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Behind the Bar (Home in Carson Book 3)

Page 3

by Renee Harless

  A nondescript blue baseball cap kept the woman’s features hidden but he watched in fascination as she approached the bar with a sense of confidence he hadn’t ever witnessed in a woman before. She walked into the bar like she owned the place even though she clearly didn’t want any attention from the people in the establishment. Landon was utterly transfixed by her, as was every other male in the room.

  She paused, taking in the various empty seats at the bar and then turned her attention toward the stools next to him. What surprised him the most was that she effortlessly hopped onto the stool directly beside him instead of keeping her distance.

  “I have a confession,” she said without turning her gaze toward him, which only reminded Landon that he held his burger still and a couple of inches from his mouth. He quickly dropped it onto his plate as if the meal had burned him.

  “Yeah? What’s that?”

  “I came here to get some food and to be left alone and I noticed that you were sitting here by yourself, also looking like you wanted to be left alone. So, maybe we can look like we’re together so that people will leave us alone.” She hadn’t looked up from where she had locked her gaze on the top of the bar with her large bag sitting precariously on her lap.

  Landon wasn’t sure how but he actually followed her sound logic and he understood. It was hard for a woman, especially one alone and one that looked like her, to keep men and women from approaching. He could already tell that she had an air about her that caused people to want to be in her vicinity.

  “I can do that,” he replied without a second thought.

  “Really?” she asked in surprise, turning her face toward him. Landon had never felt a shock through his system as he did when their eyes met for the first time. It was an indescribable sensation that soared through his body as if he had been struck by lightning.

  Landon was speechless as he met her gaze and he could see that she was having a similar reaction if the widening of her eyes were any indication.

  “Landon,” he said, holding out his hand in greeting.

  Her eyes dropped to his tattooed hand for a split second before rising back up to his stare. She held out her delicate hand to shake his as she replied, “Kerry.”

  Fuck, he never wanted to let go of her hand. It was soft and warm and delicate and reminded him of a warm spring day.

  “And I’m Chelsea. What can I get you?” his friend interrupted, but neither he nor Kerry made a move to drop their hands.

  “Him. . .er, I mean. . . whatever he’s having will be fine.”

  Landon chuckled, which caused Kerry’s already blushed cheeks to redden further.

  “Got it. Landon special coming right up.”


  Him? Really? Way to make a fool out of yourself in front of the hottest man you’ve ever laid eyes on.

  Kerry reprimanded herself internally, knowing that her cheeks were flushing furiously. With her pale skin, there was no way to hide the blush that would grow from the crease of her chest up to her hairline.

  Something about the man seemed dangerous as he adjusted the hold of her hand but had yet to release it from his grasp. She wasn’t any more willing to let go of his hand either. It felt reckless, dangerous, and yet familiar. Something about his skin against hers had awoken something in her that Kerry had been afraid didn’t exist. No man had ever interested her in the way this man did with just his touch. Landon, he had said. And being a world traveler as she was, she heard the slightest hint of an accent, but she didn’t want to take the chance to ask. It was taking everything in her to hide her own accent.

  Beside her, someone approached the bar and jostled her arm, causing Kerry to free Landon’s hand in order to keep her bag from falling from her lap. She immediately missed the warmth of his palm.

  “So, what brings you here tonight?” she asked her new friend as the pretty woman behind the bar placed her beer bottle in front of Kerry.

  “Just looking for a break from reality,” he said and Kerry had never heard any truer words spoken.

  Nodding, Kerry immediately agreed with him.

  “Though, now I wonder if fate played a part in my being here.”

  “Why would you say that?” she asked curiously, sneaking one of the fried potatoes from his plate. She knew it was rude, but they looked and smelled delicious. He didn’t seem to mind as he smirked, showcasing a small dimple in his right cheek, as he slid the plate between them.

  “Of all the places to be, I was lucky enough to be here in the same place where you are.”

  “Maybe it was just a coincidence,” she argued, though she sided with him on the fate theory.

  “I don’t believe in coincidences.” Kerry didn’t either, and as he reached out, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear, she would never consider their meeting an accident.

  As they sat waiting for her burger to arrive, they spoke as if they were the only two people in the room, despite being packed to the brim as the later hour approached. The topics were lighthearted and easy, nothing too personal, but she immediately felt that Landon knew her better than anyone could, even than her friend Mary.

  They laughed together while finishing their meals and Kerry had never felt so relaxed, and as the crowd grew larger and surrounded the bar, Landon easily tugged her stool closer to his until their thighs were pressed together.

  She was attracted to him in a way she had never been before. No one, not even Philip, the Lord of Morania and her first real boyfriend, whom she gave her virginity, had created this yearning need of desire within her. Kerry couldn’t even blame the alcohol because she had only had one beer which was lighter than she normally drank. She was sober and cognizant of every single minuscule touch between the two of them. Kerry’s body was on fire and she was afraid that if she didn’t do something about it soon, her blood would boil beneath her skin.

  “I think we’ve stayed in our bubble a little too long,” Landon said as he looked up at the mirror across from them. Kerry joined his gaze and locked in on the area behind them where a group of people crowded, seeking the bartender’s attention.

  The sadness of leaving Landon was overwhelming. It reminded her of the despair she felt at her parent’s ultimatum. “Oh.”

  “Think I can walk you back to your car?” he asked and she could tell he was just as disappointed at the thought of their night ending.

  “Actually, I walked. I’m staying just down the street.”

  “Well, it would make me feel better if I at least walk you to the hotel you’re staying at. Just to the entrance, so I know you returned safely.”

  Smiling in the demure way that her grandmother had taught her, Kerry nodded and agreed to his proposal. He stood from his stool and held is hand out for her to take, helping her down from her own seat.

  The crowd parted for them and Kerry wondered if the group of people could sense the connection that the two of them had. She almost hated that she would never see Landon again, but she could savor these last few minutes with him.

  With clasped hands, they exited the bar into the humid North Carolina evening air. Kerry gestured with her free hand the direction of her hotel and Landon dutifully walked with her on the inside of the sidewalk.

  Kerry realized how stupid it was of her to walk to the bar alone as she had earlier. In the daylight, the small distance didn’t seem so tremendous or fearful, but as the night sky swathed the city in darkness she saw the error of her ways. The walk back would have left her vulnerable, which wasn’t a situation she or anyone needed to be in.

  “Thank you,” Kerry said wholeheartedly as she gripped Landon’s hand tighter. He seemed to understand the meaning of her thanks and he smiled down at her in a way that left her reeling and tripping on a crack in the sidewalk. Luckily, Landon caught her by the waist before she tumbled headfirst into the concrete.

  She could see the headline now,


  And, of course, a horrific image of her b
ruised and battered would accompany the article, probably painting Landon as the perpetrator for the entire scenario.

  He held her there for a moment longer than necessary but Kerry wasn’t complaining. She liked how she felt in his arms. There was a security she hadn’t ever experienced.

  “Thanks,” she said in a whisper. As Landon began to right her, she pretended to dust off her pants as she said, “I can be so clumsy sometimes.” Which wasn’t entirely a lie, but she’d had years of etiquette class to cover up that travesty.

  “Is this your hotel?” he asked without moving his gaze away from her face and it almost pained Kerry to turn away to look at where they were.

  “Yes, it is.”

  “Me too.”


  “Yeah,” he said almost shyly. “I can walk you to the elevator and we can take a separate one.”

  Kerry didn’t reply but followed him through the entrance and to the hallway where a bank of elevators waited for boarding. Their night was ending and Kerry wasn’t ready. She wanted more time with him, more conversation, more. . .everything. But the shy girl she had been as a young child resurfaced and she didn’t know how to ask for what she wanted. Kerry hesitated as they stood in front of the call buttons. She was in agony trying to figure out how to say goodbye to this man she met only a few hours prior.

  “Can I kiss you?” Landon asked as he turned her body to face him.

  Kerry’s breath hitched at the thought of feeling his lips against hers. The words were on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn’t seem to get them out. Instead, she nodded as she slid her free hand up his bicep, reveling in the shiver of his body at her touch.

  Landon didn’t hesitate as he leaned down, ducking his head beneath the brim of her hat, and brushing his lips against hers. It was the slightest of touches, almost like a sigh, but it was more potent than any kiss she had ever experienced. Kerry parted her lips, just the hint of an opening where her tongue peeked through to lick at his upper lip. At that moment, Landon growled against her lips as the elevator doors opened.

  “You take this one,” he growled and she wondered if he was struggling as much as she was to keep herself in check.

  Boldly Kerry slid her hand to Landon’s chest, lifted onto the tips of her toes, and nibbled on the lobe of his ear as she whispered, “Come with me.”

  “Fuck, are you serious?” he rumbled as he stuck out a hand to keep the elevator doors from closing.

  “I can honestly say I have never asked a more serious question in my entire life.”

  Silently he tugged her into the car and spun her until she faced him. His large hands reached up and cradled her face as he leaned forward until there was barely an inch separating their faces.

  “No regrets?”

  “Not a single one. I promise.”

  “God damn,” he snarled as he used his strength to bring her mouth to his in a kiss that seared her lips. His tongue plunged into her open mouth and twisted around her own. It was fast and furious and precisely what she wanted, but it was over far too quickly for her liking.

  “What floor?” he barked as he pulled away, leaving more than a foot between their bodies.

  “Four,” she huffed out, sounding as if she had run up four flights of stairs.

  Luckily the trip was short and the elevator dinged as the car stopped. Gripping her hand, Landon tugged her out of the elevator and waited for her to guide him to her room.

  Her nerves began to build into tidal waves as they got closer to their destination.

  “I just want you to know that I can be a gentleman and drop you off right here, Kerry.”

  Stopping in front of the door, Kerry turned to face him with her key card in hand.

  “That’s not what I want. I want you, Landon.”

  “Fuck, this may be one of the best days of my life.”

  Kerry understood his sentiment because somewhere deep inside her, she knew that it would be hers too.

  Chapter Three

  Landon didn’t know if it was karma paying him back for the years he spent behind bars or if it was simply fated like he had told Kerry, but he had never been so thrilled to find himself in Chelsea’s bar that night. This woman that looked like she belonged on a movie screen, and with the same class as Grace Kelly, she had invited him back to her hotel. And, wouldn’t you know, it happened to be the same hotel he frequented whenever he was in Asheville.

  He didn’t know much about her, nor did she learn much about him. Their conversation at dinner steered clear of any personal topics, focusing on easier subjects instead.

  But it didn’t matter to Landon. He knew Kerry. Something inside of him felt as if he had known this woman his entire life. His heart sputtered in his chest with the phrase “Anam Cara” flitting through his mind. It was something his mother used to say before she was taken from him. She wanted him to find his Anam Cara – his soulmate. And his heart was certain that it was this blonde-haired beauty.

  Hell, he’d barely glimpsed at her profile when she sat beside him at the bar, but he knew she was beautiful. But Landon was ready to pry off that ratty ball cap to see the loveliness hidden beneath.

  Kerry hesitated as she slid the keycard into the lock and Landon worried that he was going to burst out of his skin. He was itching in desire for her, but he knew to let her lead. She was skittish about where they were headed; it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out, but somehow she was willing to step outside of her comfort zone with him.

  “Sorry,” she murmured as she continued to fumble with the card and lock. Stepping forward until his front pressed against her back, Landon placed his hand over hers and slowly guided the card into the slot. On instinct, he tilted his head until his lips brushed against her neck, smiling as she shivered against him. Landon didn’t have to look up to see the light blink green; the lock disengaging sounded like a bomb going off in the hallway.

  They pushed down on the door knob with their combined hands and pushed the heavy door open, Landon stepping back to allow Kerry to enter first. Glancing around the room, Landon took in the small lamp turned on in the corner as Kerry reached into her bag and grabbed a phone, appearing to type out a small message as she approached the dresser where she placed her bag and phone.

  “Um. . .this is me. I’ve. . .um. . .never,” she faltered as her delicate fingers twisted around each other in a nervous gesture.

  Stalking toward her, Landon said, “Never done this. I understand. We’ll take it slow.” Once she was within his grasp, Landon couldn’t help himself as he gripped the brim of her hat and lifted it from her head, doing his best to fight back a groan at seeing the true beauty she was hiding beneath the cotton material. Haphazardly he tossed the cap onto a small chair in the corner, then reached for her hair and tugged the elastic band lose, letting her long wavy hair fall down her back in ripples. With an overwhelming desire to take care of her, Landon reached up and delved his fingers into her hair. He shook the strands to loosen them around her scalp where they had been pressed tightly beneath her hat.

  What he didn’t expect was the orgasmic moan that vibrated through her entire body at the motion.

  “Mmm. That feels so good.”

  “Good. And just think of what else I can do with these hands.” He said it in jest, but watching the pink tip of her tongue peek out from her mouth as she licked at her lips, he realized that he really did want to massage every ounce of muscle in her body.

  Her eyes opened as he slowed his massage and she tentatively reached out and placed her hands on his hips. Her confidence waivered as she bit her lip and Landon wanted to do whatever he could to bring back the self-assured woman from the bar.

  “What do you want, Kerry?”

  “Right now?” she whispered as he drew his hands down from the back of her head to cup her cheeks, replying to her question with a nod of his head.

  “I want to take your shirt off.”

  “Please, be my guest.”

ng the hem of his shirt in her fists, she tugged the material quickly off his upper body and over his head. He loved the way her knuckles scraped against his skin, and as she threw the shirt somewhere in the room, he witnessed her chest heave as she took in his chest and abs. The part of his body he worked the hardest to maintain.

  “Are you real?” Kerry questioned as she traced one of his many chest tattoos.

  “Flesh and blood.”

  “Wow. I mean, you must know how attractive you look, especially like this.” Kerry gestured to his body and he did very little to fight back the smile that grew on his lips.

  “I only care what you think. Now, your turn.”

  She faltered for only a second before taking a deep breath, then reaching down to grip the bottom of her soft tank and lifting it over her head. Landon swallowed his tongue as he took in the pale skin of her soft stomach and the perfect-sized breasts restrained by purple-colored lace. If an angel had fallen on earth, he was now standing in front of one.

  “Are you hiding your wings somewhere?”

  “What?” she asked, cocking her head to the side in confusion. Those big brown eyes were arresting him as they gazed up at him.

  “You look like an angel, beautiful.”

  “Oh! I’ve never been called that before.”

  Extending his arms, Landon cupped her shoulders, sliding his hands around to her back as he leaned closer. His lips met the soft, sensitive skin of her neck and Kerry automatically tilted her head to the side to give him better access.

  “Well, that’s a shame. You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever set my eyes on. I bet if I let myself, I could get lost in you.”

  Landon savored her reaction to his touch and his words. She was melting against him and he wasn’t sure she even realized.

  “I bet you say that to all the girls,” she whispered as her hands inched up his chest. It was pure agony in the best way as her fingertips left trails of heat across his skin.

  Landon was surprised by her words, that she believed this was as casual a hookup as any other woman he could have met tonight. But he knew this night was going to be different. She was different. Kerry was going to flip his world on its axis and he was never going to be the same after their night together.


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