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Redeeming Ace's Heart

Page 20

by M. T. Ossler

  Her body skyrockets out of control, it’s a sight to see and behold I’ll tell you that. The most beautiful thing in the world.

  Her body continues to quake under me, I get up and abruptly enter her, not giving her a chance to regulate her breathing. I pump in her slowly, making love to her like she requested. Being in this position is a little tricky with her growing belly. She’s not that big, it’s not that, it’s that I can’t get too close to her. I have to hold my weight off her, so I don’t hurt her or the baby. Which makes making love to her difficult. She likes the closeness in this position and so do I, skin rubbing against skin. Her nipples pressed up against my chest, the friction, the heat from our bodies connected. I miss all that and I know she does too, it won’t be for much longer and in the meantime, there are other ways to be close.

  “More, more!” she shouts out her command. I stop moving, wrap my arms around her and roll us over. She wants to command me, then she can be in control. She balances herself with her hands on my chest and starts to bounce on me slowly. As she builds up her speed I work her clit with one hand. After wetting my fingers with my saliva, I stick one finger then another in her ass. She bounces up and down on me faster, like a mad woman in a race and I meet her with every down thrust. Racing to the end of our bliss. I want this to last, but between her moves, it’s not going to be possible. She looks like a sexy goddess riding my cock like she’s riding a bull, I don’t think I can hold back for long.

  She leans forward, and I take her nipple into my mouth. The second I bite down it’s her undoing and she explodes.

  “Fuck!” she screams through her orgasm and I stop myself.

  One last thrust up meeting her down and I freeze, roaring as I fill her up with my seed. The intensity of her spasms around my cock pull me in and I blow. I cum hard as I take her hips in my hands and stop her movements.

  She collapses on my chest gasping for air. Our breathing is ragged, and the room is spinning. I hold her in my arms, raking my fingers through her hair. She falls back to sleep instantly, and I turn us to our sides. I’m not far behind, feeling my cock softening and leave her as I pass out.

  A couple hours of sleep will suffice for now. I claim her sweet pussy again in the mornin’ before we gather the gang and head out to the doctors.

  Chapter 20


  I’m so excited I can’t seem to contain myself or my hormones this morning. I woke up in the middle of the night needing Hunter inside me and again this morning. I even attacked him in the shower. I just can’t get enough of him these days. The fun we have in the bedroom, well not just the bedroom, we have had sex on every surface in our new home inside and out. I tried to get him to take me in the lake, but he won’t let me in there until the baby comes.

  Today, we’re going to see the doctor and have another ultrasound. This will be our second. We had one last month, the baby is growing perfectly, and everything is good. I declined to find out what we are having, I want to wait until we’re in the delivery room. I know Hunter wants to know, but he has respected my wishes to wait. A part of me, a large part of me wants to know and today would be my chance. But a small part of me wants to wait till I see our baby. I don’t know what I want anymore. As long as the baby’s healthy I can’t ask for anything else.

  “Babe, you ready? They’re all downstairs waiting for us,” Hunter says entering the room. I finish with my sandals and look up at him before moving from the end of the bed.

  “Hunter, should we find out what the baby is today?” I ask, looking into his eyes for an answer. He walks over to me and takes a seat next to me. Taking me in his arms, he never takes his eyes off mine.

  “Kitten, what’s this all about, I thought you wanted to wait. I’m ok with that. Whatever you want is fine by me,” he says, and I feel my eyes starting to well up.

  “I don’t know what I want or what we should do. Blue, I’m so lost and confused, I wish my mom was here to help make these kinds of decisions. Can you just make this one for us, please?” The tears start to flow on their own accord and I lean into his chest.

  “Oh, kitten, don’t cry,” he says, holding me closer and rubbing my back. He hates to see me cry or hurt.

  “I’ll tell you what, we’ll have the doctor write it down and place it in a sealed envelope for us. We’ll bring it home and when you know for sure what you want we can either open it or throw it away. Or... We can give it to Ces and Bella and we could have a gender reveal party he was talking about the other night at dinner. How does that sound?” I actually like that idea. I want to be surprised and a gender reveal party would be just that.

  I pull back from him and wipe my eyes free of my tears. Looking up at him, I smile a real happy smile.

  “Can we do it at the wedding. That would make our day even more special.” He gives me his award-winning smile and agrees to talk to Bella and Ces to set it up.

  He takes my hand and we head down to everyone and out to the doctor’s office.

  Since, Bella, Gigi, Ces, and I are on lockdown and have to have extra protection, we have an entourage joining us today. Bella is having her six-week checkup while we’re there too and the boys have an appointment with their pediatrician. You could say we’re killing two birds with one stone, actually three. The guys wanted us to have it all done in one day, so they could protect us better; or this could become a bigger disaster having us all in the same place at the same time. That could make it easier to get all their targets at once.

  So, that’s why so many men are joining us. The men from our Club are Gator, Blaze, Ryder, Shadow, Hawk, Wolf, Throttle, Snake, Dusty, Val, Lorenzo, Rom, and Bash. Of course, we also have Gio and Hunter along with Aunt Cindy, Sam, Gigi, Bella, Ces, the boys and me. I think Maddox and a couple of his men are joining us too if I heard Hunter correctly. Like I said, our own entourage.

  Thankfully, Dr. Metcalf is used to us all by now and shuts her office down for us.

  We make it to the hospital and head up to Dr. Metcalf’s office first. I’ll have my ultrasound and then Bella will have her exam before we take the boys to their doctor.

  And just as I suspected, Maddox, Bull, and Cane are waiting for us. Her waiting room is large enough to accommodate most of us.

  Dusty, Shadow, Hawk, Wolf, Throttle, Snake, Bull, and Cane will be waiting in the waiting room with the boys. Hunter only wanted our immediate family with us for this moment. I have no qualms having the other guys with us, but when Hunter makes up his mind, there is no changing it.

  The nurse takes us all back and I get settled on the table. Everyone gathers around close to us and we wait for the doctor. A couple of minutes later she enters the room.

  “Good afternoon everyone. It’s always a pleasure to see y’all,” she addresses the room as she walks over to me and the machine.

  “Ace, Jules, how are you feeling today?”

  “Good, ready to see our little bug and make sure he or she is staying healthy,” I say taking Hunter’s hand in mine.

  “Alright, then let’s get to it. Are we revealing the sex today or are you still adamant about waiting?” she asks, and Hunter takes this one.

  “Actually, Jules and I have decided to have you write it down and place it in an envelope and give it to Bella and Ces,” he says to the doctor then turns to them, behind me.

  “We want you to do the gender reveal thing you talked about at dinner the other night, at our wedding. Make our special day even more memorable.” As he speaks the doctor prepares me with the gel on my belly and gets the wand ready.

  “Oh, thank God, I thought I was going to have to go behind your backs and have Dr. Metcalf tell me during my exam,” Bella says excitedly, practically hopping in place.

  “It’s been driving her crazy not knowing,” Gio says placing a kiss on Bella’s head as he wraps his arms around her waist from behind. I smile at them and then look at the TV on the wall.

  “I think that will be perfect. We can get balloons in pink or blue and stuff them in
a box. You can open it before you cut your cake,” Ces says excitedly too.

  “Ok, here’s your baby. All healthy and growing properly. I’m going to take some measurements and then I’ll print off some pictures. I’ll give Bella the envelope with the gender before I examine her.

  Doc does her thing pointing out our baby’s parts leaving out the little bit. When she finishes she hands us a dozen pictures and we all head out to the waiting room. Gio and Bella head to an exam room.

  When we enter the room, Shadow is holding Dominic and pacing the room with a crying little man. Bull has Lorenzo in his arms and he’s crying too.

  I look at Aunt Cindy and say, “I’ll get Dominic, you take Lorenzo.” She heads over to Bull taking the baby from him and I head to Shadow. We get the babies settled and feed them before Gio and Bella are finished.

  I keep Dom in my arms and sit with Hunter, not wanting to let my little guy go just yet. He snuggled up in my arms with his face in my neck. I love holding the babies.

  All of a sudden, an idea hits me, and I have to speak fast before Gio and Bella come out.

  “Hey, guys, come here. I have a plan and I need your help,” I say and they all gather around us.

  “What are you up to, kitten?” Hunter asks, and I give him a seductive smile. He may not like what I have planned, but he’ll do it for me and his brother.

  “Ok, I’ll make this simple for you guys. We need to give Beast and Bella the night alone, no babies. So, we are going to need all hands at our house tonight. Aunt Cindy, Gigi, even you Dusty, pack an overnight bag, you’ll be staying with us tonight,” I say, and I hear Val and Lorenzo groan.

  “Jul, what the hell are you getting at?” Val asks not having a clue about this shit.

  “She’s saying it’s been six weeks since they had any alone time. That’s a long time to go. They need to reconnect as a couple and they can’t do that with a house full of people and two babies that wake up every three hours,” Aunt Cindy answers politely for me.

  “Eww, gross, you’re talking about sex. Bella couldn’t until she saw the doctor and was cleared. Why do I always have to be around for adult shit,” Gigi says and turns to hide her face in Romeo’s chest, under his kutte.

  “Gigi, language. Fine, we’ll give them their space. Prez, how do you want the rotation to go since they will all be in one place,” Val asks since he is a full patch member now with Lorenzo. I forget what road name the guys gave them.

  “King and Chains, you stay with your nephews and help them out,” Gator orders Val and Lorenzo. Now, I remember, they named Val, King Pin because he was supposed to be the king of the Mafia after Uncle Dom was killed, but he turned it down to stay here with us.

  They named Lorenzo, Chains because apparently, he’s good with chains. When they had Antonio in the shed he showed off with them and so they thought it fit.

  “Knuckles, you stay close to Shorty and Cindy at Ace’s house.” Knuckles is Dusty’s name, he also got it from his time in the shed with Anton. He’s a good fighter, I saw it first hand at the Saint Patrick Day party at the Club.

  “Prospect Romeo and Bash, you two are on guard duty. I’ll contact prospect Tiny and Bo to rotate perimeter checks around the house and Compound with you.” Gator orders.

  “Shadow, since your head of security, I’ll leave the rest to you.” When Gator finishes Gio and Bella are coming through the doors. Gio goes to his mom and takes Lorenzo and Bella comes to me for Dom.

  Before I hand him over to her I say, “Get your fill now mama cause I'm stealing your boys for the night.” Gio comes to stand next to his wife.

  “You don’t have to do that. We can take care of our boys,” Gio says and I hand Dom over to Bella.

  “We know you can, brother. This is just our little gift to you. Spend the night alone with your wife. The house will be completely empty for you to enjoy yourselves, if you know what I mean,” Hunter says winking at Gio.

  “Oh, sweet Mary and Joseph. Spend the night naked with your wife and don’t worry about your boys or anything. We can all handle them,” Gigi says with a bright red face and we all laugh. Bella’s face goes just as bright red. She turns to her husband and he takes her under one arm and has the baby in the other.

  “Thank y’all. But first we need to get these two bundles upstairs to see their doctor and get the all clear,” Gio says and we all follow them out after they place the boys back in their car seats. Val takes Dom from Bella and Gio keeps Lorenzo.

  After the boys get all checked out we head back to Gio and Bells’ house. Pack the boys with Gigi, Aunt Cindy, and Knuckles help and then head to our house with everyone. By the time we sit down it after five, I’m starving. Hunter sends Romeo and Bash out for pizzas and cheese fries and a lot of other stuff that the guys want.

  I stay on the couch with Gigi and we feed the boys together. We have music on in the background. Ever since getting our own homes Bella and I always have music playing throughout our houses. We love music and it calms the boys.

  “What do you really want?” she asks me, and I look over at her already knowing what she’s asking me.

  “It doesn’t matter to me. The baby’s health is all that I care about,” I tell her honestly.

  “Bells told me what happened before. I’m sorry, sissy. I don’t know how that feels, but I can imagine it’s horrible and that’s why you were afraid to tell us,” Gigi says, wise beyond her years.

  “It was the worst pain I’ve ever experienced. Worse than losing my parents. If it weren’t for Hunter, I don’t know if I could have gotten through the loss. He is my rock,” I say as he enters the room with the guys behind him. They were able to hear us from the other room, so I continue. Hunter sits next to me on the couch and takes me under his arm.

  “I was so terrified to say the words out loud, I even wrote it on paper to tell Hunter. I was so afraid if we told everyone and saw how happy they were for us it would destroy me if I...” I stop and take a deep breath, stiffening my spine. I look down into Dominic’s hazel eyes and take in his handsome face. Hunter places his hand over my belly, under Dom, and I place mine on top of his. I look over at him, gazing into his eyes.

  “I can’t lose this baby too. I can’t let anything happen to him. Hunter, they’re coming for me and they’re gonna hurt him, I know it. You can’t let them get to us. Please, Hunter,” I sob, and he takes the baby from me and passes him off to one of the guys.

  He sets his hands on the sides of my face, cupping my cheeks in his warm touch, and with soft yet stern eyes he says, “Kitten, no one is going to hurt you or our little bug. You have to trust me, I will protect you both with my life and so will everyone in this room.” I see the truth in his eyes, he won’t let anything happen to us on his watch. He’ll stick by my side like he has since they got word about them wanting me again.

  “Wait, did you just say him. How do you know we’re having a boy?” he asks me, knowing full well I haven’t seen the envelope Bella has. He had a dream of our baby but never told me the gender. I don’t know if that was because it wasn’t revealed or if he was respecting my wishes. Either way, I don’t know absolutely.

  “It’s just been a feeling and it slipped out. I don’t know for sure. Do you?” I can see he’s unsure how to answer me. He would never intentionally lie to me, but he would keep a part of the truth from me for my own good.

  “I do know what we’re having, I saw in my dream. I’m not going to confirm or deny your suspicions, though. You’re just going to have to wait a couple of weeks to find out at the wedding,” he says and places a soft kiss on my lips.

  I relax and melt into him, feeling a little bit better. Pregnancy hormones are the worst at times.

  I stay calm for the rest of the night. We eat, talk, and play with the babies. Having a house full of people is tiring and so are the boys.

  The night is long and very exhausting, but worth it to give my bestie a night of fun filled sex with her husband.

  Chapter 21


  It’s been a long fuckin’ week. We ended up keeping the boys all last weekend to give Beast and Bella a break. I love those boys, but they are a fuckin’ handful even with the ton of help we had. They eat constantly, I don’t know how my brother and Bella keep up with them. Well, mostly Bella cause she’s breastfeeding them. I can’t believe her tiny little body can produce that much milk for those two little milk monsters.

  I don’t remember Brookie being that much work, probably because she was only one little girl. Having a partner in crime helps to keep us all on our toes. Those two boys are a handful in and of themselves. They even seem to have their own language to talk to one another, it’s kinda cute, though.

  After having everyone at our house for three nights it was nice to get rid of them and be alone with my girl.

  Until Tuesday that was, Gator received another call from Miguel bursting our little bubble. He said Alejandro called him and is planning to play another angle now that he doesn’t have Chrissy as his insider in our Club. He doesn’t know what because he’s not in the loop, but its something. I’ve been exhausting every lead I can find with no luck.

  It’s Saturday, early afternoon, and we’re away from the Clubhouse for the day. Jules, Bella, and Gigi begged us to take them out to do some shopping for the twins. Those boys are growing too damn fast.

  Therefore, we have to get the guys to tag along, which meant we eat first. Spending a long day with those women and babies is going to be grueling, and we need to fuel up beforehand.

  I love them all dearly. This is my family, but they all are definitely draining to be around for a long time.

  So, here we are, sitting at a long rectangular table in the restaurant waiting for Beast, Bella, Gigi, Knuckles, King, Chains, and the twins to arrive to eat. Jules, Blaze, Throttle, Shadow, and me are waiting. The guy’s rode here on their bikes and Jules and I took our Cage.


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