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Gang of Broken Hearts

Page 8

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  They just stared at her then Sunny scooted his chair back and leaned forward, taking her hands into his.

  “Baby, are you telling us that you’re a virgin?”

  “What?” Travis whispered, and she felt embarrassed.

  She went to stand up, and Sunny pulled her onto his lap.

  “Don’t run. Explain. Be honest. No secrets, remember?”

  She closed her eyes and took several breaths.

  “It’s true. I’ve never been intimate with any man.”

  He reached up and cupped her cheek and her hair.

  “Sweetheart, that’s special. That’s not something to be embarrassed about.”

  “You guys are so much older than I am. You’ve had loads of experience. I’ve had none.”

  “Dee, it wouldn’t matter if you were more experienced,” Marino told her. “What matters is whether it was meaningful or not. To know that no other men have ever made love to you, haven’t taken from your body or given of themselves to you, just makes you more special to us. We’re going to take care of you and treat you the way you deserve to be treated.”

  “But it may not be fair to you. I may have to leave here one day without a word. It would hurt me to know that I would hurt the four of you like that, but you need to know it’s a possibility.”

  “It doesn’t have to be if you tell us why you would have to do such a thing,” Sunny said.

  “Listen,” Travis said, “it’s obvious you’re scared to tell us what happened and what would make you have to run and disappear. It has to be serious, and that concerns us because we care about you. You know that a ménage relationship is not something to take lightly. It’s deep. It’s powerful, and it’s a commitment that can’t be broken when love and a connection is there. We believe we can have that with you. But you have to come clean. You have to take the chance and trust us.”

  “Honey, we’ve gone through hell and back,” Marino said. “As a matter of fact, we believed for quite some time that our hearts were broken. But each day, each time we saw you, spent time with you, watched you, our hearts began to heal. It was because of you. Now it may sound corny coming from some older, muscle-head Marine like me, but it’s fucking true. You can trust us to not hurt you, betray that trust, or give up on this attraction we all feel. Please trust us and tell us what happened.”

  She hesitated a moment then took a chance and decided it was foolish to not let them in. The thought of having to push them away made her want to cry. She cared for them, felt the deep attraction, and she wanted more. She wanted to be loved. Maybe it would be a mistake, but for right now, she was desperate to feel even for a short time the powerful desire they brought out in her.

  “Back in Dallas, where I lived, there is this gang of bikers. My father and his friends were some of the starting members from more than thirty years ago. But in the last ten years, things changed. The members weren’t looking out for one another and trying to do good for the communities. They were committing crimes, and their reputation was getting tainted.”

  “Go on,” Sunny said.

  “My dad was one of the chiefs, and there were like a couple of hundred members and fourteen chiefs, and everyone started arguing about how to keep the gang together and thriving. They allowed strays in and others who had warped ideas about rules and keeping the blood line pure, and meanwhile, only a handful of members were related in any way.”

  “That happens a lot. There are so many mini biker groups turning up all over the place because they disagree with new rules and changes to the original groups,” Marino said to her.

  “Exactly, but this gang wasn’t breaking up. They were growing bigger and becoming violent. Some of them were losing it completely and making it cult-like. They were forcing women to marry men or bear children to continue the bloodline of the biker gang. It was bullshit, especially because most of the people weren’t even original members or connected with families.”

  “Except your dad and you, and any other of the original chiefs,” Hunter said, and she nodded.

  “What happened? Why did you leave specifically?” Sunny asked in that tone of his.

  She looked at him and caressed his cheek as the tears filled her eyes.

  “The chiefs decided that I should marry these two men and have their children so that they could rise to political power and be the newest leaders.”

  “What the fuck?” Hunter exclaimed.

  “Are they stuck in some sort of fantasy world? No one does that shit,” Travis stated.

  She swallowed hard. “They didn’t get that memo. I was promised to two men. One of them threatened me, tried assaulting me, and it was either escape or stay and take my own life before they took it.”

  Sunny’s grip tightened.

  “You must have been very scared. What exactly did they do to you?” Sunny asked.

  She looked at him, and he clutched her chin as if trying to console her and give her strength to continue.

  “It doesn’t matter. But I can tell you that he didn’t rape me.”

  “Shit.” Marino stood up from the table.

  They were angry. All four of them.

  She attempted to stand, but Sunny held her in position.

  He looked into her eyes.

  “Honesty and no more secrets. Are those men looking for you?”

  Her eyes welled up with tears, and she tried so hard to not cry and show emotion. She clasped her hands together, and the tears flowed.

  “I don’t know for sure, but I believe that they are.”

  Sunny pulled her into an embrace and hugged her tightly. “It’s going to be okay. You’re with us now, and no one is going to take you from us. No one.”

  She pulled back and wiped the tears from her eyes.

  “Promise me that you won’t tell anyone else. Please, Sunny. It’s embarrassing enough that I had to tell the four of you.”

  “You’ve got nothing to be embarrassed about. None of it is your fault,” Marino said to her as he walked closer and squeezed her shoulders.

  “It could just be in the past. They may have given up and moved on to force some other woman into a relationship,” she said.

  “You were significant because of your father’s rank,” Travis said. “And what you didn’t tell us about the two men and how they threatened you makes me assume they wanted you long before the idea of forcing you into a marriage and baring their children to stake a political position. That’s sick, and men like that don’t give up.”

  “But it’s been almost a year since I left. Wouldn’t they have tracked me down by now?”

  “Not necessarily, and especially if they thought you’d left the state entirely. Remaining in Texas was really risky,” Hunter said to her.

  “I know, but I was scared and had no place to go, and Cynthia always talked about how wonderful Pearl was. I thought maybe it would be a safe place. Staying here might have saved me from ever having to see those men again.”

  “That’s not an assumption I’m willing to bet on, baby. We need to make some changes, starting with you living alone,” Sunny stated firmly.

  “I’m fine here. I have protection.”

  “Like what? A locked door and windows can be broken into.” Hunter started walking around the room and checking out her windows and doors. She stood up.

  “I’m not stupid. I’ve taken precautions. I’m prepared.”

  “How so?” Marino asked firmly.

  “A few moves against men might not turn in your favor like they did with Thelma,” Hunter said to her.

  “I have a gun,” she stated in anger.

  “What?” Sunny and Marino asked at the same time.

  “Where?” Hunter asked.

  “In my bedroom. I sleep with it under my pillow,” she told them.

  “Damn it Dee, you could shoot yourself by accident,” Travis said and followed Hunter into her bedroom. Dee followed.

  “I would not shoot myself. What do you think I am, stupid?” she yelled.

  * * * *

  Hunter found the gun right where she said, under the pillow. He checked it out and emptied the bullets.

  “Hey,” Dee exclaimed and walked over to reach for the gun, but Travis took her hand and made her sit down on the bed.

  “No guns. No trying to take care of this yourself.” He knelt down on the floor and held her hands.

  “We’re retired soldiers. Men well trained and prepared for shit heavier than this. You’re our responsibility because we want you, we care about you, and we don’t want anything bad to happen to you. Do you understand?” Travis asked her.

  She nodded.

  Hunter reached out and gripped her chin. “You deserve to be loved and pampered and not treated like an object or forced to fight and defend yourself. That’s not the life you deserve. Let us in, Dee. Give us your full trust and accept our claim of you. I promise, this is real.”

  He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her.

  Travis moved out of the way, and Hunter pressed her onto the mattress. Hunter wanted to explore her body and begin to make her their woman. He caressed along her thigh and under the dress she wore. When she didn’t stop him from moving farther up, he continued until his fingers maneuvered under her panties.

  He lifted up and slowly pulled from her lips. “Open for me,” he said, holding her gaze.

  She was breathing heavily, but she did as he asked and opened her thighs for him. He pressed his fingers under the material covering her cunt and found her heated pussy.

  “You’re hot and wet for me, aren’t you, Dee?”

  She gripped the comforter and looked scared.

  “Relax. We won’t hurt you. You’re going to be ours forever,” Marino said to her as he eased onto the bed. He slid his palm along her chest and pushed the material of her top down. He was pleasantly shocked to see she wasn’t wearing a bra.

  “So beautiful, and all ours to share and to explore,” Marino told her and then lowered his mouth to her breast and began to feast.

  Marino pressed his fingers deeper, and she lifted her hips as she moaned out softly.

  “Beautiful,” Travis said, taking position on her other side and kissing her on the mouth.

  They worked in sync, trying to ease her discomfort and fears. She reacted naturally, accepting their control and manipulation of her body.

  “Feels good?” Hunter asked, stroking his fingers up faster, deeper, and feeling her cream drip and coat his fingers.

  “Yes.” She moaned aloud as Travis released her lips and joined Marino in exploring her breasts with their mouths.

  Her hips thrust upward, and Hunter stroked faster, deeper until she cried out her first orgasm.

  “I need to taste her first,” Sunny said, and Hunter pulled his fingers slowly from her cunt, taking her panties along with him. He moved to the side, and Sunny fell to the bedroom floor between her legs and pulled her closer to his mouth.

  He inhaled her scent, and then Dee moaned.

  “Oh God, Sunny. Sunny.” She gasped and went to reach for Sunny’s head, but Travis and Marino clasped her hands with theirs.

  “Just let go and trust us to take care of you and to bring you pleasure,” Hunter told Dee as he watched her wiggle and lift her hips.

  “Oh my God. Oh God!” she cried out, coming again.

  “You’re so beautiful when you’re coming, Dee. So giving to your men,” Hunter told her.

  Travis kissed her again, and Hunter watched Sunny move his mouth from her pussy then use his fingers to draw more moans from her.

  “I need her, too,” Marino said and released her hand and moved off the bed.

  Hunter took Marino’s place and then Sunny lifted up.

  “She’s delicious and so giving. Be gentle with her. She’s special,” Sunny said as he stepped aside.

  * * * *

  Marino fell to his knees and caressed along Dee’s tan thighs. She felt toned, silky smooth, and so youthful he felt as if she deserved so much better. These were his own insecurities, and he pushed them aside, the desire to taste Dee and make her their woman more powerful than anything else right now.

  He pressed his fingers to her cunt, and she tilted her hips upward. Hunter licked along her nipple and suckled her large breast, making Marino’s cock harden. When they took her together, it would be spectacular.

  He stroked her cunt and then leaned down to take a taste. Her pussy was drenched with cream. She was so responsive to his touch. That made him feel empowered and special to her as he licked across her pussy lips.

  “Marino.” She moaned when Travis released her lips.

  “Baby, you’re so beautiful. So perfect,” Travis told her.

  Above him, his brothers teased and pulled on her nipples, and she cried out another release.

  “I want to taste her,” Travis said.

  Marino suckled her clit hard, and Dee gasped and tightened up. He released her pussy and looked at Travis.

  “She’s delicious,” he said and moved out of the way.

  Dee covered her face with her forearm. “Oh God, I can’t take it. I can’t.” She cried out, and Marino chuckled.

  He ran a hand along her belly and then gripped her hips before moving out of the way.

  “You can take it. You’re meant for the four of us. You’re ours.”

  She held his gaze as Travis moved into position between her legs and began to kiss along her inner thigh, making her giggle.

  “Someone is very ticklish,” Hunter said as he caressed her breasts and tugged on her nipple.

  Marino lay down on her other side and cupped her cheek.

  “Give Travis one of your sweet orgasms, baby, while we explore these luscious breasts.”

  * * * *

  Travis licked her pussy then thrust a finger up into cunt. The thought that they had done this to her first, would make love to her first and fuck her together first drove him wild with desire. He pulled his fingers from her pussy and stroked his tongue deeply up into her. She tasted so sweet, so addicting like honey, that he knew he was done for. His cock was so hard he didn’t know if he could control his climax, and he didn’t care. He’d come in his pants she was so fucking hot.

  Travis worked his tongue and his fingers into her pussy. She rocked her hips and moaned and wiggled then cried out, coming again. He immediately removed his fingers and suckled her cunt, feasting on her cream and wishing it was his cock inside of her instead.

  She was their woman now, and no other man would ever touch her, make love to her, or be intimate with her like this again.

  Now he was going to be even more protective. Dee was theirs. Forever.

  * * * *

  Dee closed her eyes and exhaled as she felt her dress being pulled down into position and her breasts covered up. Hunter stroked her hair and laid kisses along her shoulder on one side while Sunny kissed her shoulder on the other side.

  She was exhausted, and they hadn’t even had sex yet.

  She thought about that, and she gasped and sat upward. She wasn’t ready for that. Was she?

  “Whoa, what’s wrong?” Hunter asked her.

  She looked at them. They were so big, too big to be in her little bedroom on her double bed.

  “I… Things have changed between us.” she whispered.

  Sunny caressed her hair and her back. She glanced at him.

  “They sure have, and that’s not a bad thing,” he said.

  Dee thought about having sex with them. About what it might feel like. About them sharing her. Them taking her together. She tightened up her sphincter muscle and then placed her hand over her chest.

  “What’s wrong?” Travis asked her.

  “Will it hurt?” she asked.

  Sunny squinted.

  She looked at all their muscles and tattoos and feared making them angry or causing them to hate her or all the bad things that could go wrong with this.

  “Will what hurt?” Sunny asked.

  She swallowed hard. “Making love together?”r />
  “Oh fuck.” Travis ran his hand along his jeans then walked over to the chair. She didn’t know why he’d said that.


  “Don’t worry about him, honey. He’s just feeling as desperate and needy as the rest of us to make love to you and to claim this body. You’re fucking perfect,” Sunny said and cupped her hair and head then brought her closer for a kiss. She kissed him deeply, and he pulled her up against his chest then laid her down on the bed.

  When he released her lips, she felt the others moving around. She worried they might leave.

  “Don’t go. I need you here,” she admitted and then lowered her eyes as she hid her head.

  Sunny cupped her cheeks between his palms.

  “We’re not going anywhere. That makes us very happy to hear you say that you need us. And we need you.”

  Sunny kissed her softly and then pulled her close. She lay there in his arms and imagined how perfect this could be if it weren’t for the fearful thought that Raven and Ghost could be searching for her.

  She could love these four men. Give all of herself to them, including her heart and her soul. Her gut clenched. She had to call her father. That was the only way to know if Raven and Ghost had given up.

  Chapter 6

  Marco Lewis, Wyatt Cantrell, Max Cantrell, and Virgo and Quaid London stood in Wyatt’s office with Sunny, Travis, Hunter, and Marino. They’d told them about Keller and asked for assistance dealing with him, and they’d made their official claim to Dee.

  The men shook their hands and congratulated them, and then Sunny informed them of the potential danger she might be in.

  “Poor thing must have been beside herself. But I have to say that gang’s tactics of securing a bloodline in the gang isn’t so unheard of,” Quaid told them.

  “I think it’s barbaric. She was twenty-two years old at the time and was threatened by these men. No wonder she’s kept a low profile and was so shy,” Dale told them.

  “We had no idea. She’s been living in Pearl for a year. We’re hoping that these men lost interest and gave up their search for her,” Travis replied.


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