Book Read Free

Darkest Sin

Page 21

by Ashton Blackthorne

“Fucking you. I’m sorry, Ash, I couldn’t help myself.”

  His eyes were big staring at me as if he couldn’t believe I would take upon myself to do such a thing. His hands cupped my breasts filling them. He squeezed each one as I began bouncing up and down his cock.

  “God, yes, fuck me, Ronnie!” he commanded. His eyes squeezed shut bliss written all over his face.

  He gripped my waist tightly and began to bounce me up and down his cock. He reached out his hands for me to hold as I raised up on my feet to ride him hard. Throwing my head back, I could feel my orgasm close. I wondered if he would let me come now.

  His eyes opened catching my gaze. My pussy began to contract tightly around his cock. I was so close.

  “It’s all right. Come, Ronnie.”

  Magic words! As soon as he uttered them, I felt sweet release as I came harder than I had the night before. His cock swelled even bigger as I felt his lurch forward.

  Ash groaned loudly. I could feel his come filling me up. Slowly, I released his hands falling forward into his arms. I could feel his heart pounding next to mine. This was bliss, this was true fulfillment in every sense of the word. At that moment, I knew he was my soulmate.

  Brushing my hair from my face, Ash pulled away slightly to look at me.

  “Ronnie, whatever possessed you to do that?”

  I shrugged.

  “You looked so peaceful, but so sexy just lying there. I was just overwhelmed with the desire to have you inside me.”

  Ash chuckled. He ran his fingertips over the locket.

  “I’m so glad you did. Wow, what a way to wake up. You should stay over more often.”

  I rolled off the bed gazing at my phone.

  “It’s after nine! Dammit, I have a meeting with Coburn Thomas at ten-thirty! I need to get going, Ash.”

  As I set about gathering my clothes, Ash rose from the bed. He grabbed my hands and sat me back on the bed.

  “Not yet, Ronnie. Breakfast first.”

  I threw up my hands.

  “I don’t have time for breakfast, Ash! This meeting is very important. We have a lot of money riding on this deal. My father will kill me if I’m not there.”

  He nodded.

  “You have an hour and a half. It takes twenty minutes to get to your office. I took the liberty of ordering breakfast last night. My maid should have it waiting for us. Just get back into the bed and I will serve you.”

  Reluctantly, I crawled back into the bed taking my bra and panties with me.

  “Stay nude.” He ordered as he spied me slipping into my bra.

  Ash retreated down the stairs emerging moments later wheeling a cart laden with silver dishes. Seeing as he was still nude, it was quite an appealing sight. He always had breakfast prepared for me, but he’d never brought it to me in bed. This was a pleasant surprise.

  As I attempted to rise from the bed to enjoy our breakfast, Ash pushed me back down.

  “I told you I would serve you.”

  Confused, I did as he instructed. With dramatic flair, he pulled the silver domed lids off the dishes. It was an elaborate affair. The exquisite dishes were made from Limoges porcelain. It was Bernardaud Chateaubriand Blue 40. I recognized the pattern as I had just been china shopping with Bryce a few weeks ago. Bowls of fresh fruits and plates were decorated with the most delectable breakfast foods I’d ever seen.

  “Ash, this looks amazing! You must thank your chef.”

  He chuckled.

  “Yes, Oliver has outdone himself. I don’t have a full time chef. He only works for me on an as needed basis. I told him I wanted the most lavish breakfast he could invent.”

  Ash proceeded to wheel the cart right next to the bed. Expecting that he was going to prepare a plate for me, I waited to be served.

  Then he pulled a black silk blindfold.

  “Ash, what’s going on? How can I eat if you blindfold me?” I laughed picturing myself spilling the food down all over myself as I tried to eat without seeing.

  “No, Ronnie, you don’t need to see. I will take care of you.” He slipped the blindfold around my head tying it securely in the back.

  Amused, I leaned back as I allowed Ash to do what he wished with me.

  “It’s my business doing pleasure with you, Ronnie. Allow me.” I heard the clink of silverware against the fine china.

  “Open your mouth.” I opened my mouth feeling the silver spoon against my teeth. A wonderful taste delighted my taste buds. I didn’t know exactly what it was, but as the delicious food melted on my tongue I tasted lobster, eggs, and cheese. There was also a hint of caviar. I savored that bite as Ash spooned a bit more into my eager mouth.

  “How was that?” He whispered as he brought a linen napkin to my mouth.

  “Delicious. What was that? I tasted lobster and caviar.”

  I heard the silverware against china again as I imagined he feeding himself as well.

  “Lobster frittata. It’s Oliver’s take on Le Parker Meridien’s famous Zillion Dollar Lobster Frittata.”

  “Mmmm. So good. I thought it had a familiar taste. I’ve dined there for breakfast numerous times. Excellent. Give him my compliments.” I licked my lips.

  He brought a glass of champagne to my lips.


  I sat back eagerly awaiting the next course.

  I felt Ash’s fingers brush my lips. I opened my mouth and bit down on a strawberry. The juices spilled down the sides of my mouth. It was fresh, sweet, and delicious.

  “Strawberries.” I murmured as I licked the juice from my lips.

  After he’d had me finish a small bowl of berries, I sat back feeling satisfied. My pussy was wet with anticipation. I couldn’t imagine what he would do next.

  “Now it’s my turn to eat, Ronnie.”

  I quivered all over wondering what he meant by that. Suddenly, I felt a cold, wet sensation on my nipples.

  Ash’s lips touched my nipples licking and sucking them. I detected the scent of whipped cream.

  “Mmmm,” I murmured as my nipples hardened. I felt an enormous rush of heat to my pussy. I couldn’t wait until he moved below. My hands reached out to tangle in his thick head of hair.

  Then he poured a sticky, thick substance onto my tits and stomach. He lapped it up tracing a line from each breast down to the small of my stomach. I heard the clanking of dishes as he was picking up something.

  I jumped as an icy cold liquid was poured across my pussy.

  “Ash! What are you doing?”

  “I told you I was eating.” His voice so sexy and deep spoke from between my legs. A small object then traced against my clit. I could only imagine what it was. I squirmed with pleasure as his tongue found its’ way to my sweetness. His tongue lapped against my pussy licking the cold liquid from it. Gently, he blew against my hardening nub his breath making my pussy warm and tingling. Ash brought the object to my pussy dragging it slowly across my flesh driving me wild with desire. His tongue flicked across my pussy faster and faster as my clit swelled from his touch. I twisted my head from side to side digging my fingernails into his strong shoulders. Just as I felt myself on the verge of coming, he plunged the object into my pussy. I shot up off the bed as the object was small and cold.

  “Ash! What is that?” I attempted to remove the blindfold. His hand caught mine.

  “Don’t! You need to trust me, Ronnie,” he commanded. I squirmed as the object felt strange, but pleasurable. Ash then inserted his finger withdrawing the object slightly then pulled it out with his tongue. I heard a slight crunching sound.

  A strawberry, I thought. That must’ve been what he put inside my pussy. I squealed with pleasure as he did it a few more times slipping the berries into my pussy and eating them.

  Now I’ve really been ‘eaten out’. I giggled at the thought. I wondered what other delicious things Ash had in store for me. I leaned back and allowed him to do whatever he wished with me.



to work after the morning we’d had was next to impossible. I sat at my desk simply staring at the files the words blurred. I couldn’t focus. All I could think about was the firestorm that would come after I informed Bryce our engagement was off. The hell that my father would rain down upon me…I could hardly stand to think about it.

  Reaching up to finger Ash’s locket hidden beneath my blouse, fear of the repercussions of our rekindled relationship scarcely mattered anymore. Just thinking about Ash brought a smile to my face and heat to my pussy. My hand fell to my lap where I briefly touched myself feeling the pleasurable soreness.

  Suddenly, the door to my office swung open. There stood my father his face bright red.

  “Veronica! Why the hell are you still in here? The team from Coburn Thomas are waiting in the conference room. It’s nearly 10:45!”

  I glanced at my computer. I’d been sitting here staring at the files on my desk for nearly an hour.

  “I didn’t realize. Sorry, Dad. I’ll be right there.” Frantically, I ran my fingers through my hair and tucked my blouse into my skirt.

  “What’s wrong with you, Veronica? You’re usually so punctual. Something’s going on. I don’t have time to hash this out with you right now, but you and I will be talking this afternoon.” He watched as I gathered my files.

  “I’m fine, Dad. I’ve just had a lot going on is all.” I groaned inwardly as he scolded me all the way into the conference room.

  “You better hope this has nothing to do with Ash Blackthorne, Veronica. I meant what I said,” he warned me. I clenched my right hand into a fist my long fingernails digging into my palm.

  He swung open the door to the conference room. I walked in plastering a grin to my face.

  After the meeting, I followed my father back to his office.

  “Okay, Veronica, what the hell is going on? I watched you the entire time during that meeting with Coburn Thomas. You aren’t on top of your game like you usually are. Where’s the shark I hired six months ago?”

  Collapsing into the chair across from my father’s desk, I rolled my eyes. Here I was a grown woman and he was still talking to me like I was a child. It was just like when he sent me away to that horrid Catholic boarding school.

  Those sadistic nuns…

  I shook partly from the memory and from rage. I wasn’t going to let him do this to me again.

  “Dad, if you really want to know what’s going on I’ll tell you, but you won’t like it.”

  He stood up behind his desk his puffy hands curled into fists. His grey hair stood out from his head making him look deranged. The wrinkles in his forehead had become more prominent over the past year causing him to look even older than his seventy years.

  “Go on, Veronica. I have a suspicion it’s about Ash Blackthorne.” Beads of perspiration began to trickle down the sides of his face. The collar of his shirt was buttoned too tightly and the loose flesh of his neck hung over it. He didn’t look well.

  I sighed. I didn’t know if I could do this. I’d never really stood up to my father before. Then I thought of what Ash would do if he were here. He wouldn’t take this shit not for one moment. I reached into my blouse and pulled out the locket.

  “See this, Dad? It was a gift from Ash ten years ago. What to know what it says? It says ‘Mine’ because I belong to him.”

  His eyes bulged as he peered at the locket.

  “My God, Veronica, what are you saying? You’re still carrying a torch for the man that dumped you ten years ago? Why? You have Bryce, a fine man who wants to marry you! Why would you throw all that away for that tacky nouveau riche prick, Ash?”

  Jumping up, I slammed my hands on his desk.

  “Dad, I have taken your self-righteous crap my entire life! Ever since Mom died, I’ve been your fucking punching bag. You have lorded over me my entire life, and you know what? It stops right here right now. I love Ash! If Ash asked me to marry him, I would. I never loved Bryce and I never will. And Ash didn’t dump me years ago, we parted on mutual terms. We were going in different directions, but all that’s changed. We’re together and I want to be with him. And you know what else? I’m his. I’m more than his. I’m his submissive. I do what he says.”

  My father’s face was turning an ominous dark shade of red. His entire body was shaking. His breath came in short gasps.

  “You traitorous bitch. I never thought I’d see the day when my only daughter declared she was some man’s whore. You sicken me, Veronica. I’ve missed your mother for over thirty years. Every day I’ve longed for her to be with me, but today I’m actually glad she’s dead so she can’t see the whore you’ve become.”

  Rage boiled within me. With one sweep of my arm, I shoved all the items on his desk to floor. Glass shattered everywhere as the computer monitor crashed to the floor along with all his framed pictures of me.

  “How dare you speak to me like that! Whore? You’re the one who raised me! You’re the one who shoved me into that hell hole that masqueraded as a Catholic boarding school. Do you have any idea of what those sick, twisted bitches who called themselves nuns did to me in the name of God? You have no idea! Or maybe you do. Maybe you wanted to see me punished after getting into trouble with Rick. Losing that baby wasn’t enough. You wanted to see me suffer. Well, Dad, congratulations you got your wish. I was punished, oh, how I was punished.”

  I stopped to catch my breath. Glass crunched beneath my feet as I stormed around his office.

  “Now Ash has come back into my life. He’s awakened in me desires I never knew I had. Desires you and those sadistic nuns tried to stifle and convince me were sinful. There’s nothing sinful about loving someone. As far as my being Ash’s submissive, I love it. When his whip strikes my flesh, I cry out for more. He gives me everything I need and everything I want. So if you want me out of your life I’ll gladly go. All I want is Ash.”

  I stopped pacing to gaze at my father. His eyes were slightly glazed and his face had gone from bright red to ashen.

  “Dad?” I asked walking over to him.

  Without warning, he crumpled to the floor clutching his chest.

  I screamed falling to my knees.

  “Dad! Are you okay?” I placed my hand on his forehead and felt his clammy skin.

  “Get out,” he whispered.

  Hearing my scream, his secretary, Kristin threw open the door.

  “Veronica! What’s going on? Oh my God!” She gasped as she saw the mess and my father lying on the floor.

  “Call 911!” I ordered as she raced back to her desk.

  “Dad, what’s wrong?” I tried to grab his hand.

  “Get out!” He stammered rolling his eyes up to look at me.

  “Dad, please. Forget all that. An ambulance is on the way.” Tears welled up in my eyes.

  Focusing on the locket hanging from my neck, he spoke again.

  “I have no daughter. Go.”

  I stood up backing away. Kristin flew back in to be at his side.

  “Get out, Veronica!” he screamed, still clutching his chest.

  She looked at me as I scooted towards the door.

  “Is she gone?” I heard his voice ask faintly. She looked at me helplessly.

  I nodded as I fled the office.

  What had I done?

  Tears spilled down my face as I raced to my car. Hands shaking, I dialed Ash’s number.

  “Ronnie? What’s wrong? I can’t understand you.”

  My words tumbled out amidst choking sobs.

  “My father…it’s my father…he..he..”

  “What happened, Ronnie? Where are you?”

  “I’m at the office.” I wiped the tears from my face with my sleeve. As I looked up, I saw the ambulance sitting in front of the entrance carrying my father out on a stretcher. He looked so pale. Kristin got into the ambulance with him.

  That should’ve been me.

  “Ash, he collapsed. We had a fight. It was awful, so awful.”

  “Hold on, Ronnie. I’ll be right ther

  Ash’s office was only a few blocks away. I held the locket between my fingers praying the whole time my father would be all right. I meant what I had said to him, but I didn’t want him to die.

  Moments later, Ash’s sleek black car pulled up next to mine. He threw open the car door and wrapped his arm about my waist.

  “Ronnie, it’s going to be fine.” He walked me over to his car.

  “I want to see him.” I stated so grateful Ash was with me. I fell upon his shoulder as he drove.

  “What happened, Ronnie? You said you had a fight with him. Was it about me?”

  “How did you know?”

  Ash nodded. He pulled into the valet section of the hospital.

  “Because your father has always hated me. He despised my father as well. I don’t know why. Something happened between those two several years ago.”

  I sniffled. Ash pulled a monogrammed handkerchief from his inside his coat.

  “Here, Ronnie.”

  I took the fine cloth and blotted my eyes staining it with my mascara. I’m sure I looked a mess, but I didn’t care.

  The valet stood next to his car, but Ash took a moment to wrap his arms around me brushing the hair back from my face. His lips pressed against my cheek.

  “Ronnie, it’s going to be okay. I’ll be right there with you. You don’t have to do this alone.”

  As he held me, a feeling of peace enveloped me. I knew with him by my side I could weather any storm.

  My phone vibrated as we walked into the ER. I glanced into my coat pocket and saw it was Bryce.

  Shit, I’d forgotten all about him. I knew I was going to have to break our engagement I just couldn’t do it right now. I was too worried about my father.

  As Ash walked over to the front desk to find out where my father was, I sent a quick text to Bryce.

  Having a crisis at the office. I’ll call you later.

  Anything I can help with?

  No, just business.

  “He’s being admitted. They don’t know anything yet. They’re doing an EKG.”

  Ash sat down with me and held my hand.

  “I’m sorry you fought with him over me, Ronnie. But I know what you’re thinking, if you hadn’t fought with him he wouldn’t be here.”


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