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Darkest Sin

Page 62

by Ashton Blackthorne

  “Good news, Ayden. He thinks that based on these photos he can pinpoint some places to start.”

  “Like where?”

  “Children’s homes.”

  Jumping back into the car, Ayden turned to look at the house as we drove away. “That house is beautiful. It’s a shame no one uses it,” he remarked in an ominous tone as we drove away.

  Seventy Two


  Just as Ash predicted, his FBI contact had a list of places for us to start looking for Amelia. We were headed to a rural area a few hours west of the city when we decided to stop for a drink.

  Walking up to the bar, I slung my leg over the barstool.

  “What’s it gonna be, handsome?” the sexy blonde bartender asked looking me up and down. I felt much more comfortable in a place like this. I looked over at Ash who looked distinctly uncomfortable wearing a pair of jeans and a pullover.

  He coughed waving his hand in the air. “Damn, Ayden, I shouldn’t have let you pick the fucking bar. I don’t know how you stand all this smoke.”

  I laughed at him. “You’re just pissed because they don’t have Macallan here.”

  He cocked his eyebrow at me. “Of course they don’t.”

  The blonde bartender smiled at us both. “So what are two handsome guys like you doing in a place like this?”

  “Just passing through,” Ash replied scrutinizing the selection of liquor.

  “We don’t have Macallan, honey, in case you were wondering.”

  “That’s fine. I’ll have—”

  “—Johnnie Walker?” she asked picking up a glass.

  “No, give me a bottle of Bud Light.”

  My mouth fell open. “Seriously, Ash? I thought if you drank a beer, you’d grow horns or something.”

  “Make that two bottles,” he instructed.

  As the bartender sat down our beers, Ash opened his bottle and threw it back.

  “You never cease to amaze me, Ash.”

  “Of course not. We still have much to learn about each other.”

  I gazed around the bar. It was empty save for two grizzled old men in the corner slumped over their beers. “Is it always this busy?” I quipped.

  The bartender chuckled. She was a pretty blonde, a bit older than us. “Oh, sometimes we get a real crowd, you’d be surprised.”

  I chugged my beer as if I were at a college frat party.

  “Slow down.” Ash laughed as he sipped his beer.

  “So, what is your plan? How are we going to find Amelia?”

  Ash shrugged. “We’re going to try the children’s homes on this list first.”

  “What if that doesn’t pan out or give us the answers we’re looking for? Have you thought about that?” I motioned for another bottle.

  “Then I guess we look in other places.” Ash was always like this. Extremely calm. Nothing riled him up.

  I was always anxious. Perhaps that’s why I was a user and he wasn’t. “So what’s the first one on the list?”

  “St. Margaret’s.”

  “Let’s go.”

  We both finished our beers and headed to the north side of town. An old decrepit building greeted us.

  “You think this is right? Looks deserted.” I gazed around at the empty parking lot.

  “There’s a car back there, see?” Ash gestured to a white Corolla parked in the very back. It was rusted and looked as if it hadn’t run since the 90s.

  “I think that’s an abandoned car.”

  “We’ll just see if anyone’s here.”

  His confidence was admirable. I always felt a slight nagging insecurity when it came to uncertain situations. Ash never did. He always pushed ahead regardless of the circumstances or how things looked.

  With a slight push, the green door with its’ peeling paint opened. The building smelled old and musty. As we walked through down the hallway littered with trash, I could hear our footsteps. Stopping at what appeared to be an office, Ash hesitated for a moment before opening the door.

  “Is anyone in here?” He tapped on the door.


  Ash tried turning the knob. It was open, but something was blocking the door. He pushed his shoulder against the door shoving it hard. It still wouldn’t give. “Help me, Ayden.”

  Both of us shoved against the door as hard as we could. With a mighty shove, the door gave way and we both crashed into the room. The foul stench of urine made us both clasp our hands over our faces.

  “Holy shit, it stinks!” I waved my hand in the air.

  He nodded gesturing to the corner of the room where a five foot high stack of filthy diapers laid covered in dead flies. “Disgusting.” Clasping his hand over his face, he moved toward the row of file cabinets. Yanking one open, he began searching through the rows of files.

  I pulled my t- shirt over my nose and began doing the same.

  After several minutes of searching without success, Ash threw his hands in air. “She’s not here.”

  The room was stifling hot. The stench from the ancient diapers was making me sick.

  Out of nowhere, the office door pushed open and there stood an elderly nun. “What are you boys doing?” She demanded. Her sagging chin hung over the fabric of her black habit.

  “We knocked several times. The door was open.” Ash explained. He shot a look at me as I continued sifting through the files.

  “Well, you shouldn’t go nosing around on private property!” Her eyes narrowed angrily in her pinched face.

  “We’re looking for our sister. She may have been sent here after her mother died.”

  She shook her head. “We stopped taking children in 1990.”

  “Well, our sister would’ve been here in 1986. That’s when her mother was killed in a fire.”

  She shook her head. “Doubt she was ever here. Our doors closed for good in 2010. All the children who were here were sent to other homes in 2000.”

  I shook my head staring at Ash. She wasn’t making any sense.

  “But, Sister, she would’ve been here in 1986.”

  She stopped and stared at us for a moment. “Son, what I’m telling you is we rarely took many girls around that time. You’ve looked through those files. Now tell me did you see any girls’ names?”

  I thought a minute. “You know, I think I only saw one or two. What about you, Ash?”

  “Me too.”

  The nun looked at us triumphantly. “I told you. So, your sister wasn’t here. You can leave now.”

  Shocked at her rudeness, we stepped back.

  “Any idea where an eleven year old girl might’ve been taken in 1986 from the New York area?”

  Shaking her head, she waved us away. “No, I don’t. Leave now before I call the police.”

  Eager to get out of the hot, smelly room, we both left.

  “I guess we can cross St. Margaret’s off our list.”

  Seventy Three


  As I journeyed down the long, winding path to Ash and Amber’s secluded home in the Hamptons, I stood in amazement at the lavish house. That slut was living in immense luxury. The moon was hidden by clouds tonight making it even darker outside. The windows were dark just as I’d planned. Amber and Ash were in the city as I’d been watching them earlier in the day.

  Slipping through the shadows with my tool kit in my hand, I made my way to the back door on the deck. Suspecting they may have an alarm system on the house, I’d come prepared. Alarm systems weren’t too difficult to disarm for a professional thief which I was. With a few quick jerks of my hand, I eased the door open.

  Moments later, I was tiptoeing through the darkness with a flashlight. Quickly, I made my way up the stairs to the master bedroom. Walking into the room, I breathed in the scent of her perfume. The light shined across the huge custom sized bed. I marveled at the elaborate bed with its’ custom carved mahogany posts. I imagined her lying in the bed with her rich asshole boyfriend. I envisioned him fucking her from behind her breasts jiggling as he
pounded her hot pussy. The thought made me want to vomit.

  Shaking my head, I made my way into the master bathroom. Cosmetics and bottles of lotion and perfume littered the long dressing table. I picked up a glass bottle and squirted the perfume in the air. I inhaled deeply reveling in the sweet scent. Several pairs of tiny silk panties were hanging off the red velvet covered chair. Scooping up a pair in my hand, I relished the feel of the silk in my hand. I held them to my face breathing her scent. I stuffed them into my pocket as I left the bathroom.

  I saw headlights coming up the private drive. I raced out of the bathroom, down the hallway, and out the back door careful to leave it as I’d found it.

  Outside, I ducked behind a tree as I watched an older, stout woman walking up to the front door with a set of keys in her hand.

  The maid, I thought. Who else? Of course, Amber couldn’t survive without a maid. Amber wouldn’t dirty her hands washing dishes or cleaning house. I chuckled as I jogged back to my car hidden several miles down the road. I’d come so close to her and she didn’t even know it.

  Seventy Four


  With trembling hands, I tried to hold the syringe. I didn’t know if I could do it anymore. Still, the dope sickness was setting in. I couldn’t endure a minute more of that.

  I dumped the contents of the balloon into the spoon. My hands trembled so badly I could hardly hold it. I held the lighter beneath it I waited for the contents to liquefy. Filling the syringe, I began the tedious search for a strong vein to shoot into.

  The only vein I could find was near my groin. I already had a terrible abscess there which I hid from Sasha with a bandage citing I’d cut myself. She hadn’t believed me, but chose not to question me. I hated using that abscessed vein, but it was the only way. I pushed my balls to the side as the abscess opened up like a huge gaping mouth to accept the contents of the syringe.

  Immediately, the bathroom door flew open. Sasha stood there her mouth agape. “Ayden! I thought you said you were clean now!”

  I nearly dropped the needle, but my need was too strong as I plunged the dope right into my vein.

  Instant relief.

  Sasha stepped back from the doorway. Her face was a clear picture of disgust. “Ayden, I told you I couldn’t stay with you if you were using.” She shook her head. Her long brown hair fell across her face.

  I groaned unable to focus. The dope was good, great even. “Sasha, I’m sorry. I want to stay clean. I just couldn’t.” My voice broke off. Everything was becoming hazy. Her face was fading from my sight.

  I fell forward onto the floor. Gripping the sink, I tried to stand up.

  Sasha reached out to help me to my feet. “Ayden, I hate to see you like this.” Her lips brushed my forehead as she helped to the bed.

  “I’m fine. I’m better than fine…” my voice trailed off as I relished the high.

  I fell back onto the bed watching the patterns dance on the ceiling.

  Her hand felt cooling on my hot flesh. I knew she was going to leave. Opening my mouth, I wanted to tell her how sorry I was. I knew I was a huge disappointment to her. The way I was lying about with my clothes plastered to me with perspiration, my goatee grown out into a full beard, there was no way she still wanted me.

  Hell, I wouldn’t have wanted me.

  “Sasha, I’m sorry,” I whispered.

  Her full lips pressed against my cheek. Tears coursed down both our faces. “I’m sorry too, Ayden. You mean a lot to me.”

  I wanted to grab her and pull her into my arms. I was consumed with the desire to just hold her close to me.

  But I couldn’t.

  The smack wouldn’t let me.

  “You know what you need to do to keep me. I can help you through treatment.”

  I shook my head feeling my tears saturating my shirt. “No, I can’t yet. I’ve done the rehab thing. It doesn’t work for me.”

  “Then what does?”

  “I don’t know. Just go, Sasha. Leave me be.”

  “Ayden, I don’t want to leave you like this. Look, I’ll give you one more chance to get clean.” Her hand lingered on my chest.

  I reached up to clasp her hand. I could feel everything fading away from me. At that moment, I didn’t care. I couldn’t care. All I could feel was the dope sinking deep into my veins.

  Heroin was my lover now.

  And she was a demanding, jealous whore.

  There wasn’t room for anyone else.

  Ash was going to be here soon, but I couldn’t bring myself to move from the bathroom floor. I hoped I’d be awake when he got here.

  Hearing the doorbell, I rolled over on the bathroom floor. Jumping up, I splashed cold water on my face. I yanked a set of clothes on before answering the door.

  Ash walked right inside without noticing my reddened eyes. “I don’t understand, Ayden. Why do you let this guy live with you?” Ash surveyed the cottage, noting Sinister’s leather jacket slung over the couch.

  “Because he’s like a brother, Ash.”

  “I thought I was your brother, Ayden.”

  I rolled my eyes. I fumbled in the drawer for a cigarette. Lighting it, I shrugged. “You are, Ash, but he was my brother before you were.”

  “You’re smoking again?” He didn’t hide the disdain in his voice.

  Shit, I wondered what he’d think about if I knew I was using again. “Sometimes. It’s my house,” I said defensively taking a long drag.

  “Of course.” Ash sank down on the leather couch. Even though I’d furnished the tiny seaside cottage with elaborate decorations, it still couldn’t compare to Ash’s lavish home. “So, why is he here?”

  I sighed crushing the butt in the ashtray. “It’s a long story, Ash. He was my friend in prison.”

  “Oh, I see. An ex-con?”

  I cringed at the judgement I saw in his eyes. “Yes, he’s an ex-con. So am I.”

  “But you’re different. You told me how you came about to end up in prison. It’s completely understandable given your traumatic past.”

  “Ash, I’m not the only one who’s suffered through a terrible childhood. Sinister’s life made mine look like a fucking fairy tale.”

  “So, what’s his story? Did his mom beat him? Was she a hooker like ours? Did he grow up without a dad?”

  I shook my head. I couldn’t stand the fucking judgmental tone he had. “No, Ash, his dad was around.”

  “Then what?”

  “His dad stabbed his mother to death. He found her when he was barely 13 years old.”

  He stopped for a moment. “That’s terrible, but you don’t owe him a thing because of his horrible past. You don’t owe him anything because he helped you in prison.”

  I threw my hands up. “You don’t get it. Yes, I do owe him. That’s the way it works.”

  “But you gave him a place to stay for a few months when he got out. You’ve repaid your debt. Now let him move on.”

  I sighed. Ash just wasn’t going to let this go. Still, he had a point. I’d been wanting Sinister to leave for a few weeks now. He wasn’t a good influence on me and I no longer wanted to share Sasha with him. “For your information, I do plan to ask him to leave.”



  Ash finally noticed the way I was dressed. “I told you I was bringing you into the office with me today. Go put on a suit.”

  Thankful he hadn’t noticed my bloodshot eyes, I ran to change. Moments later, we were on our way to Ash’s office in the city. I was so excited to be working with my brother. I was ready to do anything to impress him.

  That night Sasha arrived home to find me completely sober. She was skeptical of my sobriety, but when I told her of my plans to work with Ash she was convinced I’d stay sober if for nothing else than to impress my brother. She was then so happy she pleaded with me to let her play with both Sinister and me. Against my better judgement, I allowed it.

  When the door to the bedroom swung open, I caught a glimpse of her wea
ring a tight black bustier and black panties complete with a garter belt and stockings, I knew I’d made the wrong choice. She was still very much into playing with us both.

  “Hi, Daddy Sinister, Daddy Ayden.” She batted her long lashes at us both.

  Sinister caught my eye and winked. “Looks like our little girl is ready for some fun, don’t you think, Donovan?”

  I licked my lips as I stared at the way her tits jiggled as she moved towards the bed. “She sure does. Are you ready, Princess?”

  “Of course, Daddy.”

  I dimmed the lights as Sasha assumed the position on the bed. Her firm ass was thrust up in the air. I ran my hands over her dusky flesh. She moaned as Sinister drew his pants down in front of her.

  Eagerly, she pulled his hard cock from his pants. The tip of her tongue flicked out as she caught the pearly white drop of precum from his meaty head. I stood behind her. My fingers quickly found her pussy which had already soaked her panties. I pulled them to the side as I strummed her clit.

  She took Sinister’s cock in her fist as she sucked him long and hard.

  I took her legs and spread them further apart. The temperature in the room was rising. I could smell the sweet musk from her delicious pussy. “She’s a great cocksucker, isn’t she, Sinister?”

  He laughed nodding.

  “Good girl, Princess.” I ran my hands over her long silky hair. Yanking her panties off, I slapped her ass hard with the palm of my hand. Kneeling down, I let my tongue slide over her pussy. Her lips were sweet and pink as I sucked them.

  Sasha wiggled her ass as she reared back onto my tongue.

  I slapped her ass again relishing the sound of my hand striking her skin. “You like that, Princess? You like me spanking your ass? Or sucking that cock?”

  “Both,” she murmured between sucks.

  As I watched her suck his cock, a strange feeling began to overtake me. Suddenly, I felt as though I couldn’t stand to see her taking another man’s dick in her mouth. Her tongue swirled around his length making me more and more upset.


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