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A Wolf of Wall Street (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance)

Page 2

by Wilson, Joanna

  Justin casually rubbed my lip gloss off his bottom lip and took a step back. “Ok gorgeous, have it your way. We’ll talk later.”

  I watched dumfounded as he casually walked away before his words registered. My fists clenched as I yelled after him “It’ll be a cold day in hell!”

  “I’ll bring my parka.” He replied as he nodded to his driver and got into the back seat of his town car.


  All night I was haunted by erotic dreams of Justin. The way dream Justin took me again and again told me that my subconscious had no issues with a dominant lover. Every time I woke up I fought the urge to masturbate. With three hundred of your closest friends sleeping mere feet away, let me tell you there is no way in hell you can get away with masturbating in public.

  Needless to say, when I finally dragged my sleep-deprived carcass out of my sleeping bag Saturday morning, I needed coffee. And a vibrator.

  Unable to completely open my eyes, my nose followed the scent of coffee to the cup held in front of me. Have I mentioned that I love Carly?

  “Thank you sweetie.” I mumbled and took the cup.

  “No problem beautiful.” Justin’s warm caramel tones this early in the morning jolted me awake, my eyes flared open and I nearly dropped my coffee cup. That would have been a heinous crime.

  I looked him up and down, taking in the jeans and long sleeve coat under the leather jacket. Hmm, he might be able to pass himself as one of us, if his face weren't plastered on every protest poster. I gave him my best ice cold bitch glare but the ice in my eyes were cracking from the bubbling heat underneath. “What are you doing here?”

  For the first time, I saw Justin smile, actually showing teeth smile and it dazzled me. “You’re not a morning person are you?”

  I sniffed, pointing my nose daintily in the air. “Actually I am. I just didn’t sleep very well last night.”


  I blushed “No.”

  “Oh?” His expression was interested, very interested.

  “You try sleeping outside and see if you can get a good night’s sleep.” I snapped.

  Justin shrugged. “It’s not too bad actually.”

  My jaw practically dragged on the ground. “You’ve slept outside? You?”

  He looked affronted. “You say that like it's impossible.”

  “It is.” I stuttered “You’re Justin Blankenship. Executive Banker and Wall Street Gazillionaire.”

  “Billionaire.” He corrected. "Gazillionaires don't exist."

  “You know what I meant.”

  The sardonic smile hung on his lips. I resisted the urge to fan myself. “Drink your coffee.”

  I looked down at the coffee dubiously.

  “I didn’t poison it, if that’s what you’re wondering about.” He said.

  “Is it black, like your heart?” I could've said something cleverer, but given the circumstances...

  His growl was unmistakable, and prolonged. “It’s a hazelnut latte. Same thing you get every morning.”

  I glanced up at his black expression “How do you know what I get every morning?”

  “I’m observant.” He turned and started to walk away from the rest of the protesters “Come, I want to talk to you.”

  I stopped dead “I’m not a dog, you can’t just order me around.”

  He rubbed his hand over his face. “Marie.” He put on his Wall Street tone. The tone that said he wasn't about to take "No" for an answer.

  “Ok fine let’s go for a walk.”

  We walked in silence, Justin still brooding and I felt the overwhelming urge to comfort him. I reached over and squeezed his hand. “Thank you for the coffee.” His palm turned and he laced our fingers together, tying us together and squeezed my hand back. Surprisingly, that one gesture made him look a hundred times better.

  “So what are the protestors' plans today?” He asked me. I was shocked by the change in subject.

  “What? I thought you had something to tell me. Why are you making small talk?”

  “Lost my nerve.” He muttered “Can we just pretend we’re a normal couple for a bit?”

  “We’re not a couple.”

  Justin fell silent and pulled his hand away. I felt strangely bereft without it and immediately grabbed his hands, tangling our fingers together again. “I need a shower so I plan on going to the gym and having a shower. Other than that, we have a rally at two today.”

  Justin opened his mouth to say something but clamped it shut again, getting a hard look in his eyes.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “Nothing. You’re gonna think I’m a jerk.”

  I squeezed his hand “I already think you’re an asshole. A jerk is a vast improvement.” I teased. There was that lopsided grin again.

  “You can shower at my place.”

  I pulled him to a stop and turned to face him. “Why would I need to shower at your place when my gym membership is already paid for?”

  He shook his head and pointed at the necklace. “That's why.”

  After a pause, I laughed “What? What are you talking about?”

  “No I’m not. Look, keep an open mind and just come to my place where you can have a shower and I'll explain it all.”

  I shook my head “If you have something to explain, you can explain here. I’m not going anywhere alone with you.”

  "Is that your decision?"


  "Your final one?"

  "Y--" Before I could finish, his hand grabbed mine and pulled me into his hulking frame. The necklace grew warm and the pendant felt like it was burning into my skin. Before I realized what was happening, his lips were pressed against mine again, as he pulled me in and kissed me senselessly, swaying me without words. How could I deny what my drumming heart wanted?


  As the elevator rose to the penthouse suite in a fifth avenue apartment complex, because anything else would be gauche, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him. Even in his jeans and leather jacket, he looked no less powerful then when he wore his high priced suits. My libido was ready to eat him up and from the heated looks he was giving me, I was pretty sure he wasn’t far behind.

  When we entered the penthouse, he surprised me by simply leading me to the bathroom and pointing out where the towels were, instead of jumping my bones in the front entrance. I hesitated. Had I read him wrong? Did he not want me?

  My hesitation lasted all of two minutes when he came back into the bathroom with an extra set of towels over his arm. “Why aren’t you showering?”

  “I… I don’t know.” I responded.

  “Here let me help you out of your clothes.”

  Before I could move, I was topless and my pants had been pulled down to my ankles “Hey!” I exclaimed as I tried to cover the important bits.

  He took my hands and drew them back behind my back, taking them into his left hand. With his right hand he stroked across my hip, detouring to give my plump ass a squeeze before sweeping his fingertips up my full belly to caress my breast. My boobs were so big that his hand could not fully surround it so he made do by cupping the bottom of my breast with his palm and gently squeezing my nipple with his fingertips, watching my eyes as they flared in excitement.

  “That’s my girl.” He murmured “You’re beautiful Marie. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

  Despite the heat and arousal running rampant through my system, I still had the brain capacity to roll my eyes at the statement. “I’m not beautiful, I’m AGH!” My comment was cut off with a shrill scream as his fingertips tightened on my nipple and twisted a little.

  He soothed the hurt with the rasp of his tongue, telling me in between licks how sexy I was, and beautiful and perfect for him. His hands ran continuously across my body, lingering on my belly, my hips, my ass and my thighs.

  With my hands free, I indulged myself in running my fingers through his hair and stroking along his shoulders and back. My drawings were way off, he was even better built
than I thought. I was so caught up in the sensation that I didn’t even notice he had picked me up and moved us into the running shower until the water hit my back.

  I arched at the feeling of warm water striking my back and in the back if my mind was secretly thrilled that he was strong enough to carry me. It made me feel so feminine and protected. He reached behind my head and squirted shampoo into his palms before rubbing it into my hair and scalp. All the while he whispered things into my ears, about my hips, my belly, and my breasts. Each word left my skin quivering, flashing alternately hot and cool.

  And all the while, Justin's hands ran along my body, leaving behind hot trails that burrowed deep.

  He tilted my head back into the spray taking the opportunity to kiss my throat and shoulders, taking a moment to suck and the curve of my neck that connect to my shoulder, giving me a hickey. His lower half rubbed lazily against mine, the head of his cock stroking my pussy lips.

  “Justin!” I moaned. I felt hip smile against my collarbone as his tongue continued to stroke my body.

  “Yes baby?”

  “Do something!” I pleaded.

  “I am.” He answered innocently as he rubbed conditioner in my hair. “I’m helping you shower.”

  I groaned and rested my head on his shoulder. His dark laughter didn't help my nerves as I moved restlessly against him, startled when his hands comes down hard on my ass.

  “Stay still.”

  “No.” I pouted, pressing my breasts into his chest. I jump when his other hand came down on the other cheek.

  “Yes.” His hands disappeared for a few seconds only to return as soapy fingers rubbed over my ass. I twitched under his hands.

  “I’m pretty sure my ass is clean.” I stated dryly as I soaped up my hands, tracing them across his body.

  His chuckles turned into groans as he proceeded to lather up my entire body, paying special attention to his favorite areas. I tried to distract him by nibbling on his shoulder and moving my soapy hands all over my favorite areas but he refused to be deterred from cleaning me up. Man, I must really stink. I thought.

  After pushing me back under the spray and making sure all the soap was gone he pressed me further back until I was backed against the tiles.

  “Hop on board gorgeous.” I blinked down at the large cock pointing at me and suffered a brief moment of panic. He hooked his fingers under my chin, getting my attention “It’ll fit. Trust me.”

  I nodded and hesitantly lifted a leg to wrap around his lean hips, trying to angle my pussy in the proper direction. Apparently having lost patience, Justin picked up both my thighs, pulling them wide and thrusting deep into my channel. I let out a strangled moan in shock. He stopped. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No...” I breathed as my nails dug into his back and tried to get some leverage to move on his cock. “If you don't move right now, I will pull out your ribcage and wear it as a hat. Move! Move! Move!” I whined. Oh geez, he made me whine.

  “You're vicious when you are aroused. I’ll keep that in mind.” His pace increased minutely but not enough to satisfy my lust. I raked my nails across along the length of his back, leaving fine lines of blood in my wake. He jolted at the sensation, causing his thrusts to become harder, but he kept his pace the same.

  My head tossed from side to side as my orgasm started to climb but I couldn’t figure out how to go over, I was stuck.

  “Justin, please!”

  “Hold on baby.” He said as he pinned my upper body to the wall and doubled his pace. Within seconds, I had given new meaning to the word screaming orgasm.

  Justin panted in my ear “It’s a good thing I don’t have neighbours, otherwise the cops would be showing up.”

  I nipped his shoulder, making him growl low and amazingly, making the battering ram in my pussy swell. So I did it again.

  “Uh uh, bad girl.” Justin said as he pulled my head back by the wet clump of my hair.

  Shower sex is hell on tangles. He slowed his pace again, angling his hips so every thrust brushed my g-spot. He smirked when he noticed that every time he scored a direct hit to my g-spot, my left leg would jerk against his lower back.

  He proceeded to torture me with random hits to my g-spot, changing the rhythm of his thrusts so that I couldn’t keep pace. I pulled away from the fist at the back of my head, moaning at the hint of pain adding to the swirl of lust that surrounded me. My climax started building again and I reached down to help it along by rubbing my clit when I found both hands pinned above my head.

  I met his steely gaze and blushed when his attention was ensnared by the bounce of my breasts in this position. The look in his eyes heated considerably and I felt his scorching gaze travel across my nipples, down my stomach and to the junction where we were connected. His breathing was so raspy, I’m pretty sure he was purring.

  With my arms restrained, I dug my heels into his ass and tried to pull him in so I could restrict his tortuous random thrusts. He cursed my impatience but he obliged me, evening out his thrusts and consistently hitting my g-spot. Black spots danced in my vision as I was overwhelmed by the speed that I climbed. Just as I reached the pinnacle, he covered my mouth with his, muffling my screams with his lips and tongue.

  As I came down from the high and he released my arms, I let my arms hang uselessly at my sides as I tried to form a coherent thought. I had expected him to slow down his pace and pull-out but then I realized that he was still hard inside me. The man had not cum yet! I stared wide eyed at his face as I shifted my gaze downwards and then back at his face. He winked cockily at me as he maintained a hard, fast pace. Strong hands clenched at my ass almost painfully and Justin's expression sharpened. His thrusts were so powerful that my head was smacking against the tiled wall. In an effort to avoid a concussion I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled my upper body away from the wall. I could feel the tense muscles under my legs and arms and knew he was close. Our lips locked for a quick kiss before I deviated to the curve of his neck and clamped my teeth down on the muscle.

  And then I felt it, jets of semen scorching the depth of my pussy. Justin buried his face in my wet hair, muffling a high groan against my neck as I squirmed--soapy and wet--against him.

  “Justin, we didn’t use a condom! Let me down.” He let go of my legs and held me as I tried and failed to get my jello legs under me. His hand ran over my belly, stroking me gently to calm me down.

  “We don’t need a condom Marie.”

  “Of course we do! I don’t know where you’ve been and how many women you’ve been with and I--”

  He pressed a finger to my lips to silence me. “No we don’t. Not that it matters”

  I smacked his wet chest, briefly glad at his wince. That’ll show his arrogant ass. “What do you mean it doesn’t matter?”

  Justin picked me up and stepped out of the shower, pausing briefly to grab the towels and dry us off. He carried me--water dripping from my hair--down the hallway to the master bedroom. Laying me down on the bed, he pulled his chair close to face me.

  “That necklace you wear, that’s my mate’s necklace.”

  “What like your friend’s necklace? Your ‘mate’s’?”

  “No. My soul mate.”

  My heart dropped and I fought back tears. Oh god I just fucked a married man. “I’m sorry.” I sniffled as I reached back and fumbled with the clasp of the necklace but it wouldn’t budge. “Let me just take this off and I’ll give it back to you.” Justin’s hand on the back of my neck stayed my hand.

  “I don’t think you’re understanding this right Marie.” He grabbed my hand and pulled it back down into my lap. “That’s your necklace. You are my mate.”

  “How the hell do you know that?”

  “The night you were attacked, I was there.”

  I shot to my feet “What?”

  “I was the guy that came to your rescue. The necklace must have fallen off during the struggle.”

  “That means I found your necklace, not that I’m your m

  “No. That necklace doesn't just fall off. You were meant to have it.”

  I rubbed the pendant, worrying the letter with my index finger until the realization came to me. “J.B. that’s you! Justin Blakenship!”

  “Yes darling.”

  “So why do you have a magical necklace that tell you who your soul mate is. Are you some sort of wizard?”

  He grinned and shook his head. "Close. I'm a werewolf.”


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