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Tears of Blood (The Blood Chronicles)

Page 23

by Tamela Quijas

  “I don’t want you, Kevin.” She almost wept for him, remembering the fresh faced boy he’d been in high school.

  “Come on, Meggie.” He said cajolingly. “Don’t you recall how good we were?”

  “I prefer not to remember.” Her voice was oddly soft as she made the admission. “I don’t love you anymore, and you need to leave me alone.”

  “You can,” he insisted frantically. “You can love me again.”

  “No, Kevin.” She kept repeating the word no, hoping her refusal would get through to his demented mind. “My heart belongs to another, and I could never love you.”

  “You did, until he came along.” He snapped back at her, and she envisioned the face that frightened her most, where his eyes danced to a wild tune and high color rose to his cheeks. “You love this man? He teaches dance, damn it! He’s not a man, like me!”

  “He’s more of a man than you’ll ever be, Kevin.” She managed in a soft and nonplussed tone. Amado’s fingertips brushed her shoulder, wordlessly comforting her as he allowed her to deal with her own demons.

  “Him?” He questioned derisively. “He’s nothing but a fucking pretty boy, that’s all he is!”

  “I’m granting you the opportunity to leave.” Amado’s words were calm and rational, compared to the madness slipping from her ex-husband. “Leave my home, and Meghan, before I summon the police.”

  “I ain’t going nowhere without Meggie!” Kevin screamed.

  “She’s not going with you.” He argued smoothly.

  Slowly, Kevin reached into the inner pocket of his coat, his crazed gaze never leaving Amado. Watching him through narrowed eyes, he questioned what the vagrant would pull from the tattered remnants, most of the pockets frayed. He didn’t have long to wait as the man pulled a heavy item out and pointed the gleaming weapon at his former wife.

  “If I can’t have you, Meggie, nobody can.” He mumbled viciously.

  Purposely, Amado placed himself between Meghan and the gun. He towered above the taller man, his presence becoming more pronounced as he lifted his chin and straightened his shoulders. Violence radiated from him in a great wave, and he inhaled a needless breath as he stared directly at Kevin. Snarling, his fiery red eyes glowing, his teeth flashed.

  “Wh…what the fuck are you?” He stammered, disbelief contorting his features.

  “I’m the last face you’ll ever see.” Amado retorted in a deeply guttural voice as he lunged, his fangs seeking the pulsating jugular at the human’s neck. Wildly waving the gun, a blast resounded as he screamed in horror. Another shot followed, Kevin’s shrieks turning into a gurgling rush as a loud explosion rocked the ground floor, sending flames shooting across the floorboards and up the staircase.

  Above Amado’s angered growls and Kevin’s screams of terror, despite the fiery blasts surrounding her, Meghan pressed a hand to her chest. Gasping, her breath burning and bubbling in her lungs, blood streamed over her hand and between her fingers. Slowly, she started to crumple. Feeling as if she were part of a nightmare, she fell to the floor.

  Chapter Twenty

  Flames burst from the upper windows of the warehouse building, showering shards of splintered glass across the pavement, while orange tongues greedily licking at the dark sky. Chesca screamed, running toward the structure, tears streaming from her eyes. Frantic, pushing past the throng of spectators, she leapt for the dance studio door, desperate to find Meghan.

  “You can’t enter, cherie!” Heavy hands dragged her back, and she kicked and shouted, her fists flailing. Hauled against a rock hard chest, her breath escaping her panting gasps, she yelled her friend’s name while damning her rescuer.

  “You don’t understand, Sebastien!” She screeched, the sound of the flames, burning wood, and falling brick filling the air. “Meghan’s inside!”

  “You don’t know this for certain!

  “She wouldn’t leave without me!” she protested, twisting about and staring up at him with wide and horrified eyes. “If she did, she would’ve come directly to the store.”

  “Are you convinced she’s still inside?” He asked solemnly, refusing to lift his gaze to the inferno.

  “She knew I was coming, Sebastien.” She sobbed. “She would’ve been waiting for me.”

  A crowd gathered, and the distant wail of the fire engines sounded in the distance. The building stood as a beacon in the nighttime sky, the bright glow illuminating the entire street. Frantic, Chesca stared up at Sebastien, her body quivering. Heavy tears streamed down her face, becoming garish trails of black on her ivory skin.

  “Meg can’t get out,” she cried. “She’d be confused by the blaze, and not know which way to turn. She’ll be so lost, Sebastien!”

  “Hush, child.” He soothed, although his heart felt it were breaking. The building was engulfed, hungry flames leaping from every window and black smoke and ash blowing in the wind. “There’s not anything we can do for her. “

  “I can’t let her die that way!”

  There’s nothing we can do, Chesca.” He repeated soothingly, wiping away the streaks of makeup. “You can’t go inside….”

  “We can,” a harsh voice interrupted. “We’re the only ones that can enter that mess.”

  Inhaling heavily, smoke filling his chest, Sebastien looked angrily the figure beside him. He couldn’t prevent his disgusted glower, the reaction automatic, as he glared into the blood-filled eyes of the creature.

  “We can’t interfere with what is destined.” He commented sharply, his skin reflecting the singing heat of the devastating flames.

  Declan Balthazar stared into his eyes with brazen disregard. “Sometimes, the rules of destiny have to be broken.”

  Sebastien scowled darkly, his internal need to wipe Declan’s kind from the earth outweighing the horror blazing before him. “My vows prevent me from meddling in mortal matters.”

  “Sebastien, what does he mean?” Chesca pulled away from his comforting embrace and intently examined the face of the two men, who closely resembled each other.

  The stranger turned toward her, his expression intent. “He can walk through the flames, unscathed.”

  “Hold on.” She stared from one to the other. “What the hell do you mean?”

  Declan smirked, and the action’s bitterness made her frown. “You work with a wizard, child.”

  “Nah,” she denied with a shake of her head. “Sebastien’s just a pagan, who believes in the purity of life, and we all need to return to nature.”

  “Tell her, DeClerq.” He barked, and knew precious time was wasting. “Tell her what you are.”

  “Sebastien?” She lifted her streaked countenance to his, really looking at him for the first time since their acquaintance. Her coworker’s jaw, his face glowing in the firelight, tightened.

  “I’m a wizard, Chesca.” He admitted solemnly. “I’m a centuries old wizard who weaves disgusting little spells, and hunts down the immoral vermin plaguing the streets.”

  “And he can walk through fire.” Declan supplied easily.

  “But, you can’t, Balthazar.” He pointed out roughly. “Your type incinerates in the midst of a blaze, as I well know.”

  He smirked and managed an offhanded shrug. “After all these centuries, do you think I care anymore?”

  “What are you talking about?” Chesca snapped.

  “You won’t understand.”

  “Do you think I do what I do, and don’t believe in a world beyond humanity?” She asked angrily. “You’re barking up the wrong tree, Sebastien, and I want the truth. If you’re a damn wizard, what is he?”

  Turning, she found herself staring into eyes as dark as the night, lit with a fiery red blaze that wasn’t a reflection of the shooting flames behind them. Smirking, he tilted his chin and opened his mouth to her inquisitive look.

  “Oh shit!” She managed as he revealed sharp fangs.

  He ran his tongue over the pointed tips, before his analytical regard lifted to the scorching flames. “He can en
ter the building.” He didn’t turn to Sebastien, instead indicating him with a jerk of his chin. “Your associate has the power to find your friend, and bring her to safety.”

  “But the blaze…”

  “Tell her DeClerq.” He commanded. “Tell her that you can battle flames with ease, and won’t burn.”

  “Is this true, Sebastien?”

  He exhaled heavily. “It’s correct, but it’s against everything…”

  “You’d let Meghan die?” She accused in a quivering voice. “Your conscience would allow you to let her die in there, alone, and trapped?”

  “She’s not unaccompanied.”

  Chesca took a quick look at the vampire standing before her.

  “Amado won’t leave her side.”

  “How do you know this?”

  “I’ve known him since before his creation.” He managed with a cynical smirk. “Despite being one of the undead, and lacking a heart, his love will prevent him from leaving her.”

  “I can’t save a vampire,” Sebastien countered tightly. “My job is to eradicate your kind’s disgusting presence from the world, not make it a point to rescue one.”

  “What about Meg?” Chesca clutched at his arm before pulling back, the heat rising from his flesh singing her hand.

  His foam colored eyes gazed deep into her soul, and he could sense the breaking heart within. Nodding, more to himself than to her, he walked away. He pushed past the crowd of onlookers, before walking into the blazing structure with Declan at his heels.


  He cradled her near as flames leaped about them, their heat radiating voraciously and threatening to consume their bodies. Amado held her limp body pressed close, and a widening pool of crimson darkening the floorboards.

  “Let me go, Amado,” she whispered weakly, pressing her face to his chest. “Save yourself.”

  Gently, he laid a fleeting kiss on her brow. “I won’t leave you, Meghan.”

  A sad smile pulled at her lips. “I can’t allow you to die in here.”

  “I choose to, Meghan.” He remarked with steady resolve. “Whatever you say, or think you can do to convince me otherwise, I’ll remain.”

  “You’ll stay, even if I don’t have long left?” She breathed huskily, the words almost a whisper.

  “You’ll be fine, Meghan.” He attempted to soothe. “The fire trucks will be here soon, and you’ll be safe.”

  She chuckled weakly, a slow stream of red slipping from the corner of her mouth.

  “I don’t think I’ll be the one leaving, Amado.” She murmured faintly. “Kevin’s had his revenge and I’ll remain here with him.”

  He swallowed heavily, hating the finality in her voice. Meghan broke into a coughing spasm, the searing heat, and billowing smoke scorching her lungs as the inferno crackled about them. Silent, his arms cradling her cherished body, he rocked her. Thankfully, she didn’t understand, she’d succumb to smoke inhalation and blood loss long before the flames would touch her precious flesh.

  On the other hand, he would suffer horrendously.

  The smoke wouldn’t fill his lungs, whisking his breath away until he slipped into unconsciousness. His curse would make him experience every moment of the burning hellhole as they hungrily tore the flesh from his body. The blaze would rip at him before turning him to ash.

  Still, he wouldn’t leave her. Meghan was his love and, regardless of the pain his ending would bring, he’d remain with her. He pressed a delicate kiss to her forehead, wiping the soot from her cheeks as she coughed and issued a gurgling sigh. He rested his temple to hers, tears sliding down his face as he hugged her close.

  “I love you, Meghan Stanley.” He whispered, feeling her life source slip from her. “I love you.”

  Coughing, she echoed his words.


  He realized they weren’t alone. Amazed, he watched as Sebastien DeClerq rushed toward him, his figure a dark outline. Despite the intensity of the fire, not a single flame touched him, the blaze appearing to cower with every step he took. Behind him, sheltered in an umbrella-like spell that warded aware the fire, Declan followed. Amado scowled, unfamiliar with the alarm etched on his adversary’s unearthly features.

  “Here!” He shouted urgently, but recognized his desperation was wasted. The very spirit, the soul that made Meghan who she was, was slipping slowly from her body. Still, he forced a semblance of hope into his tones. “Meghan, cara, help has come.”

  “Is it Sebastien?”

  “You won’t believe me.” He stifled a weak laugh. “Sebastien has arrived, with Declan.”

  She barely heard him. He looked away, rocking her in his arms, ignoring the pair as they approached. DeClerq’s fingers touched the pulse at the side of Meghan’s throat, and frowned.

  “She doesn’t have long.” He mouthed the words to Amado, who nodded.

  “I know.”

  “You have to get outside.” Sebastien insisted.

  Amado managed a smile half-heartedly, understanding the mage was aware that vampires avoided fire of any sort. “I won’t abandon her.”

  “You can’t help her.”

  He shrugged. “I know I can’t, but I’m not ditching her.”

  “So, instead, you’ll die here with her?” Declan asked as he dropped to his knees.

  Amado lifted his face to the ceiling, the structure nearly enveloped in all consuming flames. “Yes.”

  “I could force you.” Declan’s brows lowered and his expression became threatening.

  He smiled gently. “I know you can’t.”

  Declan glanced at the vampire who he’d tormented for too many decades, pain and finality filling him. “Do you love her enough to die?”

  Amada nodded, unable to speak.

  Despite his fear, he leaned close. “You can save her, and DeClerq can lead us from the fire.”

  “I can’t.” Amado protested with a hearty shake. “I can’t damn her to an existence worse than this.”

  “You have to save her before it’s too late.” Declan continued in his haunting voice.

  “I’d rather die with her.”

  Sebastien looked from one to the other, counting the seconds until they had to escape. “He can’t take her blood because of the vow he took. The Brotherhood doesn’t allow one of their own to feast on the blameless.”

  “This is true?” Declan questioned with a lift of his brow.

  Amado nodded tersely, scowling as Declan laughed outright.

  “I didn’t take a vow to anyone.”

  “You belong to The Sanctum.” He spat. “You bathe in evil, relishing the hurt you deliver.”

  “Perhaps I’m not really part of the sect.” Declan shrugged as he made the curious confession. “Even more so, I might not be as wicked as I lead you to believe.”

  Sebastien and Amado looked at his quizzically, wondering about his low spoken admission. They didn’t have long to ponder, though, as a wooden beam crashed a few feet from them, the blaze leaping higher into the air.

  “Give her to me,” Declan pleaded. “Don’t let her die.”

  “Do you expect me to sit back and watch you create another of your kind?”

  Declan turned and glared at the wizard with scathing eyes. In spite of the horrendous blackness consuming the orbs, compassion radiated from him.

  “Have you not already broken the rules this night?” He inquired gently. “Consorting with the undead, attempting to rescue the love of a creature of the night, so what’s one more offense?”

  “I can’t permit you to do this.”

  “I don’t think the choice is yours.” Declan remarked gravely before he looked into the face of the one who had taunted for the last century. “Allow me, Amado. Let me to right the wrongs that have haunted me my entire existence.”

  Torn, all he could do was stare at the vampire. Meghan was slipping away from him, her essence vanishing in the leaping flames, and he felt broken inside.

  “She will hate me.”

“Will she?”

  “Eternity is forever…”

  “You will have an eternity to share your love, to spend together.” As another coughing fit wracked her delicate body, his voice filled with urgency. “If you wait too long, she’ll be lost to you.”

  Sebastien rose to his feet, standing near enough where his spell enveloped them in a protective blanket and sheltered them from the searing and vengeful flames. Lifting his chin and staring at the ceiling, he whispered a prayer of forgiveness into the wind.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Sunlight reflected on the tranquil surface of the body of water just beyond the cabin, and the lake seemed awash in colors that mirrored the sun, sky, and the vibrant green of the towering pines rising high around it. Light resembling the tiny fractures of small stars give the impression of shooting off the placid waters, dancing in the air before vanishing. The sight was dazzling to the woman who stared at the picturesque scenery in amazement.

  Blues, reds, emerald, gold, and brown, colors believed lost, flooded her vision. Meghan gaped in childlike wonder at the scenario, nearly breathless with awe, as she savored the beauty spread before her.


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