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Redeeming Ace's Heart

Page 5

by M. T. Ossler

  I need to take a step back and stop thinking so much. My brain and heart need a rest. We’re on vacation and I need to relax and enjoy it. Let the pieces fall as they may.


  We’ve been at the resort for a couple of days and things have been going great. Our first day here, Ace, Blaze, and Dusty took Gigi and me to the pool and out to dinner. It was a fun-filled day and we all enjoyed spending time together. Gigi ended up passing out after dinner, so the guys and I hung out in the living room, watching a movie. Ace sat next to me on the couch and Blaze and Dusty took the chairs. Everything was going great, until Ace put his arm on my shoulder and pulled me closer to him, in the middle of the movie. I freaked out on him, slapped him across the face, and yelled at him for touching me. Then I stormed off like a petulant child, to bed.

  The next day, the guys took us, girls, shopping at the mall, and Gio and Bella joined us. Ace seemed to forgive me and forget all about my little outburst last night. He even held my hand for the first time, granted, he held Gigi’s too, but it was different. He was very attentive to my needs and Gigi’s.

  Ace wouldn’t let me spend any of the cash I brought, as much as I protested. The whole day was on him.

  He was like a different person. It kinda worried me for a while, but I dismissed it.

  We all had dinner together and after dinner, we took Bells to get her property tat. I ended up having Ace give me a tattoo with my parents’ initials on my wrist while we were there.

  All and all, it was a spectacular day and night.

  Today, we’re all spending the day by the pool. The guys have Club business that can’t wait after the news they received yesterday at lunch. They can’t tell us anything about it. We’re used to that, that’s how we grew up. The women and children were kept in the dark when it came to Family Mafia Business. The enemy can strike at any time, and since we were the weakest link in the organization, they would not have any qualms going after us. We can’t be left vulnerable, so we’re kept out of it. It’s the same with their Club and I get it.

  Once they find what they need they usher us off to the spa with Dusty. We have a divine time relaxing as the technicians pamper us for a couple of hours, then head back to Bella’s room.

  When I see the look on the guy’s faces, I know something is up. They have a few things to explain to us and tell us the plan for the rest of our stay here.

  “First, Shorty, you and the kid are going to stay with Cindy for the rest of our trip. She’ll bring you both back to the Clubhouse on Monday. There’s also going to be two brothers from our Tampa Club staying with you. They’ll be accompanying you all home and staying at the Clubhouse for a few days,” Ace says.

  Romeo and Cotton are the guy’s names Beast informs Bella. She’s nervous about leaving her sister.

  Aunt Cindy only lives about a half an hour away from the resort. When Gio moved to Florida, she followed him, so she could be close. She was always closer to Gio than his brother Carlos. So, after losing her husband then her sister, she decided to follow Gio here, when he set his roots down with the Club.

  “We’re going to have some company for the rest of our stay here as well. Bull and Ghost from Daytona are staying with us,” Gio tells us.

  The guys want to have some adult time out since it’s the start of the weekend. I’ve heard Blaze complain about not getting his dick wet for days and needing a bitch to relieve himself.

  Being that it’s Friday night and we have until Monday here at the resort, this is a good plan. This is going to be a long and frustrating weekend without having Gigi around as a buffer to keep Ace away from me, though.

  “When we get back to the Clubhouse Monday, we’re going to have a full house. Gator needs all the sister Club’s Prez’s, VP’s and SAA’s staying with us for a few days to deal with some Club business.” Gio looks at Bella with a soft face to relax her. He continues talking to her more about what’s going to happen when we get back.

  “You two need to go pack all your things,” Gio tells the kids. “We need to get ready to leave soon. Also, Mini Princess, around the guys you need to remember to call me Beast.” She nods to him and looks over at Dusty.

  Then we go our separate ways, for now, to get ready. On the way, next door Ace says, “That goes for you too, babe.” I give him a look wondering what he’s talking about. “Beast, you need to call him Beast around the guys.” “Oh, ok, I can do that,” I say and run over to Gigi.

  “G, go start packing your clothes and I’ll be in shortly,” I say and wave her to the back of the villa to our room, with a smile. The guys have all gathered in the kitchen for a drink and I do something I probably shouldn’t.

  “Ace, may I speak to you alone, in your room.” All the guys stare at me for a long second before Ace nods to me. He places his hand on the small of my back and ushers me to his room. His hand makes contact with a sliver of bare skin on my back, electrifying me and almost sending me up to the roof. His touch has always affected me, but lately, it’s become more intensified. I’m constantly on my guard and trying to bury my feelings, deep, for him. I still don’t know where my life is heading with all the chaos that still looming around. And I won’t; no, I can’t add my heart into the mix any more than it has to be. At least, I’m trying not to.

  “What’s up, babe? Feeling lonely and need a little one on one with my love muscle,” he says, chuckling with lust in his sparkling blue eyes. I don’t laugh as I turn to face him. He locks the door and I scowl at him. God, his cocky attitude has the butterflies in my stomach doing summersaults. His smooth, sexy voice is like silk slinking all around my naked body, caressing me and causing my nipples to become hard buds. My pussy is throbbing with need, and my honey is dripping. He is the only man that has ever gotten this reaction from my body. Heating me up inside, burning my core for his touch. My own touch doesn’t even soothe me anymore. My touch angers me more than it releases the sexual tension inside me. I know my body wants him, but my head blocks all those thoughts, so my heart won’t hurt. Guarded, locked up, that’s what my heart is encased in, cement and it needed to stay that way. Damn it, his sexy sledgehammer needs to stay away and not chip at my walls around my heart.

  “You keep that little one-eyed snake away from me, asshole. I’ve already told you, it’s never going to happen,” I say acting pissed. “Can you be serious for me, just a minute? I have questions that I need answers to. I won’t ask you about the Club, but there are things I need to know.” His face goes blank, with no emotions as he glares at me and nods. I continue as best as I can because my thoughts are all jumbled up in my head and not in a good way.

  “Are Bella, Gigi and Aunt Cindy in any danger? Cause if they are, maybe I should go with Gigi and you guys stay and protect Bella. She can’t get hurt again and I don’t mind protecting Gigi...” Ace places his hands on my upper arms. “Jules, stop! Look at me, now!” He steps closer to me and lifts my chin with his index finger. We gaze into each other’s eyes for a minute and I feel my heart rate picking up. He lowers his head, so his mouth is close to my ear. I lose my breath for a moment and close my eyes to take in his scent. Motor oil, leather, suntan lotion and pure man.

  “You are not going anywhere, but on the back of my bike tonight, babe. Shorty will be fine at Cindy’s house. Romeo and Cotton are only there to watch over them. We are just doin’ this as a precaution. There is no direct danger, I promise you.” His hot breath fans my ear and I shiver.

  Shit, he’s cracking my walls, damn him. Riding on the back of his bike, my body pressed against his... This is not going to end well for me. The last time I was on his bike, I had vision him fucking me on it. My naughty, lustful thoughts got me in trouble that week. I must have made myself cum a dozen times that night after Bella’s party, more the next day and through the week. I had to stay away from him for days to get myself under control.

  I shake myself out of those thoughts and proceed to step back. I need to get out of here. As I step back, he grips my face in his h
ands, holding me in his tight grasp. I can’t move, I can only stare into his mesmerizing eyes. Then he bends his head down, his lips are so close to mine, one more move and he’ll capture them. He’s going to kiss me, my very first kiss.

  No, no, no, not like this, it can’t be like this. Not that I need hearts and flowers or any of that shit. But, we’re not even together. I want my first kiss with him to be special and memorable. Not in the heat of the moment. That brakes me out of the trance he has me under. I grab tightly onto both his wrists, forcefully remove them from my face and jerk my head to the side away from him.

  “I need to go help Gigi and get ready. I’ll see you later,” I whisper, darting out of the room. Most importantly, escaping him and the way he makes me feel.

  I help Gigi finish packing her things and get dressed.

  Tonight, I decide to wear a strapless dress that ends mid-thigh, which I designed myself and made with Ces. It’s probably not very appropriate for Ace’s bike, but I don’t care. This is what Bella and I decided we were going to wear.

  We all leave for the night and I climb on the back of his bike. The ride to Aunt Cindy’s is excruciating, I’m so aroused by the time we arrive. The two men we meet don’t help. The way they are looking at me and the way Ace is acting, so territorial is cracking my walls even more.

  We leave them and meet two more men Bull and Ghost for dinner before heading to the club. The men are easy to get along with and we have a great dinner with the best margaritas I’ve ever had.

  Ace sat next to me and like a man showing his ownership, he puts the men in their place to back off. I swear I feel like he pissed on me like a dog marking his territory and they backed away from his property. I let it go so as not to start a fight and drink another margarita.

  We finally make it to the club and I am able to put some distance between Ace and me. The guys get us frozen strawberry daiquiris and I sit with Bella at the bar. Blaze, Bull, and Ghost left us when we arrived, so they could have their own fun. I know they went to find a chick and get laid. Probably in the bathroom or behind the building, those guys have no shame.

  After a couple of drinks, Bella and I decide it’s time to hit the dance floor in the first club. The guys dance with us and I find it nice dancing in Ace’s arms. This, of course, isn’t the first time I’ve danced in his arms. The first time was at Bella’s birthday party and it didn’t feel like this. Things are definitely evolving between us and I don’t think I can fully stop my feelings now.

  With the alcohol running through my body, it’s becoming harder and harder to hold up my walls. They are starting to dissolve, slowly.

  We leave the first club and head to the one next door. This time I steal Bella and drag her to the dance floor to dance with me. We only get an hour or so before exhaustion takes over our bodies. It’s been a long day and we’re all wiped. The sun, the spa, the alcohol, and dancing have done us in. The guys join us for a couple of dances before Blaze and the other guys find us and are ready to go.

  I’m so tired, I can’t keep my eyes open, and hold on tighter to Ace on our ride back to the resort not to fall off his bike. When we arrive, he informs the guys, he’ll be staying with me in my room and Blaze will take his room, leaving Ghost and Bull the other.

  I change for bed into my bedclothes in the bathroom. One of Romeo’s old band T-shirts and a pair of Lorenzo’s boxers, that I stole from them a long time ago. I get comfortable on the right-side of the bed, facing the bathroom, and crawl into a ball on my side. I stay on my side, and he stays on his for the rest of the night.

  Chapter 6


  Icouldn’t have planned this any better if I tried. Sleeping in bed with Jules and waking up with her in my arms. Best feeling in the world. Why in the hell have I been fighting this? Oh yea, cause I’m a piece of shit that doesn’t deserve her. She deserves so much more than the likes of me, anyway.

  She jumps out of bed, out of my arms, when she wakes up and realizes how close we were. She dresses in the bathroom and I change in the bedroom.

  We meet everyone at the pool and spend the rest of the day there. Then we will get ready for another night on the town with the girls.

  Bull found this shit hole, Mexican restaurant for dinner. The girls love Mexican food and Beast is all for keeping them happy. The guys are easy, as long as there is alcohol, we’re good. To be honest, Mexican food is my favorite and the shit hole restaurants are always the best. After dinner with everyone, this one was a lot more relaxed, since Bull and Ghost got the hint last night that Jules is off limits.

  It’s time to head to the club. Tonight, we’re hitting one of the bigger ones here in Orlando, EVE. We head to the bar for some drinks and shots of Fireball for the girls. Once they have a few, courtesy of Ghost’s bartender friend, the girls book it to the dance floor.

  The guys and I find ourselves at the edge of the floor, watching the girls dance. There are some fine-looking pieces of ass here tonight. Our brother should have no problem finding some tail to take the edge off. I keep my eyes on my surroundings for trouble, but I can’t take my eyes off Jules, the way she moves her body, so seductively. She’s putting on a show for me, I can see it in her eyes everytime our eyes connect.

  My cock doesn’t even stir in my pants looking at these bitches. It seems all he wants is Jules. One look at her sexy body and he’s pulsing, aching for her touch.

  Damn, I have to adjust my cock and calm my shit down. Six weeks of just my fuckin’ hand is a motherfuckin’ bitch, I’ll tell you. I haven’t gone this long without pussy since I was a teenager. I don’t know how much longer I can go. My cock is raw most days. I jack off three or four times and I’m still not fully satisfied. I need pussy before I lose my damn mind, or my cock falls off.

  Blaze, Ghost, and Bull decide it’s time to leave us. Time to find a bitch or two and get their dicks wet for the night. Bitches love our kuttes and when they see the officer patch they bring it even harder. I personally always stuck with the club girls and party girls, citizens are too much trouble. But, my brothers just need a release, so they won’t be fussy.

  The girls stay on the dance floor for a couple of hours , when the guys make their way back over to us with beers in hand. They run their mouths about the sexy way the girls are dancing, and with one look from Beast and me and they shut their traps up fast.

  It’s about two in the mornin’ and the Club is standing room only. That’s when I notice a couple of big guys with kuttes, making their way towards the dance floor. I immediately send Bull and Ghost to the other side of the room to check it out.

  Then I notice two other men going straight for our girls out of nowhere. The men are wearing kuttes, but I can’t see what club they are from. This is not good. I have a gut feeling they are part of the shit with the missing girls around here. I need to get a closer look at the men.

  Two men grab the girls by their arms, leading them off to the side.

  Beast grabs my shoulder at the same time I notice them. “Blaze get your ass over to Bull and Ghost. We’re going to need backup and fast,” I order him, and he runs off to find the guys. That’s when I realize they’re not from our Club.

  Beast and I rush straight to our girls. As we get closer, I spot the back of the motherfuckers’ kuttes.

  The Macks, those bastards are involved with all the girls that have gone missing around here. My eyes stay on Jules and I see that shithead Devil with his slimy hands on my Jules. From the corner of my eye, I see their Enforcer, Spooky has his grubby hands on Bella. The girls look scared shitless.

  I know they grew up Mafia, but this is a different ball game from what they’re used to. These assholes have their hands all over the girls and want to steal them from us. I have no claim on Jules, but I’m not letting her go.

  My hand automatically finds my piece in my kutte and I stay steady. I can’t draw my gun with all these citizens here as much as I want to kill Devil for touching what’s mine; or will be soon enough.

sp; Beast does his thing, evaluating the situation and talking Spooky into letting them go.

  We find out they picked our girls out specifically for a buyer. These bastards are into sex trafficking girls.

  They also want to sample our girls’ sweet pussies first before they let the buyer have them. They offer us a round with the girls for a price. Fuckin’ sick, these two bastards are. They will not be getting a taste of our girls, especially my Jules. She’s mine and I will be the only man in this room to taste her sweet pussy.

  Beast is not getting anywhere with Spooky in his negotiations. Spooky is adamant about leaving the club with the girls for their buyer.

  Then I see Devil’s hand glide up from Jules’s waist, under her shirt and up to her breast. My blood starts to boil. I know I can’t allow my emotions to take over, but I want to shoot the motherfucker right fuckin’ now for touching her.

  My girls face is down so I can’t see her eyes, but I can tell from her body language what’s going on in her head, emotionally. She’s scared and frustrated that her hands are tied, figuratively, because she can’t defend herself. She’s a fighter at heart and will protect those she loves to the death if need be.

  Bella is holding one of her hands to ground her and I think that’s the only thing that is keeping her from losing her shit and attacking him like she really wants to.

  He squeezes her nipple, hard, and I hear her wince. I can’t do a damn thing to help her and that is killing me inside.

  I feel the same way she does, and I haven’t felt this scared, or this much pain in my heart since I had to leave Brookie all those years ago. This is why I pushed her away in the beginning. I need to do something for her. I have to save her from this nightmare. I won’t walk away from another person I care about again. I wish I could trade spots with her and Bella. Bella has been through enough shit to last a lifetime and she doesn’t need our fucked-up club mess on top of it.


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