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Last Dance

Page 13

by Renee Fowler

  “You’re not going to get any sleep,” I mumble before I drift back off, but the next time I’m awoken, he is dozing slouched over in the uncomfortable looking chair. His hand is still laid over my wrist, like he’s afraid I might try to slip away while he sleeps.

  Chapter 16


  I’m torn between wanting to stick like glue beside Anna, and needing to go track down the piece of shit that did this to her. In the early morning I make a few calls, inquiring about the status of the investigation while she is getting checked out by the doctor. Anna wasn’t able to give them much to go on, but maybe she’ll remember something else, or perhaps that necklace will turn up in pawn shop, or they’ll try to use the credit card of hers they stole, which will eventually lead to an arrest. I have to believe we’ll catch the person responsible, because the thought of them roaming free makes me so furious I want to punch something.

  And there’s not a damn thing I can do about it. I’ve already introduced Anna to a few of my friends from work. People at the station know we’re together, so I’m well aware I’ll be asked to sit this one out on Monday morning when I come in. Then a short while later, after I learn that Anna can only be discharged from the hospital under the condition that she’s monitored by someone for the next forty eight hours, I realize I won’t be going in on Monday anyways.

  “I can’t stay with you,” she argues when we arrive at her place.

  “You can’t stay by yourself.”

  Anna curls up at the corner of her couch, and cradles her cat affectionately against her neck. “I’ll be fine. I have Princess to keep me company.”

  “What is a cat going to do if you get dizzy, or fall, or-”

  “I can take care of myself. I’ll set my alarm for every two hours, and I can call someone if-”

  “And what if you don’t wake up to hear that alarm? Stop being stubborn, and go pack some clothes, or I’m gonna do it for you.” My words come out far harsher than I intended, but I’m exhausted, worried sick about her, and pissed as hell about what happened. “I’m sorry, Anna. But there’s no way I’m going to walk off and leave you here alone. Do you need me to go get a few things together for you?”

  “What about Princess?”

  “We’ll take her with us.”

  “What’s Sarah going to think?”

  “We’re going to need to tell her about us eventually anyways, right?” I’m a little surprised she hasn’t put two and two together yet, as many times as the three of us have done things together, but so far she’s been content with the line that Miss Anna is my good friend.

  “I don’t know.” Anna gnaws on her bottom lip briefly, and looks away. “It might be a bit soon to…”

  “Then we’ll just tell her you had an accident, and you need help from a friend,” I coax, trying to ignore the sting of her reluctance to open up about our relationship. Perhaps she’s right. It’s too soon, but it doesn’t change facts. There is no way I’m going to leave her here alone and hope for the best.

  I take a spot beside her, pull her up against me gently, mindful of the traumatic experience she’s been through. “I’m worried about you.”

  She laughs down towards Princess. “I’ve been through worse than this and survived.”

  “Like what?”

  Anna shrugs, and pats the back of her head gingerly. “It’s just a little bump, Jack.”

  But we both know that’s not true. Looking at her, you’d never guess at what she’s endured, except for the thin, raw bruise along the side of her neck. The stitches are hidden beneath her hair. So is the damage from that concussion, which the doctor considered less than severe, but more than mild. How fucking vague is that? She’ll probably be just fine, he assured us, but probably doesn’t sit well with me. If the swelling in her brain increases, she could take a fast turn for the worse. “The only reason they let you leave, is you said you’d have someone there to monitor you.”

  “I only said that because I hate hospitals. There’s no way I was going to sit there for two more days.”

  “And there’s no way I’m leaving here without you, but Sarah needs me too. I can’t be in both places at once.” I palm her cheek, and tip her face towards me. “Please, Anna. Let me take care of you.”

  “I don’t need anyone to take care of me,” she bristles beside me.

  “Then just humor me. Sarah will get a kick out of you staying there, and Fluffy will make a new friend.” I tuck a piece of hair behind her ear, and outline the delicate outer shell with my thumb. “I need to make sure you’re okay. I’m not going to be able to sleep if you’re here, and I’m there.”

  “Okay,” she says after a short pause. “Let me take a quick shower first.”

  Awash with relief that I was finally able to talk some sense into her, I kiss Anna lightly. I can’t help but feel protective of her after something like this, but I’m starting to see she doesn’t care for it much. Maybe she’s more like Claire than I first thought. And she has been on her own for a long time. I don’t think Anna is used to depending on anyone else.

  While she’s in the shower, I call Jamie to check on Sarah. “I think she’s over that cold, Jack. No snot or cough. She said she wants to go to church.”

  “If she’s really feeling better, I don’t see why she can’t. It’ll give me a chance to sleep a few hours. Anna too. They were in and out of there all night checking on her.”

  “This is so fucked up. I can’t believe shit like this happens here now.”

  “I know,” I say wearily, too tired to get very fired up about it at the moment.

  “Maybe when Evelyn drops Sarah back off, I’ll take her out. I can go pick up mom too. We’ll have a girls day, and let you two catch up on some z’s.”

  “You sure?”

  “What the hell else am I gonna do on a Sunday afternoon? It’ll be fun. I don’t do stuff like that with them enough anyways.”

  “Thanks, Jamie.”

  “You can thank me by sticking around tonight and dealing with this furball after Sarah goes to bed. Why does this thing like me so much? I thought animals were supposed to have a sixth sense? And this one can not sense that I don’t want it crawling all over me.”

  Laughing, I choose not to mention we’re bringing another furball home with us before I hang up.

  When Anna emerges from the shower, her hair hangs in damp waves around her face. She’s wearing a black turtleneck, and dark jeans that hug the swell of her ass and taper along the length of her legs. When she breezes past me to go pack a few things, I catch a whiff of vanilla and spice. She smells good enough to eat. She looks good enough to take a bite out of, and I feel like a piece of shit for even thinking it at a time like this.

  By the time we get back to my place, Sarah has departed with Evelyn, and Jamie is still in her pajamas. “Oh, look. Another cat,” she says with a forced smile.

  “I hope it’s okay,” Anna says.

  Jamie waves her hand, and goes to give her a hug. “Are you really alright? I can’t believe that happened to you.”

  “I’m fine, but I’m starting to think your brother is a bit of a worry wart.”

  Jamie catches my eyes. She understands why I’d be so concerned about a brain injury, even if Anna doesn’t. “Yeah. He’s kind of a nag too, but I’m sure you’ll figure that out sooner or later.”

  “Are you hungry?” I ask Anna, after Jamie slips off upstairs to take a shower.

  “I’m starving,” she admits. “I haven’t eaten since yesterday afternoon.”

  “Why didn’t you say something?”

  “Because I was more tired than hungry thanks to whatever they gave me.”

  “Go sit down and I’ll make you something.”

  “I usually just have toast, and a piece of fruit in the morning.”

  I can’t help but roll my eyes. “Go sit your ass down, and let me make you a real breakfast.”

  The smallest hint of a smile tugs at the corners of her mouth. “You aren’t
just a nag, you’re bossy too.”

  “Only when I have to be.”

  I get a bit bossy again when she tries to push her plate away after six measly bites of scrambled eggs, and half a piece of bacon. “You’re recovering from an injury. You need to eat more than that.”

  “I get full fast.”

  “Sarah eats more than you do, and she’s six.”

  “I guess I got used to it.”

  She’s hinted a few times about how much pressure she was under previously to maintain a certain weight. I swear, hearing that shit makes me want to pull Sarah out of ballet all together. “Well, now you can get used to eating like a normal, human being,” I say, plopping another piece of bacon on her plate.

  Anna takes a few more tentative bites to shut me up, but at the moment she looks as exhausted as I feel, so I don’t hassel her about it further. After I clear away our plates, I carry her bag upstairs to my room, and get her all set up. “I’ll be back in two hours to check on you.”


  “You heard what the doctor said.”

  Anna grumbles under her breath a bit, then sighs quietly. “Thank you, Jack. I know you’re just trying to help, but I don’t think I make a very good patient.”

  “I’m starting to see that. Get some rest. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  But as soon as I pull the door closed behind me, I’m plagued by doubt. It doesn’t feel right to leave her alone. My doubt only increases when I go downstairs to find Jamie curled up on the couch with a cup of coffee in one hand. “Is she going to be okay up there by herself? I thought she had a concussion? What if she wakes up, and gets all disoriented or something?”

  I’d planned on stretching out on the couch downstairs, but suddenly having two floors between us feels like a horrible idea. “Maybe you’re right.”

  “I told you I have Sarah today. Go back up there and get some rest. You look like a zombie.” She pauses to take a sip of coffee, and nods to the two cats curled up together on the loveseat. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but maybe what we need to get is a second cat.”

  “You used to love cats.”

  “That was before I tried to befriend that hellbeast. Do you remember that thing? What was its name?”

  “I thought it ran away before you decided on a name.” It was a scrawny, wild feral cat she’d tempted home with food, one that had no interest in being tamed or taken indoors. “You and Sarah better not come home with another cat tonight.”

  Jamie holds her hand up. “I’m just thinking about loud.”

  But we both know Jamie has a bad habit of acting impulsively, at least she has in the past. As I climb back upstairs, I think there’s half a chance we’ll be adding another feline member to the family before long.

  When I let myself back into my bedroom, Anna is already passed out cold on her stomach, sprawled out like a starfish in the center of the bed. I quickly shuck off my jeans, and throw on a pair of plaid, pajama pants that are practically brand new. They almost never get worn. I usually sleep in only boxer briefs, but something tells me that probably isn’t a good idea.

  Should I wake her up? I feel a little funny about crawling into bed beside her uninvited, but I think she’ll understand. When I pull back the covers, I see she’s changed into sleepwear as well, black leggings and a snug, peach colored tank top.

  I nudge her over gently. Her eyes creak open momentarily, and a small smile plays across her lips. She whispers my name as her eyes drift closed again. I’m not sure if she’s fully awake or not, but I decide to take this as an okay from her. The truth is, I’m too tired to give it much thought one way or the other.

  Chapter 17


  I wake up in a strange room, in a strange bed. My head aches dully, and I feel nauseous, like I’m hungover, but I don’t remember drinking. Still half asleep, I don’t remember much of anything, but when I stretch my hand bumps against something warm and solid nestled next to me, and I’m gripped by panic.

  Did I get drunk and go home with someone? That can’t be right. That doesn’t sound like me. I blink a few times, and my cloudy, sleepy vision clears. I let out a long, relieved breath at the familiar sight of Jack sleeping peacefully beside me.

  The events of the previous evening slowly trickle back in, and I remember exactly where I’m at and why. One of my hands goes to the back of my head, and I gently probe the swollen knot and bumpy stitches hidden beneath my thick mass of hair.

  God, that was scary. The details of how it all happened are still kind of murky, but I can’t help but wonder if that was a real gun. Maybe I should’ve fought back more, reacted differently somehow, but it all happened so fast. Whichever way I look at it, things could be a lot worse.

  That was so sweet the way Jack sat with me all night. He didn’t have to do that, and although I think he’s overreacting a bit, it’s hard not to find his concern touching. He certainly went to more trouble on my behalf than a certain someone from my past, and Jack has only known me for six weeks.

  Jack’s placid, handsome face pinches and he shifts around the bed restlessly. A low sound rattles deep in his chest. I think maybe he’s having a bad dream, so I give his shoulder a gentle nudge. His arm fans out, and he pulls me snug against his bare chest. “Claire,” he whimpers.

  That single syllable cut through me like a knife. I scramble back out of his embrace, that is clearly meant for someone else, and nearly tumble out of the bed. My sudden movement jerks him awake.

  His wide, startled eyes take me in. He reaches out to touch me, and I shrink away, then I swing my legs over the side of the bed, trying to ignore the slight vertigo from sitting up too fast.


  “I think you were having… a dream.” At first I assumed it was a bad dream, but maybe it was a good dream, like a really good dream.

  “Yeah.” He lets out a long exhale. “Are you okay?”

  The warmth of his hand lands on my hip, and I stand up to avoid it. My head swims and I’m forced to either plop back down on the bed, or crumple to the floor.

  He tries to touch me again, and I fling off his hand. “Anna?”

  “You called me her name, when you were dreaming. When you were asleep, and-”

  “Shit. Anna, it wasn’t that kind of dream.” Jack shoves back the covers and scrambles over to sit on the side of the bed with me. “It was more like a nightmare. I was dreaming about the day she died.”


  “I’m sorry. I know that’s still gotta be uncomfortable for you. I haven’t had a nightmare like that for a while, but maybe with your injury… it’s got me a little on edge.”

  “What happened to her?”

  He swallows. “She had a ruptured brain aneurysm.”

  “Oh, god.”

  “I know it’s a totally different thing, and you’re going to be fine, but I can’t help but be on edge a bit.”

  “You’re right. I am going to be fine.” I hug him tight, and burrow my face against his neck. “Thank you, Jack.”

  “For what?” he asks against my hair.

  “For everything. For being there last night and today. And for talking to me about this.”

  “I should have done that already.”

  The last time I asked him about Claire, he completely shut down and quickly changed the subject. He’s finally opening up to me a bit. Now I just need to figure out a way to open up to him too, and hope for the best.

  Despite my headache and general feeling of yuck, I can’t help but notice his bare skin beneath my palms. I’ve never seen him without his shirt on before. He’s solidly built, muscular, with a faint smattering of dark chest hair, and he smells as good as always, that faint, masculine scent that clings to his skin.

  I can’t believe I’m getting turned on at a time like this. He just woke up from an awful nightmare. I pull back from the warmth of his arms, and hope to god he doesn’t notice my hardened nipples through the flimsy cotton tank top. I’m not
even wearing a bra.

  His hands cup the sides of my face as he gazes deeply into my eyes. For a second I think he’s about to kiss me. I want him to, but then I realize he’s checking my pupils the way the doctor instructed. “How are you feeling?”

  “I was a little dizzy when I stood up, but it wasn’t bad. My head’s hurting a bit.”

  “You’re probably about due for some Tylenol. Lay back down and I’ll get it.”

  We haven’t even been asleep for a full hour, but I am suddenly wide awake. He comes back with two red and white capsules, and a bottle of water. I swallow back the pills, and lay back in bed. The mattress dips as he climbs in beside me.

  “Get some more rest,” he says, kissing my forehead.

  I’m never going to be able to fall back asleep with him laying this close. I almost want to ask him to leave, but I can’t. It would be rude, and I don’t really want him to go. I shift around restlessly for a moment, trying to get comfortable, but it’s impossible.

  “Can’t sleep?” he asks lazily.

  “It just takes me a minute.” I roll over carefully so as not to jostle him too much. Pressing my thighs together, trying to ignore the hot ache between them.

  His hand curls around my hip. “Do you want me to get you some warm milk?”

  Oh, my god. He’s too sweet. It’s killing me. So is the warmth of his hand, and the familiar, intoxicating scent of his skin, and the fact that we’re laying in bed together, and he’s only half dressed.

  His hand brushes a little too close to that jagged scar, which hits like a bucket of cold water. I need to tell him the truth. I have to show him sooner or later, but I can’t do it. I actually open up my mouth to blurt it out, and I literally can’t force the words between my lips.


  “I’m okay. Get some rest, Jack.” I offer him another quick kiss, and curl up, leaving a bit of space between us. He got far less sleep than me, and I know he must be exhausted.

  The next time I wake up, it’s to the blare of an alarm. My forehead is pressed against Jack’s chest, and we’re both snuggled together at the center of the bed. I guess we found our way to each other in our sleep. His arms flung over my shoulders flies back to hit the button, silencing the racket.


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