Gang of Broken Hearts

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by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Soldiers of Pearl 4: Gang of Broken Hearts

  Dee Davis is running from a life of trouble and a gang out to control her. Pearl has a gang of its own. American soldiers ready to fight for her.

  As she’s moved on with her life, a new career and enjoying friendships in a town called Pearl, she gains the attention of four American soldiers, all retired, running a masonry business and organizing charities. She learns about Sunny, Travis, Hunter and Marino who support fallen soldiers and their families. They have their eyes set on her, but she’s not so eager to trust them.

  As they break down her defenses and prove to be noble men, her past hunts her down and it will take their skills, their connections and a gang of American soldiers to save her from a fate none of them even want to think is possible.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 46,950 words



  Dixie Lynn Dwyer


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2015 by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63259-678-9

  First E-book Publication: August 2015

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2015 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  Dear readers,

  Thank you for purchasing this legal copy of Soldiers of Pearl.

  I hope you enjoy Dee’s story and her journey to finally be free and to find what true happiness really feels like.

  When your heart is broken it seems like feeling whole again is just a hope that will never be achieved. But then fate steps in and true love so pure, so magical, emerges joining broken hearts, healing them and making them one.

  Happy reading.



  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10


  About the Author




  Copyright © 2015


  Deirdre Davis stood in front of her father, Ray. There had just been a large meeting among the bikers and their group, the Black Titans, which had more than a hundred and fifty members in the immediate Dallas area. A good fifty or so had arrived from Fort Worth, even more from Austin. Her father, Ray, was one of many chiefs in charge of his local branch.

  She’d grown up in this community, learning to take care of herself, to help her fellow community members, and to strive for success. These men and women had her back, or so she’d thought.

  “Stop looking at me like that,” Ray said to her, then downed a shot of Fireball. It was his fifth, and she wondered why he was downing them when she was the one given a miserable close-to-death sentence.

  “I will look at you like that because I’m angry.”

  He cleared his throat and turned away to come around the desk, closer to her.

  “Come on, Dee. Raven and Ghost are good men.”

  She raised one of her eyebrows.

  “Well, they’ll treat you right. I’ve seen the way they watch over you and been protective of you since you were sixteen.”

  “I don’t love them. Hell, I don’t hardly know them, and what I do know I don’t like.”

  “Nonsense. You’re twenty-two years old. How the hell do you know what you like or don’t like in men? They’re in their thirties. They make good money, and they’re moving up the ranks of this gang.”

  “Those are not the things I find attractive in a man, never mind in two. Just think about that. Two men sharing your daughter.”

  He exhaled and ran a hand along his beard, looking completely uncomfortable. Good. Served him right for allowing her to be used as a bargaining tool for political ladder climbing.

  “There’s nothing wrong with ménage relationships.”

  “They aren’t the commitment type, and you know it.”

  “They’ll take good care of you.”

  “They’ll get bored eventually, and they’ll cheat on me.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “I do know that because more than ninety-five percent of the men in this gang are fucking more women than just their girlfriends or wives. I don’t want that.”

  “Well, you don’t have a choice. You’re part of this gang. The Black Titans have been around for generations, and the new rules are firm.”

  “Not if I leave here and move on with my life elsewhere.” She said the words that had been sitting on the tip of her tongue for months. She was tired of this crap. She wasn’t some bargaining tool. She wouldn’t be a payoff for political power in a biker gan
g. Get real.

  “You would leave me so easily? This is your family. What about Michy and Sally? Those women adore you and treated you like their own daughter.”

  “They chose to remain here and allow their husbands to be chosen for them. I’m not doing that. I went to college.”

  “I paid for part of your college degree.”

  “I paid for most of it,” she returned.

  “Honey, give Raven and Ghost a chance please. If it doesn’t work out, and you absolutely hate them, then move on. But realize that this is important. It’s not just about you and what you want in life. This decision affects a lot of people. Your people and your family. Don’t be selfish. I would hate to have to force you to do it.”

  “Force me to marry them? You would do that to me?”

  He took a deep breath and released it.

  “The chiefs make the final decisions. They agree to this marriage and all that will come from it.”

  “Good for them. They can marry Raven and Ghost.”

  She turned around and stormed from the room. She was so angry she slammed one of the doors that led to the backyard, and the sound echoed around her.

  She stomped toward the big house, but she could see others hanging around and decided to head to the barn instead. Maybe she could get some alone time to gather her thoughts and figure out a plan to leave.

  She was pacing, talking to herself in the barn, when she heard the noise behind her.

  She gasped at the sight of Ghost. His name suited him well because of his ability to sneak right up on people as if he were a spirit. He had light blond hair and gray eyes that stared at her right now with an unreadable expression.

  “We need to talk.”

  “No, we don’t.”

  She’d started to walk out when Ghost grabbed her upper arm and pulled her back. Teeth clenched, he stared down into her eyes.

  “Yes we do, and you will listen.”

  This was exactly what she was talking about. These men wanted to control her, use her, maybe even abuse her all they wanted, and her father was accepting it.

  “I have nothing to say to you, Ghost.”

  “That’s why it’s important that we talk. You need to get to know me.”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  “Yes.” He gripped her upper arm tighter and began to press her against the wood siding of the barn.

  “You think the rules don’t apply to you, but they do. Your father is going to be out of his position in no time. This move, you and Raven and me becoming one, will ensure he isn’t kicked to the curb.”

  She tugged her arm from his hold.

  “You don’t know what you’re taking about. My father has been a Black Titan way longer than you.”

  He caressed her cheek with the back of his hand.

  “Rules are changing. The new leaders want to strengthen from within, and that means protecting our women so they can serve their purpose.”

  He massaged her neck under her hair and drew her closer. She slammed her palms against his chest and shoved him away.

  “I’m not some baby-making machine that’s going to help secure a large number of members to this gang. I won’t be used and taken advantage of. I’m leaving.” She went to walk away, and Ghost grabbed her and shoved her hard up against the wall. He covered her mouth and forcibly kissed her, delving his tongue into her mouth as she fought against his legs and arms. He was bigger, way stronger, and had her hands behind her back and his thigh between her legs pressing her hard against the wall.

  She tried protesting and fighting his moves, but it was no use. He had complete control over her, and she realized instantly how badly she needed to run away from here.

  His hands were all over her—against her breasts, then between her legs.

  She slapped his face, stunning him a moment, and he shoved her hard against the barn wood. She gasped, and he raged.

  “God damn it, Deirdre! If you were any other woman than Ray Davis’s daughter—”

  He ran his fingers through his dark hair. Those black eyes, that gruff along his face, and the muscles bulging from his tank top were all affecting her body. She felt sick, weak, scared out of her mind, and she pressed her back against the barn wall and slowly began to move to the side and toward the door.

  “I don’t want this.”

  He squinted, the anger and insult clear on his face.

  “I don’t give a fuck what you want. You’re going to belong to Raven and me. That’s the bottom line. You’re not immune to the rules of this organization and what future plans entail. You’ll give it up to us. You’ll spread your legs, and you’ll surrender all of yourself, or else.” He pointed at her, his muscles flexed, and the knife on his hip enforced his threats of full force.

  She shook her head slowly in defiance of those threats. He was on her fast, so swiftly she cried out as his extra large hand gripped her throat and squeezed. She grabbed onto his wrist, but it didn’t matter. He was in control. He was so much bigger, stronger, and more capable than her. Hell, than most men she’d ever known.

  She was so scared she cried as he validated his threats.

  “I could break your fucking neck. Snap it like a twig if you push me hard enough. You know little about my capabilities, Deirdre. Focus on the fact that I get what I want when I want it. If someone resists, I apply more pressure. Keep resisting, and you’ll feel pain. Lots of pain.” He reinforced his words by squeezing a little tighter.

  She felt his thickness, the slight roundness of his belly and large chest press against her body. She was a peanut compared to him, and she knew he could kill her like he said—in a snap. At the moment, she didn’t care. She’d rather die than let this man, or Ghost, take her virginity and own her body.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful. Maybe you think there are other men out there you could have. You have a lot to offer men, but I can change all that. Like this.”

  She felt his hand move like lightning, and a moment later, the sharp point of his large knife was up near her cheek.

  “Please, Ghost. Please don’t cut me.” She cried, tears rolling down her cheeks.

  He smirked, that evil, manipulative smirk that showed his arrogance and control of the situation.

  “I’ll scar this pretty face so all you’ll be good for is a fuck here and there by drunk men Raven and I say can fuck you.”

  Oh God please. Please get me out of this. I have to get the hell away from him and Raven. I need to leave.

  She shook her head.

  He shook his also. “No? You don’t want me to cut up this pretty face and be nothing but pussy for men to fuck?”

  “Please, Ghost, don’t. You’re scaring me.”

  The knife lowered, and he placed it back into the holder on his hip then pressed his hands over her shoulders against the wall, pinning her there.

  She tried calming her breathing, but she was too scared, too freaked out to control it.

  “Kiss me, Deirdre,” he whispered.

  Tears rolled down her cheeks as she fought to not give in to this psycho’s demands and kiss him. But she knew she had to in order to get out of the current situation.

  His beer breath felt as if it pounded against her senses, sending her gut into turmoil and sickness. She eased up on her tiptoes and still couldn’t reach his lips.

  He snagged her around the waist with one arm and lifted her higher.

  She grabbed his shoulders and then felt the wall against her back and ass again. He forced his thigh between her legs and then hesitated to touch her lips. He wanted her to move forward first. That gleam in his eyes, that nasty power he emitted forced her lips forward until they touched his. Then Ghost took control and kissed her until he had his fill.

  She made a promise to herself to get free and to run away tonight. She couldn’t hold out any longer with hope that her father could protect her from this. Rules were in stone. Her life would be over if she stayed here. She had to leave, for if she stayed, she would die either
by their hands or her own. There were no other choices.

  Chapter 1

  Sunny Lloyd love the rumbling of the engine on his Harley as he and the team of retired soldiers began to travel down the main streets of Pearl to the church. It had been ages since he’d set foot inside a church. God knows he wasn’t exactly a good man. His tours in the service as a Marine had been tough to say the least. But he’d gained friends for life, his brothers-in-arms, and even now, they rode alongside him in their gang of bikers. The Guardians of angels is what they called their gang. They traveled locally and across the state borders to help support fallen soldiers and their families in times of mourning.

  It wasn’t as though they were really a biker gang. More like a hundred or so men and women who’d served in war and now remained together in a community that cared for its own and supported one another. They traveled throughout Texas, showing up at funerals and wakes to show respect for fallen soldiers long after they’d left the battlefield and died trying to transition into civilian life.

  Today was an especially hard one. A good friend. A fellow Marine, Michael was one of them, and he’d lost his battle while speeding on his Harley running from the demons in his head.

  He thought about Michael’s sister, Cynthia, and her three friends. They were good women, sweet, young, and in need of protection, support, and guidance. Cynthia was going to need a lot of help to deal with her brother’s death. They’d lived in the same house and supported one another.

  As they approached the street to the church, the group of motorcycles parked in front of the limousines and the hearse. This was going to be hell. For a moment he thought about Keller, a troublemaker of a man who thought Sunny owed him money. He was strung out on drugs, had been a negative influence in Michael’s life and he was no friend of Sunny’s. In fact, if he kept insisting that Sunny owned him money for work Keller never completed he may have to tell Wyatt Cantrell and get the police involved. He didn’t trust Keller. He’d seen enough in his thirty-five years to know when someone was desperate. That was Keller and Sunny wouldn’t underestimate how low the loser would go.


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