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Town in a Lobster Stew chm-2

Page 3

by B. B. Haywood

  “Oh yes, it’s very good, and it is quite hot,” Candy said with a knowing smile. “I can see where it would make you quite warm.”

  Wilma Mae nodded appreciatively, set her cup back down on its saucer, and pressed on, her color lightening just a bit as she continued the story.

  “Well, you may not know this,” she said, “but I was a waitress at the Lodge for several summers back in the forties, and I used to serve Mr. Pruitt — he was always Mr. Pruitt to us, never Cornelius. He was a very stern man, very proper, with a long face, dark eyes, and unruly brown hair, which he tried to keep slicked down. Even on vacation he dressed for all his meals. One morning at breakfast, he was chatting with his table guests and turned a bottle of ketchup — that bottle of ketchup” — for emphasis, Wilma Mae pointed to the bottle in the cabinet — “upside down over a plate of steak and eggs, and slapped the bottom so firmly that ketchup squirted out all over the tablecloth and right onto the morning dress of Mrs. Daisy Porter-Sykes, who was one of his closest friends.”

  “Was she one of his mistresses?” Candy asked, finding herself drawn into the story.

  “Oh yes, for quite a long time. Several years, I think. But the affair ended that morning.” Wilma Mae gave Candy a grave expression. “I didn’t care much for her. None of us did. She was a snooty socialite up from Boston, and she could be quite cruel and condescending to the help. Her husband made his money in timber and land speculation before and during the war. She traveled without him quite often, which made sense, since she was nearly twenty years younger than he was. And she was probably thirty years younger than Cornelius. She’d been meeting him at the Lodge for several years, or so I heard. But that morning she was so upset at him for ruining her morning dress with the ketchup that she told him off, right then and there, in no uncertain terms, and stomped out of the room in a huff, with her boa flying!”

  Candy laughed. “That must have been quite a scene.”

  “Oh, it was!” Wilma Mae said, her eyes lighting up. “She checked out of the hotel that very morning and, as far as I know, never saw him again. It caused quite a bit of scandal, but more importantly, Cornelius was without a mistress for the rest of the week.” Wilma Mae paused and blinked several times. “So... ”

  “So... ?” prompted Candy.

  Wilma Mae cleared her throat. “So, naturally, Cornelius needed companionship for the rest of his stay.” She hesitated, and when she spoke again, her voice was hushed, almost a whisper. “I don’t know if I should be telling you this, but I became his companion.”

  Candy’s eyes widened in surprise. “His companion? You don’t mean... ”

  “Oh yes, it’s true,” said Wilma Mae with a firm nod of her head. “I was deflowered by none other than Cornelius Roberts Pruitt!”


  Wilma Mae’s blush returned, but this time she paid it no attention. “I suppose you might think I was some sort of hussy, but I can tell you I was not. I was an innocent girl, still a virgin at the time. I knew nothing of the ways of the world. But Cornelius did. He was a very charismatic man, with an air of confidence and power that was, well, intoxicating to someone like me.” She added in a whispery voice, as if sharing a secret, “And he had lots of money!”

  She laughed sweetly and pointed to an aged black-and-white photograph in an ornate gold frame that sat among many others on the dark mahogany side table against the wall. “That’s him there,” she said, then added thoughtfully, “His nose was a bit crooked and his teeth were yellow, but he had lovely hands and beautiful eyes. And he smelled good.”

  Candy rose from where she sat on the sofa and crossed the room to the table. She stooped and peered intently at the photograph Wilma Mae had pointed out. It showed a tall, dark-featured man standing on a sloping lawn in the midst of a large gathering of people assembled for a group portrait. The women in the photograph wore crisp white dresses and wide-brimmed hats adorned with ribbons. They sat in chairs, while most of the men stood behind them, many with their hands thrust deep in their coat pockets. The man at the center of the photograph wore a casually tailored light-colored linen suit, a wide tie, and a straw hat tilted at a jaunty angle. He was gazing off into the distance, an enigmatic smile frozen on his tanned, leathery face. Behind him rose the columns of an elegant yet rustic structure, with striped awnings and a dark roof, and beyond that a blustery sky. Candy could see several staff members standing on the porch behind the main group or looking out of the building’s upper windows, half-hidden in the shadows.

  “That’s most of the family there, taken on an earlier trip to the Lodge,” Wilma Mae continued. “Cornelius, of course, is standing at the center. The young girl to his right with the pretty smile is Helen. I’m standing behind them on the porch. You can just see me there, partially in shadow. I’m the skinny one in the white apron with her hands down at her sides.”

  Candy looked closer. “There you are. You’re very lovely in the picture.” She paused, her gaze shifting. “And that’s Cornelius Roberts Pruitt.”

  “That’s him. I was just a serving girl and thought I was invisible to him, but he sought me out the same day his affair ended with Daisy Porter-Sykes.” She paused as her gaze drifted out the window to the sun-dappled trees in the front yard. “It wasn’t hard to fall for him. He seemed to understand my... innocence, I guess. He was very kind to me — for a short while.”

  She sighed deeply as her gaze shifted back to Candy, who had returned to the sofa. “Our affair was a brief one. It lasted only a few days. He left the Lodge by the end of the week to return to his family, and I was left in tears.”

  Candy was mesmerized as Wilma Mae paused. She wasn’t quite sure what to say. Finally, she asked, “Did you hear from him again?”

  “Oh, no, no.” Wilma Mae fervently shook her head. “He returned to the Lodge the next summer, of course, but he seemed to barely recognize me. Or perhaps he chose to simply ignore me, since he had a new mistress by then. No, it was Mr. Sedley who saved me.”

  “Mr. Sedley? From next door?”

  “Yes, that’s right.... Well, he didn’t live next door at the time, of course. He was an assistant cook in the Lodge’s kitchen. After Cornelius left, I was in such a state, I couldn’t bear to look at anyone. I was so humiliated, and mad at myself for being such a foolish girl. So I locked myself in my room and refused to talk to anyone or eat anything. But Mr. Sedley rescued me. He heard I was distraught and brought me a tray with a bowl of lobster stew.”

  Now Candy was beginning to see the connection. “His own recipe?” she guessed.

  “He said he made it just for me. He knew lobster was my favorite. It was such a delicacy at the time.” Wilma Mae pushed her shoulders together in a girlish way. “I must tell you, I’d never had anyone do anything so nice for me before. He sat beside me on my bed, wiped away my tears, and fed me spoonfuls of the lobster stew. It was so romantic. Soon we were both giggling like children. I found out later that he had had his eye on me for a while.”

  “But... you said he was a married man.”

  “We couldn’t help it,” Wilma Mae continued, undeterred. “Sometimes nature takes its course. But that was the only afternoon we were... romantic.” She straightened her back and fixed Candy with a solemn gaze. “As I said, I don’t want you to think I was a loose woman. I had never done anything like it before — nor since. Cornelius and Mr. Sedley were the only two men I’ve ever been... intimate with... other than my own Milton, of course. So I broke it off quickly with Mr. Sedley — much to his dismay, I believe. He followed me around the rest of the summer like a lost puppy, but I held him off. That was his last summer at the Lodge. After he left, our lives took us in different directions. But eventually we both wound up here in Cape Willington. And then he entered the Lobster Stew Cook-off.”

  “With the recipe he created for you?” Candy asked.

  “Yes, that’s right. As I said, it makes just a wonderful stew. It’s the secret ingredient that makes it special, you know. For years he
wouldn’t tell me what it was, but eventually I found out. When he first entered the cook-off back in the eighties and won with his stew, it created an instant sensation in town. Everyone wanted to make it. Mr. Sedley received a number of offers for the recipe. People wanted to pay him for it. I heard even Mr. Duffy, who ran the Main Street Diner back then, before he turned it over to his nephew, offered three hundred dollars for it. Three hundred dollars! But Mr. Sedley refused all offers. He said he would hold on to it for a while, and he continued to enter the cook-off, winning all those times. But eventually he decided to retire from the competition. A few years later he gave the recipe to me for safekeeping. He said it belonged to me anyway, since he made it for me, and I was the first person to taste it.”

  “You used the recipe yourself to win the cook-off, right?”

  “Oh yes, but only with Mr. Sedley’s blessing. In fact, it was his suggestion.”

  “And you won six more times with it?”

  Wilma Mae nodded. “As I said, Mr. Sedley won seven consecutive times. So after I won six, I stopped entering, so I wouldn’t win more than he had. When I retired from the cook-off, I carefully hid the recipe away where no one could find it, until either Mr. Sedley or I decided what to do with it. We’ve talked about passing it on to someone, but we still haven’t decided who should receive it.”

  Candy brought the conversation back to where it had started. “And now the recipe’s been stolen?”

  The color in Wilma Mae’s face faded, and she pursed her lips sadly. “Yes.” For a moment she seemed on the verge of tears. Then, abruptly, she slapped her knees and rose. “And we’re going to get it back, aren’t we?” She pointed toward the ceiling. “Come with me. It’s time we investigated the scene of the crime.”


  Taking Candy by the hand, Wilma Mae led the way out of the living room, into the hallway, and up the staircase. She talked as she went.

  “This house was built about eighty-five years ago by an architect named John Patrick Mulroy, who used to work out of Portland with John Calvin Stevens and Francis Fassett before he opened his own office in Bangor around 1890. Later, when he was in his sixties, he retired here to Cape Willington and designed several homes in town, including this one. It’s one of his simpler designs, as he built it inexpensively for a friend of his. Still, it has some lovely angles. Like many of his contemporaries, Mulroy had an affinity for the Queen Anne and Colonial Revival styles, and you can see that in certain areas of the home.”

  At the top of the stairs Wilma Mae headed left and entered the front bedroom. She stopped in the center of the room and turned toward Candy.

  “He also,” she said dramatically, raising a finger, “had a predilection for creating secret hiding places in the homes he built.”

  “Ooh.” Candy’s eyebrows rose in interest. “That sounds like it would make a good story for the newspaper. So there’s a secret hiding place up here?”

  “There is! Can you guess where it is?”

  Candy scanned the room, trying to find a likely spot. To her left was a twin poster bed with a white coverlet, and beside it a forty-year-old sewing machine on an antique table. A fairly new chocolate brown wing chair and an antique floor lamp occupied the far corner, toward the street. In front of Candy, between two tall windows, stood another dark wood and glass cabinet displaying more ketchup bottles.

  But the most impressive feature of the room was to Candy’s right. Built-in shelves and drawers, bracketed between corner cupboards, occupied the entire wall. Some older books were neatly arranged on a few of the upper shelves, but mostly ketchup bottles of all sizes, shapes, colors, and ages occupied the myriad shelves, nooks, and crannies. There must be hundreds of them, Candy realized, impressed with the extensiveness of the collection.

  She took one more quick look around the room, then turned back to Wilma Mae. “I’d say it’s either in that cabinet or in these shelves over here.”

  Wilma Mae nodded approvingly and motioned toward the shelves. “You’ve hit right on it. Mulroy had an affinity for built-in drawers, cupboards, and shelves,” she explained. “He worked with one of the local cabinetmakers to create built-ins like these in many of the homes he designed here at Cape. It was one of the things that originally attracted me and Mr. Wendell to this home. When we moved in, some of the shelves needed repair, so we brought in a carpenter. He’s the one who discovered the secret hiding spot. There’s actually a hidden drawer — a document box it’s called, used for hiding wills, contracts, deeds, that sort of thing. Here, I’ll show you.”

  She moved toward the shelves as Candy watched in fascination. Wilma Mae gently removed a long, narrow drawer sandwiched horizontally between rows of shelves and bottles. She set the drawer aside on a small table and reached inside the drawer housing, feeling along the side with her fingertip. When she found a slight depression, she pressed it firmly. A spring-loaded drawer popped out of the bottom of the housing.

  “Oh, neat.” Candy stepped closer for a better look. The secret drawer was perhaps eighteen inches wide and about two inches in height — not large enough for a thick book, but certainly capable of holding a number of documents. The drawer, Candy saw, was empty.

  Wilma Mae took a step back, folding her hands at her waist. “That’s where I kept the recipe all these years. I’ve rarely taken it out of there. Mr. Sedley never cared to see it again, and since I quit entering the cook-off, I haven’t had much reason to look at it either. I’ve taken it out a few times to show a close friend or two. But I always returned it to its proper hiding place right away.”

  “What did it look like?” Candy asked. “Was it just on a single sheet of paper? Or in a recipe book?”

  “Oh no. It was written in an old gray ledger, dear. A ledger of his recipes, or formulas, as Mr. Sedley used to call them many years ago. He listed a general description and precise ingredients for each formula he created. He also noted cooking times, temperatures, special preparation details, and the date he created each one. But he kept other things in his ledger as well — financial information, notes on the weather, his observations of guests and staff, that sort of thing. I believe he also tried his hand at sketching and writing poetry, but he kept those in a different book.”

  The next obvious question came to Candy. “When did you notice the ledger was missing?” She looked around for her pen and reporter’s notebook and realized she’d left them on the kitchen table. Drat! She always seemed to be without those items when she really needed them. She’d been trying to work on that but still hadn’t quite acclimated herself to a reporter’s habits.

  “Well, that’s the interesting part,” Wilma Mae said. “Before yesterday, I hadn’t checked that drawer in the better part of a year. But lately several people have been coming around the house asking about the recipe. This one woman in particular has been here three or four times, just in the past week or two. She wanted to see the recipe, and she was very adamant about it. I told her I wasn’t showing it to anyone at this time and that it was stored away in a safe place. And then she started grilling me about it. She wanted to know everything about it — who created it, when it was created, what the ingredients were. She even asked me about Mr. Sedley and my relationship with him.” Wilma Mae became a little flustered. “She was a very prying woman, and to be honest, she made me quite nervous. She said if I didn’t tell her what she wanted to know, she’d find out herself. I started worrying about the recipe, so I checked the secret drawer late yesterday afternoon, when I got home from running my errands. Something about the house just didn’t feel right. That’s when I discovered it was missing.”

  “And that’s when you called me,” Candy confirmed. “So you think this woman might have had something to do with the recipe’s disappearance?”

  “I think it’s certainly possible, don’t you?”

  Candy thought about that. “Perhaps — but how would she have known where you had it hidden?”

  Wilma Mae shook her head. “I’m not sure abo
ut that. As far as I know, only myself and Mr. Sedley knew about that compartment — and the carpenter who discovered it, of course.”

  Candy’s mind was working. “What was this woman’s name — the one who’s been bugging you the past few weeks?” she asked after a few moments.

  “Well, I think she said it was Wanda Boyle.”

  Candy felt a prickling on her arms. “Wanda Boyle? You’re sure she said her name was Wanda Boyle?”

  Wilma Mae nodded. “Yes, I believe so. Why? Is something wrong?”

  Candy’s shoulders slumped, and her chin fell to her chest as she let out a long breath. “Oh boy.”


  At Wilma Mae’s invitation, Candy took a few minutes to examine the secret drawer. She could see nothing unusual about it, other than the fact that it was ingeniously designed. She played with the mechanism that released it, pushing the drawer into its hiding spot, then popping it back out a few times.

  She leaned in for a closer look. There were no tool or scratch marks, no signs of forced entry, nothing to indicate the drawer had been broken into. Nothing, as far as she could see, to indicate anything had been stolen from it — or that anything had ever been inside, for that matter.

  That meant whoever had stolen the recipe — allegedly stolen the recipe, Candy reminded herself — must have known how to open the drawer.


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