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NYC VAMPS (The Italians): Vampire Romance (Book Book 2)

Page 6

by Sky Winters

  He rushed towards Vincent, and the two exchanged a flurry of blows that moved with such speed that Simone was unable to figure out who was hitting who. The sick thudding of fists against flesh sounded through the study over and over, and only ceasing when one of the vampires managed to grab the other in a grappling hold, which would be almost immediately broken by the other.

  Simone scrambled off of the couch and to the other side of the room for fear of being caught with a stray fist. She watched the two men battle with frantic, worried eyes, and she realized that they were just about evenly matched. One lucky hit by one could turn the tide of the fight. She knew that she had to intervene, to do something.

  Closing her eyes, she focused, as she had done before. She pictured the other vampire, her mental image moving in until she had a clear image of his upper body in her thoughts, then his neck and shoulders. She extended her hands, palms down, and clenched her hands into tight fists, imagining that she was grabbing the vampire by his shoulders.

  “What the fuck?” she heard, recognizing the voice of the first vampire.

  She opened her eyes and saw that reality has matched her mental image. The vampire was fixed in place, his shoulders pulled up, his body unable to move from the place.

  He shot a burning, hateful glare at Simone.

  You fucking bitch, Simone heard in her mind, in the vampire’s voice.

  “I guess this is it,” he said, turning back to Vincent. “But, ah, before you do your dirty, work, let me just say that you are making about the stu-“

  Vincent shoved his hand into the vampire’s chest and gave it the same twist that he gave to the other. And, just like the other vampires, this one exploded into a loose whirl of black ash.

  “Figures he couldn’t shut up even before he was about to die,” said Vincent, brushing stray ash off the sleeves his silk dress shirt.

  Vincent turned to Simone, who had scrambled into the corner of the study, and was curled up there in a small, tight ball, her knees tucked under her chin, her arms wrapped around her legs. He dashed over to her, squatted down, and looked into her wide, shocked eyes. She refused his gaze at first, looking down at away. He responded by taking her chin with his hand and forcing her eyes in his. Simone, now looking into the rich gold of his eyes, was momentarily transfixed.

  “Are you OK?” he asked, his tone clear and resonant.

  “I…I don’t know,” she said, still reeling from the violence of the last few minutes.

  “You need to stand up and breathe.”

  Then, as though snapping into a clear awareness of her circumstances, Simone bolted to her feet and ran to the other corner of the study. She put up her hand, as though it were some kind of totem with which she could ward him off.

  “Stay away. I don’t know what I did, but I’ll do it to you, I swear,” she said, her voice wavering with fear.

  Vincent caught himself, now keenly aware that he wasn’t dealing with a merely scared girl, but someone who could tear him limb from limb if she so desired. He held out his own hand and moved towards her with careful, slow steps.

  “Listen,” he said, “I’m not going to hurt you. If I wanted that, I could’ve done it at any other time.”

  “Stay away!” she said, her voice now more distressed, her hair in loose erratic tresses around her face.

  “I’m the only reason you’re still alive, and I intend to keep it that way,” he said, still stepping towards her. “Those men,” he pointed to the scatterings of black ash that covered the floor here and there, “are the ones who want to hurt you.”

  Simone lowered her hand a few inches, understanding that Vincent was right, he could’ve killed her at any time.

  “OK, good, good. I know, this is fucked up, and completely insane, and ten hours ago you were working in an art gallery and not thinking about any of this, but this is your reality now. And the faster you get used to it, the faster we can work on getting this all put behind us.”

  He continued walking towards her, closing the distance between them to only a few feet.

  “I...I just killed those men,” she said, now lowering her hand completely.

  Vincent closed the gap between them and rushed to her side. He slipped his arm around her slim, bare shoulders and pulled her close. As soon as his skin was against hers, Simone smelled that same smell, that faint, manly scent, blending her fear with traces of hot arousal. His arm her shoulders, he placed his other hand on the side of her hip and began walking her towards the couch. Simone felt a tense feeling, like tight pressure, replace the fear. She was scared, she was shocked, but the sensation of his hand over the thin fabric of her dress tapped into a deeper, more feral part of her mind, and that feeling rose with each moment that his hand was on her body.

  He guided her with care to the back of the leather couch and guided her to sit. But before he could finish sitting her down, Simone turned to him and looked deep into his eyes. As she started at Vincent, she watched as the traces of warmth and sympathy were wiped away, and replaced with a hard, hungry expression, as though the way she looked at him was recognized for what it was before his conscious mind knew.

  She didn’t know why she was feeling the way she was, why the sensations of fear and danger that consumed her only moments ago were now blending and shifting into a boiling morass of pure arousal, but each moment she looked into Vincent’s eyes were another kindling on the fire, another dose of gasoline.

  Simone, still facing Vincent, placed her hand on the hand that rested on her hip, feeling the cool, soft texture of his skin, and moved it down, down to the lower part of her inner thigh. Vincent’s gaze hardened, and he was now receiving the message loud and clear. His hand on the fabric of Simone’s dress, he moved close, his skin only a few inches away from hers. She turned her head, letting the length of her hair brush against his face, unconsciously exposing the skin of her neck to him. She could feel his hungry gaze on her skin as he pulled her closer. Removing his arm from her shoulders, he ran it through her hair, grabbed a handful, and pulled her face to his, finally closing the distance between them with a hard kiss.

  Chapter 9

  Simone clasped the hard, jutting bones of Vincent’s hips through his shirt, as he kissed her, his tongue moving in her mouth, grazing her own. He matched her own movements, placing his hands on her hips, squeezing soft softness of her skin through her dress. His breath was warm and steamy against her face as he took in the air while kissing her, and he periodically moved his mouth down, away from her mouth, kissing down her jawline, down the side of her neck, and along her bare shoulders before returning his attention to her lips. And when his mouth grazed her neck, and she felt the warm sensation of his lips against the thick vein of her neck, the only thought that could supplant her deep need for his body was the idea of his fangs piercing her skin and sinking deep into her body.

  She moved her hands up and over his torso, feeling the soft, glossy texture of his shirt and the hard muscles underneath. Simone took the first button of his shirt, just below the already exposed contours of the tops of his pectoral muscles, and undid them, one after another, with an almost desperate intensity. After fumbling with the second or third button, she decided to simply rip the shirt open, exposing the ivory expanse of his lean, sculpted torso. Vincent responded by moving his hands down her legs, to the hem of her dress, and thrusting his hands up and under it. Each fingertip against the skin of her thighs was like electricity, and all Simone wanted him to do was keep going up, up, up. And he did, pulling the dress up as he moved, exposing her black thong panties, then her bare, slim stomach, then her breast. She raised her arms as he pulled the dress up and off of her body, throwing it backward, over his head, with a toss.

  His intensity and hunger were beginning to match Simone’s and his hands explored the now-bare skin of her body with eager squeezes, as though not a square inch could be ignored. He pulled back from her for a brief moment and looked over her body, his mouth a playful smirk, his eyes ravenous. Simon
e responded by lunging in and kissing him along the length of his collarbone, feeling the cool, almost velvety texture of his skin against her wet, full lips. His rich scent flooded her nostrils as she breathed in; she felt inebriated by his smell. She kissed him more, her hands moving along the rock-hard expanse of his back, up and along the gentle curve of his shoulder blades. She kissed him slowly, inching her way down as she did, stopping at his nipples for a brief moment to trace their outlines with firm darts of her tongue, Vincent letting out low moans as she did.

  She moved down further, along the contours of his abdominals, still taking in his scent with deep, full inhales. Dragging her hand along his lower back, she rested them on his black dress belt, hooking her thumbs under his waistband. She pulled his slacks down an inch or so, just enough to expose his hip bones, which she set upon with her lips and tongue. Vincent moaned again, reeling in the pleasure of her mouth against she sensitive skin of his hips. Simone then undid his belt buckle, pulling it apart with quick motions, the sides of the belt jangling together as she unfastened them. Then, with a firm tug, she pulled his slacks down, his cock springing up in front of her, fully erect. She regarded his cock for a moment, admiring its length, its thickness, and how it was the same shade of pale as the rest of his body.

  Cupping his balls with her left hand, she wrapped her right around his cock and began moving it back and forth in slow caresses, taking care to give attention to every bit of his lengthy dick.

  “Yeah, suck me,” Vincent said, looking down at Simone with burning eyes.

  She gave him a sly grin in response as if to say oh, be patient. Simone started with gentle licks on the head of his cock, small dabbing darts with her tongue. She felt shivers run up and down Vincent’s body as she did, and her gentle prodding soon turned to long, slow licks of the head of his cock, then along the length of it. She looked up at him with sensual eyes as she licked, giving him a full view of her tongue running along the sides his cock. Vincent reached down and slipped his hand up and into her hair, grabbing a handful of her locks.

  “Put it in your mouth,” he said, his voice firm and commanding.

  Simone felt a flutter of pleasure run through her, turned on by his insistent tone. Feeling that she teased him enough, she obeyed, slipping the head of his cock into her mouth. She held in there, still, for a brief moment, letting him feel the warm wetness of her mouth, her steamy breath on the sensitive skin of his prick. She started with her tongue again, caressing his head with it, exploring the contours of his cock just at the area where his head started. She formed a tight seal with her lips around his shaft, letting the salty taste of his skin mix with the small amount of cum forming at the end of his cock, letting the taste roll in her mouth. Then she moved her mouth up and down his cock, first slow, then faster and faster until she sucked him at a steady pace. One hand stayed on his shaft, moving back and forth with her head, and the other snaked around his legs, resting on his firm ass.

  Then, suddenly, Vincent pulled Simone up from her knees, his cock releasing from her mouth with a wet, full pop. He lifted her up and set her down on the back of the couch, spreading her legs and stepping between them. First, he reached around and undid the clasp of her bra, pulling it off of her with a deft motion, her breasts tumbling out. Then, he grabbed the waistband of her panties with both hands and pulled them down her legs and over her feet. Simone was now nude, hot, and awaiting whatever he wanted to do next. Vincent stepped out of his pants, shoes, and socks, kicking them behind him.

  “You want my cock?” he asked, leaning in and kissing her behind her ear.

  “Yeah, fuck me, do it now, please,” she said, her voice low and breathy.

  “Not yet,” he said, another smirk on his face.

  Simone felt like she was going to explode from the anticipation.

  “Good things come to those who wait,” said Vincent, before matching the movement that Simone performed with him. He kissed her, starting behind her ear, then down along the length of her neck. And as he kissed her there, that same thought exploded back into Simone’s mind- the idea of him not just kissing her on the delicate skin there, but biting her. The pain mixing with pleasure, the cool trickle of blood, the feel of his lips on her neck as he drank from her- she couldn’t shake the thought as he continued down, kissing her collarbone, his tongue darting out here and there to lick her skin. He moved down further, his mouth now around the nipple of her right breast as his left hand kneaded the flesh of the other. The sensation of his tongue lashing against her nipple sent tingling cascades up and down her body. The move, the other breast, giving it the same attention before continuing his trip down, kissing her stomach, her hips, then her inner thighs.

  He started around her pussy, licking and kissing her, moving towards her just barely, at an almost imperceptible pace. Simone shivered and ran her hands through his dark, long hair, wishing he would keep moving in. Then, as if sensing exactly what she wanted, he did. He licked and sucked her outer lips, one at a time, before pushing them back and licking up and down the length of her pussy. He started slow, with long, heavy laps that ended with special attention to her clit. He pressed down on her clit with the surface of his tongue, letting her feel the texture of him against her. Simone closed her eyes, focusing on the pleasure of his tongue on her.

  “Fuck, you’re getting so wet,” he said, in between kisses to her inner thigh.

  “God, fuck me, fuck me now,” Simone said, the anticipation boiling inside of her, a tight knot that could only be cut though in one way.

  “Almost,” he said, returning to licking her, now slipping two fingers into her pussy that he moved in and up, curling in just the right way.

  “Oh, fuck,” she said, her body moving closer and closer to orgasm.

  He kept this up, licking at this steady, insistent rhythm. Simone leaned back, holding onto the couch as her body began to feel like it was coming undone by the second. The tense pressure deep in her turned into a warm, spreading feeling, shooting like hot light to the tips of her fingers and toes. Her breath shifted between moaning and pants as Vincent kept up his work. Then, finally, an orgasm ripped through her, sending her into paroxysms of physical rapture. Her breath slowed as the orgasm moved through her, as it coursed through her veins.

  Knowing that she had come, Vincent stood up and leaned in close to Simone.

  “You ready for my cock now?” he asked, his voice a breathy purr.

  “Please, please,” she said, her voice weak and wavering from her orgasm.

  After all of the teasing, he decided to finally give her what she wanted. Vincent took the base of his cock in his hand, and guided it towards Simone, first rubbing the head against her lips.

  “God, I can feel how wet you are.”

  He moved his cock down further, right at the opening of Simone’s pussy, resting it there.

  “Please,” she said, her words a plea, “put it in me, I can’t take it anymore.”

  He looked into her oak-colored eyes, deep into them, his gaze firm as he slid himself into her. Simone closed her eyes, savoring the feeling of each inch moving inside of her, feeling his stiff cock slid inside of her until she took every last bit of him. He moaned as he slid into her, his hands gripping her ass, holding her steady as he began to move in and out, sliding along her slick wetness.

  “Oh fuck,” she said, reaching around Vincent’s body and digging her nails into the flesh of his back.

  “How does my cock feel in you?” he asked, increasing the rhythm of his thrusting.

  “So good, so fucking good,” she said, concentrating on the thickness of his cock, and how it felt ramming in and out of her.

  Beads of sweat began to form on Simone’s forehead; Vincent’s cool body was beginning to warm with the heat of her body. His thrusting was now an unrelenting pounding, and Simone began to lose herself once again in the throes of pleasure. But then, Vincent pulled out of her, causing Simone’s eyes to widen with a sudden disappointment. This was only for an i
nstant, as she realized right away what Vincent had in mind. Grabbing the hot, soft flesh of her hips, Vincent spin Simone around. Keeping one hand on her hips and placing the other on her shoulder, he pushed her down, resulting in her being bent over towards him. Simone, now unable to see Vincent, grabbed onto the seating pillow of the couch- she knew what was coming next. Vincent removed his hand from her hip just long enough to guide his cock back into her and began to fuck her again with an unceasing, unrelenting pounding. Simone held on for dear life as he slammed into her, over and over again, feeling his cock move in and out, and his hips and balls slapping against the curves of her round ass.

  The welling feeling of an orgasm began a return, whirling and roiling inside of her like a whirlpool spinning into a single, pinprick point of sexual energy. She began to lose herself in the rhythm of Vincent’s pounding, focusing nothing but the sensation of him inside of her, punctuated by his animalistic grunts and moans. At times, he got rough with her, grabbing a handful of her hair that he wrapped around his hand and pulled, his other hand slapping her ass.

  “Oh God,” he said, not breaking the pace of his thrusting, “you ready for my cum?”

  She wanted to feel him explode in her, to fill her pussy with his cum. But first, she wanted something else, something she, at that moment, wanted more than anything else she had ever wanted.

  “Bite me.”

  Vincent didn’t even bother to ask whether or not she was sure.

  Grabbing her hair, he pulled her head up, exposing the skin of her neck, still fucking her. She tilted her head to the side, giving him a full view of the thick vein of her neck, now throbbing with the quickened pulse of sex. She heard a sharp intake of air and an animalistic growl before he drew forward, plunging his now-exposed fangs into the supple flesh of her neck. Simone wanted to scream, writhe, and cum, all at the same time as she felt the pain of his fangs in her, the warm wetness of his lips, and the feeling of blooding being drawn out of her, one suck at a time.


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