World of Azglen (Full Moon Series Book 1)

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World of Azglen (Full Moon Series Book 1) Page 20

by P. Mattern

“When you tell me he is responsible for the abduction of your mother, Charley - this is both a revelation and a riddle to be solved. Why would he select a widow, living in obscurity with her son in the Midwestern United States, as his obsessive love interest? On the surface it makes no sense.”

  “Unless one is familiar with his history. As I happen to be. Charley Rabbit, are you aware that your mother has a first name she never uses - or shares with anyone?”

  Charley sat up straighter and gave Yaya a quizzical look, ”I always thought her name was ‘Mitzi’ - I never heard her called by any other name.”

  Yaya chuckled. “Well when you hear what it is you may understand. Charley your mothers given surname is ‘Parmitsvia’ Quite a mouthful, very unusual name… and a family name.”

  Yaya looked around the spellbound group and continued.

  “She was named for a female relative that lived in Pommeville, France in the 1100’s. She was the wife of a French nobleman - Tancred de Pommeville to be precise. In those days only the poor enjoyed the freedom of marrying for love - the nobility made marriage matches to consolidate land holdings and assure the continued high status and prosperity of their noble families.

  The original Parmitsvia’s marriage was one of the arranged ones, and was an unhappy one. Tancred was a cruel, manipulative and demanding husband. Parmitsvia found solace in the arms of another.

  “That man - or vampire, for that’s what he was at that time - was Adrastos.”

  A collective gasp could be heard in the room. Some whispers were exchanged. Charley, his brow puckered in absorption of all the information he had heard, reached for Fressenda’s hand to hold. Yaya gave his audience a full minute to process what he’d said, then went on.

  The remainder of the story is sketchy as there are no written accounts - oral tradition, stories that have been handed down and are part of the fokelore of the region, recount that Adrastos was so in love with Parmitsvia that he confessed himself to her as a vampire - and she so besotted with him that she begged him to change her into one also.

  But the night before she was to run away with him, Tancred discovered proof of her infidelity and murdered her. He had her body thrown down the chalk cliffs to the beach, to be carried out on the rising tide. The official story was that she ran off with a lover.

  “Adrastos was bereft when he discovered her body and took revenge on Tancred. But the twist in this story comes afterward. Parmitsvia had given birth to two sons by Tancred. “Yaya turned to face Charley again, and bending down so that he could look Charley directly in the eye continued,“ And one of her sons was your great – great – great – great – great - great grandfather - on your mother’s side of course.”

  Abruptly Yaya looked at his watch and announced. “I will now speak with Mr. Rabbit privately. The rest of you may take a break please and leave us alone.”

  As the others left the room, Lux and Cass stopping to pat him on the back or shoulder, Charley’s nervousness went into overdrive. Suddenly he realized that he was getting the lightheaded feeling that he commonly got just before a seizure. Fress, who had happened to linger in the open doorway out of concern for Charley quickly doubled back and sat at his side.

  Charley tried to speak. But his neurons were firing so randomly that all he got out was “I… I … I…” over and over again.

  Yaya observed Charley for a few seconds, then turned to Fress who was at her usual post, wiping his mouth and holding his hand firmly in her own.

  “Then what is this? A neurological phenomenon? How long has Young Rabbit had the seizures?”

  Fress squeezed Charley’s hand to reassure him, and answered, ”His mother said he’s had them all of his life.”

  “Can he hear me?” Yaya asked.

  “Yes”, Fress answered evenly.

  “Good”. Yaya answered. ”And you may stay Fressenda. I want to share some concerns with Charley. It is perhaps opportune, if not serendipitous that I would see his neurological phenomena - it will affect how we proceed. Are you with me Charley?”

  Charley responded by clumsily attempting a nod - which turned out awkward and exaggerated, along with a lopsided smile that only turned up one corner of his mouth and caused the other side to sag and drool.

  Yaya continued as though Charley was not doing anything unusual at all.

  “The first concern is that we are already too late, that Adrastos has turned your mother into a ‘thrice - bitten’ already - in modern times these being are sometimes referred to as “tribites”. Most of the time that would change your mother to the extent that she would become another being - one selfishly obsessed with power and self - gratification, much like Adrastos himself. And with no memory or recognition of her former life - or of you as her son.”

  “Occasionally tribites retain quite a bit of their former essences - meaning their unique personality, idiosyncrasies, personal fondnesses and memories. These beings usually elect to be contributors to the greater good in some way, as they will have abilities and powers far beyond their former ‘twice - bitten’ state.”

  “The tribites that go on to play for the Dark Team have their own agendas to accomplish their own ends. Evil is not a unifying force - if it were, those that serve the Darkness would have eradicated the last ray of light in the world a long time ago, for their numbers - especially if you include those who practice the darkest arts and their demons - outnumber ours two to one.”

  “We have on our side - the Light Team some call us - humans, V-net vampires, mostly twice - bittens, some beyond that, some werefolk and faeries – although they are nearly extinct.”

  “Although most consider me to be a purveyor of ‘Light’, my mission has never been to eradicate the Darkness, but to maintain a balance in which both entities, ’teams’ if you will, can coexist. It requires pragmatism and diplomacy. I do not try to remove evil from a world that was actually created to cradle and preserve it - and that would be a fool’s mission anyway. I am here to correct wretched excess of any kind, and to preserve the counterbalance of Light entities and their values and mores.”

  “And now I come to my point.” Yaya noted with satisfaction that Charley’s seizures had lasted less than 4 minutes; Charley seemed attentive and alert, if a bit embarrassed. Yaya had his own strategic reasons for timing Charley’s seizure that had nothing to do with the current conversation.

  “Charley Rabbit, if I surmise that your mother has been turned to a tribite with no resemblance to the person that she was - and I can tell if that is the case within seconds of being in the presence of her energy - I cannot help you. And I will leave immediately. You must make your own decision whether to return without her or risk death. But I never fight for a Lost Cause.”

  “If your mother has not been changed you will have to destroy Adrastos to bring her away from there. I will be frank with you-you are ill-equipped. You are newly twice - bitten and haven’t had time to discover your newer powers…”

  Charley’s shock at Yaya’s knowledge of where he fit in the once – twice – thrice - bitten continuum caused him to presumptively interrupt Yaya, ”Wait! How did you KNOW I was recently twice - bitten? And please excuse me for interrupting you.”

  Yaya gave Charley an oblique look.

  “Young Rabbit the bite marks on your neck are extremely pronounced and obvious. If I had to guess I would say we are a scant week from your date of permanency.”

  Both Charley and Fressenda flushed madly. Yaya seemed not to notice and continued. “There is very little time but there are weapons – unknown to you - that you now possess that may become useful during your next audience with Adrastos. I will augment your powers by ancient mystic arts that I can “gift” to you for a limited period of time to better equip you. He will not be able to summarily blow you and your company away as he did inyour last meeting. Lux told me about that.”

  “Now Charley - is there a private room in which we may convene? And I will have to beg the pardon of your Lady while I borrow you for a f
ew hours.”

  “There is a small study upstairs - first door to the left. Will that do Mr. Wiscievisc?” Fress offered.

  Yaya smiled conspiratorially at Charley. ”I’m quite sure it will”. Yaya grabbed the handle of his silver, combination locked briefcase and followed Charley Rabbit up the narrow staircase.

  Feeling lost to be separated from Charley for even a brief period of time, Fress made her way to the sounds of conversation and laughter emanating from the kitchen. There was also a strong smell of pizza as Cass had ordered six large pies to feed their guests. Seeing Fress enter everyone perked up and turned towards her. ”How’d it go Fress?” Lux asked.

  Fress slumped into the wall behind her, and to her embarrassment covered her eyes with her hands and started to cry in front of everyone.

  Lux and Cass were immediately at her side.

  “I know, I know” Lux intoned, stroking her dark hair as he held her, ”Too much to take in. And scared for Charley I’m sure. Just let it out my Fress. It IS scary. There is a lot we can’t control here.”

  Fress sniveled and dabbed at her eyes with a Kleenex she’d used on Charley.

  “Don’t get me wrong”, she said, ”I’m very grateful for Yaya. I’m just afraid for Charley. And if any of you tell him I was crying over it I will KILL you!”

  Fress’s proclaimation caused a smattering of laughter.

  “That’s our Fress!” Cass said rolling his eyes, adding ”You’ll be okay, really - and so will Charley. He will emerge from this a better, stronger, faster Charley Rabbit.”

  * * *

  Chapter 26: Declaration

  Mitzi awakened abruptly, her heart in her throat - in her dream she’s been wandering around the castle trying to find Charley. She was certain he was there because she could hear his voice in some large chamber echoing off the stone walls angrily. In her dream she could hear Adrastos’ threatening responses and knew violence was imminent, so she ran and ran through the endless circular corridors, her ultimate goal to save her son.

  “T’ was a dream Miss,” Buttercup, suddenly at her bedside, crooned to her, ”Just a dream. Your son is far away. You must take refreshment now… it will calm you.”

  Tears stinging the corners of her eyes as her rapid heartbeat subsided, Mitzi gave a nod of consent and Buttercup joined her in the bed, pulling Mitzi to her as gently as a new mother guides an infant to feed. Mitzi drank deeply and gratefully of the calm creature, her nightmares dissipating and her strength returning as she swallowed. At one point she paused but the wet nurse cajoled her to take more, saying, ”You haven’t been keeping up your strength, not feeding nearly enough. Master will be cross with me if you don’t drink.”

  Mitzi relaxed back upon her pillows and fed until she felt she was bursting. Breaking away she said with a laugh, ”Buttercup if I feed any more I’ll get fat!! But thank you, I do feel much better.”

  Buttercup sat up and straightened her uniform.

  “I feel much better also, Miss - I told you when no one feeds on us we have an excess and become very uncomfortable, so I thank you as well. Now I must arrange a bath for you, for the Master wishes to speak with you this morning.”

  Mitzi’s stomach did a flip-flop.

  “Did he say WHY he wanted to see me? Why can’t he come to my chambers? I don’t understand.”

  Buttercup stepped closer to her so as not to be overheard by the other servants performing various tasks around them. ”I believe he is going to ’declare’ for you today, Miss.” At Mitzi’s puzzled and noncomprehending look she added. “Tis a ritual that must be performed before the “thrice - bitten” ceremony that will make you the Mistress of Faquier Hall permanently. Everyone is so excited for you! Are you happy the Master has chosen you, Miss?”

  Mitzi found herself without words. She wanted more than anything to confide in Buttercup but couldn’t risk the ruination of her escape plan. As quickly as she could muster she said, ”Of course, Buttercup. Now make me beautiful.”

  While Mitzi relaxed in the steaming stone basin, every inch of her was rubbed with slightly abrasive rounded stones until her skin shone with a rosy pinkness. Her fingernails were filed to points (although she begged the girl doing it not to make the points so sharp) and a opalescent polish was applied. The process was then repeated for her feet. Then Mitzi was removed from the basin, wrapped in a bath sheet and take over to lie on an upholstered table.

  “Am I going to get a massage?” Mitzi asked. She couldn’t imagine feeling more relaxed than she already was.

  “No, Miss”, Buttercup replied. ”You’re going to be epilated. You must have all your body hair removed for the Declaration.”

  Mitzi instinctively sat bolt upright, ”ALL my body hair?” she repeated,” Everything? Surely not EVERYWHERE.”

  Buttercup patted Mitzi’s hand. ”Yes Miss. But it won’t hurt none. Masca knows how to work the threads so skillfully you won’t feel anything.”

  Mitzi laid back on the upholstered bench wondering what would happen if she bolted and ran screaming down the hall. She didn’t mind about under arms and legs - that was part of her routine in the ‘normal’ world. But her arm hair (which the girl Masca had started on - and as promised Mitzi wasn’t feeling a thing) was fine and blonde and barely discernible and should be left alone.

  The stickler was her pubic hair. That seemed just a little TOO personal.

  Too late she felt her towel being separated up to her waist and saw Masca’s brown haired head between her legs bobbing with the intensity of capturing rows of hairs with a cat’s cradle of fine thread and pulling it out so quickly it could barely be felt. Mitzi covered her face with her small hands. She was sure that if she lived for a thousand years she would never forget how she felt at this moment.

  Masca finished her task with a smile, her ruddy face aglow in her accomplishment. Mitzi thanked her and handed her a small bag of jewels that Buttercup had given her to “tip” Masca.

  “Does Masca live in the castle?” Mitzi asked.

  “No Miss,” Buttercup answered. ”The Master had her brought in through the portal from outside. She is from Slovakia. She is what they call “Lupina”- a half Werewolf. The jewels you gave her will feed her family for a year or more.“

  Mitzi marveled at the information she’d been given. Living in the American Midwest it had never occurred to her that any phylum of humanoid species existed outside of the familiar one. It was humbling in a way to contemplate how much more difficult basic survival was for these forgotten, yet very present and real creatures of human mythos and lore.

  When at last she was deemed ready to be brought before her host she was shocked at her reflection. Part of her hair had been piled upon her head and secured with a jeweled round comb in the shape of a small crown. The rest of her hair made a profusion of long curls down to her shoulders.

  Her gown was indigo and subtly printed with a gold fleur – de - lis pattern. Her slippers were embroidered silk. Around her neck was a heavy gold chain that ended in a locket and In her ears matching dangling gold earrings. And, she had to admit that in an anachronistic way she was breathtaking.

  Buttercup seemed as though she would faint from taking in her mistresses’ appearance.

  Mitzi winked at her. “It’s only me, Buttercup.“

  At that moment guards at the door announced that Mitzi and one servant would be allowed to enter Adrastos’ chambers. Mitzi caught Buttercups eye and nodded and they proceeded down the long hallways flanked by the guards - three in front and three behind.

  The entrance to Adrastos’ quarters was a different one than Mitzi remembered - the doorway was fashioned in a MidEastern architectural style, with intricate mosaics richly decorating the entranceway with scenes of castles and wildlife, trees, exotic birds and other flora and fauna indigenous to the region.

  Beyond the doorway was a curtained entrance. Before she stepped into the semidarkness of the chamber Mitzi smelled the aroma of exotic incense – a mix of sandalwood and myrrh.
Her surroundings reminded Mitzi of pictures from the “Tales of 1001 Arabian Nights” storybook that she had loved as a little girl.

  And in the center of the exotic setting stood Adrastos, handsome and amazingly tall, his flowing silk shirt and brocade jacket open to his belted waist, his dark hair shining blue-black in the light of the sconces set against the stone wall, his eyes darker than a ravens’.

  Wordlessly he stepped forward and embraced her, as Buttercup stepped backwards into the shadows against the wall.

  “Parmitsvia”, he said quietly, stroking her curls. When he pulled back to look down into her face, she noticed with a start that there were tears in his eyes.

  “My love comes again”, he murmured, staring at her in wonderment. For a moment his eyes closed and he breathed deeply.

  “The fragrance of a thousand flowers seeps from your skin, my beautiful Parmitsvia. Just to know you are here, with me, grants me more happiness than I have felt in centuries.”

  Mitzi found that she was somewhat mesmerized in spite of herself. ’It must be part of his thrice - bitten repertoire’ she thought. His gaze was nearly hypnotic. At the same time she sensed danger and warned herself not to get too drawn in. Not sure of what to say, she said, ”You are too kind, Adrastos. And I thank you for your hospitality. I have been very comfortable here.”

  “Do you know what marks this day, Parmitsvia?” He answered, a smile playing around his lips. “Today I will declare myself to you, in front of witnesses…” He gave a slight motion of his hand and his brother Patreaus, the oriental Maung and another man that she recognized as the Captain of his watchmen stepped forward from the curtained wall to stand a few feet away in a semicircle.

  Adrastos took her hand, warming it between his own for a moment. ”Your hands are cold” he said clucking his tongue a little, reminding Mitzi of a mother hen, ”Such dainty hands… doll hands… we must get you some glovelets.”

  Still holding her right hand he gave a nod to Maung who began to recite the following:

  This gathering, formally known as a DECLARATION, is to the purpose of recognizing the selection of a Mistress for ADRASTOS, EARL AND LORD OF FAQUIER HALL. The Seven required witnesses are present - General Patreaus, First Seer Maung, Captain Royal Chavez, Corporal Adin Yost, Lutenant Nasir Abboud, Lowendus and Feck are present as witnesses for Lord Adrastos.


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