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Page 5

by Sylvia Fox

  I guess I’d find out soon enough. It was time for me to go tell him the news.

  My raised fist hovered in front of his office door, my heart beating wildly in my chest. I couldn’t bring myself to knock, no matter how hard I tried. What would he say when he saw me standing here? What would he do? Would he shut down again and icily tell me to get the hell out? I didn’t know if I could take it if he did, especially not with the news I’d come to deliver to him.

  No, I thought to myself. I can’t do this right now. I needed to let this sink in first and come to grips with it myself. I’d only just found out moments ago that I was pregnant. I needed to figure out what this meant for my life. I’d come running over here without thinking things through. This had been a mistake. I wasn’t ready to come face to face with him yet.

  But before I could turn around and hightail it out of there, the door opened. Swallowing hard, I took a step back and met Wyatt’s wide eyes. The stubble on his face had thickened in the past few weeks, and the bags under his eyes had darkened. While he still looked like the handsome man I knew and loved, he looked far more worn down. Sad, even. Depressed.

  “Becca?” He flicked his eyes around the station behind me, clearly nervous about someone catching me outside his office door. “What are you doing here?”

  “There’s something I need to talk to you about,” I said, taking a deep breath to steady my nerves. The rush of excitement, fear, and love I felt for this man was almost overwhelming. I’d done my best to push it down while I’d been finishing the semester at school, but now that he was standing before me, it had come roaring back in full force.

  “Becca.” He sighed and shook his head, dragging his eyes away from mine. “We can’t do this. I’m so sorry I gave you the wrong idea when you were here last time, but it’s done. It’s over.”

  Tears pricked my eyes, but I blinked them away. As much as his words made me want to turn around and run right out of the station, I forced my feet to stay put. I needed to tell him this, and he needed to hear it. “That’s not why I came here. Please hear me out.”

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart, but I can’t.” He took a step back into his office and began to close the door, but I stuck a foot out to stop it from closing all the way. Pain flickered across his features. I could tell this was killing him as much as it killed me. “Please, Becca. Listen to me. Your father would not be a happy man if he found out you were here.”

  “I’m pregnant, okay?” I blurted out the words. They hung in the air between us for a long moment, my voice echoing in my ears. Wyatt’s face went through a myriad of emotions. Shock, confusion, pain, and then pure unadulterated joy. His lips lifted into a smile, and the exhaustion in his eyes was replaced by a shining light.

  “You’re pregnant.” His voice came out hushed. “Are you certain?”

  “I just took the test a few minutes ago, and then I came straight here to tell you.” I moved into his office, and this time, he didn’t try to stop me. I shut the door quietly behind me and leaned against it, trying to keep as much distance between us as possible. The way he was looking at me, I wasn’t sure I could control myself if my body got much closer to his. All I wanted was for him to touch me, to please me, to be inside me once again. I was carrying his baby, and I was one hundred percent his. And I wanted to show that to him the only way I knew how.

  “I wanted to come here to tell you that I want to keep the baby,” I said after a deep breath. I’d known this the moment I’d taken the test, but it felt good to voice it aloud. “I haven’t decided much more than that, but that’s one thing I know for sure. You don’t have to be involved if you don’t want to, but I thought you should know about it either way. I mean, I hope you’ll be involved. But I understand if that isn’t what you want.”

  His smile grew even more. “Oh, Becca. Sweetheart. You just made me the happiest man alive. Of course I’ll be involved in our baby’s life. I wouldn’t have it any other way. And I’ll do whatever it takes to look after you, if that’s what you want.”

  Chapter Twelve

  That night, after my parents had fallen asleep, I climbed out the newly-replaced window in my bedroom, scaled down the tree, and ran down the driveway to where Wyatt was waiting for me, his car idling on the side of the road. It felt exhilarating to meet him like this, under the dark cover of the still and quiet night.

  We’d decided to hold off on telling my parents about the pregnancy until I’d had a chance to go to the doctor for an official check-up. That and I really wanted to buy us a little more time. After the way my dad had reacted to finding his best friend and his daughter post-coitus, I was pretty sure he wasn’t going to be thrilled by the news that said friend had put a baby inside said daughter.

  Apparently, he’d been civil to Wyatt since then, but things had been strained. No more Saturday nights drinking whiskey, smoking cigars, and chatting up a storm.

  But that didn’t mean that Wyatt wanted to put a hold on everything else. In fact, he’d seemed eager to spend time with me, though I wasn’t entirely sure what was going through his mind. Did he still want me? Or was this just about the baby? I guessed I would find out soon enough.

  He had the heat blasting when I slid into the passenger seat, and he shot me that sexy, lopsided grin of his that warmed me all the way to my toes. And the car was filled with the pine-and-mint scent of him. It took all my self-control not to slide across the seat and climb on top of him, riding him all the way to our destination.

  One he’d kept secret.

  “Where are we going?” I asked as he turned the car away from town, heading further out of civilization. I’d thought we might spend the evening talking at his house where we could discuss the upcoming months, how we’d break the news to my father, and where I’d live once I’d had birth.

  But Wyatt just smiled.

  Twenty minutes later, I saw what he had in mind as he pulled his car into the lot just beside the state park. Trees loomed high all around us, their branches hanging low from the weight of the snow, and the clear sky overhead showed an array of twinkling stars. Wyatt cut the engine and turned to me with a smile so warm that I thought I would melt.

  “Here we are.”

  I nibbled on my bottom lip. “As nice as this park is, I don’t really understand what we’re doing here. It’s freezing outside and it’s the middle of the night.”

  “Of course it’s the middle of the night.” He jerked his chin toward the back of the car. “Look what’s in the backseat.”

  Craning my head over my shoulder, I saw what he meant. I swallowed hard, not daring to hope but hoping all the same. It was the telescope, the one he’d brought over the night I’d shown him how I felt on my eighteenth birthday. The night I’d thought he wanted me the same way I’d wanted him. And I didn’t know what this meant now, knowing he’d brought the telescope along. Surely he remembered what had happened that night. Surely he knew what this would make me think.

  “The telescope?” I asked in a whisper. “So, you didn’t want to meet me to talk more about the baby?”

  “We have time for all that.” He reached over and squeezed my knee, and a million electric jolts went through my body. He kept speaking, leaving his hand on my leg, and all I could concentrate on was the spot where his fingers touched my skin, even if it was only through my jeans. “I remembered that I never got to show you the stars, and I thought it would be good for us to spend some time together.”

  “Some time together,” I repeated like a parrot. My heart began to race, my mind desperately trying to make sense of what he said. Was he just trying to be nice, like he’d been doing on my birthday? Or was there more to it than that? I couldn’t tell. He hadn’t said a word about what had happened between us a few weeks before, and it had been hard to read his eyes any more than to see that he truly cared about what happened to me. But that wasn’t any different than usual. He’d always cared. And before he’d ripped off my clothes and taken me for his own, it had never been anything mo
re than simply that. Were we right back to that again?

  “You seem upset,” he said quietly, reading my face and my emotions just like always.

  “I can’t figure out what’s going through your mind,” I said, my breath hanging in the cold air that had seeped into the car. “I feel like there is an elephant in the room, and neither of us are acknowledging it.”

  He squeezed my knee again and levelled his gaze at me. “You mean what happened between us. I’m sorry, Becca. I’m not really the kind of man who likes to talk about his feelings.”

  “Feelings?” My mind caught on the word. “So there are….feelings?”

  He let out a light laugh, a sound that rumbled in his chest. “Of course there are feelings, Becca. Feelings I’ve never felt for anyone else. I brought you out here because I want to spend time with you. As a woman and a man who are going to be spending a lot more time together from now on.”

  That still didn’t explain things for me, not nearly enough. Spending time together could mean anything now that we were going to have a child together. Did he mean changing diapers and picking up babysitting duty? Or did he mean something else? All I wanted was for him to explain exactly what he felt, if he felt anything at all.

  “Together how?” I pressed, twisting my body to face him.

  His eyes went dark and hot, and he pressed his other hand to my cheek. “Together in every way.”

  My heart kicked against my chest.

  “I love you, Becca. I’ve loved you for a long time.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Wyatt gripped my face between his hands and pressed his lips on mine. My whole body sighed in response, an intoxicating mixture of satisfaction and desire pouring through me. He loved me. Wyatt McDowell, the sexiest, most wonderful man in the entire world, had just told me he loved me. And now his hands were roaming all over my body, making me grow instantly wet.

  He gripped my hair in his hands and dropped his lips to my neck, dragging his tongue across my skin. I shivered underneath his touch and felt the need between my thighs begin to ache. I hadn’t dared hope all this time that he would ever fuck me again, but here were we now, and it was all I could do to stay in my seat.

  In fact, to hell with that.

  I launched myself toward him, climbing over the console to straddle his lap. Fire licked in his eyes, and he smiled deliciously at me in response. The steering wheel dug into my back, but I didn’t care. All I cared about was what else was digging into me…and that was his stiff cock pressing against where my pussy rubbed against him, hard and fast.

  “I like this side of you, Becca.” He lifted my shirt over my head and undid the clasp of my bra in one fluid motion. My breasts bounced as they fell out of the lacy material, my nipples hard and erect before him. His tongue darted out, twirling circles on my skin just as he squeezed my fleshy mounds tight in his masculine hands.

  “Oh!” I squealed, half in pleasure and half in pain. But I pressed my breasts against his face, begging for more.

  He gripped them again before taking one fully into his mouth. I dropped my head back and moaned as I began to rock against him, grinding my desperate pussy against his crotch. He was so rough and so gentle, all at the same time, and it drove me wild with a need I’d never felt. I wanted it rough, and I wanted it now.

  Wyatt unbuttoned my jeans and somehow got them halfway down my legs while I continued to rub myself against him. I’d worn a lacy thong to match my bra, just in case, and they were so soaked that I began leaving streaks on his pants. He slipped his hand between my thighs to feel my wetness and growled, spanking my bare ass in response.

  “You’re so fucking eager for me, aren’t you, baby?” His lips darted across my ear before he nipped at my lobe. “How do you want me to fuck you?”

  “I want you to fuck me hard,” I breathed, my blood pulsing with desire.

  It didn’t take anything more than that. He unzipped his pants and rammed his rod into my aching folds. His cock was so hard and so big that he stretched me far more than I thought I could go. It hurt, but I found the pain drove me wild. And it felt so good that nothing else existed in the world.

  His hands gripped my hips, and he began to rock my body against him. Slowly at first, but it took only moments for our pace to quicken, for my desperation for him to take control of my body. I held on tight to his shoulders as I slammed my pussy against him, harder and faster, so fast that the car shook underneath us.

  As my pleasure began to climb, Wyatt dragged his hand across my bare ass, stilling just on the edge of my back hole. And then his finger flicked out to press against it. My pace slowed and I sucked in a breath. What was he doing?

  “Do you trust me?” he murmured as he continued to suck on my breasts.

  More juices squirted from within me as he lifted me into the air and pulled out his cock. My heart thundered, and my breath shook. I had an idea of what he was about to do, and it turned me on just thinking about it, even though I had no idea what to expect.

  “I trust you,” I whispered.

  He dragged his hand across my clit, which was covered in my juices. And then he plunged his cock back inside me while edging his finger into my second hole. Oh my god, I’d never thought something could feel so good. His finger slid all the way inside, and he began fucking me in both holes. Gasping, I let him fill me completely until my body rocked hard as I came. My orgasm was more intense than it had ever been before.

  Wyatt followed just behind, squirting his silky cum inside me as he grunted in pleasure.

  And then once I’d caught my breath, he started right back up again.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The next morning, I walked down the stairs a little gingerly. Wyatt had fucked me hard, over and over, until I was nothing more than a trembling heap in his arms. He’d kissed my forehead, told me he loved me, and had promised that he’d bring me back to the park another day to see the stars. Neither one of us were in any shape to do anything more than get some sleep after our fucking spree that lasted hours.

  As my feet hit the bottom stair, I heard a familiar voice rumbling down the hallway from my dad’s study. Wyatt. My whole body went hot with panic. Had my dad heard me come home last night? Had he found out what was going on between me and his best friend before I’d had a chance to tell him?

  This wasn’t going to go well…

  My feet took me down the hallway out of their own volition. A part of me wanted to run right out of the front door and escape what was happening, but another part of me was tired of worrying. Maybe it was time to confront this whole thing head-on. As much as my dad might hate it, this was my life. And I was going to do what I felt was right.

  That just happened to be spending my life with his best friend.

  “Becca.” My dad glanced up and gave me a soft smile. He sat in one of his leather chairs, Wyatt in the other. They didn’t look as though they’d been arguing. They both looked calm. Relaxed even. “Good morning.”

  “Morning,” I said slowly, edging into the room. This was weird. The two of them had barely spoken in weeks, and now they were having a chilled-out convo the moment Wyatt and I had gotten together. Something smelled fishy, and it wasn’t the plate of muffins my mom must have brought in when Wyatt had arrived this morning.

  “Well, Wyatt.” My dad stood from his chair and gave his best friend a pat on the shoulder. “Thank you for coming over. It was good to clear things up. Good luck.”

  My dad disappeared into the hallway, leaving me standing in the middle of the room, completely bewildered. What had I just walked in on? And why the hell had my dad left the study as soon as I’d come in?

  “What was that all about?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

  Wyatt looked up at me, his eyes twinkling. “I thought it was about time your dad and I had a chat. There’s was something quite important I needed to ask him.”

  “What are you talking about?” I asked, my heart skipping a beat. Had he told my dad about the bab
y already? If so, why hadn’t he flown off the handle about it? None of this made any sense.

  Wyatt went down on one knee, pulling a small black box from his pocket. My hand flew to my heart, and I sucked in a breath so loud that his lips quirked in response. This wasn’t…this couldn’t be…there was no way this was really happening. Tears pooled in my eyes as he opened the box, holding up before him a diamond ring that sparkled in the morning sunlight streaming in through the windows.

  “Becca Williams, I’ve felt something for you ever since you were eighteen. I didn’t think it was right, so I pushed you away. I’ve never been more wrong about something in my life. You make me feel like a better man than I’ve ever felt I was, and I want to spend my life trying to make you happy. I wanted to do this right, so I’ve spoken to your father. And he’s given us his blessing. He sees that I love you, Becca. More than anything. Will you marry me?”

  “Yes!” I cried out before launching myself into his arms. “A million times yes.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Five Years Later

  Wyatt strode in from work and lifted me from the floor. It was a ritual we’d been doing since we got married. He’d come in from a long day patrolling the quiet, boring streets of Snow Peak, he’d kiss me like he hadn’t seen me in months, and I’d wrap my legs around his waist. Even though we saw each other every single day, our love was stronger than ever. And our bedroom antics had only gotten hotter as the years had gone past.

  Jacob, our oldest son, came running through the house, his feet pitter-pattering on the hardwood floor. Wyatt let me go and pulled his son into his arms, laughing and scuffing his wild and dark hair. Jacob looked just like his father, and it made my heart so full it burst.


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