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Better to Reign in Hell

Page 34

by Jim Miller

  Chapter 11: Real Women Wear Black

  1 Oakland Tribune, Nov. 4, 2003, Nov. 7, 2003, Nov. 8, 2003, Nov. 9, 2003, Nov. 10, 2003, Nov. 11, 2003.

  2 Ibid., Nov. 4, 2003.

  3 Michael Messner, Power at Play: Sports and the Problem of Masculinity (Boston: Beacon, 1992), 15.

  4 Oriard, Reading Football, 191.

  5 Faludi, Stiffed, 154.

  6 Jenkins, 79.

  7 Ibid., 5, 79-80, 80.

  8 Alysse Minkoff, “Sweetheart of the Hole,”, Sept. 27, 2003, available from, accessed Sept. 29, 2003.

  9 Meaghan Morris, The Pirate’s Fiancée: Feminism, Reading, Postmodernism (London: Verso, 1988), 1–3.

  Chapter 12: Los Malosos

  1 Oakland Tribune, Nov. 13, 2003, Nov. 15, 2003, Nov. 17, 2003, Nov. 20, 2003;, Nov. 16, 2003.

  2 Oakland Tribune, Nov. 15, 2003, Nov. 16, 2003, Dec. 10, 2003.

  3 Ibid., Nov. 17, 2003.

  4 Ibid.

  5 Ibid., Nov. 19, 2003, Dec. 9, 2003, Jan. 4, 2004.

  6 Los Angeles Times, Sept. 28, 1990, April 16, 1992, April 17, 1992, Jan. 8, 1998, Jan. 23, 1998.

  7 Ibid., May 19, 1991.

  8 Seattle Times, Jan. 21, 2003.

  9 Mike Davis, City of Quartz: Excavating the Future in Los Angeles (New York: Vintage Books, 1990), 270.

  10 Los Angeles Times, Sept. 6, 1996, Dec. 15, 2001.

  11 Davis, City of Quartz, 304.

  12 Oakland Tribune, Nov. 21, 2003, Nov. 23, 2003, Nov. 24, 2003, Nov. 27, 2003, Nov. 28, 2003.

  13 Oakland Tribune, Nov. 29, 2003, Nov. 30, 2003; East Bay Express, Nov. 26, 2003.

  14 Oakland Tribune, Dec. 1, 2003.

  Chapter 13: Just Lose, Baby

  1 Henry David Thoreau, Walden and Other Writings (New York: Modern Library, 1981), 7.

  2 San Diego Union-Tribune, Dec. 27, 2003.


  4 Dunning, Sport Matters, 166–7.

  5 San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 29, 2003; Oakland Tribune, Dec. 29, 2003.

  6 Oakland Tribune, Jan. 4, 2005, Nov. 11, 2004, and Oct. 28, 2004.

  7 Ibid., Dec. 23, 2004, Nov. 11, 2004, Dec. 21, 2004, and Dec. 26, 2004.

  8 Los Angeles Times, Dec. 24, 2004; Las Vegas Review-Journal, Dec. 7, 2004; Magic News, Dec. 28, 2004, Dec. 18, 2004, and Dec. 28, 2004.

  9 Oakland Tribune, Dec. 28, 2004 and Jan. 4, 2005.

  Afterword: Rebels of Oakland

  1 Oakland Tribune, Dec. 10, 2003.

  2 Putnam, Bowling Alone, 282–3; USA Today, July 5, 2004.

  3 USA Today, July 5, 2004.


  Acasio, Mark. See also Gorilla-Rilla

  Adams, Alberta

  Adams, Sam

  Ahmed, Mohammed

  Alameda County Jail

  Alameda Times-Star

  Allred, Buck

  Alstott, Mike

  Alzado, Lyle

  American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees

  Anchorage, Alaska

  Anderson, Benedict; Imagined Communities

  Anderson, Bernard

  Anderson, John

  Anderson, Marques

  Arizona Cardinals

  Armstrong, Trace

  Atkinson, George

  Aurora, Ill.

  Australia, fans in

  “Autumn Wind, The” (Sabol)

  Bad Boys of Football

  Badger, Brad

  Badruddin, Amin

  Bagwell, Beth: Oakland: The Story of a City

  Bakhtin, Mikhail

  BALCO steroids scandal

  Baltimore Ravens

  Banaszak, Pete

  Bartolomeo, Dan

  Baudrillard, Jean

  Beast of Bourbon, The. See Sheehan, Mike

  Best Damn Sports Show Period, The

  Bethesda, Md.

  Biletnikoff, Fred

  Black Hole. See also Oakland Coliseum

  Black Hole fan club

  BlackHole Mike; Raiders for Life

  Black Panther Party

  Blake, Alex

  Blum, Joe: “Degradation without Deskilling,”

  Bolden, Clifford

  Boyarsky, Bill

  Bradford, Amory: Oakland’s Not for Burning

  Bradshaw, Morris

  Branch, Cliff

  Brenn’s Pub (York, Penn.)

  Briggs, Amanda

  Brooks, Desley

  Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters

  Brown, Edwin

  Brown, Jerry

  Brown, Tim

  Bryant, Mark

  Bryner, Tim

  Buchanon, Phillip

  Buchanon, Ray

  Budd, Jordan

  Buffalo Bills

  Buford, Bill: Among the Thugs

  Bugel, Joe

  Bush, George W.

  Caen, Herb

  Callahan, Bill

  Camp, Walter

  Caraway, Margaret

  Cardenas, Gus

  Cariveau, Jon

  Carlin, George; Braindroppings

  Carpentier, Horace

  Carson City (Nev.) Raiders Booster Club

  Cavolina, Larry

  Center for Aggression Management

  Chadwin, Dean: Those Damn Yankees

  Chen, Daniel

  Chicago Bears

  Chielowiec, Artur “Fred,”

  Childs, Jeff

  Chitty, A.B.: From the Folks Who Brought You the Weekend

  Christian Raiders Page

  Cincinnati Bengals


  Clark, Jeff

  Clark, Michele

  Clark, Steven

  Cleveland Browns

  Cleaver, Eldridge


  Collins, Kerry

  Collins, Mo

  Communication Workers of America

  Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

  Cooper, Chris

  Cordingly, David: Under the Black Flag

  corporate America

  Corsi, Massimo

  Cotto, Victor


  Crowley, Richard

  Culpepper, Daunte

  Dallas Cowboys


  Darth Freeman; Christian Raiders Page

  Darth Raider; Darth Raider’s Fan Galaxy; Darth Raider’s page

  Davidson, Ben

  Davis, Al ; as antihero; fan opinion of; McGah family and; as Satan;

  Davis, Bobby

  Davis, Mike: City of Quartz

  de la Fuente, Ignacio

  Dead River; “Raider Nation,” Waste of Life

  deadheads; as community; similarity to Raider Nation. See also Grateful Dead

  Debord, Guy; Society of the Spectacle, The

  Denver Broncos

  DeSilva, Ed

  Detroit Lions

  Dickey, Glen

  Dixon, Stephen

  Donnelly, Amanda

  Donnelly, Carrie

  Dryer, Roger

  Ducksworth, Ben

  Dunn, David

  Dunning, Eric

  Durslag, Art

  East Bay Express

  Eaton, Chris

  Economic Development Administration (EDA)

  Eight Trey Crips

  El Monte, Calif.

  Eli’s Mile High Club

  Elway, John

  End, Christian

  Eritrean Orthodox Church

  Esther’s Orbit Room

  Estrella, Liz

  Everett and Jones Barbeque

  Facenda, John

  Faludi, Susan: Stiffed: The Betrayal of the American Man

  fan/s: gender roles among; homophobia among; identity; marginalization of; rivalry; tribalism; violence. See also under specific names

  Fans in Black

  Fargas, Justin

  Farnsworth, John

  Fat Lady, the

  Favre, Brett

  Ferguson, Steve

  Fiske, John

sp; Flores, Tom


  football; appeal of; as social event; as spectacle; carnival atmosphere of; cheerleaders; conformity in; gender in; female fans of; and violence. See also NFL

  Ford, Cole

  Frank Ogawa Plaza

  Frank, Thomas

  Frank Youell Field

  Freeman, Jim

  Frost, Jan

  gangs: Crips; Eight Trey Crips; Insane Crips; Rolling 20s,

  Gannon, Rich

  Garcia, Dan

  Garcia, Jerry

  Garcia, Mario

  Garner, Charlie

  Garrison, William Lloyd

  Gartner, Terry

  Geringer, Shane

  Glasser, Gary

  Glassner, Barry

  Gonzales, Lizet


  Graham, Bill

  Grammatica, Martin

  Grateful Dead; “Truckin’,” See also deadheads

  Green Bay Packers

  Green, Shakia

  Gruden, Jon

  Guayaquil, Ecuador

  Gutierrez, Marc

  Haldeman, Jeff

  Hall, Mickey

  Hamod, Sam

  Hardwick, Mike

  Hayes, Lester

  Hayward, Calif.

  Hebdige, Dick

  Hells Angels

  Henderson, Mark

  Henderson, Willie Young

  Hendricks, Ted

  Hildebrand, Lee

  Hines, Michael

  Hopper, James

  House of Thrills. See also Oakland Coliseum

  Hubbard, Marv

  Huizenga, Rob

  Hutchinson, Lee

  imagined community/ies; nationalism and; sports and

  Imperial Valley Oakland Raiders Booster Club

  Indianapolis Colts

  Indy Media


  Inside Sports

  International Brotherhood of Teamsters

  International Longshoremen’s and Warehousemen’s Union

  Jackson, Renay; Job Is a Mother, The; Oaktown Devil

  Jacksonville Jaguars

  Janikowski, Sebastian

  Jeffers, Eugene

  Jenkins, Sally: Men Will Be Boys

  Jersey Shore Raiders Booster Club

  Johnson, Brad

  Johnson, Eric

  Johnson, Greg

  Johnson, Marilynn

  Johnson, Samuel

  Johnson, Teyo

  Jones, Claude Dawson. See Raider Bandit

  Jones, Greg “Griz,”

  Kansas City Chiefs

  Kaplan, Nelly: Pirate’s Fiancée, The

  Kaufman, Napoleon

  Kaze, Irv

  Keating, Tom

  Keenan McCardell

  Kelly, Mike

  Kennedy, Lincoln

  Kezar Stadium

  King, Martin Luther Jr.

  King, Rodney

  Kitna, John

  Klein, Frank

  Klein, Trinity


  Knowland, William

  Knumbskull Records

  Kosta, Dave

  Krich, John: Bump City

  Lamonica, Daryle

  Lamoreaux, Steve

  Lannon, Albert Vetere

  Lara, Tony

  Las Cruces, N.M.

  Las Vegas, Nev.

  Laughlin, Dave

  Le Bon, Gustave

  Lechler, Shane

  Leppard, Randy

  Limbaugh, Rush

  Livermore, Calif.

  LoCasale, Al

  Loera, Guadalupe

  Logan, Amanda

  Lombardo, John: Raiders Forever

  Long Beach, Calif.

  Long Branch Saloon (Anchorage)

  Long Branch Saloon (San Leandro)

  Long, Howie

  Los Angeles

  Los Angeles Dodgers

  Los Angeles Herald Examiner

  Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum

  Los Angeles Times

  Los Malosos de Aztlan

  Los Malosos So. Cal. Raiders Booster Club

  Luniz, The; “East 14th … Cuz I’m a Raider, Oakland Raider,” “Fugitive (Armed and Dangerous),” ; “Fuck You,” ; “Oakland Raiders,” ; Operation Stackola; Silver and Black; “Street Money,” 102;

  Machiando, Nancy

  Madden, John

  Mahler, Diane

  Mahler, Hank

  Mahler, Jerry

  Mahler, Jim

  Marcus, Greil

  Martinez, Hector

  Mastin, Larry

  Matuszak, John

  McCarroll, Scott

  McCullum, Donald

  McDonald, Bonnie

  McGah family

  McNabb, Donovan

  Messner, Michael: Power at Play

  Mexico, fans in

  Miami Dolphins

  Middleton, Frank

  Mighty Ducks of Anaheim

  Miller, Andrew

  Milton, John: Paradise Lost

  Minkoff, Alyssa: “Sweetheart of the Hole,”

  Minnesota Vikings

  Mirer, Rick

  Modell, Art

  Monday Night Football

  Monster Cody

  Montgomery, Rachael

  Morris, Meaghan: Pirate’s Fiancée: The

  Moss, Randy

  Mt. Davis. See also Oakland Coliseum

  Muffler Man

  Murolo, Priscilla: From the Folks Who Brought You the Weekend

  My Hairy Brother; “Dolphin Killers,” “Holy Roller,” “Mister Davis,” ; Rock Hard, Throw Deep; “Scream for Your Team,” ; “Sweet Home San Diego,” ; “They All Stink,”

  Napa, Calif.

  Napier, Daniel

  Nardi, Anthony

  nationalism: and imagined communities

  Network Associates Oakland Coliseum. See Oakland Coliseum


  New England Patriots

  New Mexico Raiders booster club

  New Orleans Saints

  New Right

  New York Yankees

  Newhouse, Dave

  News Hour with Jim Lehrer

  Newton, Huey

  NFL. as cultural influence; effects of television on; owners. See also football

  Nickel, Kim

  Nicole Joyner; and

  Nonchalance Collective

  North Richmond, Calif.

  O’Malley, Walter


  Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Board

  Oakland Athletics

  Oakland Auditorium

  Oakland Coliseum; tailgate parties at; violence at. See also Black Hole; Mt. Davis

  Oakland Free Press

  Oakland Ironworkers Local

  Oakland Military Institute

  Oakland Observer

  Oakland Police Department; distrust of; violence by

  Oakland Post-Enquirer

  Oakland Raiderettes

  Oakland Raiders Booster Club of Italy

  Oakland Raiders Internet Boosters Club

  Oakland Raiders v. Oakland Alameda County Coliseum

  Oakland Raiders ; Heidi game; image of; front office; partying by; players’ relationship with fans; relocation of; slogans; training camp

  Oakland Riders scandal

  Oakland Tribune; tower

  Oakland ; deindustrialization of; diversity in; downtown; East 14th Street; East Oakland; general strike (1946); International Boulevard; Jack London Square; Koreatown; Oakland Hills fires; port; racism in; riots; Rockridge; school system; Seventh Street

  Oaktown Pirates

  Oliver, Chip

  Operation Game Day

  Oriard, Michael: King Football

  Ottman, Derek

  Otto, Jim

  Pacific Beach, Calif.

  Pacific Coast Brewing Company

  Paramount Theatre

  Parella, John

  Park, Richard K.

  Parker, Craig: Football’s Blackest Hole

/>   Peach; and

  Pendexter, Dale

  Perales, Jorge

  Perez, Francisco

  Peter Krist

  Philadelphia Eagles

  Phillips, Lee “The Flea,”

  Phillips, Mark

  Pirate Saq’s Pirate Ship

  Pittsburgh Steelers

  Plummer, Jake

  Plunkett, Jim

  Poland, Steve

  Poole, Monte

  Porter, Jerry

  Pressman, Jeffrey: Implementation: How Great Expectations in Washington Are Dashed in Oakland



  Putnam, Robert: Bowling Alone

  Qualcomm Stadium

  Queenan, Joe

  Raiders. See Oakland Raiders

  Raider, Augusta

  Raider Bandit

  Raider Empire Listserv

  Raider Fan Radio



  Raider Image

  Raider Nation ; blue-collar origins; as carnival; charity; class in; crimes by; deadheads, similarity to; diversity in; as family; fear of; gangs and; geographic distribution of; haters; Hispanic culture and; identity and; as imagined community; inclusivity of; ironworkers and; Jimbo and; in Los Angeles; loyalty of; music of; origin of term; rebel image of; relationship with Raiders organization; religion in; in San Diego; stereotyping of; subcultures; transcendentalism; tribalism in; as virtual community; violence and; white collar; women in. See also fans

  Raider Rooter Booster Club

  Raider Shack

  Raiders for Life; BlackHole Mike

  Raiders gang

  Raiders of the Far North

  Raiders ’Till Death

  Ramirez, Phil

  Ramirez, Angel

  Ratto, Ray

  Reed, Ishmael: Blues City; “Living at Ground Zero,”

  relocation of sports teams

  Rhomberg, Chris; No There There: Race, Class, and Political Community in Oakland

  Ribowski, Mark

  Ricardo, Bob. See also Ricky’s Sports Theater and Grill

  Ricardo, Ricky. See also Ricky’s Sports Theater and Grill

  Ricardo, Tina

  Rice, Jerry

  Richardson, Brad

  Richmond Independent

  Ricky’s Raiderland

  Ricky’s Raider Rally

  Ricky’s Sports Theater and Grill

  riots. See also, Oakland, riots in; at Heysel Stadium

  River City Raiders Boosters

  Rivera, Rob

  Rivlin, Gary: Drive By

  Road Trip Crew

  Robbins, Barret


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