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Taken: Nomadican Mates Series 3: Alien Reverse Harem Romance

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by Iona Strom

  Taken: Nomadican Mates Series 3

  An alien reverse harem romance

  Iona Strom


  LS Anders

  Copyright © 2019 Iona Strom & LS Anders

  All rights reserved.

  Please respect the work of this author. No part of this eBook/book publication may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Use your own judgment to determine if the content of this novel is appropriate for you.

  This romance is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  Editing: Sandy Ebel- Personal Touch Editing

  Proofreading, edits, and betas: Jenny, DeAnne, Michelle, Rachele

  Photograph copyrights:


  For those who believe that love is limitless.

  A Nomadican History Lesson

  When the Nomadican government becomes greedy and breaks a trade agreement with their neighboring planet, Biotios, war is unavoidable. The first strike against the Bioti, a smaller but no less aggressive species, happens before any Nomadican civilians are made aware any conflict existed. With strategically placed plasmatic bombs, the Nomadican government cripples Bioti cities across their world.

  Unbeknownst to the Nomadicans, the Bioti have a far worse, even more, destructive weapon at their disposal. At the touch of a button, a bomb capable of burrowing to the center of Riosis is unleashed, destroying the Nomadican’s planet from the inside out. That which was solid is returned to the stardust from which it was formed.

  Only a few hundred Nomadicans remain. Off-world at the time of the explosion, the survivors are thought to be only males. Now scattered across the Universe, the last of the Nomadican’s search for more survivors and a new planet to call home.

  About this book

  Wetokian males don’t like to lose! Xuel could care less that the beast didn’t get his way; that is until his mate is taken.

  Ivey’s abduction continues

  As much as I want to deny it, a bond I hadn’t anticipated grows with every one of my heartbeats, binding me to my three males. But I don’t belong in their world. It’s proving to be a far too dangerous place for a human to be traveling the stars, especially with a new enemy secretly trailing our every move. As fierce as my males may be, can they save me from the vile beast who will stop at nothing to snatch me away from my males and have its way with me?

  Warning: Taken: Nomadican Mates Series 3 is the continuation of Ivey’s captivating abduction. In this next installment, Ivey is the first of many to tell her story of a dark abduction and erotic survival. This series will leave you hanging on the edge of an erogenous cliff.

  Recommended for mature readers that love erotic, alpha aliens adorned with horns, fangs, and other —ahem— uniquely bizarre and satisfying appendages.

  Books by Iona Strom

  Captive: Nomadican Mates Series 1

  Bound: Nomadican Mates Series 2

  Taken: Nomadican Mates Series 3

  Return: Nomadican Mates Series 4

  Ravish: Nomadican Mates 5 (coming soon)

  Books by LS Anders

  Vehn: Exotic Ink Series 1

  Tegan: Exotic Ink Series 2

  Jason: Exotic Ink Series 3

  Vex: Mythical Ink Series 1

  Sevin: Mythical Ink Series 2

  Cael: Mythical Ink Series 3

  A Fairy’s Tale: Mythical Ink Series 4

  Six Pack: Men of Measure Series 1

  Table of Contents

  Copyright © 2019 Iona Strom & LS Anders

  A Nomadican History Lesson

  About this book

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  A Peek Inside

  Cael: Mythical Ink Series 3

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Glossary of Nomadican Words

  Newsletter and Stalk the Authors

  Chapter 1

  Xuel holds a special place in my libido. I want to know his body, to feel his heat as he fills me. Just thinking about him pounding into me makes me wiggle.

  Draped over his tremendous shoulder, he claps a firm hand over my ass cheek—claiming ownership or to make me stop moving, I’m not sure.

  I pretend it’s ownership.

  Storming down the corridor, away from the reception, Xuel’s footfalls are thunderous in my ears—or it could be the result of all the alcoholic kiwi juice I consumed at my wedding.

  My wedding.

  How can I not smile at that?

  I’ve come a long way since the last time I was slung over Xuel’s shoulder. Last time, I was making a run for freedom. The moment the restraining collar around my throat was unlocked, I’d bolted as fast as my legs would carry me, away from the marketplace and away from my males who had just purchased me on that red-dirt planet. Between the thick air and the lingering effects of the drugs used on me during my abduction, I hadn’t gotten far before I was plucked from the ground as if I’d weighed nothing and slung over Xuel’s shoulder. The only difference now… I want to be caught.

  Carried a little way down the corridor, Xuel enters one of the rooms I was able to access earlier. Crossing the short distance, Xuel dumps me on the bed like a sack of potatoes, then towers over me, a menacing presence I’m desperate to gain carnal knowledge of.

  The longer he looms, the more he begins to sway before falling on the bed next to me. With all the cups of kiwi juice he was tossing back at the wedding reception, I’m surprised he’s even conscious.

  With rough hands, he rearranges me on the bed and tosses my skirting to my waist. Lying on my back, my breath catches as Xuel pushes my thighs wide apart, my intimate flesh blooming at his hard stare.

  Xuel reaches out and lightly touches my slick folds. My hips curl, seeking something solid to ease my ache. As desperate as I am for any attention he throws my way, I relax and spread my legs wider. With a single finger, he tests my wetness with a slow glide in and out. The burn he’s creating is excruciating.

  He pulls free of me and fumbles with the woven enclosure of his pants. I moan in anticipation of what's to come. His hooded gaze devours my naked flesh as he begins to unravel his waistband. Pushing the fabric aside, my eyes widen at the sight of his enormous phallus. Bright red and swollen, he circles a meaty fist around his shaft, giving his length a tug.

  I watch, transfixed, as a bead of pre-cum spurts from the tip. Planting my feet on the mattress, I raise my hips in invitation.

  Falling over me, his hands land on either side of my head. His hips pump, seeking entrance, the blunt tip of his cock hitting the crease of my thigh, oh so close to where I want him.

  Xuel’s drunken movements are sloppy as he takes himself in hand. On a curse, he loses his balance and falls to the side. Giving his shoulder a shove, the kiwi juice has made him pliable enough for me to push his massive body over onto his back. Eager to be a sheath for his thick shaft, I straddle his lap.
r />   Xuel’s clumsy hands wade through the cloud of billowing fabric gathered around my waist in search of my flesh. Fisting a handful of skirting out of my way, I stand up his heavy phallus and line up his hot tip with my sex.

  My breathing is erratic with anticipation, my head spins from the kiwi juice, and my slit weeps for what I’ve waited so long to hold within me.

  Drops of my slippery enthusiasm land on the tip of his… rigid sex?

  With my skirt clutched in one hand and his cock deflating in the other, my eyes flip up to his face as a snore erupts into the room.

  Xuel’s out cold. Eyes shut down tight, his perfectly sculpted lips rest slightly parted in his heavy slumber.

  I slump in a heap. With a frustrated dismount, I flop to my back on the bed next to Xuel. The ache between my thighs, a pulse that will have to go untended. With a huff, I roll to my side and take in the strength of his fierce profile. Even in sleep, Xuel looks tense as if the weight of the Universe bears down on him.

  Tracing the lines that stress his face, Xuel is a closed book, and I desperately want to know the contents. What has happened in his life that’s caused him such inner turmoil?

  Chapter 2

  I recoil from the slurping tongue that just swiped a trail of slime across my face. Still half asleep, I roll to my other side, wiping at the goo left on my cheek and lips, snuggling into Xuel’s plush mattress.

  The bed shifts and sinks as something large leaps over me, landing with a plop, inches from my face. Another slobbering lick and I pull back, furious Xuel would be so gross. If this is his idea of playtime, I’m not interested. Prying open my eyes…

  The entire Universe hears my shriek.

  Scrambling off the bed, I back away from the striped monstrosity that’s hunkered down on two powerful front legs, its hindquarters propped in the air, wiggling back and forth as if preparing to pounce.

  I bump into the seating arrangement that’s bolted to the floor and perform an uncoordinated backflip over a chair, scurrying backward over the table, and land with a thud on my backside, crab walking until my back hits the wall.

  A deep rumble sounds to my left, but I’m too afraid to take my eyes off of the furry beast that’s got me locked in its crosshairs to see where the sound originated.

  I scream as the beast launches itself into the air, huge front paws leading the way of its powerful body. In a single lithe move, it clears what I tripped over and lands inches away from where I’m trying to become one with the wall.

  Nose to nose with the hairy creature, I’m blasted with huffs of breath that could easily knock a buzzard off of a manure truck. If I live through this, never again will I complain about Nulis’ halitosis.

  The slobbering tongue lolling out the side of the monster’s mouth goes unnoticed as I imagine the pain of being devoured by rows of enormous teeth. Just as the thing makes a move to take a bite out of me, it's suddenly gone, swept off the floor into Xuel’s arms. The heavy rumble I disregarded earlier grows louder and louder.

  Placing the drooling creature on the floor, Xuel buries his face in the thick golden fur at the monster’s throat. Having witnessed the way the Nomadican males’ fight by using their canines to take chunks out of their opponents, I cringe away from the scene.

  Oh God, I hope Xuel shows mercy and kills the thing fast. As terrifying as it is, I don’t wish it to suffer.

  Xuel pulls away, bumping heads with the monster the way a house cat would someone they like and ruffles the stripped fur on the beast’s head. Pumping out a heavy purr, the beast rolls over, exposing its white belly for a brisk rubdown before rolling back to four massive paws. Xuel pats its side and stands, the hairy creature rubbing its face on Xuel’s legs.

  My eyes narrow to slits. I’ve never seen Xuel smile, but the flash of those tremendous fangs behind curved lips pisses me off. The rumbling sound returns as Xuel fights to retain a serious expression. Reaching down to smooth a hand across the beast’s head, Xuel loses the battle. The rumble erupts into a deep belly laugh that has him doubling over. Throwing up his hands, he has the audacity to mimic my scream.

  Tossing his head back, the laughter bubbling up from some place deep inside his massive chest doesn’t make a sound. Bending forward, he actually slaps his knee before sucking in a lung full of air. A hearty roar reverberates throughout the room. I swear, I hear him snort.

  I am not amused.

  A pet of sorts, the monstrosity follows him as he makes his way over to me. Smiling down, his eyes sparkle, warming my heart. I can’t help but forgive him for laughing at my expense, given the amount of joy my antics brought him. The weary strain forever worn on his expression is evidence of the lack of happiness in his life.

  “What has happened, Xuel, to cause you such grief?”

  My question gives him pause before he reaches out a hand to me, effortlessly lifting me from the floor. I come up against a wall of muscle, and my hands have a mind of their own, smoothing and snaking over the heavy pads of his pecs and up to cup his neck.

  I could do with a kiss.

  A long beat passes as Xuel sways into me, so close, I think our lips might touch, but he pulls away, dismissing me with a clear of his throat.

  Xuel awkwardly pats the beast at his side and moves off in the direction of the dissolving door. The flash of the silver band that helps hold the length of his hair in place was my gift to him on our wedding day—as well as a reminder of what is mine but continually denied.

  The heat from what could have been dissipates into an unrequited longing as Xuel accesses the door and exits. I find myself alone again, a hollow ache blooming in the center of my chest. Not even Xuel’s pet remained behind, bounding along beside his master as the dissolving door reformed at their backs.

  A mixture of curiosity and fear carries me to the door’s access panel. It’s with a heavy sigh of relief when the palm of my hand sets me free with a single touch. A quick peek to my left and right, I find the corridor empty. Faced with the option to venture out alone, I’m suddenly afraid. This is not how I pictured my first taste of freedom.

  Stepping back inside, the door solidifies. I touch the panel again just to make sure it wasn’t a fluke. Nope, the door disappears at my touch.

  Freedom from my prison was my first goal. Now that I’ve jumped that hurdle, my mind is a jumble of possibilities, none of which I’m sure how to act on. The very idea of using Natu to aid me in any way deceptive sickens me with the nasty taste of guilt I swallow back with a hard gulp.

  Wandering around the room, I have no idea what to do with myself. Straightening the bed, I’m a fool to remain inside Xuel’s room. I should be taking the opportunity to explore as much of the ship as I can. Maybe even take another look at what’s zooming past that panoramic window embedded in the corridor’s wall.

  I chicken out, the temptation to explore diluted with the unease of what I’ll find. I’m not entirely comfortable with my new situation. Not that I prefer my prison, but in this new space, I feel anxious and fidgety. With so much unknown staring me in the face, the best thing for me to do is familiarize myself with my immediate surrounds.

  I’m also hungry, and since Xuel left me with nothing to eat, I either have to search this room or hope for my shark-toothed friends to bring me something.

  With nothing keeping me inside except my own fear, I should leave and search for a kitchen. I mean, wouldn’t a spaceship have a galley like on a cruise ship? Meals have to be prepared somewhere.

  Instead, I access every drawer and cabinet in hopes of finding the semblance of a kitchen. Nothing much so far except neatly folded stacks of buff-colored pants all the males wear and a couple extra pair of boots.

  Moving down, the next cabinet, I open wafts out a cold breeze, and I find more of what I’m looking for. Alien refrigeration, you got to love it. I take out two pieces of what I recognize as fruit; the other items chilling inside, I’m unsure of, so I leave them alone and shut the door. Above the refrigerator, I pop out a drawer and d
iscover little pouches stuffed with dried leaves. At least I think they’re leaves. I give one a sniff, and I’m positive it’s black tea.

  The next cabinet I slide open reveals the holy grail of morning wakeups. I hope the contraption I’m fiddling with is capable of brewing the little aromatic pouches full of what I hope is tea. Pushing a button on the front releases a chamber just large enough for one of the pouches, so I place one inside and close it back.

  Annnnd... nothing.

  Systematically touching anything resembling a button or an on switch only gets me a couple of flashing lights and the release of a tiny compartment door on the side. There’s no place I see where water can be added or where to place a cup to catch the brewed liquid.

  The small compartment I’ve popped free is intriguing. Scooting the machine to the side for a closer look, I reach in with two fingers—

  I’m startled when my hand is suddenly snatched away.

  Natu circles his huge hands around my waist and lifts, setting me to the side as if I weigh nothing. With a deep furrow carved between his brows, he inspects my hands, carefully looking over each one of my fingers.

  “Avay, what were you doing? You could get hurt,” Natu mutters in his strange language.

  Satisfied with whatever it is he was looking for, he gives the machine a quick once over, finding the leaf pouch I crammed inside the chamber. Removing it, he turns, shaking his head at me.

  “I thought it was like a Keurig.” I shrug innocently. “Sorry, but I’m hungry. Hogrous.”

  Breathing deeply, he gives me a curt nod.

  “I have found someone who knows where I can obtain a translator. I only hope I can get it before you accidentally chop your fingers off. Jakato cannot regenerate entire appendages.” Moving to the door, he looks back to find I haven’t followed. “I will ask the leelia to search the rooms where you are allowed for anything more that could pose a danger. Come, Avay.”


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