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Enchanted Bookstore Legends (5-book complete epic fantasy romance box set)

Page 49

by Marsha A. Moore

  “Why are you here in Silva Caliga?” she asked.

  “Just passing through. It’s a short-cut.”

  “What do you want with me?” His answer seemed evasive, so she tried another.

  “Like I said, I just want to help you out. Relax.” Revelin looked back over his shoulder and winked at her.

  “If you stop and tell me how to control the trees—”

  “There are plenty of dangers in this forest other than the trees.”

  “Like what? Do fairies live here?”

  “Not exactly fairies, but tree spirits of these large hemlocks are bold and play in the fog. They are tricksters.” He slowed and took her hand. “I’m on the lookout and will protect you.”

  Lyra attempted to wiggle her hand free, but his grasp proved too firm. She needed to know his intention. Focusing on his eyes, she tried to use fascination to read his thoughts. The techniques from the reference books only allowed her to begin the process. She connected to his aura, but an electric shock repelled her. Something in her technique was wrong.

  He gave her a quizzical look, but said nothing, only laced his fingers tighter between hers and continued forward.

  They walked in silence for a long while. His hand was solid and firm against hers.

  No bird songs filled the air. The forest stood noiseless, except for the brushing and creaking sounds of high branches blowing in the wind. Becoming more aware of this eerie void, Lyra focused on it. Listening carefully, a faint voice twittered from a tree they passed, like something or someone watched them. She looked over her shoulder, but saw nothing. Her skin bristled. She looked back several times without luck.

  Lyra used Cranewort’s clairvoyance, positioning her aura at her skin as another sense organ. She cleared her mind. Energy buzzed all around. Revelin’s was loud, filled with complex paired emotions—both lust and love, greed and generosity; cruelty and compassion. She grabbed a sample of his vibrations and began pulling it inside her to read, when something chattered behind them.

  The hum of the new energy was so intense, she let go of Revelin’s. Filled with strong emotions, the vibrations stung her free hand where the impulses entered. Analyzing a sample sent a sharp pain through her head and forced her to quit before she finished her reading. She looked all around to find what being possessed such strange power.

  Farther along, the noise repeated from a branch behind them. Lyra twirled around and caught a glimpse of a tiny creature. For an instant, it froze and looked at her with an expression of fear in its deep-set brown eyes. With a sweep of dirty white, it vanished into the tree.

  “Are you all right?” Reacting to her quick move, Revelin’s hands grabbed her waist.

  “Yes. I heard a chattering behind us several times. I think I saw one of the tree spirits—a foot tall with dark skin, furrowed like bark. It wore a ragged white gown. It looked at me, then walked right into the trunk.”

  “A hemlock spirit—a cicutaminus. They won’t hurt you if you can control their trees.”

  “Its strange aura stung my skin.”

  Revelin studied her face, his eyes sparked with silver jets, holding her gaze as before. “Clairvoyance will irritate some in Silva Caliga. Be more careful.”

  All thoughts dropped from her mind. When Lyra became aware of a new thought, she looked behind them. They had walked at least thirty yards with her mental processes frozen. He had used fascination on her, momentarily clearing her mental processes like a cleaning a slate. After studying the technique, she recognized the steps. All those times she couldn’t look away from Revelin at Aunt Jean’s house and when she saw him in the community—at the pier and the emergency room—he had been using fascination on her.

  She snatched back her hand and stopped. “Where is the stream? It’s been a long time.”

  He motioned ahead. “Around that bend in the trail.”

  They started walking and she stayed some distance behind him, unsure which posed the greatest threat: Revelin, the cicutamina, or the treacherous trees.

  Kenzo flew directly above her.

  At the creek, Revelin stooped over the rushing water and charmed an area a few feet in diameter, to sanitize it, as she had watched Cullen do many times.

  Lyra looked hurriedly around for a safe direction. The path continued to the right into what seemed to be a sun-filled glade. There she might be able to connect with Hamal and gain extra power. She lacked skill in fascination and didn’t know how to block the craft. Revelin could take advantage of her.

  No time to deliberate, she ran for the clearing.

  Kenzo stayed with her.

  “Lyra! Wait! It’s not safe,” Revelin called, the weight of his heavy boots pounding after her.

  Something nudged her shoulder. She turned to see a branch snaking from a tree along the path. “Get away!” She glared at it and raised her hand to fire an incantation.

  “Don’t! That will make them all attack you,” Revelin cried and rushed to her side. “Allow me.” He entwined his fingers between the twigs touching Lyra’s cloak. With his eyes fixed on the canopy, he took several slow, deep breaths. The tree withdrew.

  “Teach me how to do that,” Lyra implored, sitting on the cold forest floor and brushing strands of hair out of her face.

  He stood and planted his staff, arms folded across his chest. “You don’t trust me. Why should I help you?” The toes on the claw of his staff clamped onto a rock, and its skeleton head glowered at her. The jagged hem of his cloak writhed in her direction.

  “You saved me twice from attacking trees. I trust you. Please teach me.” If she could convince him, maybe he’d teach her.

  Revelin knelt, took her hand, and opened her fingers to see the palm. “You’re cut.” His tone was low and kind. He gently placed his own palm across it and mended the cuts. “To control the trees, first, clear your mind. Relax.” Inhaling and exhaling deeply to model the method, he leaned toward Lyra to encourage her to follow.

  From his lead, she took a long breath and cleared her mind, as much as possible given how his closeness made her skin tingle. Like before, the scent of his cologne intoxicated her.

  “At that point, the raging tree will slow its attack,” he spoke slowly, with a deep, seductive tone, edging nearer until she felt the heat of his breath on her lips. “Long enough for you to touch it.” His fingers grazed her temple, causing her eyes to flutter fully open and meet his.

  From the corner of her eye Lyra saw Kenzo flapping his wings, but it didn’t register why he did that.

  She stared in wonder at how silver streaks laced Revelin’s pupils. He probably used fascination, but this time she didn’t try to look away. She wanted to dive into the darkness of his pupils and dance with those silver lights. They pulled her closer to him.

  “Lyra, I’ve loved you for years…” His lips tentatively brushed hers. His kiss burned in a pleasing way, like cinnamon red hots…tingling.

  Her empty mind flooded with desire, no thoughts other than wanting to be as close as possible to him.

  His hand moved behind her head and wrapped in her hair. He murmured in her ear, “watched you from a distance…” His cheek pressed against hers, and she felt the beat of his pulse.

  Released from his gaze, Lyra closed her eyes to concentrate on the wonderful sensations. She placed a hand over his heart. The energy drumming against her palm thrilled her.

  He trailed his lips across her cheek, breathing into her mouth, “wanted you to be mine.”

  Her skin quivered, anticipating his touch.

  He forced his lips hard onto hers, thrusting his tongue between them. His arms encircled and pulled her against his broad chest. His tongue burned her mouth, yet she wanted more.

  Lyra pressed her breasts hard into him, wanting his hands to touch her there. She took his hand and moved it over a hardened nipple.

  He massaged and squeezed her soft flesh. “Finally, we’ll be bonded…together forever.”

  A moan escaped her mouth, and she pulled her
head away, gasping for a breath. Her eyes caught his…burning fire red. Panic replaced all desire. She screamed and he covered her mouth with his in another searing kiss.

  Chapter Twenty-Four: Spirits of the Trees

  A woman’s voice sang a lugubrious melody. The words were from an unfamiliar language, but her soprano was sweet and inviting.

  Lights flashed throughout the forest, their beams scattered and softened by heavy mist. Above, Hamal glinted between branches, bright against the twilit sky.

  Lyra sat up on the floor of the hemlock forest. Alone…abandoned…but at least alive. She searched inside for her aura. Her powers seemed unaltered. If not that, what had Revelin wanted?

  Her clothing lay in wild disarray, her skirt bunched at her waist, and sweater twisted half off. Had he raped her after she blacked out? Her panties were still on, but twisted. A chill ran through her spine. Had she been tricked into giving herself to him while under his spell? He said they were going to finally be bonded forever.

  A sharp ache tore through her stomach. Lyra placed her hands over the knot to quiet it, then traced down her abdomen, applying power to detect for internal skin tears, any signs to show she had been violated. She found no traces of her blood or his release. With a sigh of relief, she drew her knees to her chest and tucked her head, wondering what Revelin had done to her.

  Fiercely cold air nipped at Lyra’s body, and she gathered her cloak from the ground. She reached for her brooch to hold her garment together, but couldn’t find it on either side of the collar. It wasn’t in any inside pocket of the cloak or skirt. Crawling on hands and knees in the dark, she searched through the snowy leaf litter around her.

  The haunting song grew louder, the singer traveling closer.

  Lyra scratched at the icy ground. Images played in her mind of her last visit with Cullen, how the jadestone contact caused him to breathe more regularly.

  The angelic voice seemed to be coming toward her.

  She clawed the forest floor. With oncoming danger, time was running out. Yet, a possibility of hope kept her scraping leaves aside, wildly searching for a gleam of the soft, green jade or a feel of its smooth surface. Not only could the gem’s power save Cullen by transferring his aura back to him, but it proved to her that his love still existed, that he was still alive. Additionally, her opal invisibility ring had been attached to the pin for safekeeping. In a frenzy, Lyra churned up leaves.

  She wondered if Revelin had taken her jade brooch. Her hand hit the edge of a sharp rock, and seconds later a thought flashed into her mind from Mimio’s lesson. Her stone wouldn’t work for a person who stole it. She would need to give it as a gift to transfer the magic. He must have tricked her, using a spell, into giving away her prized gem. She wildly dug through leaves and dirt, hoping she was wrong. Her idea seemed likely, since he hadn’t taken anything else. But what good would it do Revelin if Cullen possessed the mate? Regardless, if Revelin had her jadestone, it was no longer paired to Cullen’s.

  Hot tears streamed down her face. She had lost her connection to Cullen’s life and more importantly, an essential tool to help her restore him. Revelin had taken advantage of her lack of experience. At first, she blamed herself for not being better prepared, but knew she couldn’t have studied harder. “Damn you, Revelin!” she yelled aloud and hurled a small rock into the darkness.

  Suddenly, the singing sounded close. Lyra was unprepared for defense. Frazzled nerves prevented her from pulling her aura out for use. It didn’t matter what danger approached; anger altered her priorities.

  A large mass of hazy light appeared through the trees. So intensely white, it blinded her.

  Accepting whatever horrible fate lay ahead, she watched the illumination. Although it remained motionless, the ethereal voice continued. Its melancholy tone seemed empathetic, but Lyra now questioned everything.

  The light dimmed and a beautiful lady approached, carrying a large lantern.

  Kenzo bolted off of the woman’s shoulder.

  Against the dark of dense hemlocks, the woman’s long hip-length golden hair shimmered with silver highlights at the peak of each wave. She wore an emerald velvet cloak and a flowing white gown underneath. In her other hand, she held a simple staff made from a polished branch decorated with deeply cut runes. Around the lantern danced several butterflies, each of a different color and shape.

  A small tree spirit followed, its dingy, yellowed gown flowing behind as it scampered toward Lyra.

  The silver stripes of the tiger owl’s feathers looked regal in the bright light. “Lyra, I’ve brought help. Are you all right?” He landed close beside her.

  Lyra shook her head.

  The woman smiled and bowed her head. “I’m Ysmena, the Lady of the Forest. I protect all that lives in Silva Caliga.” She nodded at the tree spirit. “Ivri has spoken on your behalf, so you are our friend.”

  “Lady Lyra, I’m Ivri, hemlock keeper. You spared me earlier today. You were able to see me before I could hide. Most with your power kill cicutamina for fun. I was careless and should have died.” The little creature bowed low, her yellowish-white hair floating forward around thickly calloused bare feet. “For your compassion, in turn, I come to your aid.”

  Ysmena lifted her lantern and surveyed the area Lyra disturbed. “What is troubling you, Lady Lyra? How may we be of assistance?”

  “A man named Revelin, a cimafa rider, tricked me and stole a valuable possession of mine.”

  “Did he harm you?”

  “I don’t think so. My aura seems intact, but…” Lyra placed a hand over her heart. “I don’t know if he stole my bond to my love, Sire Drake.”

  Ysmena’s face lit with a smile. “My dear, many can steal magic, but none can take love.” She stepped closer and lifted her lantern. The butterflies around her staff circled Lyra for several minutes before they returned. “I see you are whole and well, although not at peace with yourself.”

  “No, I’m not.” Lyra turned to Kenzo. “He took my lovers’ jadestone.”

  “I’ve heard of those stones with paired magic. Very rare. Unless the rider loves you—” Ysmena explained.

  “He claimed he did.” Lyra stood and straightened her clothing.

  Kenzo and Ivri helped pick leaves from her clothes and hair. “How do you know Revelin’s a rider?” the owl asked.

  “Do you also love the rider?” Ysmena asked, lowering her lantern. She raised her staff and circled it once in the air.

  Dozens of cicutamina appeared, stepping out of tree trunks, and scampered to her side.

  “Accendiota,” she commanded with a soft but firm tone.

  “No! But, using fascination, he tricked me into kissing him. His eyes turned red, which told me he was a rider—I was scared he’d take my aura. That’s when I blacked out. I think he stole my brooch when I was under his spell. I can’t find it anywhere.”

  “Apparently true. Did he also trick you into proclaiming your love for him? If that be, from what I know, the bond pairing of those stones is broken.”

  “I don’t know, but…” Lyra ran a hand across her forehead and shifted her weight from foot to foot. “Not unless I can’t remember saying it. Is there a way to know?”

  “I’m afraid that is beyond the scope of my magic, dear one.”

  The keepers returned with kindling and formed a pile.

  Ysmena set the blaze with her staff.

  Lyra paced back and forth along one side of the fire. “Why was he allowed in Silva Caliga?”

  “He has learned the ways of trees and is therefore allowed to pass freely,” Ysmena answered.

  “I see that man Revelin often, going in the direction of Silva Nocens,” Ivri added.

  “He doesn’t enter Dragonspeir through the Alliance portal. Is there another nearby?” Lyra asked.

  Ysmena waved her staff once more. Several roots popped from the ground around the bonfire and formed into crude chairs. She took a seat on one. “Please, be at ease. Yes, there is such a place at our ea
stern boundary where the evergreen jass trees mingle with the blue-leafed otase.”

  Lyra sat on one of the raised roots and shook her head. “My quest has just gotten harder. Now I must reclaim my jadestone. Or find a way to do what I’m bound to do without its power.” She gazed into the fire for a few minutes, lost in thought.

  “However I may be of aid, please ask. You may travel in peace here and use myself or the cicutamina keepers as guides.”

  Lyra sat up straight. “If I have to work without my jadestone, I need to learn two crafts—communicating with tree spirits and fascination.”

  “It will be my pleasure to teach you the ways of trees, but I have no knowledge of the other. How may I assist with that?”

  “Thank you, Ysmena. I need to learn fascination from a master—Tarom, the alchemist for the Black Dragon.”

  Kenzo fell backward off his perch, but managed to spread his wings in time to land safely. “The Dark Alchemist? Are you serious? He’ll kill you for your aura before he’ll teach you anything.”

  “I don’t think so, Kenzo. I have something to show you.” Lyra materialized her magic box and selected a specific text. She enlarged it and opened the front cover. “This book came from Sire Drake’s library. The inscription plate reads: With great satisfaction I award this book to Cullen Drake upon completion of Fascination studies with the highest honors ~Sire Tarom. Fascination is one of Tarom’s natural talents, and he taught classes on that topic. Cullen and Tarom became good friends during their apprenticeships and helped each other with their studies. Cullen taught him defensive craft. Later, they did a bloodswear quest together, which also made them close. Cullen told me tell were like brothers, so I don’t think Tarom would hurt me.”

  The owl’s eyebrows jumped. “They were friends? When I first became his assistant, I heard rumors Tarom had helped him kill the previous Dark Alchemist and wizard. Then, he turned traitor for some reason.”

  “Before that, Tarom kept a laboratory in the northern part of Dragonspeir and commanded a fleet of ice drakes to protect him. I wonder if he ever returns there? Meeting him apart from the Dark Realm would probably be safe enough.”


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