Sabit, Vahdi, as Atlantic Records partner, 45–47, 52, 53, 73, 190
St. Albans School, 22
St. John’s College, 28–29, 35, 41, 256
Salih Pasha, 5, 6
Sam Donahue Orchestra, 50
Sander, Ellen, 45, 204, 206, 220
Santana, Carlos, 228, 266
Santo Domingo, Julio Mario, 111, 145, 335
Sassounian, Harut, 19
“Satchelmouth Swing,” 26
Savoy Ballroom, 90
Savoy Records, 51
Schönberg, Arnold, 13
Schrager, Ian, 272
“Sea of Love,” 221
Sears, Xenas, 101
segregation, 20–21, 23, 27, 78
Selective Service Act, 70–71
“Send Me Someone to Love,” xvii
“Seven Days,” 133
“Shake, Rattle and Roll,” 64, 100–101, 102–3, 105, 152, 267
Shakespeare, William, 54
Shaw, Billy, 74–75, 133
Shaw, Milt, 133–34
Shawn, William, 272
“Sh-Boom,” 105–6
“Shreveport Stomp,” 288
Sill, Lester, 137–38, 140, 153
Silverman, Max “Waxie Maxie,” 23, 42, 49, 61, 86, 312
Simon, Veronique, 325, 332–33, 345
Simon and Garfunkel, 228
Sinatra, Frank, 82, 114, 134, 166, 193–94
Singleton, Zutty, 32
“Sioux City Sue,” 44
Sire Records, 89, 289
slavery, 20, 85
Smith, Bessie, 23, 63
Smith, Joe, 2, 127, 257–59, 265, 276, 278, 319–20
Smith, Keely, 165, 168
Smith, Patti, xvi
Smith, Pinetop, 77
“Smokey Joe’s Cafe,” 153
Sobol, Louis, 110
“So Long,” 61, 63
Some Girls, 246–48
“Some of These Days,” 13
Sonny and Cher, 163, 164–70, 172–75, 178, 181, 183, 185, 280
Sony Music, 316, 321
soul music, 102–3, 287, 307
Soviet Union, 36, 60
Spacey, Kevin, 342
Spanish Civil War, 25
“Spanish Harlem,” 138
Specialty Records, 51, 164
Spector, Phil, 137–41, 151, 154–55, 164–65, 167, 203, 213
“Spider, The,” 50
“Splish Splash,” 120–25
Springfield, Dusty, 216–18
Springsteen, Bruce, 290, 293, 334
“Stagger Lee,” 94, 240
“Stairway to Heaven,” 221
“Stand by Me,” 301
Star Records, 70
State Department, U.S., 17–18, 33
Stax Records, 184, 189, 307
Steele, Tommy, 218
Stein, Seymour, 89, 156–57, 289, 291
Steinbeck, John, 25
Steinberg, Susan, 344–45
Stewart, Jim, 189
Sticky Fingers, 234–35
Stigwood, Robert, 2, 198, 210–16, 233, 246, 280
Stills, Stephen, xviii–xix, 176–87, 196–208, 231, 233–34, 304
Stockholm, 153
Stoller, Mike, 137–38, 152, 153–58, 160, 301
Stone, Brian, 165–76, 178–79, 181–87, 210
Stone, Jessie, 64, 75–77, 85–87, 92, 99–100
“Stormy Weather,” 13
“Strange Brew,” 212
Studio 54, 271–72, 285
Sufis, 4, 36
“Suite: Judy Blue Eyes,” 196–97
Sullivan, Ed, 149
Sun Records, 100, 106, 345
“Sunshine of Your Love,” 212
Sutton, Percy, 248
Switzerland, 7–10, 23
Taylor, Mick, 224, 234, 247
Taylor, Sam “The Man,” 100
“Teardrops from My Eyes,” 64
teenage dance shows, 120–22
Ten-East Music, 178–79
Thalberg, Irving, 17, 203
“There Goes My Baby,” 154
This Is My Beloved (Benton), 53–54
Threepenny Opera, The (Weill and Brecht), 124
Til, Sonny, 60, 86
Time, 63, 110
Time Warner, 315, 316, 322, 338
“Tipitina,” 70
“To Know Him Is to Love Him,” 137
Toombs, Rudy, 48, 64, 76–77
Top 40 radio format, 127
Top Ten chart, 59, 105, 122, 125, 132, 182, 183, 219, 255, 313
Tosches, Nick, 100
Totten, George, Jr., 21
Townshend, Pete, 305, 312
Traffic, xix, 213
“Treasure of Love,” 133
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, 6
Treaty of Lausanne, 4
Treaty of Sèvres, 3–4
Trotsky, Leon, 90
Trow, George, 231, 233–34, 268–69, 271–74
Truman, Harry S., 36
Trump, Donald, 352
Tucker, Sophie, 13
Turkey, Republic of, 3–8, 10–11, 14–19, 21, 35–36, 38, 50, 77, 80, 145, 151, 190, 277, 299, 320, 352–54
Armenian Genocide denied by, 17–19
Foreign Affairs Office of, 17
neutrality of, 33, 35
1980 military coup in, 306
Turkish army, 2
Turkish Parliament, 18
Turner, Ike, 141
Turner, Joe, 32, 75, 76, 90, 94, 96, 98–100, 105, 267, 297–98, 300
Turner, Tina, 141, 293
Turner’s Arena, 59
Twist, 146–47
“Twist and Shout,” 139, 151, 160
200 Motels, 342
Ulysses (Joyce), 26
United Artists, 116–17, 132, 155
United Artists Records, 281
United Nations (UN), 38, 142, 144
Universal Music, 320
Universal Studios, 79
Urban II, Pope, 3
Vanity Fair, 275, 324
Van Walls, Harry “Piano Man,” 76, 87
Vaughan, Sarah, 44, 59, 60, 63
Vee-Jay Records, 150, 151, 188
Viera, Meredith, 297
Vietnam War, 295
Vogel, Sheldon, 216, 271, 280–81, 287, 314
Vogue, 110, 163, 171
Voice of America, 60
Voinovich, George, 290
Voltaire, 3
von Papen, Franz, 33
Vreeland, Diana, 163–64, 171, 269, 272
Wade, Dorothy, 160
Wakschal, Francine, 51, 295, 296
Waller, Fats, 26
Warhol, Andy, 234, 242, 243, 272
Waring, Richard, 54
Warner Brothers Records, 127, 132, 166, 187, 257, 266, 276, 310, 312, 318, 319, 334
Warner Brothers-Seven Arts, 191–95, 214
Warner Communications, 255, 264–65, 276, 278, 282, 284–86, 309–10, 313–17
Warner Music Group, 276, 281–83, 294, 298–99, 310, 316–17, 320, 338–39
Warner Music International, 310
Warner U.S. Music Group, 318–20
Waronker, Lenny, 178
Washington, D.C., 12, 14, 20–24, 26–28, 33–36, 59–60
black neighborhoods of, 20–21, 23–24, 40
segregation in, 20–21, 23, 27, 30–32
Turkish embassy in, 21–22, 25, 30–32, 34–36, 38, 50, 91, 283
Union Station in, 16, 31
Washington, Dina, 59
Washington, George, 197
Washington, Harold, 290
Washington, Sister Ernestine, 42
Washington Post, 38, 299
“Swing Session” column in, 30
Waters, Muddy, xviii, 96, 97, 244–45
Watts, Charlie, 348–49, 351
WBLS, 248
Webster, Ben, 39
Weill, Kurt, 124
Wein, George, 347
Wein, Joyce, 347
Weintraub, Jerry, 281
Weiss, Richard, 124
Welsh, Walter S
., 71–72
Wenner, Jann, xv, xviii, 141, 213, 289, 291–93, 332, 350–54
Werfel, Franz, 16–18
West, Kanye, 339
Wexler, Anita, 162
Wexler, Arthur, 90
Wexler, Elsa Spitz, 89–91
Wexler, Harry, 89, 91, 92
Wexler, Jerry, 89–98, 242
on AE, xi, xvii, 92, 97, 265–66, 308
AE’s relationship with, 92–94, 98, 148–49, 152, 154, 158, 260–61, 264–67, 276, 305, 307–8
background and education of, 89–91, 97
death of, 97, 250
failure of, to sign Beatles, 151–52
as partner in Atlantic Records, xi, xvii, 91–98, 100–107, 109, 115–19, 122–26, 131–36, 138–39, 151–62, 176, 178, 185–86, 188–95, 249–53, 257–62, 264–67, 270
resignation of, 265–67, 278
Wexler, Paul, 101, 136
Wexler, Shirley Kampf, 91
WFIL television, 120
“Whatcha Gonna Do,” 133
“What’d I Say,” 131–32
Wheels of Fire, 212–13
Whiskey A Go Go, 177–78
Whiteman, Paul, 10
Whittingham, Miss, 12, 16
Who, The, 2, 211, 217, 219, 305
“Whole Lotta Love,” 221
WIBG, 129
Widows Club, xviii
Wilentz, Sean, 67
William J. Clinton Foundation, 348
William Morris Agency, 199–200
Williams, Hank, 89
Williams, J. Mayo, 55–56
Willis, Chuck, 122–23
Williston, Carol, 39
Williston, Tom, 39
Wilson, Brian, 165
Wilson, Derby, 13
Wilson, Teddy, 30, 32, 39
WINS, 114, 123, 129
Winwood, Stevie, 204, 210–14, 343, 344
WLIB, 248
Wolcott, James, 275
Wolfe, Bernard, 31
Wolfe, Tom, xvi, 140, 146–47, 163
Woodlawn Cemetery, 347–48
Woods, Noreen, 151, 249–50, 289, 326
Woodstock Festival, 117, 204, 225
World War I, 2, 3, 6, 16, 20
World War II:
fall of Paris in, 33
Japanese surrender in, 36
Pearl Harbor attack in, 33
Wright, Claudia, 299
Wyman, Bill, 234, 238, 240, 245
“Yakety Yak,” 125, 154
Yale University, 78, 127, 257, 263
Yenge, Madame, 9
Yetnikoff, Walter, 251, 281–83, 312
Young, Lester, 30, 31
Young, Neil, xviii–xix, 176–81, 197, 199, 205–8, 305, 352
Young, Scott, 177
Young Rascals, 188
Youngstein, Max, 116–17
Young Turks, 17
Yule, Andrew, 61
Zappa, Frank, 342
Zipkin, Jerry, 305
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The Library of Congress has cataloged the hardcover edition as follows: Greenfield, Robert.
The last sultan : the life and times of Ahmet Ertegun / Robert Greenfield.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Ertegun, Ahmet M. 2. Sound recording executives and producers—United States—Biography. I. Title.
ML429.E72G74 2011
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ISBN 978-1-4165-5838-5
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