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Taken by the Incubus (The Complete Erotic Story, including One Night with an Incubus, Revenge of the Incubus, and Taken by the Incubus)

Page 8

by Folia Deux

  My gaze traces the lush orange and pink horizon, and then the rooftops of other villas on either side. If anyone cared to look, they would see what is happening, the two gorgeous men kneeling on either side of me, the way they smile as they each take one of my tits in their mouth. I arch back as they suck, pulling at my arousal, savoring my need. My fingers thread into their hair, Soren’s soft and silky, Kieran’s coarse and thick. Their hands slide along my skin, teasing and savoring, skimming my calves, my thighs, all the way up to my pussy, which is slick and waiting for their attention.

  My knees drape either side of the chair as the two of them each slide two fingers into my pussy, filling and stretching me. I cry out at the pain and pleasure of it, and they work in perfect synchrony to bring me to the edge. Then Soren looks up and grins at me before crawling between my legs. Kieran slides his fingers out of me and licks them as he moves to give Soren room. The auburn-haired incubus, his smooth skin glowing with strength and health, kisses his way along my belly while Soren sucks my clit, making me buck. Kieran lifts his head and watches Soren devour my cunt, and he’s so mesmerized that he doesn’t stop me when my fingers close around his hard-on. My vision is sparking and the horizon is blurry--and I need their desire to keep me alive.

  I stroke Kieran while Soren thrusts his tongue inside me then slides it to my ass, making me whimper. Kieran laughs and grabs my chin. “You like it in the ass, bitch?”

  “Stop calling her that,” Soren snaps from between my legs, the vibrations of his voice creating a fresh wave of liquid desire.

  “You called me that once,” I mumble, reaching for his hair to draw his mouth to my body once again. But Soren resists.

  “Only because I had realized you could defeat me,” he says quietly, laying a soft kiss against my inner thigh. Then he tenses, like he’s catching himself, and moves away.

  Kieran gives Soren a surprised look. “For a moment,” he says slowly, “it almost seemed like you care about her.”

  Soren stares at him, then chuckles, licking his lips. “I want her dead. I’m helping you drain her. That doesn’t mean I don’t respect what she is.”

  Kieran rolls his eyes and yanks me off the reclined chair. Before Soren can say another word, Kieran pushes me to the half-wall that rings the terrace, so that my breasts are exposed to anyone who might be driving or walking on the avenue. He shoves me hard against the wall and lifts my legs, and I scream. “Do you respect her now, Soren?” Kieran calls over his shoulder. He’s gripping my legs. One easy push and I’d collide with the ground thirty feet below me. I’m too drained to disappear or save myself.

  “Stop,” says Soren. His voice is perfectly even, supremely calm.

  Kieran scoffs. “I’m doing you a favor, brother. We can end her this way if you’re too weak and cowardly to do it with your cock.”

  There are several long seconds of silence, in which I wonder if Kieran will let me fall, in which I wonder if Soren would care. My hands scrabble along the flat outer surface of the wall as my hair hangs around my face. My mind cannot form a coherent thought, a coherent sentence, not even the words I should string together to beg for my life. The cobbled walkway below me seems very far away.

  “Don’t waste this opportunity,” Soren finally growls, every word a command. “We can’t drain her if she’s already dead.”

  Laughing, Kieran pulls me back, setting my feet on the ground. But just when I think he’s done with me, he holds my hips in a vice grip and slams his cock into my pussy, then proceeds to fuck me senseless. My ribs scrape the rough stone of the wall and my tits bounce with every snap of his hips. I usually love it rough, but there is something so contemptuous about this action that it causes tears of fury to bead in my eyes. I fight back, but I’m weak from all the energy they’ve taken, and Kieran has no trouble shoving me back onto the wall.

  “She’s nothing but a pussy with legs, Soren,” Kieran calls as he kicks my ankles even wider apart to allow himself to sink deeper. “Like any other woman.”

  Kieran withdraws, leaving me draped over the wall, my arms hanging as I try to pull any scrap of their energy toward me. All I feel from them, though, is disdain. Rage and loss whirl like a cyclone within my chest, and it is all I can do to hold in the shrieks and sobs.

  Kieran slaps me on the ass. “See? Not so dangerous.”

  “I’m bored,” Soren says, sounding distant. “Let’s finish this.”

  Kieran pinches me, sliding a muscular arm around my waist again and dragging me from the wall. I’m like a ragdoll in his arms, my tongue thick and clumsy in my mouth, so drained of my strength that I can’t fight back, even though I want to. I want to destroy this incubus. I want to burn him to the ground. But the chances of that happening are virtually nil.

  He scoops me into his arms and carries me back into the villa. “Where shall we do this?” he asks, as casually as he might order a drink.

  Soren draws near, filling my nose with his scent. The hot, angry glint is back in his eyes. He fists his hand in my hair and thrusts his tongue between my lips, claiming my mouth. Kieran lets my feet slide to the floor so that I’m pinned between the two of them, their hands caressing my thighs and breast while they sandwich me between their imposing muscular bodies. Slowly, they maneuver us to a cushioned chair in front of the open window overlooking the sea. Soren sinks onto it, pulling me into his lap.

  I straddle him, falling onto him with an exhausted sigh, bowing my head against his rock-hard shoulder. After the terror of the last few minutes, I feel a strange sort of comfort in the way he brushes my hair out of my eyes, in the fearfully gentle sweep of his fingertip across my cheek as he catches a stray tear. And I cannot help myself--I place a kiss on his tawny skin, a silent, wordless surrender, a simple statement of his ownership of me. His arms tighten around me as his thick, proud cock nudges my belly, telling me what he wants, what he’s going to take. In this moment, Kieran has disappeared, leaving the two of us alone, and Soren takes my face in his hands.

  “Soren,” I say, my voice raspy, working hard to push his name past my sluggish lips. He stares into my eyes, and then kisses me, not the possessive, deep kiss of earlier, but something else, devastating in its tenderness. My hands rest on his chest, his skin warm and smooth beneath my palms.

  I want to tell him so many things that I don’t have words to say.

  I am yours.

  If anyone is going to take me down, I want it to be you.

  Save me.

  Love me.

  Fuck me.

  Kill me.

  Because I’m not sure if I would want to live, knowing he is bored by me, that he is helping destroy me. I accept it, but only because I know the pain won’t last much longer.

  He sets his forehead on mine, his eyes closed. “Mercy is for the weak, Mala. You know that.”

  “I know,” I whisper. Even as I reach between us and guide his cock into my slick pussy, I know it. He enters me, sliding in with agonizing control, nothing rushed, everything savored. We both know this is the last time. His hands move to my ass. Spreading me. We moan together as he cants his hips up and pushes himself to my limit.

  Then I feel other hands on my skin. Kieran’s hands. “You got started without me,” he says, but he doesn’t seem upset. Instead, he seems amused. The cold slide of lube against my ass tells me what’s coming.

  As Soren fucks my pussy, Kieran probes my ass, massaging and penetrating with his thumb. Kieran laughs when I gasp and cling to Soren’s shoulders, my head against his cheek, his breath fanning over my neck. The auburn-haired incubus strokes his fingers along my undulating spine, then begins to use his cock against me, nudging at my already full pussy and making Soren’s hands clamp hard over my ass, then slipping the crown of it over my tight asshole.

  Then he thrusts into me, suddenly and without warning. With all the lube, he slides in easily, but it is a shock nonetheless, to be filled to the limit with two enormous cocks. I scream, throwing my head back, and Kieran grabs my hair.
My tits skim against Soren’s chest as the two of them fuck me, short, brutal thrusts in both my holes, winding me so tight that I can barely breathe. They piston in and out, then sync up and fill me at once, their grunts matching the wet slap of their balls against my tender flesh.

  Kieran yanks at my hair, wrenching my face upward as he rides my ass. He slaps my hip and thigh, as if I were a mare. His hips ram into me, making my body quake. By all rights, he should own me now.

  But he doesn’t. Soren fills my pussy, perfect undulations of his pelvis beneath me, rubbing my clit and making me pant. His strong hands close over Kieran’s and the other incubus releases my hair, which causes my head to fall forward. Soren catches it, holding my face to his. “Look at me, Mala,” he whispers as the fucking continues, as Kieran moans and curses and bucks.

  We are chest to chest, heart to heart, face to face, and though I know this is the end, it feels like it could go on forever. The deadly friction has twisted me so painfully tight, sparks of agonizing pleasure zinging through me with every heartbeat. The final horizon is rushing up to greet me, and beyond that, I have no idea. And I barely care. It’s so intense, this fucked up pleasure, having two gods of sex ramming themselves into my body, their hands on my skin and their cocks buried in me. I take it and take it and take it, shuddering, pulling desperately as I feel their desire wash over me, clinging tightly as I feel them siphoning my life away from me.

  “Mala, look at me,” Soren says against my mouth. “Look at me, please.” His voice is laced with strain.

  I open my eyes. His green gaze is hard on me, wrapping around me. As we breathe together, panting with every thrust, he smiles. It’s so beautiful I can’t resent it. “You win,” I mouth.

  His eyes flash with determination. He lets me lean on him as his hands return to my hips, as he jerks into me, powerful jolts that bring me to the point of no return. But then--

  “No,” he whispers. “You do.”

  He slams himself upward, throwing his head back and roaring as he comes like an avalanche. Deep inside me, his warmth fills me. Waves of his energy crash over me and into me, filling me up, heating me from my cunt to my belly to my heart, pleasure and pain and surrender and power. Power. So much power, offered freely, and my body absorbs every drop, making my heart pound and my flesh pulse with magnetic energy.

  Soren’s fingers spasm over my hips. His teeth clench and his eyes squeeze shut. Kieran freezes, his cock halfway in my ass. And then Soren sinks onto the chair, his face relaxing.

  His chest still.

  “Soren?” It comes out as a broken, airy sound. I place my hand over his heart. Nothing.

  The color has drained from his face. The reality swirls around me, just as real as his energy, which is now inside me, completely inside me, even as his cock slides from my pussy.

  Soren is gone.

  He gave himself up for me, let himself go completely, and now all of his energy is mine. “Soren?” I ask again, because I cannot accept it.

  “Stupid bastard,” Kieran growls.

  He starts to pull out of me. But then I whip my head around and stare at him over my shoulder. “You don’t want to do that. You need to come, don’t you?”

  As strong as he is, Kieran can’t resist the pull. My skin is glowing, luminous and perfect, and my ass is tight and ready. I squirm, offering it. “Go ahead,” I say, seduction in every syllable. “You need this. You’ve waited so long.” And now I’m going to use it against him.

  With a helpless, wrenching sound, Kieran buries himself inside me and bucks desperately. I close my eyes, unable to stand the sight of Soren beneath me, still and quiet and unmoving. I bite my lip as Kieran slides in and out of my ass. He reaches around and strokes my clit, trying to make me come, cursing my name and my existence even as he pounds me.

  “You’re a bitch,” he snarls, slapping my ass.

  “You’re right,” I say with a vicious smile, clenching my muscles around him and making him howl with pleasure. He picks up his pace, frenzied and desperate, and I can hear the certainty in his cries, the knowledge.

  He is going to die. And he can’t stop himself. My pull is too strong now that I’ve absorbed all of Soren’s energy and combined it with my own. Kieran’s cock is at my mercy. His soul is mine for the taking.

  “Let me go,” he says between breaths. “Let me go and I’ll give you everything I own.”

  “There is only one thing you own that is of any interest to me,” I say, pushing myself up on the back of the chair, my hands braced on either side of Soren’s head. I still have not opened my eyes. If I look at Soren, I might break.

  “Please,” he says, his voice cracking as his body begins to shudder, as I pull and yank and draw hard on his energy, on his frenetic, bottomless craving for release. “Please have mercy.”

  My eyes fly open. I look down at Soren, his eyes closed, his forehead resting against my wrist, cool and clammy. I don’t break. Instead, I feel like I’m made of iron, cold and unyielding. “Mercy is for the weak, darling.”

  Kieran seizes up, thrusting so hard that my knees rise off the chair. His thick cock pulses as he lets himself go inside my ass, spasming as his cum splashes into me. He bucks a few more times, his dick jolting, his energy flowing from him faster than he can stop it. He is a burst dam, a flash flood, a raging torrent. And I pull and suck and swallow and absorb.

  I leave nothing. I take no chances. Mercy is mine to offer.

  And I’m not offering.

  Kieran exhales, one long, helpless, final release.

  His hands slide from my body. His cock slips from my ass. A muffled thump tells me he’s hit the floor. One glance at his sightless eyes staring at the ceiling tells me he will never call me bitch again.

  I am so full of energy that I feel like the sun, like I could power an entire city or maybe a small country. My skin lets off diamond sparkles of sweat as it glows and shines.

  I am victorious.

  So why do I feel like I’ve lost everything?

  Chapter Three

  Even in death, Soren is beautiful. I sink onto him, shivering at the excess energy saturating all my cells, not yet used to being the owner of all this power. All around me, I feel the heartbeats of others, the breaths, the desires, the forbidden wishes. I hear their thoughts like a whisper in my mind. But the man beneath me, he is quiet and still and perfect.

  I stroke his cheek. “Why did you do that, you idiot?” Grief tightens my throat, choking off the words. I can’t bear it. Here I am, so powerful that it drips from me, that my body can’t contain it, and the thought of continuing to exist is painful, because I have never felt so alone.

  I’ve never minded being alone until now. Silver-streaked tears slip down my cheeks and land on Soren’s chest. “I didn’t ask for this. I didn’t want this,” I tell him. “Any of it. I didn’t ask for you to come into my life. I didn’t ask for you to claim my heart.”

  I hate you. I love you.

  Come back. I’ll do anything.

  As I shift, his cum begins to leak from my pussy. I feel the sticky warmth on my thighs. Crying, I slide my fingers into my cunt, collecting the precious fluid on my fingertips. I bring them to my lips, tasting Soren one last time. Anger and sorrow twine within me. I take his face in my hands, turning it up to mine. “How dare you?” I say between wrenching sobs. “How dare you do this to me? How dare you leave me like this?”

  My mouth crashes down on his, parting his lips beneath the weight of my rage. I shove my tongue, still coated with his cum, into his mouth. I kiss him relentlessly. My desire for Soren didn’t die with him. It is very much alive, wrapping around the both of us, so hot that it sheens my skin with sweat.

  Soren jerks beneath me and takes a gasping, shuddering breath. His eyes flutter open and then fall shut again.

  I gasp and rock back, my heart skipping like the wings of a hummingbird.

  I blink at him as he goes still once more, but hope has taken root inside me. I slip my fingers along my p
ussy and then force them into his mouth before covering his lips with mine, kissing him deeply, willing him to breathe again.

  And he does.

  I sit back, in awe as his chest trembles and his fingers twitch. His face is etched with agony, but he is alive. It looks like he could die again at any second, but right now, he is alive, and he. Is. Mine.

  I wrap my body around his like a blanket and carry us into the ether, leaving Kieran and his greed and his hatred and his lust and his dead, cold body behind. Let his servants find him and know that I vanquished him. Let them wail that their master is dead. Let them steal his possessions and dump his body in the ocean. I don’t care. Soren’s trembling, limp body is in my arms, and I am strong enough to take him anywhere.

  In the ether we are invisible and ghostly, light as air, and the world is my playground. We are made of nothing and everything, and though we are only vapor, I know I have Soren in my grasp. His energy is flickering and weak, but I coil myself around him like I might cup my fingers around a guttering candle flame. Nothing will hurt him. Nothing will touch him.

  I choose my favorite spot on the planet, quiet, isolated, my retreat from humans when the world saps my will. I concentrate hard and transport us with a single thought. It’s never been this easy, and it probably never will be again. The warm, tropical air welcomes us as I slip from the ether and into the cabana. The gauzy curtains flutter at our arrival, a fragile kind of welcome. I lay Soren on the wide platform bed with its downy sheets and soft pillows. Ocean waves lap at the sandy beach just a few steps from the wooden hut. It seems humble on the outside, but inside, it is furnished with every luxury. A house of pleasure for a creature of pleasure.

  Or two creatures of pleasure, as it were.

  Soren lies back with a groan, his muscles spasming with lack of oxygen and energy. I kiss him again, laying my body over his and weighing him down as he bucks and shudders. “You’re all right,” I whisper in his ear. “You’re safe.”


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