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Darkest Sin

Page 70

by Ashton Blackthorne

  Sasha nodded. “I guess that’s why she left so upset.”

  I nodded busying myself with buttering a roll.

  Sasha tossed her long hair back. “I guess once we’re married you won’t share me anymore?”

  I bite into my roll and nodded.

  She cocked her eyebrow. “Even with a woman?”

  I thought for a moment. I adored seeing Sasha with other women, but something about Lena disturbed me. Her haunting words echoed in my mind ‘Once you go there, you can never come back.’ “Well, never say never, right? Maybe.”

  Laughing, Sasha took my hand. “I don’t want anyone else but you, Ayden.”

  Her touch electrified me. For the first time in my life, I could say the same.

  Eighty Five


  Look at her, I thought with disgust. Standing there on that stage her luscious legs encased in black seamed stockings her breasts pushed up in a black corset, I wanted her.

  But I hated her.

  It seemed as though my whole life I’d loved her, but everyone insisted that love was wrong. It was sick, dirty, and twisted according to the shrinks.

  But it was the only love I’d ever known. I knew wanting my sister was wrong to most people, but to me she was the only woman alive. She was everything beautiful and sexy, but she was also a filthy slut.

  She’s the one who made me love her. She made me want her by flaunting her body. And look at her now on stage for the world to see.

  They’d all be seduced by her just like I was.

  I tightened my grip on the knife at my side. I slipped behind the curtain as soon as someone walked by.

  I watched as all the beautiful models wearing Amber’s lingerie walked by. They were exquisite, but I only had eyes for her. I’d never been able to have a relationship with any other girl.

  It always came back to Amber for me.

  The lights dimmed as the show came to an end. I watched from my corner as everyone left.

  Just then, Ash appeared with Amber. His hands slid over her firm ass squeezing it. Sickened, I was afraid they’d fuck right in front of me. The thought of his rich boy cock sliding into her made bile rise in my throat. I swallowed hard to keep from vomiting.

  “Amber, you were fabulous tonight. I think the lingerie line is going to be a huge hit.” He kissed her long and hard.

  Giggling, she ran her hands over his muscular chest. “Of course it is, Ash. What woman doesn’t want to be owned by Ashton?”

  “But you’re the only one with the collar.”

  Collar? My hand tightened around the knife. Maybe I should take them both out. How dare he collar my sister? Didn’t he know she belonged to me? Breathing so hard I was nervous they would hear me. I slipped further back into the shadows.

  “Did I ever tell you how gorgeous you look in that?” Ash brushed her hair from her shoulders.

  “Actually, no you didn’t.” She pouted as he kissed his way down her neck.

  I had to look away. I couldn’t stand to see him touching her.

  Ash started stripping the corset away from her breasts. I crouched down further in the shadows holding the knife tightly in my hands. A few moments passed and Ash got a call.

  “Amber, it’s Ayden. Something’s happened. I have to go. I’ll take my car out there. Can you—”

  “Don’t worry about me. I’ll have Murray take me home.”

  He kissed her and left the building.

  She was finally alone.

  I watched her a moment collecting the rest of the clothing and placing it into a large silver suitcase. She threw a coat around her shoulders as she prepared to leave.

  This was my moment. I swallowed hard as I stepped out from behind the curtain.

  “Hello Amber.”

  “Murray, I’ll be out—” She spun around to face me. Her face froze in terror. Her eyes widened with fear. “Oh my God,” she whispered holding her hand to her mouth stifling a sob. She backed away slowly.

  I inched towards her gripping the 6 inch razor sharp hunting blade. “Amber, you look beautiful.”

  “Mark, why are you here?”

  I smiled. Her eyes blinked in horror. “I wanted to congratulate you. Your lingerie line is impressive.” I picked up a filmy nightgown from the suitcase.

  She gulped. “Please, Mark.” She held her hands up as she noticed the knife in my hand.

  “Amber, I’ve been waiting for this day for the past thirty years. Ever since you wiggled your ass at me in those Daisy Duke shorts jiggling your way past me braless with your nipples poking out at me. You fucking slut.” I growled.

  “Mark, what are you talking about? You’re my brother. I never did any of those things.”

  Look at her. Tears spilled down her cheeks causing her mascara to run in muddy streams. With her lipstick smeared, she wasn’t so pretty anymore. She reminded me of a broken doll.

  “Yes, you did. Don’t you remember lying in your bed at night nude? Those summer nights were hot in Chicago, weren’t they?”

  She stared at me her mouth agape. “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  I laughed fumbling with the knife in my hand. “Of course you do. The way you twisted and squirmed on the bed. Your tits rising up like mountains on your chest and your fingers…oh, your little fingers…..”

  She inched back until she was against the wall. Her chest rose and fell. Her hands clutched at the wall behind her. “Step back, Mark. Murray is out there and he will hear me if I scream.”

  I chuckled. She was helpless just like I wanted her. This time the conniving little slut would be mine. I would force her to her knees and make her suck my fucking cock before I plunged the knife into her. “Bullshit. Murray left already.”

  She shook her head. She began to sob. “Mark, you’re my brother. Please don’t do this. What would Dad think?”

  I spat at her. “How dare you use Dad against me? Amber, it was because of you I could hardly bring myself to be in his presence. He looked at me like I was a dirty pervert every day for rest of my life.”

  “What are you talking about?” She held her arms in front of her.

  I slapped them away. “The fucking hospital. When they took me away to the hospital, Amber. Don’t you remember that?”

  She nodded looking down.

  The auditorium was eerily quiet. Bringing the tip of the knife to her coat, I parted it leering at her body. “You and I have unfinished business.”

  Her body trembled. “You don’t have to do this. I didn’t mean to—”

  “What the fuck were you thinking going on NATIONAL television talking about me? Didn’t you know your sister and other brothers would be watching?” My voice thundered throughout the auditorium.

  Fat tears poured down her face.

  I could almost hear her heart thumping in her chest. Her tits jiggled ever so slightly as her breathing got faster.

  “I’m sorry, but you hurt me,” she whispered.

  I slammed my fist against the wall behind her. “And whose fault was that, huh? Maybe if you hadn’t flirted with me constantly, flaunted your body at me I wouldn’t have done it!” Enraged, I jabbed at her with the knife. I slashed at her coat ripping it open.

  She screamed as she held her hands up.

  “Fucking slut, it’s time you paid. Get on your knees!”

  Sobbing, she shook her head.

  With a swift motion, I backhanded her across the face. Blood oozed from the corner of her mouth.

  My cock was so hard I thought I would come in my pants. I’d waited for so many years just to have her here at my mercy like this. Taking the long, razor sharp knife, I ran the blade over the small of her stomach ripping the delicate fabric of her outfit. A small trickle of blood appeared where the blade touched.

  Her breathing was fast and labored. “Mark,” she whispered.

  I could smell her perfume as I brought my lips to her neck. Running the knife to the center clasp of her bra, I jerked it up ripping it open. Her breasts bounc
ed free.

  Just as I’d fantasized, they were in my face. She uttered a tiny cry.

  But I wanted more.

  I brought the blade up between her legs slicing her panties off in one stroke. She screamed before I took her panties and stuffed them into her mouth.

  “Shut up,” I growled. I drew the blade softly between her legs getting her juices all over it. Bringing the blade to my face, I inhaled deeply. She was soaking wet.

  Just like I knew she would be. She wanted me. She always had.

  Shoving her hard against the wall, I parted her legs. Placing the knife beside me on the ground, I pulled the soft petals of her lips open. I just wanted one taste of her.

  She stood still as a statue sobbing quietly with the panties still in her mouth. I pressed my face to her pussy breathing her scent. My mouth watered.

  Amber squirmed beneath my grasp. “You’re not going to get away with this, Mark,” she murmured with the gag in.

  Just being there in that moment with her, seeing her pushed against the wall for my pleasure, I came immediately in my pants. Jumping back, I screamed at her. “See what you did to me, you fucking slut!” I jerked the panties from her mouth dropping the knife to the ground.

  As I leaned down to retrieve the knife, she moved slightly.

  “Don’t you even think about it!” Pressing the knife to her ribs, I demanded she open her mouth.

  Instantly, she clamped down on my finger biting it as hard as she could.

  I screamed and dropped the knife. “Fucking bitch!”

  Amber raced from the stage running down the steps.

  I ran after her clutching the knife my finger dripping blood.

  The door to the auditorium flew open.

  “Murray! Help me!” she screamed.

  Glancing at the tall, burly driver, I fled in the other direction out of the back door to my car.

  Eighty Six


  Hearing Amber’s story terrified and infuriated me. I couldn’t stand that I wasn’t there yet again to protect her. All the bad things that had happened with Ayden came flooding back. In the weeks that followed the attack on Amber, I stayed by her side every single second. I wouldn’t allow her out of my sight. Every law enforcement agency in the country was looking for him, but he’d proven to be elusive.

  Still, I knew that I couldn’t be with Amber every single second for the rest of our lives. She was emotionally devastated. She couldn’t sleep at all without heavy doses of sleeping pills. Every time I tried to touch her in the first few days following the attack, she screamed. I couldn’t blame her though. I had her return to therapy several days a week.

  My business was suffering as all of this had transpired. I placed Ayden in charge while I took an indefinite leave of absence. We’d had to put our search for Amelia on hold as well.

  Amber was convinced Mark was watching us. She cried every time I left her side for even a moment. We were both so stressed out we were at the breaking point.

  It was then Andrews suggested we relocate. I’d been against it at first. New York was my home and it was the business mecca of the entire country. Still, Amber’s needs for security were more important than business. So, I had Andrews locate us a suitable home and we simply left New York behind. I hated to leave without telling Ayden where we were going. I was thrilled that he and Sasha had become engaged. He’d even asked me to be his best man. I had to admit I was touched.

  But wedding plans aside, Andrews told me not tell anyone where we were going. I couldn’t risk anyone finding us. When we were settled, I would contact Ayden and let him know. Until then, I was comfortable to let him run my business.

  That is, until I got a call from Don Lyons, my vice president. Apparently, Ayden hadn’t been in the office for more than a week.

  Motherfucker. I bet he was using again. He’d been doing so well. I’d freely forgiven him after his first slip up, but this couldn’t become a pattern. I had too much to deal with right now.

  After seeing that Amber was well supervised, I peeled myself away from her long enough to take a private plane back to New York.

  Eighty Seven


  I was becoming unraveled. What should’ve been the greatest time of my life, preparing for my wedding with Sasha, was anything but that. Everything, all the pain I’d caused everyone lingered over my head like a storm cloud. My head pounded in agony as sweat dripped down my forehead. I had to have a fix. I just couldn’t take it anymore. Glancing over at Sasha, I saw she’d fallen asleep. Slowly, I eased off of the bed. My stomach coiled tightly I walked hunched over. The pain was so bad I thought I would pass out. How did people make it through withdrawal? I’d been through it before, but I was in prison then so I’d had no choice.

  Now standing in my bathroom with the door locked I faced a torturous decision.

  Opening up a drawer to the bathroom vanity, I reached inside and retrieved my leather bag. Unzipping it, I dumped the contents onto the cold, tiled floor. My veins pulsed in anticipation as I fixed the syringe. I thought of Sasha lying on the bed just a few feet away. If she caught me, she’d end our engagement. That was the last thing I wanted, but the pain was too great. I just wanted it all to end. The syringe was full and just one fix would be enough to take all the pain away.

  Despite the inconvenience, I decided to shoot in my foot. It would be easier to cover the track marks. As soon as the needle pierced my skin, every pore came alive. Perspiration coursed down my face soaking my shirt. My thumb hovered on the plunger.

  Was this what I really wanted?

  Was I going back to being a fucking junkie?

  Pushing down on the plunger, I felt the drug coursing through my veins. It was almost spiritual the way my entire being felt alive. The pain was gone. I felt nothing but bliss. I leaned back closing my eyes feeling my spirit soar. I felt a delicious warmth come over me, like I was sinking into a warm bath. Nothing had ever felt this good before. My hands dropped to my sides as I let the drug flow through me.

  The door flew open. Sasha was standing over me her face flushed red with anger.

  “Ayden, what the fuck is going on? I was pounding on that door for over twenty minutes!”

  I found myself lying on the floor the empty syringe lying next to me. The lights were glaring into my eyes as I squinted to look at her. “I must’ve passed out,” I murmured trying to hide the syringe beneath me. It was no use Sasha had already seen everything.

  “Ayden, quit trying to hide that fucking needle! I know what you’ve been doing. How long have you been using?” Sasha knelt down beside me.

  I struggled to sit up. Touching the back of my head, I found a sore lump. I guessed I must’ve hit the vanity while passing out. “Just this once, I promise.”

  Lie number one.

  “Bullshit, Ayden. This isn’t the first time. I told you before if I caught you using again that was it. I see several marks on your feet. They’re fresh.” Sasha sat down on the floor next to me examining my feet.

  “Sasha, please, I just hurt so bad last night. I couldn’t take it. With everything Ash and Amber are going through, I just can’t stand to see them hurting so badly. I don’t know how to help them.”

  She shook her head. “Getting high won’t help anyone or anything. You should know that by now.” She pulled her legs to her chest wrapping her arms around her knees. Her face was crestfallen.

  Silence filled the small bathroom as we looked at each other. The faucet dripped water slightly hitting the metal stopper in the sink.

  “I know, but it stops the pain at least for me,” I answered in a low voice. The high having long since left me had my veins crying out for more. Always more, more, more.

  Heroin was a demanding whore.

  She was a fucking vampire draining the blood out of anyone she could.

  And here, I’d invited her back into my life.

  Sasha unwound her legs and scooted closer to me to cradle me in her arms. “Ayden, I’m sorry yo
u’re hurting, but I told you how I felt about you using. I can’t have it in my life. I won’t. If you don’t get treatment now, I’ll have to leave.”

  I bolted upright. “No, you can’t. I love you. It was just this once. I can stop whenever I want!”

  The corners of her mouth slightly turned upward. “Then stop now.”

  My hands trembled as I stood up. I held my hand out to her. “I will.”

  She took my hand and got to her feet. She bent down to collect the used syringe and the rest of my works. “Then throw this shit away.”

  I hesitated a moment before taking the old blackened spoon and rubber tubing and tossing them into the bag. I capped the syringe and set it aside to be thrown away separately.

  Sasha watched intently as I disposed of my works into the trashcan.

  “There now.” I turned to her triumphantly.

  She shook her head her long brown hair falling over her face. She looked down at the diamond ring on her finger. “You won’t stop not yet anyway,” she whispered.

  “Of course, I will.”

  Her eyes filled with tears as she fondled her ring. “No, you won’t stop until you’re ready. And I don’t think you’re ready.”

  I grabbed her by the shoulders forcing her to look at me. “Yes, I am. I love you. I won’t lose you.”

  She smiled again shaking her head. “You lost me the moment you decided to stick that needle inside your foot. You chose the fucking heroin over me.” She pushed me aside and stormed out of the bathroom.

  Following her, I watched in horror as she retrieved a suitcase from the closet and began throwing clothes into it. “What the hell are you doing?” I yanked the suitcase away from her hurling it across the room.

  “Stop it, Ayden!” She rushed over to pick it up and bring it back to the bed.

  “No, I won’t. Not until you stop packing. You’re not going anywhere.”

  We struggled for a moment over the suitcase until she let go.

  “I don’t need anything from here anyway. I’m done, Ayden.” She slipped the ring from her finger dropping it onto the dresser where it landed with a slight clang.


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