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The Sheikh's Secret Heir

Page 13

by Kristi Gold

  He could not fault her for that. “I am still uncertain how to proceed. In many ways I feel as though I am not worthy to be a father.”

  Elena leaned over and laid her hand on his. “It’s true that any man can procreate, but it takes a special man to take on fatherhood. You will make many mistakes but the rewards are very great. And would you subject your child to what you have endured, spending a lifetime wondering about the man responsible for his or her birth?”

  The woman possessed uncanny wisdom. “No, I would not.”

  She leaned back, looking quite satisfied. “Excellent. Now what are you going to do about your child’s mother?”

  He saw no easy answer to that. “I will support her in every way possible.”

  “Every way?”

  “In all ways that she will allow.”

  “Do you love her, Tarek?”

  He’d once thought himself incapable of that emotion. He had recently learned that was false. “It matters not how I feel.”

  He still could not form the word for fear it would make him too vulnerable. “I proposed marriage and she declined.”

  “Did you profess your love then?”

  “I did not.”

  Elena muttered several Italian oaths, complete with hand gestures. “No wonder she didn’t accept. I ask again, do you love her?”

  He prepared to open himself up to the truth. “I have admittedly been miserable. I long for the day when I might see her again and finally express my true feelings for her, yet I worry that might never come to pass.”

  Elena scowled. “Poppycock. I will never understand why men are so stubborn that they cannot see what is right in front of their nose. You are in love with her and Kira loves you. She wants nothing more than to be by your side from this point forward. Would you deny her that? Would you deny your own child?”

  No, he would not. Yet a serious problem still existed. “Before she left Cyprus, she also refused my offer of a meeting to discuss our child. She instructed me to send an email.”

  “Well, she deserves the opportunity to throw you out in person, or possibly take you back.”

  He longed for the latter but braced himself for the former. “I am at a loss as to how to accomplish that.”

  Elena chuckled. “Oh my, have you come to the right place. I happen to have some experience with playing Cupid.”

  He would welcome any assistance. “Do you have a plan in mind?”

  “It would involve a bit of creativity and borderline deception.”

  He was growing somewhat concerned. “Deception has created our conflict.”

  She laid a dramatic hand below her neck. “This is necessary to achieve our goal. Kira will understand once she sees what she will gain.”

  “Then I will trust you on this.”

  Elena’s expression turned somber. “First, I must know you are ready to pursue a permanent relationship with her. If not, then we will not proceed.”

  “I am more than ready.” Words he never thought he would say.

  “Good. Now we will go over the details.”

  Something suddenly occurred to him. “Should I inform the Mehdi sons of my identity first?”

  “Leave them to me.”

  Having Elena run interference would be to his benefit, though under normal circumstances, he would not allow someone else to fight his battles. “If you believe that would be best, I will agree.”

  “It would be best.” Elena leaned forward, lowered her voice and said, “This is what we will do....”

  * * *

  “Are you busy?”

  Seated at her office desk, Kira didn’t bother to look up from the computer as she said, “Never too busy for you, Elena. What do you need?”

  Elena pulled up a chair next to hers. “I was curious about your doctor’s appointment.”

  She inputted the last budget item then shut down the program before turning her office chair toward her. “Maysa said everything is great. The baby’s heartbeat is strong and next month I’ll have my first ultrasound. I can find out the gender if I want to, but I’m not sure about that yet.” She was sure about the disappointment over Tarek not sharing those moments.

  “Have you heard from the father?” Elena asked, as if she’d read Kira’s mind.

  Annoying disappointment came back to roost. “Not a word. But I never really expected it.”

  Elena took a quick look at her watch. “If Tarek came to you and expressed his undying love, would you consider taking him back?”

  In a heartbeat. “I see no reason to ponder that since it’s never going to happen.”

  “One never knows, cara,” she said as she checked the time again.

  “Do you have an appointment, Elena?”

  “No, but you do.” She pushed out of the chair and patted her silver hair. “You have a meeting with Rafiq.”

  Kira did a mental rundown of her schedule. “Since when?”

  “Since now. He sent me here to summon you to his study.”

  Wonderful. She had too much to do and too little left of the day. “Do you know what this is about?”

  “I have a few ideas, but I feel it’s best not to speculate.”

  Kira stood and headed toward the door. “I hope this doesn’t take too long.”

  Elena muttered something in Italian from behind her as they headed to the king’s private study. Once there, she rapped on the door and heard Rafiq tell her to come in.

  The second she entered, Kira felt as if she’d walked into an inquisition conducted by well-dressed royals. Rafiq sat behind the desk, looking handsome and regal, as usual. Zain and Adan stood behind him, arms folded across their chests like sentries. Then her gaze tracked to the right of the Mehdi sons, where another man positioned at the window caught her immediate attention. To most, he would appear to be any handsome, highly successful mogul, but she knew him as the father of her unborn baby.

  “What is this about?” Kira asked as soon as she could form a coherent sentence.

  “That’s what I’d bloody like to know,” Adan said.

  “I would as well,” Zain added. “My wife and I plan to have dinner in the village and have a night away from the twin follies.”

  Elena came to her side and laid a protective hand on Kira’s shoulder. “If you would be patient, all will be revealed by Mr. Azzmar in short order.”

  As if on cue, Tarek stepped forward and cleared his throat. “I have asked you here today to reveal that I have not been completely truthful to any of you.”

  Rafiq sent him a hard look. “We are well aware that you and Kira have been involved in a tryst.”

  Kira exchanged a concerned look with Tarek before she said, “I promise we had no intention—”

  “We didn’t have to be rocket scientists to figure out, Kira,” Adan interjected. “You both practically drool in each other’s presence.”

  “The staff members have also entertained suspicions,” Rafiq added. “Nothing is sacred in the palace.”

  Kira’s cheeks heated like a furnace. “I don’t know what to say except I’m very sorry.”

  Tarek took a step forward. “You cannot hold Kira accountable for my actions. And my personal relationship with her is only part of the reason why I called you here.”

  Zain shifted impatiently in the chair. “Then could you please clarify immediately?”

  Tarek paced the room as if gathering his thoughts before facing the brothers to speak again. “Investing in Bajul is not my primary reason for being here. It never was. I arrived here seeking information and as of this morning, I have found it.”

  Kira held her breath as Tarek launched into his suspicions about his mother’s involvement with the former king, his presumed father’s revelation and his need to know his true parentage. H
e concluded by saying, “With Elena’s aid, I now have the proof I have required for most of my adulthood. I am Aadil Mehdi’s biological child, and your half brother.”

  The Mehdi sons sat for a time in stunned silence, until Rafiq regarded Elena. “Is this the truth?”

  Elena squeezed Kira’s shoulder before answering. “Yes, it is. There is no doubt that Tarek is your father’s son. His relationship with Tarek’s mother happened before he wed your mother, and he remained unaware he had another child for many years. He managed to confirm that fact shortly before his death.”

  “Bloody hell,” Adan said. “The man did get around. Is there any chance there are more Mehdis primed to crawl out of the woodwork? The last time we had one of these little soirees I learned the woman I always thought of as my mother was actually my mother.”

  “Hush, my child,” Elena told him. “Tarek has not finished speaking his mind.”

  Kira saw a hint of self-consciousness in his expression before he resumed his steel persona. “I do not expect any of you to readily accept this rather shocking turn of events, but I do hope I have your blessing on what I am about to tell you now.”

  He turned toward Kira and held out his hand. “If you would please join me.”

  She strode toward him in a fog, her head whirling with possibilities, and took his offered hand. As they stood there before the king’s court, she feared her knees might not hold her.

  “As you know,” Tarek began, “Kira and I have grown very close—”

  “I’m sure that is an understatement,” Zain muttered, earning a quelling look from Elena. “I am only saying that you are a Mehdi, and with that comes a certain amount of virility and lack of control.” That earned Adan’s chuckle.

  Surprisingly, Tarek smiled. “Regardless, I recognize you are all very protective of Kira, and I want to be clear on my commitment to her. She is everything a man could desire in a woman.”

  Kira practically gasped. “You want a commitment?”

  “I definitely do. I did not realize this until you had left me.”

  “I want that, too, Tarek, but—”

  “Enough with the moon-eyed declarations,” Rafiq muttered. “Get on with it.”

  Tarek turned his focus back to the brothers. “In the absence of her father, I am asking you for permission to propose marriage to her.”

  While Kira stood frozen on the spot, the brothers nodded at each other before Rafiq rose from the chair. “If you will treat her with the respect she deserves, you have our blessing.”

  Tarek turned to Kira, a satisfied look on his face. “Kira Darzin, will you honor me by being my wife?”

  How badly she wanted to say yes, but she couldn’t in good conscience. Not yet. “No.”


  Tarek was somewhat stunned she was rebuffing him again, only this time in front of an audience. “You do not wish to be my wife?”

  “I’m not saying I won’t marry you. I’m saying my answer depends on your reasons for wanting to marry me.”

  His answer would require putting away his manly pride, he realized, when he glanced at the brothers who sat patiently awaiting his response, seemingly enjoying his predicament. “I vow to you that I will love you now and forevermore.”

  “You love me?” she asked, sheer wonder in her voice.

  “I do.”

  Still, she did not seem quite satisfied. “And our baby?”

  He sensed the sudden tension in the room. “I will love our child as I love you, and I will endeavor to be the best father possible.”

  Finally, she smiled. “Then my answer is a yes, I will marry you, Tarek Azzmar.”

  “You are with child, Kira?” Rafiq asked before Tarek could finally take Kira into his arms.

  His future wife turned her attention to the king and frowned. “Yes, but we didn’t plan that, either. Regardless, we’re both very happy about it now.”

  “Cripes, we’re going to have to expand the nursery,” Adan groused.

  Zain came to his feet. “Worse, we are going to have to replace Kira.”

  Elena stepped forward. “No need to worry about that. I will be in charge until we find a replacement....”

  As the chaotic discourse continued, Tarek saw the opportunity to escape. He took Kira by the hand and said, “Come with me,” As he led her to the door.

  Before they could make a hasty exit, Zain called out, “Tarek, you will now be required to sit on the governing council.”

  Tarek raised his hand in acknowledgement and left out the door, closing it behind him. He led Kira down the corridor, and when they turned the corner, he seized the opportunity to kiss her thoroughly.

  Once they parted, she looked at him with concern. “Are you absolutely sure about taking this step?”

  More sure than he had ever been about any decision he had made at this juncture in his life. “I have not experienced such certainty for many years. Now, if you will join me upstairs, I have something I would like to show you.”

  She feigned a stunned look. “Oh my, Tarek. I realize the brothers seem to be fine with us, but do you think that’s appropriate in the palace?”

  He could not resist kissing her again. “That was not my intent, at least not presently. When we leave here later, I will give you an appropriate ravishing.”

  “I’m all for that.”

  They traveled to the second floor and paused at the door to the nursery, where the sounds of childish voices filtered into the hallway. “Let me guess,” Kira said. “You’ve already set up a crib for our baby.”

  “I reserve that for our home,” he said as he opened the door and searched for the little brown-haired, brown-eyed girl. He spotted her in the corner playing with a slew of stuffed animals and Zain Mehdi’s twins under the watchful eye of a young governess. When he summoned Yasmin in Arabic, she looked up and favored him with a bright smile.

  “Poppy!” she shouted as she ran toward him, her curls bouncing in time with her gait.

  Tarek lifted her into his arms and turned to Kira. “This is Yasmin. Yasmin, this is Kira.”

  The absolute awe on Kira’s face was worth all the gold in the hemisphere. “I am very pleased to meet you, Yasmin.”

  The little girl reached out and touched Kira’s cheek. “You are very pretty.”

  “So are you, sweetheart. And you speak very good English.”

  Yasmin shrugged and pointed at Tarek. “He taught me. May I play now, Poppy?”

  Tarek set her on her feet and knelt on her level. “You may, as soon as I give you a gift.”

  Yasmin rocked back and forth on her heels with barely-contained excitement. “Is it another puppy?”

  “No, yet I believe you will like it.” He withdrew one of the two black velvet boxes from his pocket. “Open this for me.”

  After Yasmin complied, her eyes filled with surprise when she saw the tiny silver band. “Is this mine?”

  “Yes, it is.” Tarek slipped the ring from the holder and held it up. “If you agree to be my daughter.”

  She pretended to pout. “I am your daughter, silly Poppy.”

  He pocketed the empty box and slid the band on her right ring finger. “Yes, and this makes it official.”

  She threw her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. “I am going to show Cala and Joseph my ring now.”

  When she started away, he gently clasped her arm to halt her progress, took her by the shoulders and turned her around. “What do you say to Kira?”

  “It is nice to meet you,” she replied, followed by an exaggerated curtsy, then rushed back to her playmates.

  Tarek escorted Kira back into the corridor and kissed her again. “I have arranged for some private time for us for a few hours. How do you suggest we spend that time?”

  She stro
ked his jaw. “I can think of several pleasant things, but first I have to tell you that you giving Yasmin that ring meant so much to her, and me.”

  A long overdue gesture, in his opinion. “While we were apart, I arranged to adopt Yasmin so it will truly be official. However, I have put the process on hold since I would like to have you listed as her mother. I realize that is much to ask of you—”

  She pressed a fingertip against his lips. “I would be honored to assume that responsibility, as long as Yasmin agrees.”

  “She will eventually, though it could require another mutt.”

  “I would hope loving her like my own would be enough to convince her to love me back.”

  He could not imagine any living being not loving an extraordinary woman such as Kira. “I am certain it will be, and we will tell her about the marriage very soon. Since meeting you, I have learned that being a good parent does not require blood ties. It involves caring and commitment and yes, making errors in judgment at times. I learned that long ago from my father, yet I allowed myself to forget those lessons.”

  She gently touched his cheek. “Do you think you can forgive your biological father for never acknowledging you?”

  Before falling under Kira’s positive influence, Tarek’s answer would have been a definitive “No.” “There is nothing to forgive. My mother gave him no choice in the matter. Unfortunately, when he finally made the effort to confirm that I was his son, it was too late. I do regret that.”

  She embraced him briefly and smiled. “Look at it this way. You’ve gained an entire family. A somewhat eccentric family, but a loving family all the same.”

  “Yes, I have.”

  Her eyes suddenly went wide. “Oh no, I have to tell my parents about us and the baby before someone else does. I’m going to call them now but I left my cell phone in the office.”

  When Kira started away, Tarek clasped her hand to stop her. Apparently all the women in his life were bent on deserting him today. “Before you do that, I have a gift for you.”


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