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Souls Apart (Book 1 in the Lost Souls Trilogy)

Page 4

by Mochira Jackson

  “No, don’t be silly.”

  But the thought wouldn’t leave my head as I tried to get to sleep. What if he had put something in the wine or the strawberries? Why did I get such a bad feeling from the ring? I looked at it again and was shocked to get a sharp pain between my shoulder blades. It was so real it made me scream out. Mom came running into my room.

  “What’s going on?” She saw the ring. “What’s that? Don’t tell me you’re going to marry him. Oh, Charls, you’ll be the death of me. Can’t you see he’s going to kill you?”


  “Look at you. Your hair, your body; you look like a skeleton and now you’re screaming.”

  “I’m just stressed with the tests next week, that’s all. I need to get into law school, Mom.”

  She shook her head. “And you think a boy like that is going to let you leave him for three years? Don’t bank on it, Charlie.”

  Once she knew I was ok she left the room and closed the door softly behind her. I heard her sigh deeply behind the door. I knew she was right. Eddie hadn’t said anything yet but as I took the ring from my finger and placed it on my nightstand I knew that the ring was his way of controlling me. I was his now.

  Every time I closed my eyes I saw the soil and the worms and felt the pain in my back and then darkness.

  I had another terrible dream. I was standing at the side of a lake; just like the one by the mansion house, only this time it was really dark and the rain was soaking through my gold dress. I could see the ring on my finger and I was trying to pull it off but it was stuck. I ran to the lake and put my finger in the water, trying desperately to remove it by making it wet; but it still wouldn’t come off. Then I heard a man’s voice. I couldn’t see him but I heard him. “You’ll never leave me Emily Gray. You’ll never leave me.” So in the dream I swam into the lake. The rain was getting heavier and the water was so cold. I swam as fast I could trying to get away from him but then I felt him behind me, his breath smelling of whisky. I felt his arms pulling me; at first he was pulling me towards him but then he was pulling me down. I couldn’t breathe as water gushed into my mouth and into my lungs. I saw darkness before jumping up suddenly and throwing off my duvet. I looked at the ring, glistening there on my nightstand. It was cursed. I knew it now. And so was my relationship.


  I was so glad it was Sunday. I’d barely slept a wink last night. I’d had so many strange dreams; all involving that ring. I picked it up from my nightstand and turned it over in my palm. It was so beautiful yet it gave me the creeps. I placed it on my finger and shuddered. I’d texted the good news to Amber last night and she’d asked me over. I pulled back the drapes and glanced at the mansion again; only this time I felt a wave of nausea. I sat back on my bed and an image flashed into my mind. I was looking out the window of the mansion and I could see this house; the one I live in now. I was crying and I had the urge to jump out the window. I heard footsteps behind me and I knew it was him. I felt his hands roaming all over my body but I wouldn’t turn round to face him. “You’re crying again,” he said and I felt like I’d given up. I knew he was going to do something terrible to me but I no longer cared.

  I stood up and closed the drapes, and then I sat at my dressing table and looked at myself in the mirror. My long dark hair was matted and the weight of it had pulled out my curls. My face was pale and I had dark shadows under my eyes. They didn’t look blue anymore; instead they were almost black. I cringed as I clearly saw my shoulder blades jutting out from my skin. I reached for my red lipstick and carefully outlined my lips. At least it put some color in my face. Then I brushed my hair and pulled it back into a ponytail. I put on a long floral dress and my sandals and I instantly felt better knowing I was going to see Amber.

  I could see her face at the window as I walked towards the door. She opened it without me having to knock. “Hi,” she said before reaching out to give me a hug.

  “Hi, how are you?”

  “I’m fine. So, you got engaged? Let’s see the ring, then.”

  I held out my hand and I knew she would feel the same dread that I did. Her mouth gaped open and she dropped my hand suddenly. “It’s lovely,” she said, “now let’s have a drink to celebrate.”

  “Don’t you get any vibes from it at all?” I asked surprised at her calm reaction.

  “No. Why do you ask?”

  She wasn’t looking at me. I could see her pouring out some wine. Our parents were pretty lax about alcohol. Even though it was illegal for us to drink in public places they let us drink in the house as long as we were sensible. Amber’s parents were always out anyway; they often left Amber alone while they jetted off to some exotic destination.

  “I love it, but it gives me the creeps, that’s all.” There I’d said it.

  She walked over to me and passed me my wine. I followed her into the living room. She smiled nervously. “Actually I did get a vibe from it. I just didn’t want to spoil your big news, an’ all.”

  “What vibe did you get?”

  “A bit like when I met Eddie, like a pit in my stomach.”

  “I got that too. I don’t get it with Eddie, but this ring…”

  “If you don’t like it why don’t you give it back to him?”

  “I can’t do that. I don’t even know where he got it but I know he hasn’t got much money.”

  “Is there something you’re not telling me, Charls? I’ve been so worried about you.”

  “It’s nothing.” I took a sip of my wine. “How are you and Curt anyway? Are you in love?”

  “You’re joking aren’t you? We’re just having fun. That’s what you should be doing.”

  She was right. I loved Eddie but I didn’t feel as though I was having fun. He was so serious. “I know.”

  She came over and sat down next to me. “I’ve known you since we were four, Charls. I know there’s something wrong. Tell me, please. I want to help.”

  I squeezed her hand and then tears started rolling down my cheeks and I couldn’t stop them. She put her arm around my neck. “Charls, what is it?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Oh god, Charls I can feel your ribs! What’s happening to you?”

  “I don’t know. I think there’s something wrong with this ring. I think it’s possessed or something.”

  “I don’t think it’s the ring you need to worry about; it’s Eddie.”

  I looked at her. She had tears in her eyes too. “I’ve missed you, Charls. Eddie’s taking you away from me, your mom…”

  “I know. I’ve been obsessed with him, haven’t I?”

  “You sure have.”

  “Do you think I should still marry him?”

  She walked over to get her wine and took several sips. “You know what I think. It’s what you think that matters. What do you want?”

  “I love him, Ambs. I don’t know what I’d do without him.”

  “Then marry him. Just don’t let him ruin your life.”

  I took a sip of my wine and started to twirl the ring around my finger. I wanted to pull it off and throw it in that lake. Where had those feelings come from? “Ambs, there’s something else.”

  “What is it?”

  “I keep having these weird visions. They only started yesterday when I put on this ring.”

  “What visions?”

  “Well, they’re more like bad dreams really. In them I’m me but I’m not me and I can see the ring and I hate it and want to take it off but then a man comes and he tries to kill me or something.”

  “Is that man Eddie?”

  I felt a fear rise up inside. “I think so.”

  She shook her head. “That’s what I’ve been so afraid of. Ever since I met him I knew. I got a vision too.”

  I sat up. “What?”

  “I didn’t want to say anything. I thought you’d think I was crazy or maybe jealous or something.”

  “What did you see?”

  “I saw him; with a black hooded cloak on
and he had a knife and he was stabbing something or someone; it was hard to tell because it was a bundle of cloth. But his eyes were black; so evil…” She took another sip of her drink and leaned forward. “Don’t marry him, Charls.”

  I knew she was right but I couldn’t live without him either. I decided I would give the ring back to him and let him know I wasn’t ready. That way I could still continue to see him without the worry of him controlling me.

  “Thanks for the talk, Ambs,” I said.

  “No worries. That’s what friends are for, right?”



  That night I dreamt again. I’d taken the ring off and placed it on my nightstand but it made no difference. I was by the lake again, desperately trying to prise the ring from my finger but it was too swollen. It was like the ring had grown into my skin. Only this time I could see another ring next to it; a gold band. It was wearing away and so came off easily. The ruby ring was different; it was like new and wouldn’t budge. I felt the cold water freezing my weak body but it was the fear that really gave me a chill; the fear when I smelt his breath on my neck and his hands pulling me under. “You’ll never leave me Emily Gray. You’ll never leave me.” I woke up again, gasping for breath; my heart pounding heavily in my chest. I picked up the ring and hid it in my sock drawer. I hoped that I’d sleep better if it was hidden. I opened the top drawer of my nightstand and took out the gold journal Eddie had given me for Christmas and I wrote the name, Emily Gray inside. If she was wearing my ring then maybe she was a real person. I vowed to go to the library tomorrow and do some research. If she was real; why did I now have her ring?


  I knocked for Amber and I told her about the dream. She told me she would love to help me do some research so we arranged to go to the library straight after school. I didn’t wear my ring. I’d left it hidden in my sock drawer. Amber noticed. “So when are you going to tell Eddie you don’t want to marry him?”

  “I’ll do it tonight.”

  “Rather you than me.”

  “I know.” I was starting to get really nervous about it now. I didn’t want to hurt him. He was so sweet and he was all alone in the world. I didn’t want him to think I was abandoning him. I still wanted to be with him; I loved him so much but it was much too soon for marriage. I wasn’t even eighteen yet.

  The day went quite quickly, which was good because I couldn’t stop thinking about Emily Gray. Once the bell went Amber could barely contain her excitement. “Come on, let’s go and find out what’s going on with your ring.”

  The library was five minutes walk from school and luckily for us there were only about five people in there so there were several computers free. Amber was a computer whizz and so she knew what search words to use. To be honest, I wasn’t expecting to find anything so I was shocked when Amber suddenly pointed to the screen. “Oh my god!” she gasped. Her face went white and her eyes widened when she looked at me. “Charls, look.”

  I moved my face closer to the screen and I felt sick when I saw it. It was from an old newspaper. The headline read: “Local girl in drowning tragedy” I read further…minister’s daughter, Emily Gray, 19 was found dead at Bexford Lake this morning. The police are not treating her death as suspicious. It is suspected she tripped and fell into the lake after an argument with her husband Edward Gray. My heart lurched. Edward. Edward’s surname was Greyfield. I could feel Amber shaking next to me. I glanced further down the page and then I saw it. Amber grabbed my arm. It was a picture of Emily. It could have been a picture of me. “Oh my god,” I said looking at Amber. “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?”

  She nodded. “It gets worse, though.”


  “Look at the next page.”

  I pressed the arrow and there was a black and white photo of Eddie. It was him. He had the same hair and everything. He also had those black eyes and that sneer. I felt the room starting to spin. I gripped hold of the desk and Amber held me up. “It’s Ok,” she said. “I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation. It’s just pretty weird that’s all.”

  “What’s going on, Ambs?”

  The librarian came over. “Is everything all right, ladies?” she said in her British accent.

  “Can we get a glass of water, please?” Amber asked.

  “Of course.”

  She came back with two glasses and noticed the photo. “Oh,” she said.

  “What’s up?” Amber asked.

  “That was such a terrible thing,” she said. She was quite old but I didn’t think she was old enough to know about that.

  “How do you know about it? You don’t look old enough!” Amber said.

  She laughed. “Most people in the village have heard of poor Emily Gray. It’s one of those stories that keeps getting passed down through the generations.”

  “How come I haven’t heard about it?” I asked.

  “Maybe your family are too young. You must know the old mansion house, though?”

  “Yeah. I live opposite.”

  “That’s where she lived; her and her husband. After it happened he went mad, apparently. He threw himself off the roof.”

  “That’s terrible,” Amber said.

  “Yes. The whole thing was a terrible tragedy. Of course, everybody thought he did it.”

  “Did what?”

  “Killed his wife.”

  I shuddered. “Why did they think that?”

  “There was something strange about him. Pure evil some people said. Anyway, I’ve got to get back to the desk. I hope you’re feeling better soon, love.” She was about to walk away but then she looked at me. “Oh my, you are the spitting image of Emily. Was she a relative?”

  “I don’t know,” I said. “That’s what I’m trying to find out.”

  Amber sipped on her water, being careful to keep it away from the computer. “Charls, I’m getting really scared now, aren’t you?”

  “A little bit. Do you think Emily is my relative?”

  She looked at the screen. “I actually think your crazy story about reincarnation might be true.”

  I felt that dread rising up inside again. “What do you mean?”

  “Don’t you get it? Eddie keeps telling you about your past lives together and didn’t he tell you about the mansion? I think it’s true. I think he did kill Emily but I don’t get how he’s still got the ring and how you both look exactly the same.”

  “I think we should go now,” I said. “I have to meet him later and tell him I can’t marry him.”

  “You can’t see him now. Not after what we know.”

  “Yeah, but that was him in a past life. He’s changed now. He’s lovely.”

  Amber raised her voice. “He isn’t, Charls!”

  The people in the library glared at us.

  “I have to see him, otherwise he’ll suspect something,” I whispered.

  “As long as you’re sure. You can’t tell him anything about the ring though.”

  “I know that. I’m not stupid.”

  “Just as long as we’re on the same page. Text me as soon as you get back tonight. If I don’t hear from you I’m calling the police.”

  “Ambs, I think you’re getting a bit carried away—“

  “This is serious now, Charls. He scares me and he’s starting to scare you. He lives in a hut next to a cemetery for goodness sake!”

  The librarian came over. “I’m sorry ladies but we’re getting some complaints about the noise.”

  “It’s ok,” I said. “We’re going now.”


  I took the ring from my sock drawer and held it inside my palm; I felt tears welling up inside my eyes. It was a different feeling, this time; like a huge release of emotion. It was a heavenly feeling, as though angels were watching over me or something and then I heard the voice. It’s payback time. I knew then that I was Emily. How could I be with Eddie knowing what he was capable of? It didn’t seem to matter anymore that we were both in a new l
ife; his soul was evil. I put the ring on my finger and stepped into my long floral dress. It had gone a little chilly so I put on my boots and my duffle coat. I was dreading telling him but I had to do it. My heart lurched as I saw him at the top of the hill. He wasn’t smiling. “Hi,” I said.

  “Why are you doing this to me?” he said, a look of hurt spreading across his face.

  “What do you mean?” I felt scared. Had he seen me at the library?

  “I know you don’t want to marry me. I had a dream about it.” He looked genuinely sad.

  I felt so guilty. “I love you so much, Eddie but I’m not ready for marriage yet. I’m sorry. Can’t we just carry on as we were?”

  “If you loved me you’d marry me. We can sort out whatever worries you’ve got.”

  “I’m just not ready. I’ll be going to college in the fall. I’ve already got a place at Husson.”

  “Husson in Maine?” He looked horrified.

  “It’s got one of the best law departments.”

  “You said you’d never leave me.”

  “I won’t be leaving you. It’s not that far away. I’ll be back every weekend and you can come and stay with me. You could even come live with me. It’s better than your hut.”

  He sneered again. “You think you’re so much better than me, don’t you? How dare you do this to me. You’ll be sorry.”

  His eyes darkened again and I was really scared. We were still at the bottom of the hill and, for once, I hoped my mom was watching through the window. “I love you, Eddie. Surely you want the best for me; the best for us?” I reached for his hand but he pulled it away and put it in his pocket.

  “The best thing for us is to get married and start a family like most normal people.”

  “I agree, but we can do that when we’re a little older and when I’ve got a good job.”

  “I know you think I can’t support us but I’ll find us something, you’ll see.”

  I wanted to get away. I was torn. I loved him but I knew he’d drag me down with him if I didn’t stand up for myself. “Like I said, I love you so much but you’re suffocating me. I need some space. If you really love me you’d understand.” I took off the ring and felt so much better as I handed it back to him.


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