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Heather's Challenge [Cattleman's Club 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 51

by Jenny Penn

  Alex rushed to put his pants back on as Heather stiffened up with a bolt of pure, unadulterated feminism. She was getting ready to go on a tear and he figured it would be best to be dressed for that. Not that she was paying him any mind.

  “First off,” Heather’s finger whipped upward as she advanced steadily on Konor. “That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Second off, my son isn’t even a teenager, let alone a man. And third, the last two people I’d let my son talk to about sex is you two juveniles.”

  “Oh, here it comes.” Alex heaved a heavy sigh, knowing exactly where Heather was going. “She is about to blame all of this on us.”

  “And why shouldn’t I?” Heather demanded to know as she whipped around and confronted him.

  “Because it’s just as much your fault, or did I miss you saying ‘no’? ‘Stop’? Or anything other than that sexy little moan of yours that you know drives us both crazy?”

  “That’s a short trip for you!”

  “So says the lady with purple goo all over her face!” Alex shot back, warming to the argument.

  “I’m wearing this stupid stuff so I can look good for you,” Heather retorted. “Or do you think that flawless skin just happens by accident?”

  “Yes, and, trust me sweetness, you’re not flawless.”

  “Ah!” Heather leapt at him but got caught up in Konor’s arms before she could reach her target. Instead she ended up swung around and dumped unceremoniously on the couch. Her shriek ending in a grunt as she rolled in the overstuffed cushions.

  “That’s enough,” Konor declared, lording over Heather as she scrambled to right herself. “I know you think you’re justified and you probably are, but fighting with Alex isn’t going to change the fact that somebody needs to go talk to Taylor and make sure he’s all right.”

  “You mean somebody with a set of balls, right?”

  “Yes,” Konor answered succinctly, unabashed and unashamed. “I mean really, Heather, what would you say to him?”

  “Well, I would…” Heather paused, coming up short for a second before continuing determinedly on. “…explain that what he saw was natural and…norm—well, that it was….that I was…I would just tell him…I’d just ask him if he was alright.”

  “And he’d say ‘yes’ because that’s what kids do.”

  “Especially boys with moms who are trying to talk to them about sex,” Alex muttered, unable to help himself, despite knowing it was dangerous to interfere when it looked like Konor was finally getting through to her.

  Heather managed more self-restraint than him, though it cost her, given the way her lips thinned and her gaze narrowed. She was holding back and the effort sounded in the tight strain of her tone.

  “And I’m supposed to trust the two of you to talk to him?”

  “Yes.” Konor stood by that answer and offered her no more, which was kind of brazen given the situation.

  Strangely enough, Heather didn’t demand more. Instead, she sat there staring up at them as the seconds gathered into minutes before finally caving with a curt nod.

  “Fine. I’ll let you have this chance, but—” Heather held up that finger once again, this time in warning instead of an accusation. “—this is not the sex talk and there will be no comments or details on any kind of specifics. You’re just to check on him and make sure he’s okay.”

  “Understood.” Konor nodded and then, like a good solider, turned to obey but when Alex made to follow him he found his path blocked by Heather.

  “And just where do you think you’re going?”

  “To talk to Taylor.” Alex would have thought that was obvious. Heather, though, looked less convinced.

  “I don’t think so.” Heather laughed. “I would have to be crazy to—”

  “—give me a chance?” Alex cut in with a pointed look. “Kind of like the one I gave you?”

  He had her with that point and he knew it. Actually, he’d been saving it for just such an occasion and didn’t even bother to try and lie when Heather confronted him.

  “Fine,” she snarled, reluctantly stepping back. “But you only get to use that excuse this one time. Got me?”

  “Yep, I’ll consider it well spent.” And he did. Dropping a quick kiss on her lips, Alex pulled back to sweep a critical eye across her face. “You know that purple goop really makes your frown stand out.”

  He retreated quickly before she could take exception to that observation.

  * * * *

  Heather let him go, too nervous about the risk she was taking to bother with Alex and her normal tit-for-tat exchange. This was a big step and she felt the weight of it on her shoulders because she really had no idea what Konor and Alex would tell her son. So, she sat there fretting on the couch while they stayed back there chatting with Taylor for a good half hour. When they finally did appear, neither Konor nor Alex would give her a hint as to what had been said.

  It was private. A man’s conversation, something Taylor echoed the next morning when Heather tried to prod him about what had gone on. He didn’t have much to say beyond the fact that he loved her and wanted her to be happy.

  There was such a depth of sincerity in his young tone as he stared her straight in the eye and told her that whatever made her happy made him happy that she almost burst into tears and, of course, had to hug him. For once, Taylor put up with the show of affection without trying to squirm away or complaining.

  In fact, he complained a lot less in over the following week, appearing to have gained some new confidence that Heather could only attribute to Alex and Konor. Her baby was growing into a man. That thought was bittersweet but it wasn’t as worrisome as it had been mere days before.

  The ache, on the other hand, for something more—more time, more children, a more fulfilling life—grew stronger with each passing day. She laid the blame for that, too, at Konor and Alex’s feet. She wanted them, and not just in some kind of carnal way. She wanted more than that.

  She just wanted to see them, to talk to them, to laugh with them. They were like three pieces that fit into a perfect, happy whole. As the days went by, Heather couldn’t remember exactly why it was she was fighting them. It made no sense, but that didn’t mean she was ready to admit defeat.

  They wanted a declaration of her love?

  They could have it. Right after she had theirs. After all, she might be willing to lose but that didn’t mean she didn’t want to win. What she needed was a plan.

  A good one.

  One that would bring them to their knees.

  Heather was enough a woman to admit that she didn’t have the experience to come up with a plan good enough to crack Konor’s control. She needed help, and she knew just who to call for it.

  Chapter 42

  Saturday, June 21st

  Konor stepped back and glanced around the kitchen in satisfaction. Everything was running smoothly. Finally. He dared to say better than it ever had before he had arrived, but he didn’t dare to say that aloud.

  Heather might be an excellent baker but she wasn’t a chef. She really had no clue how to organize a kitchen. Howie might have, but he wasn’t paid to, which was an attitude that Konor had grown to value given it made Howie easy to work with.

  There had been no arguments over the menu or any of the changes Konor had implemented. Not from Howie. Not from Heather, and that was the real victory. She was starting to trust him.

  Trust them, Konor corrected himself as he considered how much control she was allowing Alex and him to have in Taylor’s life. That, more than anything, affirmed what Konor had already known. Not only did she trust them, she was in love with them.

  The words were just hard for her to come by, but he and Alex had a plan to help her find them. A plan that would begin in just a few hours.

  In just a few hours…Konor took a deep breath and willed the hunger that thought evoked back down.

  It was hard, almost damn near impossible to temper the lusts that had been simmering beneath the surface for
the past few weeks. Every day that had passed, the need had grown stronger, dangerously taxing the very far reach of Konor’s self-control.

  The knowledge that his waiting was almost over, that the agony of holding back was about to be rewarded with an orgy of such decadent delights, only added to the tension straining his muscles and making him itchy. He had to hold it together, though.

  There was a lot to be done before it came time to unleash those urges, like picking up Taylor and getting the family’s seal of approval before they moved on to Heather’s. With that in mind, Konor kissed her goodbye in front of a bakery full of people and then walked out, knowing he left her blushing and embarrassed behind him.

  He and Alex had already discussed the matter, and they weren’t going to hide the nature of their relationship. It would take too much effort and after a lifetime, there were bound to be slip-ups, not to mention that in denying the truth they might also inadvertently teach their children to be ashamed.

  There was nothing to be ashamed about. So Konor walked out with his head held high more than aware of the smiles, smirks, and bugged-out eyes that followed him. That kiss would be the talk of the town by night fall.

  By morning, they’d know whether Alex was going to have problems getting re-elected. Konor doubted he would. After all, nobody was running against him. Nobody ever did. There was no point. Alex was that well-liked and respected, not to mention he had the might and power of the Davis brothers behind him, along with the rest of the Cattlemen.

  Most importantly, though, Alex had both Taylor and Ralph’s approval. So did Konor. That’s all that really mattered. That and the smile on Taylor’s face as Konor pulled up the drive at Camp D to pick him and his buddies up.

  Given Camp D was so far out, most of the kids from Pittsview carpooled, which meant that Konor didn’t only have one lively young man on his hands but four more to cram in the narrow back seat. At least, they kept the conversation entertaining, bringing a smile to Konor’s lips and a laugh to the back of his throat.

  The happy moment dimmed a little, though, when Taylor asked if he could spend the night with Hank and Konor had to tell him ‘no’. He could have said ‘yes’. He had the authority now, even if he didn’t have the title of father, but Konor was working on changing that, which was just why he turned down Taylor’s request.

  Thankfully the kid didn’t sulk for long, but perked up as Konor turned the truck under the old, decrepit arches that still welcomed visitors to Magnolia Bluff Plantation. The plantation had shut down long ago shut down and most the lands sold off. All that remained was the main house, sitting on its little bluff and the long drive that led to it.

  The view was still priceless. That was more than enough to suit Konor and Alex’s purposes. After all, the place did come with nearly ten acres, which gave them more than enough room and privacy for the life they wanted to build.

  Most importantly, though, it appeared to gain Taylor’s interest as Konor eased the truck down the pitted and worn dirt road. It would have to be paved and when it was, it would be the perfect lane for their kids to ride bikes down beneath the speckled shadow of the dogwoods that lined the long road toward the big white-plank wood house.

  “This is a fancy-looking place.” Taylor tilted his head to gaze up at the dogwoods. “I like the trees.”

  “Yeah?” Konor cast him a quick look as he eased the truck down the dirt-pitted lane. “There are pecans out back. They cover the whole yard.”

  “Really? Huh.” That didn’t seem to catch Taylor’s attention and Konor could guess as to why.

  “There is also a cluster of magnolias that are perfect for climbing.”

  “Climbing?” That perked the kid up. “We’ll have to see about that.”

  Taylor had really gotten into the rock climbing class out at the camp. Along with Alex and Konor’s insistence that gymnastics was cool and chicks dug flexible guys, he’d started taking an interest in jumping and flipping off the things he climbed, something Heather heartily disapproved of but Konor and Alex still encouraged.

  They hadn’t been secretive about it either, despite the pointed glares and frowns Heather had aimed their way. Sometimes she really was a mom and what Taylor needed was a dad. Two of them, actually.

  “Yep.” Konor nodded along to both Taylor’s comment and his own thoughts. “Alex and I are thinking about building a jungle gym back there…you know, one for adults.”

  “You and Alex? You’re buying this place?” Taylor asked as his gaze cut from the window to Konor as his eyes widened over the very possibility. They grew even bigger as Konor answered him honestly.

  “We’re thinking about it. It just depends on whether you and your mom like it enough to call it home.”

  “So she’s agreed then,” Taylor breathed out with a sense of relief.

  Ever since they’d had their talk the night Taylor had walked in on them with Heather, the boy had been slightly tense whenever the three of them were together. Konor knew that it wasn’t because he disapproved.

  Taylor had agreed that his mom’s happiness came first. He was also excited about the idea that if she started dating, he could, too. Konor actually thought that had been a big factor for the kid, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t concerned his mom wouldn’t say ‘yes’ when it came time for them to ask her to marry them.

  As Taylor pointed out, Heather couldn’t legally marry them both, a fact that would, no doubt, bother Heather. He wasn’t telling Alex and Konor anything they didn’t already know, but they’d assured the kid they could handle his mother’s objections and manage to get her down the aisle.

  Hopefully, they hadn’t lied.

  They certainly hadn’t meant to. Konor wouldn’t start now, either.

  “Not yet, but don’t worry. He’s got a plan,” Konor assured the kid with a wink.

  “Mmm.” Taylor didn’t sound convinced but was clearly too polite to argue. Instead he turned his attention toward the roughly-aged house looming before them. “If this place is supposed to convince her…I think you’ll need a lot of paint to make it work.”

  “Paint and electricity and plumbing,” Konor agreed as he eased his truck between Ralph and Alex’s.

  He brought the big vehicle to a stop a few feet in front of the front steps that curled out in wide arches. They led up to a deep porch that was dappled in the shadows of the old, elaborate cornice, giving the house a stately air.

  “The place doesn’t have electricity or plumbing?” Taylor gaped up at him, sounding both appalled and skeptical. “Mom’s never going to agree to that.”

  Konor detected a hint of relief in those words. Clearly some convincing was going to be needed but he was certain it could be done. After all, Taylor was a creative kid. He’d see the vision.

  “Come on.” Konor nodded toward the house as he pushed open his door. “I’ll show you what we’re planning and then you can decide whether you like it or not.”

  “Fine.” Taylor heaved a heavy sigh and reached for his own door handle. “But your plans better include me having my own bathroom because you do not know what a nightmare it is to share one with your mother.”

  * * * *

  “What do you mean he said ‘no’?” Heather scowled as if Rita could see her frown through the phone. While Hank’s mom couldn’t see the outrage in her expression, the other woman could certainly hear it. “He can’t say ‘no’. I’m Taylor’s mother and I said ‘yes’!”

  Heather knew she shouldn’t snap at Rita. The unfolding disaster was not her fault, but it was hard to control the need to scream. It had been three weeks. Three long, horrible weeks since Heather had gotten anywhere near an orgasm and she needed one desperately. Just one little one and then maybe she could think rationally.

  “What can I tell you, honey?” Rita sounded more amused than sympathetic as she repeated what she’d just said. “Hank said Konor said ‘no’ and he took off with Taylor.”

  “Well…crap!” Heather spat, wanting to say a hell of a lot
worse things than that.

  She managed to hold back her curses, though, all too aware of the diners still lingering in the bakery. None of them were paying her any mind, but still Heather eased back into the kitchen and the relative privacy it offered.

  “Did he say anything about why?” Heather pressed but Rita didn’t have any answers.

  “I’m sorry, honey.” Rita sighed. “I wish I could help but I’m afraid you’re just going to have to ask Konor what he’s up to himself.”

  As if that actually worked. Heather tried. She called Konor the second she got off the phone with Rita. He took the call, but didn’t even give her a chance to say hello before he was telling her that he’d been called in to cover a shift. Promising he’d give her a call later, he hung up without even bothering to tell her where he’d stashed Taylor.

  Not that Heather couldn’t guess. No doubt, her son was either with her father or Alex. Probably both, given the time…which meant that they were probably at Heather’s house. That could work out.

  She just had to make sure they stayed there long enough for GD to prep Alex’s bedroom per her request. That is if Alex hadn’t taken Taylor back to his place to work out.

  He hadn’t. A quick call assured her of that. It also gave her the opportunity to dump Taylor on Alex for the rest of the night, ensuring that he was occupied. She fabricated the perfect excuse—girl’s night out—to explain her absence as she headed over to meet GD and oversee the staging of Alex’s demise.

  Everything would work out perfectly. In fact, all the details were starting to fall into place better than she originally planned. Instead of having to manage to both men, she’d divide and conquer. Like any good huntress, she was going to pick off the weakest first.

  * * * *

  Alex yawned, stretched, and gave his thumbs a break, telling Taylor he’d run his last race that night. It wasn’t any coincidence that he’d come to that conclusion just seconds after Angelina called to let him know Heather’d had too much to drink and was sleeping it off on Hailey’s couch.


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