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Darkest Sin

Page 38

by Ashton Blackthorne

  I decided to make a turn down a backroad. I caught a glimpse of bright shining headlights baring down behind me. Instantly, the car was upon us closing in.

  I struggled to keep the car on the road whipping the wheel this way and that. I slammed the gas pedal to the floor. There was no way this fucker’s beat up car could keep pace with my ultra-fast sports car.

  “Slow down! There’s road construction up ahead!”

  Slamming the brakes, the car skidded to a stop. The car behind me stopped short as well. Slowly, the car started rolling backward in reverse. Both Amber and I sat in the car as she began trembling.

  “Open my glove box,” I commanded.

  As the glove box opened, I reached inside and pulled out my Kimber Ultra Raptor .45. I stroked the shiny stainless steel barrel then checked the clip and saw it was loaded. I took the safety off and pushed into the front of my pants.

  “What the hell are you doing? You can’t just shoot him!”

  “If that fucker comes after us again, you just watch me.”

  Stepping out of the car, I walked to the middle of the highway. I threw my arms open as Ayden’s car sat idling a few hundred yards back. The engine of my car purred as his clanked.

  “What are you going to do, motherfucker? You think you’re so fucking tough terrorizing women? Well, come deal with me!” I yelled out into the night at the white car which sat with its’ high beams on like it was grinning at me.

  “COME ON!” Withdrawing my gun from my pants, I waited for him.

  The tires screeched and the car roared. Ayden must’ve slammed on the gas as he was on me in seconds.

  Amber screamed as she reached out of the window to pull me back in the nick of time. I shook loose from her as I swore I saw Ayden’s face pass by me.

  As if in slow motion, I whipped around cocking the gun and pulled the trigger. Firing several shots, one bullet pierced his rear windshield shattering it. Glass exploded and rained down upon the highway. Ayden’s car swerved dramatically, but kept on driving down the road.

  “Holy shit, Ash! You shouldn’t have done that! You have no idea what he’s capable of. He’s sick and twisted.”

  Trembling, I climbed back into the car. I had never actually fired the gun at a person before. Sliding the gun back into the glove box, I hit the gas and decided to get on main highway heading back towards the city.

  “That was insane, Ash. You could’ve killed him!”

  “He tried to run me over.” I held onto the wheel to still my shaking hands.

  “I know, Ash, I know. It’s all my fault.” She burst into tears.

  “No, it’s not. He’s sick and twisted just like you said.”

  Amber continued to cry.

  “Look, I shot out his back windshield. Now he knows who he’s dealing with. He knows I’m armed. I’m going to take us back to my place in the city. I’ll call my insurance company in the morning.”

  “The police?” she asked still shaking.

  I shook my head. “There’s no way to prove he did it. Look, I don’t know what this guy’s problem is, but he’s gone now. He probably just saw us out together earlier and got jealous. It’s over now, Amber.” I reached over to touch her hand. Even as the words fell from my lips, I doubted them myself.

  A pair of bright headlights flashed again in my rear view mirror. I hesitated before hitting the gas.

  As the sports car raced forward down the highway, Ayden’s car appeared and switched lanes accelerating rapidly. With a quick turn, he whipped the wheel slamming into the side of my car.

  Amber screamed as she held onto the dashboard.

  My car started to spin out of control as I gripped the wheel with all my might. Taking my foot off the gas, I managed to keep the car on the highway.

  “It’s Ayden. He’s back…he’s back…he’s back!” She kept repeating like a broken record.

  “I’ve got this, Amber. Fuck it, I’m heading for the nearest police station.”

  Amber shook violently in her seat crying hysterically. “You don’t know him. You don’t know him like I do. He’s so angry now. We can’t go to the police. It won’t do any good,” she whispered her hands twisting in her lap.

  “What do you mean? I’m not afraid of this fucking idiot.” With that, I jammed on the gas pedal looking for the nearest exit.

  “Oh God, here he comes again!” Amber screamed digging her nails into my arm as I tried to brace myself for another impact.

  This time I quickly switched lanes and then hit the brakes before Ayden could hit us. His car swerved dangerously nearly hitting the median. I then accelerated as I saw an exit approaching.

  “I’ll pull over up here and call the police. Amber, get your phone ready.”

  “I can’t find it!” She cried looking through her purse.

  Then, the bright lights from Ayden’s car shone in widening cones blinding me. I heard the engine scream as Ayden’s car raced forward at us. I braced myself holding onto the wheel in a death grip.

  “Hold on!” I screamed to Amber.

  As Ayden’s car barreled down the highway toward us, I slammed on the brakes jerking the car to the side of the road.

  Bonk. Bonk. Bonk.

  The car thudded as it ran over the rumble strips.

  I looked back to see Ayden smash into the median. The windshield of his car exploded on impact with a hail of glass shattering everywhere. Metal crunched as his car crumpled against the median.

  I brought the car to a stop as we both turned to see flames pouring from the hood of the car.

  “Oh my God,” I whispered. There was no way he survived that crash.

  A shrill cry escaped Amber’s lips. She shook as I took her into my arms.

  “He’s gone.”

  “My God, Ash. I never…oh my God,” she sobbed as I held her.

  I smoothed her long hair as she wept in my arms. I continued to watch the flames licking up from beneath the hood of Ayden’s car.

  The sound of sirens pierced the air as I pulled Amber from me.

  “Let’s go. He can’t hurt us anymore.”

  Leaving the terrible carnage behind us, I drove on back to my penthouse. I was still shaking myself as I kept seeing Ayden’s car smash into the median. There was absolutely no way he could’ve survived.

  Still, as I pulled into the long driveway to my house, I couldn’t help but wonder why Ayden was targeting me. I knew he’d been Amber’s ex, but still I had a nagging feeling it was more personal, like he had been coming for me rather than her.


  Several hours later, I had Amber calmed down. We settled into the huge hot tub on the terrace. The night was cold, the breeze was strong, and the hot tub felt deliciously warm.

  “You’re the first woman I’ve had out here since I had this hot tub installed.”

  “This is gorgeous. I love it.” Amber sighed leaning closer to me.

  “I’m glad I brought you here,” I whispered, brushing her hair back. She looked so beautiful in the moonlight.

  “I never knew Manhattan could seem so peaceful at night. Maybe it’s because of what happened earlier.” Tears began to well again in Amber’s eyes.

  “Amber, I thought we agreed we’d discussed Ayden enough for tonight. He’s gone.” I touched my finger to her lips.

  She nodded pulling me closer to her. “I know Ayden was a bad guy, but I didn’t want him to die.” She bit her lip as she looked down.

  “I know, but it wasn’t your fault. The guy was crazy. I wasn’t trying to get him killed, but he did it to himself. It was out of our hands.” After hours of talking about him, I was ready to put the discussion to rest. The mere thought of him disturbed me greatly even though I’d never actually met him.

  “I hadn’t seen him in over two years. I don’t know why he just appeared. I started seeing him again a few months ago. He was always following me.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Amber shrugged. “I didn’t want to think that the wh
ole thing was starting up again. I thought he’d moved back to Chicago.”

  “Chicago? Was he from Chicago?” I sipped my glass of Pellagrino.

  Amber nodded.

  “Where about in Chicago?”

  “I think South Side. Why?” She finished her champagne.

  My heart beat in a dull thud. I felt the air become so thin I could scarcely breathe. Why did that matter? “You didn’t meet him there, did you? I know you’re from Chicago.”

  “No. I met him here in New York.”

  I nodded recalling the story. I just couldn’t shake the strange feeling I had about him. “I don’t want to talk about Ayden anymore.” I said as I pulled her into my arms.

  “Neither do I,” she whispered.

  I could feel her tits pressed against my chest, warm and inviting as she arched into me. The warm water swirled around us, heating me even further than I already was. Although most of that was due to her, admittedly. Her lips were so close to mine, slightly parted and inviting...

  The hell with it all, I thought.

  I grabbed her face in my hands, pulling her to me and kissing her deeply. My lips too command of hers, pulsing into the soft flesh there and dominating her. It was if the floodgates had been opened and all the passion we’d kept hidden from each other over the years spilled forth. Over and over again, our lips met, devouring each other. Each pass even more heated than the last. My hands roamed her body, feeling every luscious curve beneath the water.

  The way that her waist indented and made her seem even more statuesque than she already did. God I wanted her. My cock surged, blood rushing to it as I shifted back from her, breaking our lips only so that I could see her. Quickly, I untied her bikini top, pulling at the strings and letting her breasts fall free finally revealing them to my hungry eyes. Her body was so beautiful, my eyes drank in her loveliness. Each lucious curve that called to me so insistently. Amber clung to me, running her hands over my muscular frame with her tongue ravaging my own. Like all of the heat I felt for her was repeated back to me.

  “Fuck me, Ash,” she whispered as my lips trailed down her neck.

  I lifted my hands and squeezed her tits between them, feeling the full weight of them in my hands. Heavy and round, her pert nipples surging against my palms. My cock was standing up, rock hard and ready to plunge inside her. A mind of its own, and I felt as if I was quickly losing the battle with holding out. “Not here.” I demanded as I pulled her up out of the water. Grabbing a towel, I fell to my knees, drying her body as she stood shivering. Her breasts swelled up even bigger with arousal, her nipples hardening further in the cool breeze.

  Wrapping the towel around her, I swept her up, carrying her inside the house.

  Quickly, I ascended the stairs, still holding her tightly in my arms. Her blue eyes met mine, making me feel as if I was melting inside.

  I threw open the door to the master bedroom. My heart was beating so hard I thought surely she must hear it.

  I hit the dimmer on the light switch and the room was aglow in soft light. The bed was similar to the one I had at my house in the Hamptons and on Hyannis. It was custom made, much larger than a regular king size bed. It sat on a dais against one wall with a huge mahogany frame. The stone fireplace was on and a fire danced merrily behind the glass. An enormous picture window offered a spectacular view of the New York skyline.

  “This is perfect,” she murmured as I laid her down on the bed.

  I stripped my shorts off as I stood staring at her laying on the bed.

  She looked like a goddess come to life. Her long blonde hair the color of honey fell in damp strands against her body. Her tits were full and sat high up on her chest. Her waist was small and her hips swelled beneath them. She had the perfect hourglass figure. Her skin was golden tan.

  “Is there something wrong?” she asked, noting my hesitation.

  “No. You’re just….perfect.”

  Her eyes softened as she motioned for me to come closer.

  Quickly, I shed my shorts the rest of the way and her mouth fell open.

  “My God, Ash….”

  “He won’t bite.” I laughed, falling onto the bed next to her. I wrapped her in my arms feeling her breasts press against me. Hot and heavy, just like the erection that she had inspired. Her skin next to mine was sheer heaven. I kissed her down her neck feeling her heartbeat against mine. This was it. It was really going to happen this time.

  Reaching, I swept her bikini bottoms off in a flash, pulling them down her legs with a groan. I parted her legs with my other hand, scooting myself down so my face was between her legs. I longed to taste her. I had longed to taste her for six years.

  Amber’s head fell back against the pillows as I grabbed her tight, firm ass and pulled her to me and my waiting mouth. I could smell her, her scent filling my senses and clouding my head. I pressed my face into her pussy, inhaling her delicious scent further. She gasped as my tongue darted out, finally tasting her. I wrapped my hands around her waist as I lapped her pussy sucking her sweet lips. She arched her back and buried her hands in my hair.

  “Please, I’m going to come.” She moaned, her hips jerking against my mouth.

  Her pussy drenched my face as I swirled my tongue over her clit. I felt her hips surge forward as her pussy began to pulsate.

  I wanted her to wait before she came, but she tasted so good I just couldn’t wait myself to have her bathe my face in her juices. I wanted her…all of her.

  Just as I’d expected, when she came she promptly drenched my face. Dripping with her sweet glaze, I leaned forward taking her tits into my hands squeezing them tugging on her nipples until she cried out. I longed to take her into my dungeon and have a long session with her. I’d love to put nipple clamps on those delicious tits of hers and lash her thoroughly with my crop before sinking my cock deep inside her.

  “Ash, please fuck me.” She moaned. Her hand drifted down to grab my cock squeezing it.

  “Not yet.”

  Turning her over, I pulled her up on her hands and knees. I wanted to take another moment and just gaze at her body.

  “What are you doing, Ash?”

  Without saying a word, I slapped her ass as hard as I could, leaving a bright red mark. Over and over again, I spanked her until her ass was glowing red. Pulsing with the heat from my hand smacking against it. I couldn’t help myself, nor could I stopper the groan that vibrated out of my chest.

  “Oh my God, that feels so good.” She pushed her ass back toward my hand. Her pussy was shining wet with her arousal, a testament to how well she had taken it.

  Taking her ass cheeks into my hands, I pulled her open to reveal her dripping wet pussy and her tight pink asshole. I couldn’t decide which I’d rather fuck first.

  Slipping my fingers deep inside her pussy, I began working in and out fucking her hard with my fingers. Kneeling down low behind her, I ran my tongue lightly over her asshole delighting in how tight it was. I kissed her all over her, spanked ass soothing the sting of my blows. I continued to lick her asshole as I fucked her with my fingers.

  She moaned loudly trembling all over. “I’m going to come again. Please, I want to feel you inside me,” she pleaded.

  I could take it no longer. I wanted her back in the dungeon. “Not here.” With that, I pulled her off the bed.

  “The dungeon?” Anxiously, she followed me down the hall.

  Throwing open the double doors to my dungeon, I stood back awaiting her reaction. I expected she’d be shocked, maybe even offended. Surely, she’d never done anything like this…

  Amber walked into the dimly lit room looking around her. The dungeon I’d designed here was even more elaborate than the one in at my house in Hyannis.

  Since she’d been in my dungeon, I’d had a brand new St. Andrews cross custom made for me by a guy in Amsterdam. I had purchased all new sexual paraphernalia including a rack of paddles, floggers, whips, and of course, my favorite riding crop. I had nipple clamps, ball gags, spreader ba
rs, and restraints.

  “What do you think?” I whispered as I slipped up behind her my hands cupping her breasts.

  She spun around her hair slapping me lightly in the face. “I LOVE IT! Oh my God, Ash, I never dreamed…”

  “That I was this twisted?”

  “No, not that. I….oh my God, I love this.” Amber ran her hands over the cross.

  “I just had it delivered yesterday,” I said indicating the cross.

  “I’m glad to hear.” She practically danced over to the cross taking her place in front of it.

  Ecstatic from her reaction, I took a set of nipple clamps and restraints over to her.

  She leaned back eagerly as I spoke about the importance of selecting a safe word and giving her consent. She eagerly gave me her safe word and nodded. “I’m ready, Ash.”

  I took a set of leather restraints and walked over to her indicating she should take her place at the cross.

  As I looked at her leaning against the cross, nude and vulnerable I just couldn’t do it. I thought about all the terrible things she’d been through lately. I wondered if she was ready for this.

  If I was ready for this.

  The restraints dropped from my hand as I pressed my lips to hers. “Amber, I can’t…I don’t think I can do this with you,” I whispered as I gently stroked her body. I couldn’t understand it. We had been this close before, but I just couldn’t bind her like I had before. It didn’t seem right after everything that had happened. She was too precious to me. She wasn’t just a sub to me.

  “What, Ash? I want you to do this with me. I know what I’m consenting to.” She pulled me to her again.

  Pushing away, I looked at her standing there completely gorgeous. Her pussy wet and ready for my throbbing cock, but I just couldn’t. Something within me wouldn’t allow me to do it.

  “Are you not interested in me anymore?” Her lovely face went dark.

  “You know that’s not true.”

  She walked over to me pressing her lips to mine again. Her hands ran down my back and squeezed my firm ass. “Ash,” she whispered.

  “Amber,” I breathed, feeling her heartbeat next to mine.


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