World of Azglen (Full Moon Series Book 1)

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World of Azglen (Full Moon Series Book 1) Page 21

by P. Mattern

  The Mistress Parmitsvia Elaine Rabbit has brought with her her lady – in - waiting and wetnurse, Buttercup as her witness. This completes the Seven.

  Let it be known to all present that Lord Adrastos intends to declare for Lady Parmitsvia, who has undergone the ritual cleansing in preparation of her acceptance of his declaration, so that her body may be regarded as a purified vessel worthy to accept the attentions, seed, venom and affections of Lord Adrastos.

  Lord Adrastos will in turn provide for the protection, support, care, feeding and physical attentions of Mistress Parmitsvia as befits his wealth and station. As per his provision Mistress Parmitsvia will become part of Lord Adrastos Holdings and Property. Maung finished speaking and took a step respectfully backwards. Adrastos cleared his throat and stepped forward, facing Mitzi. Mitzi, who had been puzzling over the recitation of names of more witnesses than she counted in the room with them, happened to look up. Floating in the air at least 14 feet above the rest of those present were two hovering creatures that looked like lizards with wings - she recognized the sickly green - grey one as the demon that had been in her kitchen, and, hissing, he gave her a leering nod of recognition. The other winged, ugly creature resembled a cat that had been run over by a garbage truck. Mitzi looked quickly back at Adrastos, her face blanched a shade whiter. She thought she might faint.

  Taking both her small hands, Adrastos looked deeply into her eyes.

  “I, Adrastos declare myself to this female energy, Parmitsvia, for eternity, beyond this space and time and through all seven dimensions of form. I pledge my resources to her support. I will care for and protect her immortal body for eternity. I will entertain all her wishes, cares and concerns.

  “So say I, Adrastos, Lord of Faquier Hall.”

  After Adrastos’ declaration there was complete silence. Mitzi felt as if she were having an out – of - body experience, and the alarm bells going off in her head were deafening. This – ceremony - sounded more like a wedding than an engagement - she had been equating “declaration” to an engagement. But this seemed, formal, final, and very, very serious.

  Adrastos reached behind him where Maung handed him a large, ornately carved gold ring with a huge green stone. As Adrastos slipped it on the middle finger of her left hand he said softly.

  “I wanted a stone that captured the green and blue mixed in your beautiful eyes - I’m afraid I could only match the green, but it is the largest, finest emerald I was able to procure. I hope that you find it an appropriate symbol of my Declaration for you.” Mitzi started to cry, tears running down her cheeks as she watched Adrastos slide the huge stone in place. Her confusion was overwhelming, and she also felt the stirrings of anger, feeling as if she’d been duped or tricked into the present situation. She felt nauseated and entranced at the same time, making her wonder if Adrastos had somehow hypnotized her.

  But her tears were for Charley, and her lover and the new life that she had just begun to embrace when she was snatched away for an immortal life at Fauquier Hall. She missed it all so desperately that she felt as though her insides were being torn apart by stabbing anguish. Nevertheless she was determined not to act stupidly.

  Let Adrastos, the narcissist that he was, think her tears were tears of a woman overwhelmed by happiness.

  “Do you accept my Declaration, Parmitsvia?” Adrastos was asking.

  “YES”, Mitzi replied so loudly that she even startled herself. ”Yes, Adrastos, I do.”

  Fleetingly Mitzi realized she had just said ”I do” for the second time in her life - and, to a man who was the antithesis of her husband Sam.

  Maung stepped forward again, ”And so it is declared.”

  All the witnesses, including the two demonic ones, exited the chamber except for Buttercup and Adrastos’ brother Patraeus. Mitzi stood there, wondering what would happen next. She was hoping to go back to her own chamber but her greater intuition told her that that was not on Adrastos’ agenda.

  Silently Buttercup pulled back heavy deep red damask curtains to reveal a round bed covered with a thick golden embroidered bedspread. There were symbols embroidered in a circular pattern fanning out from the center in which a large septegram was also embroidered.

  “What happens next?” Mitzi asked, turning uneasily to Adrastos, her eyes full of both fear and questions.

  Adrastos smiled his familiar, self - satisfied smile and placed both his hands on her small shoulders.

  “Next, my dear, we will consummate the Declaration in the presence of our two chosen witnesses.” He answered.

  * * *

  It was the last tutorial that Yaya planned with the vamps before their embarking on another trip to Motuo County and Fauquier Hall. Everyone was relaxed but still sober and determined, even though there were many unknowns.

  But amazingly they had Yaya. And they were prepared to hang on his every word. After greeting everyone present - Fress, Charley, Cass, Lux, Orry, Merilee, Ariel, Celeste and two other vampires General Lux had pulled in that had fought with him in the past and were willing to assist now - Yaya outlined how they were to proceed, and what the parameters were.

  “The first thing I want everyone to realize - and I have already related this to Charley - is that if I determine that Mitzi is thrice - bitten and completely given over to the Dark Side, there will be no rescue.”

  He allowed his words to sink in. Lux and Cass immediately looked at each other in consternation. Cass raised a hand.

  “Yes, Cass. Speak.”

  Cass stood up. ”So you’re saying that we will abandon Mitzi if she is a tribite.”

  Yaya shook his head. “You are misunderstanding. If she has been turned and has no recollection of her former existence, does not recognize her son or the rest of you and expresses a preference to remain where she is, there is nothing we can do. ”Cass turned to Charley,” Can you really DO that man? Just leave her there? With that Dark Idiot?”

  Charley looked flustered but answered evenly, ”I would DIE for my mom - if you’re suggesting I wouldn’t you’re dead wrong. But if she’s changed past the point of recognition, then she’s as good as dead… Do you not GET that?”

  Cass turned back to Yaya. ”But what if she hasn’t. What if she’s either STILL a twibite or she’s a tribite and remembers her past lives - then we fight for her, right?”

  Yaya smiled at Cass indulgently as he explained, ”Then Charley may call a Challenge to Adrastos, which he will accept. And Mitzi Rabbit will be given over into the custody of the Victor of that Challenge. It will be a decisive battle either way. If for some reason Adrastos does not prevail, his forces will determine to annihilate the rest of you in order to leave no witnesses. Charley may have less than a nanosecond to carry his mother away from Fauquier Hall. You must all arrange to meet at a prearranged place some distance away.”

  “The circular clearing in the forest” Fress suggested, and the others concurred.

  Yaya nodded. “Excellent. Now I know you are wondering how our Charley Rabbit, a neophyte vampire only recently twice - bitten, will be able to secure a victory over an Ancient, canny, well battle - seasoned vampire such as Lord Earl Adrastos.”

  “To this end I have familiarized Charley with certain gifts and had him to practice them. His grasp of these advanced skills has passed my expectations. I have also afforded him additional skills and attributes, ”on loan” for a limited time, to augment his current talents and capabilities.

  “Do not be surprised at what you will witness if he does engage with Lord Adrastos. It is better that most of his enhanced abilities not be shared or discussed at this time, but I have conceded that he demonstrate one such power. We call it “The Cloak of Night”. Mr. Rabbit, if you would please.”

  Charley stood up and moved near Yaya in the open space in front of his friends. Taking a deep breath he then blew out into the circle of his friends.

  What was emerging from his open mouth was a vaporous inky blackness that immediately expanded in the room so that no one
present was able to see each other, or even their own hand in front of their face. Colorless, odorless and tasteless it was the absolute absence of light, and quickly devoured all light. Those in the room quickly lost their bearings and became disoriented.

  And then, with a snap of Charley’s fingers, it was gone.

  Yaya, looking immensely pleased with himself joined the others in applauding Charley. Only Cass looked perturbed. Raising his hand he asked, ”Isn’t Maung, the blind guy acting as Adrastos’ Prescient - isn’t he going to be immune to darkness. I mean he’s blind, isn’t he?”

  “No Cass,” Yaya answered shaking a finger at him in admonition, ”Because aside from preventing visual contact, The Cloak of Night also disorients those in its span and scope as to space and time - all but the individual loosing it - in this case, Charley.” Cass nodded. ”Not too shabby. You could certainly get Mitzi out without being seen. And then the rest of us could follow.”

  “Exactly’ Yaya agreed.

  The group suddenly became silent, the weight of the task before them weighing heavily on everyone present. Yaya cleared his throat.

  “And now, my children - we must go.”

  * * *

  Chapter 27: Thrice - Bitten

  Mitzi awoke with a headache and the sensation that she’d been drugged. It took awhile for her eyes to focus in the dim early morning light. Some of the lighted sconces that arrayed the stone walls had burned down during the night and the thin color of the roseate light coming in through the high casement windows did nothing to illuminate her surroundings.

  Suddenly she felt horribly nauseous. She managed to crawl to the edge of the rounded bed, its gold silken coverlet streaked randomly with blood droplets and smears, just as Buttercup appeared with a two handled brass bowl that Mitzi promptly and gratefully threw up in. She continued to vomit for several minutes. Buttercup meanwhile murmured soothingly and held both the bowl and Mitzi’s hair out of the way of her issue.

  When the vomiting ceased she felt better. Then she remembered where she was, and what had transpired and she felt worse. Adrastos was nowhere to be seen, although she was still on his vast bed. It appeared very much that a battle had been waged within the confines of the bed she thought - a battle that she had apparently lost.

  Stricken, she looked at Buttercup, who put her arm around Mitzi’s shoulders comfortingly.

  “You did VERY well Miss! And don’t feel badly, most women vomit when they are turned for the third time. I think Master was very pleased with you, judging by his moaning. And he only just got off of you two hours ago… that means he was pleased and couldn’t get enough of you - and that’s a good sign.”

  Mitzi’s hand suddenly shot up to the right side of her neck, stinging and sticky - with blood, she discovered, as she drew her fingers away to see them tipped with it. Lower down there were three more large bite marks – one on her breast, one on the right side of her abdomen, and still another on her inner thigh above her birthmark - the crescent moon shaped strawberry mark that Adrastos had made such a fuss about. She turned with a wondering expression to Buttercup, who answered her unspoken question by saying. ”The Master decided to do the bedding and the Thrice - bitten Turning at the same time. A little ahead of schedule, but he seemed very pleased.”

  Slowly Mitzi allowed herself to be helped up to a standing position. She was naked except for a curious series of tiny gold chains that began at her neck, ran vertically down the middle of her back and between her breasts, enjoining one that circled her waist and had two vertical chains running down the outside of her hips and her legs on either side, finally culminating in somewhat thicker golden ankle bracelets. Pulling at the chain she asked, ”Buttercup, what is THIS?”

  Buttercup, seeing her upset at discovering the chains, was quick to make explanation.

  “Miss please don’t be upset - those are your Chattel Chains - you belong to Master Adrastos now. You wear them to show everyone that you have become his property.”

  Something caused Mitzi to look behind her into the huge wardrobe mirror. And freeze in absolute horror at what she saw.

  Starting between her shoulder blades was a series of piercings through her skin that were lined up to mimic the lacing holes in a corset. The fine chain that she had noticed on the front of her body was also laced through the macabre piercings on her back, as if the skin on her back was a corset and the chains were the laces. The mutilation was an assault to the eyes. Horrifying. A desecration of her flesh.

  Something in Mitzi snapped and she began to scream and tear at the chains.

  “NO! NO! NO!” She wailed, tearing at the fine looking chains with all of her tribute strength. But none of the chains would break despite their delicate appearance.

  With surprising strength, Buttercup held her down on the bed, her hand covering Mitzi’s mouth.

  “Please Miss - if anyone should hear you acting in such a way Master Adrastos would have to beat you before the servants and guards to show that he has control over your behavior. Please calm yourself Miss. Please”

  Buttercups plea was plaintive and Mitzi realized that her actions might also cause Buttercup to be beaten - or worse. She nodded and, taking her hand and whispering words of encouragement Buttercup lead her to an alcove to clean herself and wash her wounds.

  As she sat, dazed, in the bath, being washed gently by Buttercup she was too stunned to cry or even to think very much about the one victory she’d found in the pile of rubble that her identity and personhood had become.

  She remembered her life. She remembered who she loved. Even if she was thrice - bitten she had not gone to the ‘Dark’.

  Adrastos had not taken everything. And, using her new Thrice - bitten powers, she was going to escape him.

  * * *

  As Mitzi soaked her aching body and Buttercup tended to her wounds of the previous night, Yaya and the vamps were traveling in pairs through the western series of portals that would spit them out into the forests surrounding Fauquier Hall and allow them to establish a base camp some distance away where their movement would not be observed.

  Cass and Lux were dressed in the appropriate garb of warfare for the dark ages, although their chain mail was made of a lighter material, their clothing was flameproof and they wore, as did everyone else in the group, special contact lenses that would allow them to see through the dark fog Charley was equipped to dispense, as well as regular darkness.

  Each also wore a heavy rectangular metal piece mounted on a leather bracelet, also given to them by Yaya. This was to be activated as a protection, like a force field, against any electrically based stunning attack Adrastos might decide to wage to deactivate or confuse the group, to be turned on as soon as they were in any proximity to Adrastos or Patraeus.

  The women in the group were also dressed in warfare garb. Charley though Fress looked amazing in her lightweight chain mail and leather vest and pants - like a medieval ‘Wonder Woman’ - and told her so. Her answering smile was the last smile her would see on her face until well after the battle.

  Charley was wearing the most armor of all, most of it unseen. It had taken Yaya over 7 hours to impart to him gifts and magical weapons that were part of ancient knowledge and far too dangerous to be shared with the masses. Charley was dressed in black from head to toe, including black chain mail, a dark serpentine belt that, although it looked as if it were made of leather, was actually two rare flying poisonous snakes that could paralyze even the thrice - bitten for hours. One was preprogrammed to go upon his command straight to Adrastos, the second to Patraeus.

  Celeste and Ariel, after much discussion, had brought with them their birds - a collection of Falcons, huge ravens and other rare birds of prey that were fierce cohorts in battle and strong enough to tear the head off any creature. The birds seemed as antsy as any group of soldiers would be before a battle, and as intelligent.

  After drawing straws it was decided that Ariel would stay back at the camp, at a distance, both to attend any woun
ded that were brought to her and to stay turned through her prescience to know if she were needed.

  The group was quiet and serious. Before attacking the castle Yaya performed a last ceremony to call upon the Powers of the Unseen to assist them against Adrastos’ Dark Powers. The ceremony would take 20 minutes.

  And then the battle to recover Mitzi would begin.

  * * *

  Mitzi was barely out of her lemon verbena scented bath and dressed in a yellow brocaded gown when Adrastos sauntered summarily into her chambers. As usual he had an entourage - Patraeus, Maung and 4 guards accompanied him but stopped just inside the doorway as he went up to her.

  The face that Mitzi presented to him was expressionless, her manner chilly but Adrastos embraced her and brushed her cheeks flaming from unexpressed anger, with perfunctory kisses in the manner of the French. Taking both her hands in his he spoke.

  “Good Morning my Declared Love. I trust you slept well.”

  Mitzi answered tersely, ”In the short time afforded me, left from our nocturnal activities, I slept soundly.”

  Adrastos clucked his tongue, ”My dear you forget yourself, due to our recent familiarity I am sure. You must always address me as “Lord” Parmitsvia. I will allow you this one gaffe however.”

  Mitzi bristled, ”How kind of you, MY LORD.”

  Adrastos stood back and surveyed her from head to foot. ”How beautiful you look in yellow, Parmitsvia. I don’t care for the marks on your neck and bosom however,” he turned to Buttercup, who started quaking as soon as his gaze found her, ”Can’t you tend to her tribite wounds? Procure some healing herbal concoction from the Castle Physician or Apothocarist you stupid girl!” Mitzi was furious that he had addressed gentle Buttercup so rudely. A steely look was in her eye as she responded,


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