Gable, Clark, 34
Gabor, Zsa Zsa, 244
Gaiety Burlesque Theater, 24
Gallipoli, Battle of, 2
Geffen, David, xvii–xviii, 2, 140, 199–207, 231–33, 242, 252–64, 273–75, 282, 315, 321, 325, 337
on AE, 200–201, 231, 252, 254, 261, 274, 325, 327
Gelb, Arthur, 147
Genesis, 279, 288, 304
Genius of Ray Charles, The, 135
Genovese family, 161
Georgetown University, 35, 38, 71
George V, King of England, 12, 13
“Georgia,” 344
Germany, Nazi, 33, 35, 143, 284
Gillespie, Dizzy, 62, 84
Gillett, Charlie, 61, 109
Goats Head Soup, 245–46
Goksel, Selma, 34
Goldberg, Danny, 315, 318–19
Goldenson, Leonard, 133
Goldner, George, 155–58, 160
Gold Star Studios, 164, 165, 179
“Goodbye Pork Pie Hat,” 31
Goodman, Benny, 96
gospel music, 40, 42, 44, 67, 74, 101, 102, 131
Gottlieb, Bill, 30, 78
Gottlieb, Delia, 30, 49–50, 78, 108
G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 43
Graceland, 291
Graham, Bill, 206, 220, 269–70
Grammy Awards, 125, 208, 341
Grant, Cary, 34–35, 112, 164
Grant, Peter, 217–22
Grateful Dead, 257
Grecianu, Stephen, 143–44, 147
Green, Al, 37, 44
Greenberg, Jerry, 227, 231–32, 242, 260–61, 263–64, 271, 279–81, 283, 308, 312–13, 343
Greene, Charlie, 165–76, 178–79, 181–87, 210
Grubman, Allen, 281–82, 289
Guthrie, Woody, 25
Hackford, Taylor, xv, xvii, 340–41, 347
Haley, Bill, 85, 100
Hammond, John, 41, 62, 98, 287, 291
Hampton, Gladys, 42
Hampton, Lionel, 41–42, 166
Harlemaires, 47, 85
Harlem Records, 55
Harrison, George, 141, 199
Harvard University, 27, 128, 268–69
Law School of, 33
Hays Office, 17
“Helplessly Hoping,” xviii
Henderson, Fletcher, 90, 97
Hendrix, Jimi, 183, 204–5, 217
Hentoff, Nat, 106–7
Here Is My Heart (film), 22
heroin, 74, 213, 236
Hersch, Stuart, 318–19
Hertzberg, Hendrik, 269
“Hey Jude,” 307
Higginbotham, J. C., 32
Hill & Range, 126, 138, 152
Hillman, Chris, 177, 197–98
hippie culture, 127
Hirschfield, Alan J., 191–94, 281
Hockney, David, 324
Holiday, Billie, 31, 59, 62
Holly, Buddy, 113, 123, 197, 291
Hollywood, Calif., 34, 58, 78, 140
Holm, Jan (first wife), 78–82
Holt, Georgia, 165, 166, 171–72
Holzman, Jac, 29, 206, 216, 227–28, 256, 259, 317, 321
“Honey Love,” 105, 133
Hootie and the Blowfish, 328
Hope, Bob, 93
Horowitz, David, 259, 265, 276, 278–80, 317
“Hound Dog,” 153
House of Representatives, U.S., 174
Interstate Commerce Committee of, 128–31
Legislative Oversight Committee hearings in, 128–31
payola hearings in, 128–31
quiz show hearings in, 128–29
“House That Jack Built, The,” 129
Howar, Barbara, 277–78, 341
Howard Theatre, 24, 30
Hughes, Jenni Trent, 80, 277, 322, 325–26
Hull, Cordell, 18
Hutton, Barbara, 34
“I Can’t Get No Satisfaction,” 224
Ickes, Harold L., 27
“I Got a Woman,” 101–3, 105, 123, 132
“I Got You Babe,” 169–70
Iliad, The (Homer), 29
Imperial Records, 106, 168–69
independent record companies, 51–52, 55, 57, 76–77, 89, 162
Industrial Improvements company, 52
Interstate Commerce Committee of, House of Representatives, U.S., 128–31
Iovine, Jimmy, 312, 315
Iraq War, 278
Iron Butterfly, 186, 192
Islam, 33
Islamic law, 10, 353
Island Records, 136, 209, 227, 339
Istanbul, 4–7, 8, 17, 21, 352–54
Istanbul University, 4
iTunes, 337–38
Jackson, Hal, 129, 248, 250
Jackson, Jesse, 248–50, 298, 300
Jackson, Willis “Gator Tail,” 64
Jagger, Bianca, 236–38, 242, 262, 306
Jagger, Jade, 238
Jagger, Mick, xv, xviii, 223–42, 245–51, 262, 272, 286, 293, 334, 349
Javits, Jacob K., 239, 243
jazz, 44, 69, 288
AE’s love of, 1, 14, 23–24, 26, 27, 28, 30–32, 39–40, 323–24
Dixieland, 63, 240–41
jargon of, 31
Jazz at Lincoln Center, xvi
Jazz Hall of Fame, xvii
Jazzman Record Shop, 39
Jerusalem, 3
J. Geils Band, 269, 305
Jobs, Steve, 337
Joey Dee & the Starliters, 146–47
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, 291
Johnson, Bunk, 39, 42, 271
Johnson, James P., 26, 154
Johnson, Pete, 32, 87
Jones, Brian, 165, 224
Jones, John Paul, 217
Jones, Pat, 110–11
Joplin, Janis, 192
Joseph, Susan, 326, 343
Joyce, James, 26
Jubilee Records, 42, 44, 45, 60, 86
Jung, Carl, 73
Kallman, Craig, 336, 340, 346–48
Kaminsky, Max, 32, 39
Karp, Andy, 327–28
Kaufman, Jean, 120–21
Kaufman, Murray “The K,” 120, 121, 123, 211
Kaus, Bob, 345–46
Kemal, Mustafa, 2–7, 17, 25
see also Ataturk, Kemal
Kempner, Nan, 191–92
Kempner, Tommy, 191–92
Kennedy, John F., 170, 199
Kenton, Stan, 41
KFWB, 172
KHJ, 172, 183
Kid Rock, xvii, xix, 327–35, 343–44, 346, 348, 350, 352–53
Kincaid, Jamaica, 272–73
King, Ben E., xvii, 138, 155, 266, 301, 304, 344
King, Tom, 260, 274
King Records, 51, 74, 129, 146
Kirshner, Don, 113
Kissinger, Henry, xi, xvii, 284, 286, 297–99, 305–7
Klein, Allen, 225, 227
KMPX, 129
Koylan, Sadi, 48, 53, 79
Kramer, Stanley, 43
Krasnow, Bob, 129, 159, 226, 290, 294, 310
KRLA, 172
LaFlamme, David, 202
Landau, Jon, 290, 302
Landeau, Erith, 330, 346, 350–52, 354
Landon School, 22–23, 24–25, 26–27
Last Time Around, 187
Lauderdale, Jack, 74–75
Lava Records, 327–29
Lawrence, D. H., 24, 29
Lazar, Shelley, 349–50
Lead Belly, 32, 66, 69, 113
League of Nations, 8, 144
Lear, Norman, 279, 295
Led Zeppelin, xviii, 186, 217–22, 224, 227, 304, 307, 336
Lee, Tommy, 331
Le Gallienne, Eva, 54
Leiber, Jerry, 137–38, 153–58, 160, 301
Leland, Mickey, 298–300
Lennon, John, 141, 207
Lenya, Lotte, 124, 125
Let It Be, 141
Levin, Gerald, 316, 319–20
Levy, Morris, 65, 112, 114, 115, 128, 147, 159, 162, 301
ewis, John, 107
Lewis, Meade Lux, 39, 84, 87
Lieberson, Goddard, 62, 253
Life, 68, 205
“The Children of Bob Dylan” in, 173
Linkletter, Art, 199
Lomax, John, 66, 69
London, 11–14, 23, 180, 199, 208–10, 213–14, 352
London Palladium, 12–14, 23, 60, 271
London Peace Conference of 1921, 6
London Records, 223
Longhair, Professor, 68–70, 94, 240
“Long Time Coming,” 203
López, Ramón, 310
Los Angeles, Calif., 39, 48–49
“Love Is Strange,” 166
“Love Me Do,” 151
“Lovey Dovey,” 105
Lowenstein, Rupert, 227–29, 233–34, 242, 246, 251, 349
Lubinsky, Herman, 51, 97
Lucchese, Tommy, 161
Luther, Martin, 3
Lydon, Michael, 102, 131–32
MAC, II, 271
McCartney, Linda Eastman, 156
McCartney, Paul, 132, 156, 206
McGhee, Brownie, 56
McGhee, Stick, xvii, 55–57
McGrath, Earl, 211
McGuinn, Jim, 197–98
“Mack the Knife,” 124–25
McPhatter, Clyde, 105, 110, 132–33
McTell, Blind Willie, 67–68, 69–70
Madison Square Garden, 51, 214, 225, 242–43, 299, 303–8
Mafia, 82, 128, 147, 158–62, 347
Magritte, René, 323
Mallarmé, Stephen, 10
“Mama, He Treats Your Daughter Mean,” 64
March of Time, The, 63
Marcus, Greil, 100–101
“Mardi Gras in New Orleans,” 70
Margaret Rose, Princess of England, 12, 324
marijuana, 26, 31, 101, 108, 127, 203, 236, 244
Marsala, Joe, 32
Marsalis, Wynton, xvi–xvii, xix
Marsh, Dave, 64–65, 287, 299–303, 335
Marshall, Paul G., 116–17, 123, 128, 129–30, 139, 150–51, 158–61, 189–90
Martin, Dewey, 177, 184
Marxism, 90
Matassa, Cosimo, 70, 86
Mattel Corporation, 118
Mayer, Louis B., 199, 203, 260
MCA, 263, 300
Mecca, 4
Medious, Mario, 184, 220, 244
Mercury Records, 41, 105–6
Mesner, Eddie and Leo, 51–52, 97
“Mess Around,” 73, 77, 102, 131
Messina, Jim, 202
Metallica, 294
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), 17–18, 34, 199, 260
Mezzrow, Mezz, 30, 31, 91, 138
MGM Records, 132–33
Michael, King of Romania, 143
Midler, Bette, xvii, xviii, 262, 305, 333–34
Miller, Mitch, 41, 89
Millinder, Lucky, 59
Mills Brothers, 10
Mingus, Charles, 31, 106, 107
Mirage Records, 281
Mirren, Helen, xvi
Miss Leila, 325
Missouri, USS, 36
Miss Rhythm (Brown and Yule), 61–62, 65
Mitchell, Joni, 199, 204, 215, 254–55, 274
M. Munir Ertegun Turkish Studies Foundation, 18
Moby Grape, 182, 201
Modern Jazz Quartet, 106, 107
Modern Records, 51
“Money Honey,” 132, 152
Monterey Pop Festival, 192, 197, 211
Montreux Jazz Festival, 343–44
“Mood Indigo,” 13, 14
Moon, Keith, 217
Moonstruck, 174
Moore, Sam, xvii, 300, 304
Moran, Linda, 310, 314, 321
Morgado, Bob, 298, 299, 309–12, 314–16, 318–21
Morgan, Russ, 63
Morris, Doug, 252, 275, 283, 287, 294, 305, 312–13, 328, 336, 338–39, 343, 348
Morrison, Van, 160, 162
Morton, Jelly Roll, 288
Motion Picture Production Code, 17
Motown Records, 189
“Mr. Soul,” xviii, 184–85
“Mr. Tambourine Man,” 197
MTV, 317, 328
Munir, Mehmet, see Ertegun, Mehmet Munir
Muppets, The, 279–80
Murray, Jean, 121
Murray, Wallace, 17
musicians’ union, 39, 44–45
Music Man (Wade and Picardie), 160
Myers, Larry, 133–34, 136
Naftalin, Mark, 204–5
Naples Museum of Art, 323
Napster, 337
Nash, Graham, xviii, 187, 196–99, 201–3, 206–8, 271, 274, 304
Nathan, Syd, 51, 74
National Committee on American Foreign Policy, 299
National Records, 37, 44, 84, 85, 98
National Review, 278
“Needles and Pins,” 164
New Orleans, La., 48, 55, 56, 68–70, 93–94, 240–41, 287, 291
Newport Jazz Festival, 347
New School for Social Research, 72
News from Atlantic, 104–5
New York, City College of (CCNY), 43, 84, 90
New York, N.Y., 16
42nd Street, 16, 21, 42
Harlem, 25–26, 31, 42, 59, 90, 147
New York Cosmos, 283–86, 306
New York Daily News, 285
New Yorker, 79, 93–94, 319
profile of AE in, 231, 268–69, 272–74
New York Jets, 283
New York Journal-American, 110
New York Post, 268
“Page Six” of, xvi
New York Times, 147, 244, 263, 273, 286, 311, 333
New York University (NYU), 43, 44, 90
New York World’s Fair of 1939, 30
Nicks, Stevie, xviii, 312, 343
Nitzsche, Jack, 186–87
Nixon, Richard, 80
Nobs, Claude, 343–44
Nyro, Laura, 200, 233
Odyssey, The (Homer), 29
Oetegen, Fredrick, 83
“Oh, Didn’t He Ramble,” xvii
“Ohio,” 205–6
Okeh Records, 85
“Old Black Magic,” 50
Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, 170–72, 183, 243, 269, 291
“Open the Door, Richard,” 44
Orient Express, 7, 15
Orioles, 60, 75, 86
Ory, Kid, 48
Ostin, Mo, 2, 166–67, 187, 216–17, 258, 263, 266, 276, 278, 310–12, 316, 334
Ottoman Empire, 2–7, 21, 324
Armenian Genocide by, 17–19
fall of, 3–4, 7
Oz, Mehmet, 335
Page, Jimmy, 216–21, 307, 344
Page, Oren “Hot Lips,” 26
Pallenberg, Anita, 234, 236–38
Palmer, Bruce, 165, 177, 183–84, 202
Paramount Pictures, 22
Paris, 8, 10, 26, 33, 144, 276, 354
payola scandal of 1960, 128–31, 192
PBS American Masters series, xvi, 344–45
Pearl Harbor, Japanese attack on, 33
Pei, I. M., 291–92
Pelé, 284–86, 306
Pendergast, “Boss” Tom, 98
Peppermint Lounge, 142, 146–48, 149, 159
Petit Lycée Janson de Sailly, 10
Philles Records, 140
Phillips, Dewey, 106
Phillips, Sam, 100, 106, 287, 291
Picardie, Justine, 160
Pickering, Betsy, 110–11, 145
Pickett, Wilson, 190, 192, 196, 210, 211, 232, 249–50, 306–7
Pigozzi, Jean, 146, 286, 345
“Pinetop’s Boogie Woogie,” 77
Planet Waves, 257
Plant, Robert, 216, 217, 219, 221–22, 287, 343–44
Plantation Club, 25–26
Pomus, Doc, 48, 83, 108, 297–98, 300–301
Pop chart, 56, 132, 154
popular music, 41, 61, 98, 124
Porter, Cole, 85
Posner, Mel, 260–61
ell, Ginnie, 41, 50
Power, Tyrone, 54
Presley, Elvis, 85, 100, 106, 113, 121, 126, 147, 153, 203, 291
Price, Lloyd, 94, 134
Prima, Louie, 165, 168
Princeton University, Near Eastern Studies Department of, 18
Progressive Music, 76, 89, 96, 104, 152
prostitution, 127–28
Puritanism, 33
Quality Records, 42
“Queen of the Hop,” 122
racism, 13, 27, 31, 248–50
radio deejays, 50, 52, 93, 95–96, 101, 120, 126–31, 149, 172, 257
annual conventions of, 127–28, 130–31
payola demanded by, 114–15, 129–31, 192
Raeburn, Boyd, 41, 50
ragtime, 69
Rainey, Ma, 63
R&B charts, 64, 87, 91, 100, 105, 138, 153, 154
Rathbun, Walter “Bunny,” 78–79
Ray, 340–41, 347
Ray, Johnnie, 89
Rayner, Chessy, 271, 305
RCA Victor, 67, 113, 127, 129–30
Reagan, Ronald, 278
Really the Blues (Mezzrow and Wolfe), 31
Recording Industry Association of America, 337
Red Bird Records, 155–57, 160
Redding, Otis, 184, 189, 192, 249, 304, 307, 341
Renoir, Jean, 10
Reprise Records, 166, 187, 192, 214
Rex, SS, 15–16
Rhone, Sylvia, 315
rhythm and blues (R&B), 50, 51, 59–60, 64, 84, 91, 98–103, 105–6, 122, 288
Rhythm & Blues Foundation, 64, 299, 300–304
Richards, Keith, xv, xviii, 141, 224, 226, 228–30, 234–38, 240, 247, 293, 348–51
RICO act, 296–98
“Ring Dem Bells,” 13
“River Deep-Mountain High,” 141
Roberts, Elliot, 199–200, 205, 207, 254
Robinson, Lisa, 219, 334
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, xviii, 266, 288–94, 302, 334, 335
Ahmet Ertegun Archive at, 27–28
Ahmet Ertegun Award of, 293
first honorees of, 290–91
Rockefeller, David, 299
Rockefeller, Nelson, 284
rock ’n’ roll, 77, 85–86, 103, 113, 120–25, 136, 149, 153, 176–87
“Rock ’n’ Roll,” xviii
Rock ’n’ Roll Party, The, 114
Rohatyn, Felix, 310
Rolling Stone, xv, 31, 141, 213, 240, 289, 330–31, 332
Rolling Stones, xviii, 3, 141, 151, 165, 223–251, 272, 348–50
Rolling Stones Records, 229, 247
Rolontz, Bob, 201–2
Romania, 142–44
Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare), 54
Rooney, Mickey, 171
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 27, 33, 36
Rose, Charlie, 340–41
Rose, Jane, 348–51
Ross, Steve, 2, 214–15, 229, 254–59, 261, 263, 278–85, 294, 298, 305, 309–10, 313–17, 321
Rothchild, Paul, 198, 253
Roulette Records, 65, 112, 128, 147, 156, 159
Rubell, Steve, 271–72
Rudge, Peter, 225–26, 231, 239, 241–42, 245, 248, 251
Rumsfeld, Donald, 278
Rupe, Art, 51, 164
Russell, Pee Wee, 32, 39, 288
Russia, 6, 54
Russian Tea Room, 148, 153
The Last Sultan Page 52