World of Azglen (Full Moon Series Book 1)

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World of Azglen (Full Moon Series Book 1) Page 22

by P. Mattern

  “If my LORD does not care for the marks on my neck and bosom THEN PERHAPS HE SHOULD NOT HAVE INFLICTED THEM!” She cried, raising her voice.

  Adrastos struck Mitzi across the face with a blow so powerful that she had to struggle to remain conscious and standing Simultaneously Buttercup, on seeing her mistress struck, fell to the floor in a faint.

  Too late Mitzi remembered what Buttercup had said about the requisite beatings that came with any questioning of his authority.

  “Oh my dear did I hurt you? Adrastos asked in a mock - gentle voice.” That is nothing compared to what is in store for you. Obviously you have some degree of wildness that wants curbing - I will be the Master Trainer that tames it out of you. It will be my pleasure. Gentlemen - “he said turning on his heel and addressing his entourage,” I bid you take your leave of us now. We will schedule the First Correction Session for Lady Parmitsvia for tomorrow morning, and you are all invited to attend the ‘taming’ of my “shrew” so to speak.

  Adrasto’s henchmen, brother and seer all smirking, left the chamber. Buttercup still remained in a discarded pile of large breasts and skirts on the stone floor. Although she still felt woozy from the slap, Mitzi dared to speak. “How DARE you strike me. And I HATE these chains - remove them this instant!” Mitzi’s eyes blazed with blue green fire at Adrastos. At the same time she trembled inside, fearing both for herself and for her wet nurse.

  Adrastos seemed to calm down and consider her for a moment. He raised a lone finger and traced the bruising his blow had caused, although, unlike the tribite marks that tended to remain for days, he knew the bruising from his slap would disappear within a few minutes. Sighing he told her,

  You are not meant to ‘like’ either the slap OR the chains, Parmitsvia. Now that you belong to me as part of my Chattel - or property, the wildness in you that so attracted me has become a challenge for me to conquer. And I will conquer it, I assure you. By the time we are finished you will be eating out of my hand, thanking me with tears in your eyes for granting you every breath. I know that you do not believe or understand this now… but you will.

  “As for the chains - they are enchanted and traditional. Only I can remove them, and the only time I will do that is when I bed you.”

  Adrastos snapped his fingers and Mitzi felt a tickling sensation as the chains slid off her body and rattled to the stone floor. But before she could utter a sound Adrastos was tearing at her clothes, his intent to take her again on the cold stone floor.

  In her line of vision as she turned her head to look across the expanse of the floor was the still motionless body of Buttercup. She could tell Buttercup was alive by the rising and falling of the wet nurse’s chest, and that was a relief. Maybe she could keep them both alive.

  On top of her Adrastos shuddered and moaned in premature sexual ecstasy, then after a brief pause, began ravishing her all over again.

  * * *

  Chapter 28: Decisive

  Byron didn’t feel TOO hung over from the bender of wine and blood drinking he had participated in hours before. He vaguely recalled a tryst with two - or was it three - anatomically correct wetnurses the night before. He thought he remembered that they left quite happy and sated.

  He sighed. There just wasn’t enough of him to go around.

  He didn’t quite have a headache but there seemed to be an inordinate amount of commotion in the castle hallways today. He could hear the tread of heavy boots, the whispering and excited amall talk of passing groups of handmaidens and wetnurses, and an occasional cart rolling by. Looking around the room he didn’t see a room service cart-apparently he’d been overlooked for the breakfast meal, and he was very hungry.

  After relieving himself and combing his hair he stepped into the hallway. A woman in wetnurse uniform was hurrying down the hall way.

  “Excuse me,” he said, stepping in front of her and bowing slightly. ”I wondered if I might bother you for refreshment.”

  The woman acted as though she would like to refuse him, but after he saw her eyes rest on his amulet he knew she had no choice but to accommodate him. She nodded brusquely and followed him back into his chambers, loosening her uniform to allow him several points of access from which to drink.

  Byron immediately began to drink from her bosom, then her neck. She was only a type AB, but he was thirsty and her blood more than hit the spot, it awakened and revitalized him.

  When he was finished he pressed a gemstone into her hand as a token of appreciation. The woman had mesmerizing violet eyes and smelled of ginger and peaches.

  “Thank you “, he said, ”What is your name?”

  “Bessie”, she said, ”But there’s some that call me peaches. They say I’m sweeter than most.”

  “Peaches,” Byron repeated. ”That’s the perfect name for you. Tell me Peaches, are you just a wet nurse or can you fulfill other functions?”

  The woman giggled, and answered, ”I get asked that all the time, but I’m only for wetnursing, Sir, sorry to say. ”Giving him a sly look she raised her skirt so that he could see that she had no sexual detailing whatsoever at the apex of her thighs, then continued,” But I get so many requests they are thinking of reforming me for more duties!”

  “I can see why,” Byron said, disappointedly. He felt that a sexual dalliance was the perfect chaser to a satisfying feeding. ”Be sure to let me know when you are ready for more duties then, Peaches.”

  The woman smiled, curtseyed, and was turning to leave when Byron caught her wrist. “One more thing“ he said do you know what’s going on today? There appears to be a lot of activity.”

  The woman looked around and even up at the ceiling to make sure that they weren’t being overheard.

  “There is a delegation here they say, come to fight for the release of Master Adrastos’s Declared Woman. Even now he is engaged in battle against Lady Parmitsvia’s own son!”

  Byron started at the news that the woman had given him and was immediately torn between going to the chamber in which the battle was taking place, or finding Mitzi and freeing her.

  After several seconds he knew what he should do. As a Damphir he might not be very useful in preventing Charley’s death or the death of his friends in battle… but if he secured the release of Mitzi they would know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was on THEIR side and he might come out of this a hero.

  “Thank you!” He said, kissing Peaches soundly on the lips. After she exited he grabbed several items from his closet, including a finely tooled leather belt with an array of weapons attached, pulled on his boots and went to gather Mitzi.

  Entering her chamber he was startled to see that she had a matched pair of guards at the entranceway.

  Seeing his amulet, they stepped aside and allowed him to enter.

  The scene that filled his vision didn’t make sense to him at first. Mitzi, dressed in a somewhat torn brocade gown was applying a cold compress to the forehead of her wet nurse Buttercup, fussing over her as if she were Buttercups maidservant instead of the opposite.

  Byron cleared his throat, ”Are we playing nurse then Mitzi?”

  Mitzi’s head shot up angrily and at first he thought she was going to attack him.

  Instead she said evenly, ”Buttercup fainted. She will be fine though.” Mitzis eyes moved to the guards and she shook her head slightly, as if warning him to say nothing in front of the guards.

  Byron announced loudly enough for the watchmen to hear, ”Adrastos has sent me for you. You must leave your wetnurse and come at once!” He slowly closed his right eye in a wink to let her know that his speech was a ruse.

  Mitzi swallowed hard, looked down at frightened Buttercup and back at Byron.

  “I will do as my Lord commands. Let me fetch a cloak.”

  Mitzi did so and was amazed at how coolly Byron stared down the guards as he escorted her out. As soon as they were15 feet down the hallway Mitzi started to speak, but Byron shook his head and looked upward.

  There were at least 4 demon
s, crouched in the ornately carved hallway rafters, observing them, ready to either pounce on or report anything unusual. Byron continued to lead her up the hallway at a steady pace until the hall dead ended and he had to choose to turn left or right. A right turn would take them into the main chamber where Mitzi’s son was fighting Adrastos. A left turn would take them to another chamber on the opposite side of the castle facing the forest and the sky portal. Not bothering to check if Adrastos’ demonic spies were following he turned left, pushed Mitzi ahead of him and turned to face the demons.

  The first one flew at him and was ended by a sword Byron plowed neatly through the creatures midsection before the creature could make a sound, the second one came soon after, curious as to what had happened to his comrade. The third and fourth came together into the opening of the small corridor and made horrible noises as Byron netted and then shredded them with a sharp dagger, so quickly that filleted pieces of them flew everywhere. Afterwards he waited to hear if any others were coming, but there was only silence. Running up the hallway where Mitzi was waiting in incredulity at what she’d seen, he took her hand.

  “We will still have to hurry. You remember our plan?”

  “Yes - but I still think I should carry you with me. I’m – I’m thrice - bitten now Byron. I think I’m strong enough.”

  Byron turned to look at her, ”And you still have your human memories – Mitzi I’m so glad for you!” But I can’t leave yet. I have to make sure Charley gets out as well. You must put as much distance between yourself and Faquier Hall as possible, do you understand?”

  * * *

  After the ritual was over, at Yaya’s signal, they found themselves on the parapet of the terrace leading into the main chamber room of Adrastos. Although Yaya was nowhere to be seen, they could sense his presence, which hovered above and around them in an amphorous shield. Knowing he was still with them gave them the courage they needed to confront Adrastos.

  Stepping inside the chamber from the hazy daylight outside, they observed Adrastos, on his impressive throne chair, eyeing them both speculatively and suspiciously - as if he sensed that this time would be different.

  Charley was in the lead. Flanking him on his left and right side were Cass and Lux. All three faced Adrastos with their chins tilted slightly upward in unflinching defiance. Behind them stood Fress, Orry, Celeste, Marcus and Morgan, equally poised and determined their weapons at the ready.

  “Adrastos, I have come for my mother.” Charley announced loudly and clearly, his voice echoing off the chamber walls.

  Adrastos made a pretense of clearing out his ears with his fingers. Gazing back at the group he said, ”I really need to attend to the acoustics in this chamber, get some soundproofing or something. I almost thought I heard you say you had come for your mother – again. How odd.” He finished dismissively.

  Charley didn’t smile. ”I HAVE come for her.”

  Adrastos responded by yawning as if he were bored.

  “Excuse me, but you’re beginning to bore me already. Didn’t we resolve that very matter on your last visit? It was a very abbreviated visit as I recall - you left in quite a hurry!” As Adrastos finished his guards could be heard behind him, laughing at his quip.

  Charley took an aggressive step forward, causing Adrastos guards to also take a forward step in their positions stationed behind him.

  “You have no right to keep her here, Adrastos. She never came here willingly. You abducted her, involving a violation of V-net protocol. This situation must be corrected by her release.” He said in measured tones.

  Adrastos leaned forward on his throne and sneered at Charley.

  “I don’t give - what is the expression Patraeus? - Oh yes - ‘a flying fuck’ about V-net protocol. And though I admit my methods were – slightly irregular, I have since made my Declaration to Parmitsvia, and she has accepted. I don’t know how much you understand about the parameters of a Formal Declaration, but I’ll break it down for you: She has become my PROPERTY, you Oedipal Freak! She has settled in quite nicely. End of story. Goodbye, Charley Rabbit!” Adrastos finished his soliloquy with a slight wave. Outside on the terrace the same hurricaine / runaway freight train sounding winds that the group had encountered on their previous foray into Faquier Hall began to rise and the sky became darkened with boiling nimbus clouds. As they entered the hall with a deafening sound, instead of the vamps being sucked out of the chamber the offending winds went around them and snatched several of Adrastos’ guards, pulling them outside of Faquier Hall and ostensibly through portals to other places. Adrastos seemed momentarily stunned but recovered quickly. He spoke loudly out into the space of the room.

  “Oh, I see - we have help this time. Let me guess who could have possibly tutored this little preschool of vampire children in proficient - or at least adequate - acts of Magick. “Why it must be the ‘Equalizer’ – his High Holiness Yaya Wiscievisc. HELLO YAYA!” Adrastos called out into the expanse of the chamber, his glittering black eyes moving searchingly throughout the vault like room.”

  “Adrastos.” A deep voice that seemed to come from many directions at once intoned. The voice continued.

  “We have had no conflict with you these many centuries. I am surprised that you would knowingly violate regulations by abducting a Vampire Citizen of the United States in direct violation of Global V-net Protocol. We have come to restore order and balance and to return the abducted to her former domicile. I expect your cooperation.”

  This pronouncement set off a verbal rapid fire ping pong word match between Adrastos and the still invisible discorporated Yaya. Adrastos: ”I Declared for her.”

  Yaya: ”Only adding to your violations since it is not permissible to ‘Declare’ to an abductee.”

  Adrastos: ”I bedded her.”

  Yaya: ”Again in violation.”

  Adrastos: ”I thrice – bit her.”

  Yaya: ”Your THIRD violation, although I do sense that she retained her memories and did not go to the ‘Dark’ Adrastos - tsk tsk.”

  Adrastos: ”I’m keeping her anyway. She feeds my addictions.”

  Yaya: ”The V-Consortium has a special 1-800 HELP number for specialty addictions counseling. I will make it available to you.”

  During the terse exchange the expressions on the faces of Charley, Cass and Lux changed several times.

  Charley blanched at the Too Much Informational aspect of Adrastos’ statements. Lux and Cass became angrier and more sullen and looked as though they were ready to charge Adrastos and tear him limb from limb.

  “ENOUGH!” roared Adrastos. There were a few seconds of silence during which Adrastos seemed to be pondering his options. Then, in a calmer voice, he spoke into the open air of the chamber.

  “I am allowed to fight to retain ownership, am I not?”

  Yaya’s Omni amorphous being sighed.

  “If Charley Rabbit agrees to the terms of the battle you propose - yes.”

  Adrastos stared over at Charley, Cass and Lux, stood up and took a single step in Charley’s direction.

  As soon as he did, Cass and Lux immediately and seemingly simultaneously whipped out arrows and aimed loaded bows in Adrastos’ direction.

  “I wouldn’t.” Lux warned with a growl in his voice, closing an eye for better aim.

  “This is between the Mama’s Boy and myself,” Adrastos stated flatly. ”Isn’t it Charley?” “Yes”. Charley replied unflinchingly, but swallowing hard, praying that he could remember everything Yaya had taught him.

  Adrastos smiled smugly. ”My choice of weapons is swords and Magick - do you accept these terms of engagement?” He asked.

  By way of answer Charley deftly pulled the heavy inscripted sword that Yaya had loaned him out of its ancient jeweled scabbard. ”Yes” he replied.

  “BEGIN!” Shouted Patraeus, his ringing voice eager with bloodlust.

  At once Adrastos rose into the air; his sword raised and flew to meet Charley. Charley rose nearly simultaneously and in the apex of th
e cathedral ceiling of the chamber, some 15 feet above the gallery below, the first blows were struck. With a thunderous clanging metal met metal, the blows echoing across the chamber in every direction, Adrastos, being a tribite, had an obvious strength advantage, but was slower than Charley, who seemed to maneuver adroitly and attack from several directions at once. Adrastos quickly recognized that Yaya’s private tutoring of Charley was the factor behind Charley’s remarkable skill with his weapon.

  “Damn you Yaya!”, Adrastos grumbled under his breath, determined to fight harder. Charley, somewhat shocked at his own prowess, began to find a comfort zone as the two men, still circling eachother in midair, continued to fight. Charley landed a blow that struck Adrastos’ shoulder, breaking Adrastos’ concentration and causing him to fall several feet. Looking up at Charley, Adrastos’ eyes glowed fiercely red and he spoke a single name.


  Instantly the winged, catlike demon was on Charley’s back, his claws wrapped around Charley’s throat and hair, choking him. Charley looked stricken for a second and then reacted by dropping his altitude quickly enough to cause the demon to release his grip. Charley then surged upward; his sword upraised, and pierced the creature through the belly. Immediately a caustic burning smell filled the chamber - the sword Charley had on loan from Yaya had an electrical feature that caused enough volts of electricity to fan out to discorporate the demon. Pierces of it flew apart in midair and rained down on the spectators.

  It was clear that Adrastos would be fighting dirty. After watching his demonic pet being destroyed Adrastos seemed more determined to land a blow… He flew past Charley with enough speed to turn him around in midair and then attempted to stab him in the side with his sword.

  Charley managed to recover from the spin and contort to avoid a stab wound, but the end of Adrastos sword caught something else. The sword blade ripped through then leather bracelet holding on the magnetic rectangle that provided Charley’s emergency shield, and the piece fell and clattered to the stone floor of the chamber. Adrastos tried to catch Charley’s eye, but Charley had been warned by Yaya that looking into Adrastos’ eyes during the heat of battle could result in Charley being mesmerized - a tribite skill that Adrastos was well - known for.


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