Liam's Luck

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Liam's Luck Page 5

by Josie Dennis

  “Damn, you’re tight.”

  Jackson shifted and leaned against the tree with one arm, gripping his own cock as he stroked himself. Liam watched even as his own orgasm began to tease at the edges of his consciousness.

  They moved together, Liam bringing his mouth to the side of Jackson’s neck as his thrusts grew less measured. It was like the previous evening in his room but far more visceral. Elemental.

  “I’m going to come, Jackson.” He closed his eyes now, moving faster still as Jackson’s moans grew in intensity, if not in volume. “God, this is incredible.”

  Jackson shook against him as he bucked, his own climax accompanied by a guttural cry. Liam let loose then, coming and pouring himself into his lover.

  Sucking in a huge breath, he gently withdrew and hugged Jackson against his chest. “Are you all right?”

  “Liam, that was…” He turned and kissed him. “Sweet heavens.”

  Liam found a smile. “Now you and I are truly lovers.”

  Jackson closed his eyes in obvious bliss. “And tonight we shall love Charlotte.”

  Liam tucked himself back in his trousers and brushed his hair back from his face. “You’ll help me keep from hurting her?”

  Jackson straightened his own clothing, a humorous slant to his lips. “With that big cock of yours? I daresay her virgin’s pain should be considerable.”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  Jackson grew serious. “I know. Your emotions are yours, Liam. You will have to keep your heart and hers safe.”

  “And what of yours?”

  Jackson’s smile was faint but evident. “Mine shall survive, however this all ends.”

  Chapter Six

  Jackson sat at the worktable in the common rooms downstairs, cleaning and polishing Liam’s boots. It was part of his duty, and he’d already seen to the earl’s things earlier that morning. His body was still humming from the pleasure he and Liam had shared, and he couldn’t help but think about the upcoming evening with Charlotte.

  Her passion had been stunning and not what he might have expected from a young woman like her. She was obviously innocent, and her kisses were the sweetest he’d ever tasted. Liam would take her tonight. Of that, he had no doubt.

  That man had been a complete surprise, as well. Jackson knew nothing could ever come of his involvement with Liam, or Charlotte for that matter. They both drew him like no one ever had.

  Back in London, when he’d been involved with one maid or a male servant, there had been passion and release but nothing more. He’d pleased them in return, but there had been no connection. It was a twist of irony that both Charlotte and Liam occupied his thoughts now. Their conversations as well as their more passionate exchanges. But oh, those passionate exchanges were something he doubted he would ever forget.

  “What did Lord Sheffield get up to?” Peter asked as he strolled into the room.

  Jackson started and then met the first footman’s gaze. Peter was a good sort, but he was still learning his way in Jackson’s opinion.

  “What do you mean, Peter?”

  Peter lifted his chin toward Liam’s boots. “Those are covered in mud, Hartley. Did he ride this morning?”

  Jackson schooled his features. “I’m not sure. It’s my job to care for him during his stay, and that extends to his belongings.”

  “I know, I know.” Peter settled at the table. “I cared for Elliot Hawk last month, if you recall.”

  “Yes.” Elliot Hawk had left with Lady Hawksfell’s maid just weeks earlier, but that was a subject that was never spoken aloud. “And how did you like playing valet?”

  “I took to the work, Hartley. With both that gentleman and his companion.”

  Jackson had an inkling that there was more than companionship between Elliot Hawk and his friend, but he wouldn’t state as much in front of Peter.

  “Oh good, I’ll have some company while I do my mending,” the new lady’s maid said as she joined them.

  “Hello, Iris,” Jackson said to the pretty young woman.

  Iris had very dark hair, nearly as dark as Liam Hawk’s, and pretty violet eyes. Peter was clearly interested in her, and pushed his thick auburn hair back from his face.

  “How is your day going, Iris?” Peter asked.

  Iris shrugged and settled down with her mending in front of her. “The countess likes her afternoon rests now, so my work isn’t so very taxing. I do find myself straightening up after the earl, however.” She winked in Jackson’s direction. “It seems his valet is about other duties.”

  Jackson just smiled. “The earl’s brother needs me, too, Iris.”

  “Yes, that’s true.” Iris made a humming sound, her lips pursed. “He is frightfully handsome though, isn’t he? I think it’s those dark Hawk eyes.”

  “They all seem to have those,” Peter put in. “Nothing out of the ordinary to my way of thinking.”

  “Are you jealous, Peter?” Jackson asked. “Never say you find the new Hawk unattractive.”

  “He’s attractive, Hartley,” Peter grumbled. “They all are.”

  Iris let out a sigh. “I know I’m new to Hawksfell, but even I have heard of the earl’s Hawk relatives.”

  “Careful, Iris,” Jackson said. “Don’t let Mrs. Hughes hear you.”

  Her pretty eyes went wide. “Oh! No, Hartley. I wouldn’t dare do anything to risk my position.”

  “That will serve you well, Iris,” Peter told her.

  Jackson let the two of them converse as he concentrated on Liam’s boots. He wouldn’t let his work suffer simply because he was somewhat involved with his latest charge. He’d had to change after their interlude in the woods, and it was a very good thing that Peter hadn’t seen the condition of Jackson’s shoes after his walk in the woods. Worry niggled at him. How long could he keep his involvement secret?

  It was true that all of this would surely be over as quickly as it had begun. Had it been only yesterday when he’d first kissed Liam Hawk? He would have to practice every bit of circumspection and privacy that his late father had instilled in him. If he wasn’t careful, he would end up far worse after Liam and Charlotte left Hawksfell. Not only would he be alone again. He would be unemployed.

  “You’re awfully quiet, Hartley,” Iris said. “Why do you think that is, Peter?”

  “Hmm?” Peter had been gazing adoringly at Iris and snapped to attention. “Why do I…what now?”

  Iris laughed. “I was merely teasing our Hartley, here. How long have you been the earl’s valet again?”

  “Six months.” Jackson met her gaze directly. “And my work has been without reproach.”

  Iris nodded. “Yes, both the earl and the countess speak highly of you.”

  “I shall continue on in my position,” Jackson added. “Despite Peter’s aspirations.”

  Peter held up his hands with a smile. “I haven’t been first footman for all that long, Hartley. Never say I am after your position.”

  Jackson arched a brow. “I’m not saying any such thing. It seems to be the natural progression at Hawksfell.”

  “Not in my experience,” Peter said. “In fact, you’ve been valet longer than even Grayson when he was here.”

  Jackson knew of Grayson’s tenure and that he’d also left with Trevor Hawk before Jackson had been hired.

  “Grayson.” Iris furrowed her delicate brow. “I don’t recall him.”

  “You wouldn’t,” Peter said. “He left six months ago, along with Lady Hawksfell’s maid.”

  “My predecessor?” she asked.

  “No.” Peter chuckled. “In fact, the poor countess cannot seem to keep a maid in her employ.”

  Iris leaned forward, her eyes bright with interest. “Do tell, Peter.”

  “Don’t tell, Peter,” Jackson said, his voice stern. “If you all wish to keep your jobs, and any aspirations you might have, you’ll cease this tale-carrying.”

  Iris blinked, nodding vigorously. “You have the right of it, Hartley.” She si
ghed. “I’ve just been lonely since coming here.”

  “Our work is often separate from the others’, Iris,” Jackson said. “With our advanced position comes inherent solitude.”

  Peter’s mouth dropped open. “I’ve said it before, but you sound like a nobleman sometimes, Jackson.”

  Jackson smiled broadly. “I was taught by their tutors, Peter. Nothing more.”

  Peter folded his hands. “You see? I’ll never try to usurp your position. I would stand no chance.”

  Jackson let the man believe that. It only served to remind Jackson that he had to keep his involvement with the earl’s brother and his guest very secret indeed.

  * * * *

  “You seem a little less melancholy this evening, Charlotte.”

  Charlotte looked over at Posy, Matthew Hawk’s wife. She couldn’t help but return the lady’s smile. “I suppose I am.”

  Matthew Hawk’s wife leaned closer to her. “Can this have anything to do with the new Hawk brother?”

  Charlotte quickly glanced around the parlor, seeing Liam and Matthew conversing in what looked like a more comfortable manner this evening.

  “It seems that Liam is getting to know his family.” Charlotte shrugged. “I am pleased he’s warming up to the idea. You know, I used to think that he came by that cleft in his chin from his mother. I see now that both the earl and your husband share that trait.”

  Posy grinned. “I do so love that cleft.”

  Charlotte stared a little bit longer at Liam, catching his smile as he nodded to something Matthew told him. Her heart squeezed. She realized that she’d been so long tied to him now. Her moods, now that she considered the fact, were connected to his. When he was surly with her, she was downcast. When he smiled, not that he ever did so in her direction, she felt lighter. Now that they would share passion? Oh, she feared that she would expire from his very touch.

  “You’re in love with him,” Posy whispered.

  Charlotte jumped and turned to face her. “What?”

  “You clearly have no notion of your feelings?”

  Charlotte nibbled her lower lip. “I know there can never be happiness for me if I were to declare that.”

  Posy’s eyes widened. “If you are certain.” She looked over at Liam, who was now studying the two of them. “Although by the end of your visit to Hawksfell? I wouldn’t be so sure.”

  Charlotte began to make an answer, but Posy held up one graceful hand. “I will not argue this with you now, Charlotte.”

  “Why do I believe you are reserving the right to do so in the future?” Charlotte asked.

  Posy laughed again. “You are sharp. I’ll give you that.”

  Charlotte fidgeted. “I believe I shall retire early again this evening.”

  Posy arched a brow. “I take it the country air is having its usual effect.”

  Charlotte shrugged, unable to meet her gaze as her cheeks heated. “Let me bid the countess good night.”

  Posy dipped her head. “Have a good night’s rest, Charlotte.”

  It was sometime later when Charlotte ventured out of her guest room. She had no notion if Liam and Jackson were in the blue room, but she had to indulge her curiosity. She’d been unable to get Posy’s words out of her head, and there was a cautious spark of hope in her breast that Liam could love her. He certainly wanted her. That had been evident just a few hours ago in the woods. He and Jackson had a connection, as well. Her entire body tingled as she imagined the two of them together.

  “There she is,” Jackson said.

  She looked down the hall from Liam’s door to the stairs set near the end of the bachelors’ wing. “You don’t seem surprised.”

  Jackson came closer and took her hands in his. “Not surprised, no. I know how you feel about him.”

  “How can you know?”

  He stroked her cheek. “Love, it’s written all over your face whenever you look in his direction.”

  She looked closely at Jackson, seeing the handsome valet as something more. “What of you?”

  Jackson shook his head. “Let’s not talk of me at this moment, Charlotte. Liam awaits.”

  Her stomach fluttered. “He’s here, then?”

  “He is.” Jackson opened the door and ushered her inside. “And awaiting the both of us.”

  Liam turned to face them, clad in his fine eveningwear save for his jacket. She’d looked her fill, both at the table and later in the parlor with the ever-aware Posy at her side. Now, with Jackson’s heat and fresh scent so close, she let her feelings for Liam surge forth.

  “Liam.” She stepped closer, emboldened by the heat in his dark eyes. “Are you truly awaiting us both?”

  His nostrils flared, and he nodded. “I am. Does that frighten you?”

  “No.” She licked her lips. “It excites me.”

  She felt Jackson’s fingers trail over the back of her neck as he began to unfasten her gown. He dropped a kiss on her skin, and she sighed.

  “Let me undress you,” Jackson said. “It’s what I do best.”

  “Yes.” Liam chuckled, actually chuckled, as he began to unfasten his own shirt. “I’ll do some of your duties, Jackson. If only to get our girl naked sooner.”

  Her breath caught at his words. “Your girl?”

  Liam approached, his upper body bared. His every muscle was outlined. There were dark hairs lightly dusting his chest. There was strength evident in his arms. She’d fantasized about this, but her dreams had been woefully inadequate.

  “Oh, Liam.”

  “Beautiful, isn’t he?” Jackson asked.

  Charlotte looked over her shoulder at Jackson as he let her dress pool around her ankles. Cool air brushed over her exposed breasts, and she marveled that she hadn’t even noticed he’d been so thorough. “He is. And you are still dressed.”

  Jackson grinned and doffed his clothing as she watched. She wore only her stockings now and stepped out of her slippers. A flush covered her, due to embarrassment or perhaps the amazing specimens of male beauty in front of her. She could almost forget she was naked herself.

  “You are amazing, Charlotte.” Liam reached out a hand and stroked his fingertips over her right nipple. “So responsive.”

  She shivered as he brought his lips to hers. He kissed her, slowly. Smoothly. His tongue was mobile in her mouth as Jackson cupped her bottom. His mouth touched her shoulder, his tongue working as actively as Liam’s. This was amazing, being between the two of them. Jackson had pleased her earlier today. What tonight would hold, she had no real notion. But she would do whatever they asked of her. Go wherever they led her. She would have the passion she’d craved for years now.

  “Take me,” she sighed, opening her eyes to beseech both of them. “Please.”

  Something passed between Liam and Jackson. She could sense it. In the next moment she was on her back in Liam’s large bed, her legs spread as Liam continued to kiss and fondle her. He’d shed his trousers, but she’d yet to see him completely. She could feel him, however. His long, thick shaft was hot against her bare thigh. Wriggling, she tried to move against him to bring her pulsing center closer.

  “Soon, Charlotte.” Liam kissed her lips, her breast, before moving to place his mouth where she hadn’t even realized she needed him. “Let me taste you first.”

  Jackson joined them as Liam began to lick her. Every stroke of his tongue made her tremble. When Jackson’s lips closed over one aching nipple, she cried out. Over and over again Liam’s tongue stabbed at her, the rough edge stroking over her clit. A rush of heat suffused her, and droplets of sweat broke out on her skin.

  “Sweet and salty,” Jackson said, cupping both breasts and suckling her. “So Charlotte.”

  Liam began to move one of his knuckles in and out of her, and she spread her legs wider. Jackson’s mouth and hands over her breasts and Liam doing what he was doing to her pussy made her crave the pleasure she’d felt in the woods.

  “Yes, oh please!” She clutched at the fine linens, opening up
as Liam moaned his arousal against her flesh. “Oh!”

  She stiffened, on the edge of something remarkable, and then soared. Jackson and Liam murmured words of encouragement as she continued to writhe on the bed between them, her every muscle undulating.

  As her heart began to slow its racing, she opened her eyes to find the two of them looking at her. Desire was stamped on both of their faces, and she touched their cheeks.

  “I know there is more,” she whispered.

  Again her men exchanged a look. Then they both smiled.

  “At her lady’s pleasure,” Jackson said.

  Chapter Seven

  Liam wrapped Charlotte in his arms, kissing the dewy skin over her delicate collarbone. Her pussy had been so sweet. So wet and slick he’d nearly spilled on the linens. Jackson had feasted on her plump, rosy breasts, and from the expression on his face, he’d enjoyed himself nearly as much as Liam had.

  “Are you ready for me to love you, Charlotte?”

  Her mouth was an O of surprise, and he realized what he’d said. He had to make himself clear to her. He cared for her, of course. What, however, did a Hawk know of love?

  “I’m going to take you,” he clarified, running his hands over her silky-smooth skin to cup her bottom. “I’ll be gentle. You have my word. I’ll protect your heart as I would your delectable body.”

  Her brow furrowed for a moment, and then she nodded slowly. “You’ve never yet lied to me, Liam.”

  Had he not? To his memory, he’d lied to her every time he’d feigned anger or disinterest. Tonight, though? Tonight he would have her, and even if that changed matters, he would deal with them in the light of day. He’d promised to keep her heart safe, as well, hadn’t he?

  “You trust Liam,” Jackson said, shifting to wrap his arms around her. “I will be here with you. You can trust me, too.”

  She kissed Jackson before facing Liam again. “You’re very large, Liam.”


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