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Redeeming Ace's Heart

Page 29

by M. T. Ossler

  “Where’s Jules?” Sam asks, and everyone looks around the balcony. When their eyes settle on me, I begin to tremble. They all run inside to find her, and I take the opportunity to breathe as I retrieve my phone.

  I dial Blaze and he answers on the second ring. “Hey, angel, you ready to call...” I don’t let him finish as I enter the living room. I see Sam on her phone and Bella on her’s. I head into the bedroom for some privacy.

  “Jaxson, they came for all of us. They have Jules. They threatened to blow up the building with everyone in it. She had to go to them in the parking garage. I didn’t want to help her, but I didn’t know what to do. You have to tell dad and get your brothers together to save her and their baby. Please, Jaxson, I’m so sorry. Help,” I sob into the phone unable to control my emotions any longer.

  Then I hear a door slam in the background as he growls.

  “Where are right you now?”

  “In dad and Jules’s room. Jaxson...” I cry even harder now. I need him, as much as I hate to admit it, I do. So, in a low voice I say, “I need your arms, I’m so scared for them and dad. Please, Jaxson come hold me.”

  “Aww, my sweet angel, don’t cry, I’m on my way with the guys. I’ll talk to Ace after I get you safely in my arms,” he says the last words and I hear another door slam, this one echoes in my ears. The phone goes dead and two seconds later, Jaxson is barging in the room with my dad behind him. He scoops me up in his arms and I bury my face in his neck and cry, harder than I ever have.

  I hate that I did what I did, but I didn’t see a choice. Worse of all I hate that I did this to my dad, and I adamantly don’t want to see the pain on his face I’ve put there.

  “I got you, angel. It’s all gonna be alright,” Jaxson whispers in my ear, then places a kiss on the top of my head.

  “Baby girl, where is Jules? What the fuck happened?” dad shouts at me. I can’t look at him, I won’t.

  “Ace, brother, take a seat we need to talk.” The room is silent until I hear a plop and then Jaxson talks again. I can tell everyone has piled into the room to hear what Jaxson has to say.

  “I need you to stay calm and think like a VP when I tell you this. You losing control is not gonna help anyone.” I hear a few deep breaths from different people around us.

  “They came for the girls, and she left with them. I don’t know all the details your gonna have to give me a minute to calm my girl and get the answers we need. In the meantime, Xavier we need you to give Throttle and Beast access to your security. Check all the cameras and the elevator.” They shuffle out of the room and when the door closes, I turn my head to find my dad. He’s sitting in a chair in the corner of the room looking mad as hell and trembling. I just got him back and I may lose him forever this time.

  “I’m sorry, daddy, so so sorry,” I sob out. I couldn’t take it if he hates me for this. He extends his arms out for me to come sit with him and I go to him. He wraps his warm arms around me and I cry.

  “Baby girl, none of this is your fault. My Jules is stubborn and strong-willed. When her family is threatened she will do anything to save them, forgetting that she needs to save herself first,” he says and kisses the top of my head.

  “Now, I need you to tell me everything you know, so I can get my girl back before they hurt them or worse...” He trails off for a second. I feel Jaxson’s hand on my back, I reach around and take his hand in mine.

  Taking a few deep breaths that I’ve been holding in I say, “She got a text from an unknown number. It said for all the girls to go down to the parking garage, P1, or they would blow up the building like they did your Clubhouse. She texted them back that we all couldn’t leave cause you guys would find out, so they just took her, for now. There would be two black sedans waiting. They told her not to tell you guys or baby blue would pay. She begged me to help her slip away. I didn’t want to, but we didn’t see another choice. I’m sorry, daddy, please don’t hate me. I can’t lose you again.” I bury my face in his chest to avoid seeing the pain on his face.

  “Daddy, she told me to tell you she loves you to the moon and back, and she’s sorry, but she had to do it for your baby and your family.”

  “Baby girl, I will never hate you. I love you. Now, I need you to do me a favor?” dad asks, and my tear-stricken face pops up to look at him.

  “Anything, daddy, anything.” I will do whatever he wants me to do. Even if I don’t want to, I will do it for him.

  “First, you will promise me that you will not leave this room when Blaze and I leave you to go get Jules.” I can do that even though I don’t want Jaxson to leave me, I know he needs to.

  “I promise,” I say truthfully, knowing this is one thing I can do for the two men I care deeply about.

  “Baby girl, I also need you to promise me that you will always come to me or Blaze before you do anything like this. Save us all this suffering and heartache, please.” I want to promise him this, but if I was in Jules position, I would have done the same thing. I would never want people to be harmed or killed because of me, if I could prevent that I will. I won’t lie to my dad, so I tell him as it is.

  “Daddy, I can’t do that. When it comes to the ones I love, I would do anything to protect them. I would have done the same thing Jules did. I’m sorry that’s not what you want to hear, but I won’t lie to you or anyone. I will promise you this, though. If it’s possible to get word to you under the radar, I will. I will try and prevent the suffering and heartache if possible.” I kiss him on the cheek and hug him tight to me.

  He releases me and looks into my eyes. “I guess that’s all I can ask for.”

  He lifts me from his lap as he gets up and places me back on Jaxson’s. He holds me close to his chest and I lean my head on his shoulder.

  “Gator, we need to contact the other charters immediately,” dad says to Gator.

  I tone them out and stare up into Jaxson’s mesmerizing and soothing light green eyes. He places his hand in my hair, smoothing it down, and I’m putty in his hands. I love being in his arms, all warm, safe and loved.

  Chapter 32


  The fight is just gettin’ good when all my brother’s phones start to ring off the hook. I see Gator on his and Beast, Xavier, and Blaze on theirs. What the fuck is going on now, and where the hell is my call? Then, my heart rate picks up. What if it’s their women calling about Jules? Why is my phone not ringing?

  Then, Gator breaks me out of my thoughts and completely away from the fight.

  “We need to get to the girls. Now!” Gator shouts the order and we all take off to the women. Somethin’ is up and I don’t like the feelin’ I’m getting’ in my gut. My girl is in trouble and no one is talkin’.

  We book it down to my room with Blaze in the lead. The girls are all frantic when we enter the room. Bella and Gigi run straight to Beast, Sam to Gator, Jennie to Xavier’s arms. I follow after my brother, Blaze, to my room, thinkin’ something happened to my sister.

  He scoops her up off the bed, into his arms on his lap. She’s crying, and this is a sight I’m definitely not used to from the strong women in my life. Well, except for when they’re pregnant, so I shouldn’t be surprised.

  I take a seat like Blaze orders and he announces Santiago got his claws into my girl. All I see is red, and all I can think is he’s gonna hurt her and baby blue. I can’t let that happen. I need to breathe and start thinking clearly.

  I take Brookie in my arms to help my racing heart and ease my anger. She tells me what she knows, and I take it all in. I’m not mad at her for helping Jules. I am in fact, though, mad as hell at my girl and gonna give her the spanking of her life once I get her back.

  I get why she did what they asked, but she should have trusted me enough to save us. But, clearly, if they do in fact have the building rigged to blow, I couldn’t have stopped it or gotten everyone out in time.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck, what am I gonna do? First, I make Brookie promise me a few things before handing her back to B
laze. I need to think and the only way to do that is to move around.

  I order Gator to put all the Clubs on high alert as I move to the living room.

  I pace the length of the room while my brothers watch me. I clear my head and start to bark out orders.

  “Prospect Colt, Gears, Tiny, and Whiskey you will stay with the girls and kids in Beast’s room when we leave here. Take all the girls cell phones away.

  “Actually, Colt and Gears head up there now and stay with Cindy and the boys, she shouldn’t be alone,” I order them to get their asses in gear. Colt and Gears dart out the room and do as they’re told. We need to patch all these guys in when we get back and get some new prospects. We already have a few candidates, but we’ve been a little distracted to vote them in. Soon, very soon.

  Ok, back to the issue at hand. Think like a VP and not like a husband and father. I need to get my head in the game here. As I’m trying to figure out our next step Gator’s phone rings.

  “Yea,” he says, and I freeze and listen. He turns his phone on speaker, so we all can hear.

  “Shadow contacted me about the explosives, Xavier had the building checked and there are none. It was just a ploy to get her to leave without contacting Ace,” Beast says and takes a deep breath.

  “One of the security guards let them into the garage. We have him indisposed right now and Throttle is questioning him. So far, all he knows is that they are taking her to Mexico. He thinks he heard they say somethin’ about stoppin’ in Pensacola. I contacted Blade and have him on alert.

  “We found the black sedans on the security cameras and have the license plates. Unless they change them or the cars, we should be good. They have Texas plates on them. Both are the same, make, Cadi, model, CTS-V with blacked out tinted windows. The time stamp on the recording is 2257 hours. They left here just about a half an hour ago. If we leave now we could catch up to them in about two hours.

  “I texted the footage to Joker in Jax, Iron Dog in Tallahassee and Blade. They know what vehicles to be on the lookout for. They have their guys on the interstates from here to Blade’s territory.

  “Throttle and I are heading back to Ace’s room now,” Beast finishes. I feel a lot better that my brother has my back and has a plan. I head back to the bedroom to inform Blaze and Brookie what’s goin’ on. They heard so I don’t have to waste my breath.

  Two minutes later Beast and Throttle enter the room. We usher the girls upstairs and get them settled really quickly.

  Then head down to the parking garage. All the guys are taking their bikes and will surround us, except for Throttle, Beast, Blaze, and me. Since, Beast, Blaze and I came in cages, we hop into Beast’s. Throttle is joining us with his computer, apparently, my girl still has her phone and he’s gonna track it. Beast is driving, and I call shotgun, leaving Blaze and Throttle in the back seat. There was no way I could drive or sit in the back seat. I’m too... Where should I start, angry, scared, worried. I’m ready to tear Santiago’s throat out with my bare hands, after I feed the asshole his own dick. This ends tonight. Alejandro needs to back down after this and stay away or I will come for the asshat, too. These fuckin’ Mexican scum need to rot in a fuckin’ ditch for all I care. They just need to stay out of our state, actually the whole goddamn country. Let them live in filth and shame in their own fuckin’ shithole.

  We’ve been driving for the last 45 minutes in silence when Throttle shouts out, “They passed Jax, take exit 351B to I10 west. They’re on it, about 30 miles in. I would say they are doin’ about 70, so if you put the pedal to the metal, Beast, we could meet up with them in less than an hour.” My heart is racing again. We’re close really close, but I can’t get my hopes up just yet.

  Play it cool, man, and think straight.

  Beast does as Throttle instructed and presses down on the pedal, doin’ 90 when he turns onto I10W.

  I place my hand on my 1911 on the inside of my kutte. Those motherfuckers that touched my girl are gonna get a bullet to the head, then I’m gonna torture the sonofabitch personally.

  Time seems to stand still for the longest time. We enter Tallahassee and Gator calls us from his Bluetooth headset.

  “Prez,” Beast answers.

  “I just got a call from Iron Dog. His guys have been in contact with Blade and his men. They met up on the highway and followed the two black Cadi sedans into a Kangaroo gas station off exit 196. They have eyes on Jules, she’s in the store using the restroom. They have the station surrounded and won’t let them leave with her. How far out are we?” Gator asks impatiently. She met him at the bike rally, so she won’t be afraid around him.

  I can almost breathe, she’s safe, we’re close and my brothers have her. Now, I just need to see for myself that they haven’t harmed her.

  “It’s the next exit,” Throttle states and my blood is pumpin’ for two reasons now. One: to have my girl back in my arms and two: to be done with this shit.

  “Dog wants to know if you want his guys to take the seven shitheads back to his place. He said we are welcomed to his, full access, and his boys; we take care of the rest,” Gator asks knowin’ full well I would want some time with the shithead.

  “Hell, yea, Santiago is gonna eat his own fuckin’ dick tonight before I rip his throat out,” I hiss, and everyone is with me. I know I should watch what I say on the phone, but I can’t hold my tongue.

  Gator hangs up as we take the exit off the interstate. I see the red ‘K’ with the gold kangaroo sign first and shout, “There, there.” I point in front of us to the right as Gator turns in to the parking lot. “Hurry, Beast, fuckin’ move it.” I can’t stop now, not until my girl is in my arms. He puts his foot down and presses forward. We make it into the parking lot and see Iron Dog with Jules. His men have the seven asshats and are loading them into a white van.

  I jump out of the cage before Beast stops and run to my girl. Taking her in my arms, I lift her off the ground and hold her tight, taking in her smell. I can finafuckingly breath. Just having her in my arms and smelling her lavender scent is enough to placate me, for now, that is.

  “Don’t you ever leave me like that again!” I say to her mad as hell. She holds me so tight, her nails are digging into my back. Her body is quivering in my arms.

  “I had to, Blue. Please don’t be mad. I couldn’t let anyone I love get hurt because of me. I knew you would save us, I told baby Blue so, too,” she says in a weak voice and places our hands on her belly. I’m flattered she had so much faith in me, but what... I swallow hard just thinking, what if I couldn’t make it to her before they entered Mexico. What if I lost her forever. What the fuck if I couldn’t save her... I wouldn’t survive that, I couldn’t survive losing her and our baby.

  As if she’s able to see my wheels turning in my head and know exactly what I’m thinking she says, “Don’t think about the what-ifs, Blue. You came just like you promised you would, and I know you’ll always come for me. I love you, Blue, to the moon and back.” I feel her tears soakin’ my shirt under my kutte. The girls love to hide their faces under our kuttes and honestly, I love it too. She’s close to me, so I can feel her warmth.

  “I love you too, kitten. Baby, you almost gave me a fuckin’ heart attack and I’m too young for that shit. We’re supposed to be a team and half that team was left out of the decision makin’ tonight,” I grunt needing her to see how her actions have reactions.

  Ces comes behind her and places a kiss on her head so she knows he’s here. She takes his hand in hers.

  “Hey, Ace, brother,” Iron Dog says interrupting us. “The guys are loaded and heading to my casa. Ya ready to get out of here, brother?”

  “Yea, let’s go. Can you have a room set up for my ol’ lady while we all talk?” I ask not saying the words out loud. Jules doesn’t need to know how this night is gonna end.

  “Yea, let’s ride.”

  I lead Jules over to Beast’s cage and take her to the back. We need to have a private little talk about this stupid stunt of her’s.
Did she not learn anything from that shit with Shorty?

  We go to the back and I start to lace into her. She stops me with an intensely passionate kiss. Once her lips make contact with mine, all my anger and frustration disappear, and passion ignites inside me. With just the touch of her lips, she has me hard, painfully hard straining my pants.

  Iron Dog shows us to the room when we arrive and tells me to meet him in the bar after I get Jules settled. I fuck my girl nice and hard and then leave her sated and asleep for the night. She’ll be out till late mornin’ just enough time for me to handle the scum.

  I let the guys finish off the six shitheads, while I take my anger and frustration out on Santiago.

  Our brothers have a decent spread here of tools for us to use. I’m not as good as my brother, Beast at torture, but I think I can hold my own.

  After takin’ my time on his hands and toes I’m ready for the main event. I cut his dick off and true to my word I shove it down his own damn throat. The guys all get a kick out of watching the big man love on his own cock, him not so much. I figure he deserves it, though, for the way he wanted my girl and all the other women he’s sold into slavery and hurt or killed. The humiliation on his face was well worth it. I even had one of Iron Dog’s men video the show to send to Alejandro, with his head.

  That’s right folks, after feeding him his puny little wiener. Yea, a wiener the size of a hot dog and not a jumbo one mind you, I’ll send head an all to Alejandro!

  I rip his throat out with my bare hands. Well, after I slit it with my knife that is. I’m not a real monster, contrary to popular belief, I don’t have that kinda strength.

  I finish up with the asswipe around seven in the mornin’. Trigger, their Enforcer, shows us to a room to shower and change out of our bloody clothes, giving us club T-shirts to wear.

  While we’re doin’ that, he and his guys are boxing up Santiago’s dick filled mouth and the video to be sent out to Mexico this mornin’. The Cartel better back off after this or we will come after them.


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