once more before turning back to Mihang’el. “It was nice to see you both, but I must be going,” she said as she pulled away. Mihang’el and Gavri’el nodded and smiled and then watched her go.

  “Do you trust her?” Gavri’el asked his brother once Aura was out of earshot.

  “I am not sure,” Mihang’el replied. Both of their eyes cut involuntarily to the shield maidens before turning and walking away.

  Chapter 9

  Anne sat upon the throne in the castle at Avonvale a golden, jewel-encrusted crown upon her head. It was her throne now. She was stunningly regal in her flowing, jade green gown which completely covered the floor before her. Her brother, Morgan, stood to her right in his dark blue doublet and matching pants. Ella and Ariana sat on small stools to her left, their heads coming just above Anne’s elbow.

  Anne wasted no time in holding court. She wanted it to be known that she ruled all, and holding court where people could come see her upon the throne and bow down before her to beg her favor was one way to accomplish that.

  Anne held her chin in the air, but looked down her nose at the pathetic creature groveling before her. Lilit feared for her life now that her son had been killed and Anne sat upon the throne as the sole ruler. She came to bow to Anne and beg for her life. Anne was enjoying it.

  “I have been a loyal servant of the Dark Lord my entire life, Your Majesty. As his chosen Queen, I shall obviously serve you as well.”

  Anne eyed her quizzically. The Dark Lord’s chosen Queen? Anne dismissed it as the ramblings of a desperate, semi-crazed, old woman. Anne eventually bored of Lilit’s begging. “Fear not, my dear,” she said as she smiled down upon the old woman. “I have no intention of harming you. Though I had feared you would feel yourself above me when we first met, you were quick to kneel down before me. I trust your loyalty and su

  “Thank you, Your Majesty,” Lilit said, relief evident in her voice. “Thank you.”

  “But the question is how best to use your services?” Anne stared down at her for some time. “As some of you may know, Andrick, the rightful King of Libetha, is going to administer Beagonia for me. However, I have need of his services here for the moment,” Anne’s eyes shot to Andrick who smiled coyly. “Therefore, I will ask that you return to Beagonia and continue to act as regent until such time as King Andrick may join you and take control. I shall then leave it up to King Andrick how best your services may be used in securing Beagonia for the future.” She once again glanced to Andrick who nodded his understanding to her. Once he arrived in Beagonia he would publicly execute Lilit for her tyranny and cruelty. The people would cheer Andrick and Anne for saving them from the witch and dissent would wash away.

  “Thank you, Your Majesty,” Lilit replied again. Anne then waved her fingers dismissively and Lilit stood, bowing as she backed from the room.

  Next, Ella’s mother, Queen Griselda came and knelt on both knees before Anne, her head bowed respectfully. Ella glanced up at Anne and was relieved to see her smiling pleasantly.

  “And what may I do for you, Queen Griselda?” Anne asked.

  “Your Majesty,” Griselda began, “I have come to beg for the return of my children Ella and Geoffrey.”

  Anne turned to Ella and then reached across and took her hand smiling. “Oh, you poor dear,” Anne said as she turned back to Griselda. She then stood, and releasing Ella’s hand, stepped away from the throne and down the steps of the dais until she stood before Griselda. Anne then reached down and took her hand, helping Griselda to her feet. Anne then embraced her. She pulled back and looked Griselda in the eyes. The older woman’s cheeks were stained with tears. Anne wiped a tear from the Queen’s cheek with her thumb. “Of course your children may return to Elwood if they wish. They are not prisoners here. In fact, I shall send Geoffrey home with you. Would that make you happy?”


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