Liam's Luck

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Liam's Luck Page 6

by Josie Dennis

  He looked down and saw that she was staring at his cock. He twitched, growing impossibly harder. “What of Jackson?”

  She looked over at Jackson’s beautiful shaft, her eyes wide. “Oh, he is also remarkably large.”

  “Thank you, love,” Jackson quipped, his eyes sparkling. “Perhaps you’ll see to that later.”

  Liam recognized the expression on Charlotte’s beautiful face. She was intrigued and excited, and he could scarcely believe he’d ignored this incredible creature for so long. Putting his own stubbornness out of his head, he focused instead on the way she felt beneath him. Against him.

  He’d never taken a virgin. He’d never cared about the person he fucked, save to make certain to never hurt anyone. This was Charlotte, however.

  “Hold on to Jackson, Charlotte.” Liam pressed the head of his cock against her scalding-hot pussy. He’d made her come, and she was slick with her juices. He could still taste her, but he blocked that from his mind, as well. This would be her first time with him. First of many, if his luck held. Moving forward a hair, he began to enter her.

  Her body blocked his progress, so he watched her flushed face as he pushed harder still.

  “Liam,” she gasped. “That hurts.”

  He shot a look to Jackson, who lowered his face to the crook of her neck. Jackson pinched and stroked her nipples, and Liam felt her muscles begin to ease a bit.

  Holding his breath, he surged through her maidenhead and buried his cock deep inside of her. She cried out, and he wanted to make certain she felt pleasure as soon as possible.

  “Take me, Charlotte.” He held himself up on his arms as Jackson kissed and fondled her. “All of me.”

  She gave a shaky nod and arched, opening her legs wider still as his thrusts became more insistent. Her cries grew louder, more like moans of pleasure than pain, and his heart clenched. He wasn’t hurting her now. No. He was giving her all of himself as he rode her harder.

  “Liam!” She sucked in a breath. “Oh!”

  His climax was roaring toward him. It was like when he’d taken Jackson, sweet and sharp. His heart seemed to skip and hold, and then she began to come.

  Her climax was amazing, even more so than when he’d licked her pussy. Now she was clenching around his shaft and bucking as he continued to thrust through his own climax. His eyes squeezed shut, and he couldn’t stop the guttural moan that came from his very soul.

  Collapsing on top of her, he settled between her still-twitching legs. His cock twitched, reminding him that he’d spilled his seed inside of her. Perhaps breeching her maidenhead had taken the decision from him on some elemental level. He had no notion. His luck would hold, though. It had to. He wouldn’t think about consequences or bring them up at this moment. There wouldn’t be a child from merely one lapse of judgment.

  Charlotte purred, nuzzling against his chest as he wrapped her in his arms. Jackson hadn’t missed Liam’s unfortunate error, however. His hazel eyes were clouded with worry.

  “Do you think you can see to Jackson now, dear Charlotte?”

  She stretched and nodded with a sleepy smile. “Just tell me what to do.” Jackson chuckled, and she opened her eyes and turned her head to him. “What?”

  Jackson knelt on the bed, sitting back on his heels with his thighs parted. From the hiss of breath he let out, Liam guessed he was pretty far-gone.

  “Charlotte, I believe it won’t take much to send me over the edge,” Jackson said, giving himself a stroke. “Can you give me your delicate hand?”

  Charlotte knelt to face him, reaching out toward Jackson’s cock. “Will it hurt you?”

  Jackson shook his head. “Not in the least.”

  “Touch him,” Liam said. “Put your hands on him and just stroke him as he’s doing.”

  Charlotte licked her lips, a delectable innocent curiosity on her face. “Oh, you feel as hard as Liam had.”

  “Are you very sore?” Liam had to know.

  She shook her head. “Not very.” Jackson moaned and leaned back on his hands as she began to use both of hers on him. “You’re very smooth.”

  Jackson’s head bobbed. “Make me come, love.”

  Charlotte stroked Jackson as Liam came behind her. “That’s it, Charlotte.”

  He couldn’t resist adding his touch to hers. They soon had Jackson groaning and bucking against their hands. His climax was imminent, and Liam leaned closer to Charlotte’s ear. “Put your mouth on him.”

  Her eyes rounded, and then she smiled. Her lips closed over the head of Jackson’s cock, and that was enough for him. He came hard into Charlotte’s mouth, and Liam bit his lip as he watched the two of them.

  “Christ.” Jackson moaned again. “Charlotte, love.”

  Charlotte sat back on her heels now, resting her folded hands on her smooth thighs. She looked a little surprised, but also very pleased with herself. “You taste like your kisses, Jackson.” Her gaze strayed to Liam’s cock, which kicked in response. “What of you, Liam?”

  He silently searched himself for any sign of his beast, but if it was present at the moment it slumbered. He was mildly aroused, of course. How could he not, with such a lovely picture as Charlotte and Jackson before him? There was no driving need, however.

  “I believe you need to sleep, Charlotte.” He cupped her face with his hands, marveling anew at her silken skin. “Go find your room and get your rest.”

  She gave a slow nod. “I shall. I daresay I shall need my energy on the morrow.”

  “Not on the morrow, love,” Jackson said. “We’ll let your body adjust before loving you again.”

  Liam kept his expression even at the mention of love again. He kissed her pouting lips. “Good night. I will see you in the breakfast room.” He found a smile. “And please school your expression. That languid look of satisfaction? As gorgeous as it is, I believe it will mark you as a well-loved woman.”

  * * * *

  Charlotte giggled, and Jackson chuckled in response. Was there anything more attractive than a well-loved young woman in high spirits? If Jackson knew of such a thing, that fact fled his mind.

  Jackson helped her dress and soon sent her on her way. He couldn’t resist kissing her again. Kissing that remarkable mouth that had sent him over the edge.

  When he turned back, Liam had donned his robe and sat near the fireplace. Jackson pulled on his trousers and joined him, as he had on that first evening.

  Liam studied the banked fire behind the grate, his brows drawn together. Jackson could well guess what was troubling him. It had to be something very big to detract from the pleasure they’d all shared tonight. A possible child? Jackson would be hard-pressed to think of something larger.

  “That was a misstep, Liam,” he said softly.

  “I know.” Liam grunted, an expression of determination on his handsome face. “She won’t quicken with a child, Jackson. She mustn’t.”

  “More than a man’s wish is needed to prevent that consequence.”

  “I know.” Liam brushed his thick hair back from his brow. “I couldn’t seem to make myself do what I’ve been doing since I had my first ride. To withdraw and keep everyone safe.”

  He watched Liam’s face as the memory struck him. His features softened, and his nostrils flared.

  “She felt remarkable, I’d wager,” Jackson said.

  “Jackson, you have no idea.” The shadow of a smile curved his sculpted lips now. “You will, though. Perhaps not tomorrow but very soon.”

  “I look forward to it.” Jackson returned his smile. “Trust me on that. You shouldn’t worry so over your, oh perhaps we shall call it lack of control.”

  “Why, Jackson? Why the devil wouldn’t I worry?”

  “You can marry her.”

  “Marry her?” Liam visibly paled. “I can’t see how that would serve anything.”

  “It can serve everything.” Jackson knew he didn’t have any sort of future with either one of them, but Liam had to see what was in front of his noble face. �
�She is already residing in your home.”

  “I would hurt her, Jackson. I know it.”


  “Taking maids and other servants beneath her nose? That is no life for a gently bred girl like her. There are any number of servants I’ve used at Sheffield House.”

  “So reorganize your house, Liam. Make it a safe place for Charlotte’s heart.”

  “Her heart?” Liam blinked at him. “Are you growing attached to her so quickly?”

  Jackson wanted to keep his thoughts to himself, but what would that serve? It would make no difference if he admitted he liked the girl.

  “She is a remarkable young woman, Liam. I feel most fortunate that I’ve shared her kisses and passions even over this very short time.”

  “I kept her at arm’s length and further,” Liam said. “It only took me one kiss to realize how dear she was to me.”

  “Then I don’t understand your resistance to the idea of marrying her.”

  “I won’t entertain it,” Liam snapped. He quickly held up his hand. “I’m sorry. I won’t take advantage of her, beyond the sensual, in which she is in full agreement.”

  Jackson wanted to argue further, but he kept his thoughts to himself. Liam, though? He seemed so certain, but there was a worry in those dark Hawk eyes.

  As for tomorrow, they might have to give her body a rest, but that was no reason they couldn’t share some passion play among the three of them.

  “I’ll bid you good night then, Liam.”

  Liam’s gaze searched his face, but when Jackson thought he would say more, Liam simply nodded. “Good night, Jackson.”

  The next morning Jackson saw to his duties for the earl before going to Liam’s room. He’d been unable to keep the memories of all they’d shared last night far from his mind, although his father’s training served him well today. He doubted the earl, or the countess for that matter, could guess what was on his mind.

  As he passed through the kitchens downstairs, he caught sight of Iris. She lifted her eyes to his, and he smiled a greeting.

  “Hartley, you look very determined.”

  “Do I?”

  She nodded. “Oh, yes. Can it be that your added involvement with Lord Sheffield is dragging you down?”

  He suspected she was guessing rather than asking him outright. She couldn’t know what his “added involvement” consisted of any more than Lord and Lady Hawksfell did.

  “I do my duties, Iris.” He thought to give her a little bit of her own medicine. “What of you and the first footman?”

  Her cheeks turned pink. “Peter? Why, he’s about his duties, as well. I…I’m certain. It is no concern of mine, of course.”

  Jackson winked. “If you say so.”

  He wouldn’t be surprised if Peter and Iris were somehow involved. They were both young and attractive and settled in this house so far out on the moors. He wouldn’t be the one to report his suspicions to Mrs. Hughes, however. They would dally, or they wouldn’t. He had his own concerns, didn’t he?

  He caught a glimpse of Charlotte perched in the library that afternoon, reading a book in a shaft of sunlight shining through the leaded windows behind her. She was breathtaking. The most beautiful girl he’d ever seen, were he being honest. How Liam had resisted her allure for all these years, Jackson had no idea. He’d known her for scarcely three days, and one look at her had brought it all rushing back to him. What they’d shared last night. What they would share tonight.

  Why wouldn’t Liam marry her? He was free to marry where he wished. That wasn’t so for Jackson. No, he must be in service. His mother had been loved and respected while she’d lived. Even though she’d died when Jackson was very young, he’d kept that impression through the years. That was unusual, though. That a married couple would be allowed to continue their employment.

  Jackson was in no condition to lose his position. It was what he’d trained for. All that he knew. These few days getting to know Liam, desiring him and Charlotte, would be a time out of the ordinary. Jackson knew that full well.

  Liam may keep his heart guarded from Charlotte, but in that instant, Jackson decided he wouldn’t. He could never be with her, any more than he could be with Liam. Not forever.

  But tonight? And the next few nights until Liam and Charlotte left Hawksfell? He would take and give as much passion, as much love, as he felt for both of them.

  Chapter Eight

  Charlotte licked and sucked Liam’s cock, stroking down to the root as she ran her hands over his ridged belly. Standing with his long, strong legs braced apart, he arched toward her as she tried her best to give him release. He was truly beautiful with his head thrown back as his throat worked.

  “That’s it, Charlotte.” He growled low in his throat, bringing his hands to her head. “Suck me deep.”

  Opening her mouth, she took more of him. Jackson stood and watched them as she learned how to please Liam, his hazel eyes glittering like green-gold. They’d loved her already, using their hands and lips to drive her out of her mind. They’d both denied her their most manly parts, but with their vast experience and her knowing little on that count, she’d had to agree with their insistence to wait until the morrow to have them inside of her again.

  “You have a very pretty mouth,” Jackson said, coming closer. “I wonder if you would kiss me, as well?”

  She looked up to find him standing beside Liam. He placed a hand on Liam’s shoulder and gave him a kiss. The sight of them, side by side and so handsome, made her quiver. Her pussy pulled tight, aching for them even though she’d found her pleasure twice between them just a few moments earlier.

  Emboldened, she reached up and grasped Jackson’s shaft. He was as large as Liam, which she’d noticed last night. Tonight, with both of them so close to her? Her mouth watered for a taste of each of them.

  “I’ll kiss you both.” She licked her lips, parting her legs to relieve the pressure on her woman’s flesh. “I’ll make you both come.”

  Jackson chuckled and then groaned as she suckled the head of his cock. She came up on her knees, holding their hot flesh in her hands as she kissed and licked each of them in their turn. After bringing them very close, she had to lean away from them. Her heart was pounding, and her skin prickled all over with sparks.

  “Oh, I don’t know which of you I like more,” she admitted.

  “Take Jackson,” Liam said, moving behind Jackson. “I’ll take him while you drive him wild.”

  “Liam, yes.” Jackson’s eyes were hot. Intense. “Take me.”

  Charlotte watched, wide-eyed, as Liam wrapped Jackson in his strong arms from behind. She ran her lips all over the front of Jackson’s fit body, her tongue playing over his muscles as he shivered. Liam did something behind him that made him moan. Oh, what could he be doing behind him?

  Leaning to one side, she saw Liam hold himself as he slipped a finger into Jackson’s secret hole. Her pulse spiked higher as Liam entered him and Jackson cried out.

  “That’s it, Jackson.” Liam groaned as he gripped Jackson’s narrow hips. “God, that feels good.”

  Jackson reached up around Liam’s neck with one arm, his other fist held at his side. Charlotte snapped out of her trance and touched his fist.

  “I’ll please you, Jackson.” She stood and kissed him, kissed Liam as well, and fell to her knees once again. “I’ll make you come.”

  Jackson moaned as she began to suck him again. Liam moved faster, in and out of Jackson as she loved him with her mouth. She was on fire herself and used her own passions to drive Jackson over the edge of climax.

  “I’m coming!” Jackson trembled, held himself still, and then came in hot spurts into her mouth. “Charlotte. God, Liam.”

  His voice was weak, and when Liam cried out, she knew he’d found his release, as well. Her two men held each other, but she needed more.

  “Won’t you please me?” she asked in a small voice. “Oh, I need to feel you both inside of me.”

  Jackson a
nd Liam exchanged a look whose import was lost on her, and then Liam withdrew from Jackson. “Lick her, Jackson. Let her ride your tongue to her pleasure.”

  Liam’s words, Jackson’s actions, were precisely what she’d needed. She found herself on the plush carpet, spread wide to Jackson’s ministrations. It took but three strokes of Jackson’s tongue to send her careening into her orgasm. It was amazing. It was heart stopping. It was more than she ever could have imagined.

  “Jackson, I believe you’ve left our girl speechless.”

  Liam’s voice reached through her still-buzzing ears, and she managed to come up on her elbows. “Are you making a joke, Liam?”

  He gazed down at her, a small smile on his lips. She had an incredible view, of course. He was as naked as God made him, all strong lines and sculpted muscles. It was the expression that accompanied that smile on his face that made her breath catch anew. It was tender. It was affectionate. Oh, in that moment she could almost imagine he loved her as she loved him.

  She sat up, holding a hand over her mouth. She loved Liam. She’d feared this very thing coming to pass. She’d wanted him of course, although she’d previously had no notion what that would entail. She’d cared about him and delighted in his smiles even though they’d hardly ever been sent in her direction. But love?

  Pulling her gaze from him, she sat and held up a hand. “Do help me, Jackson.”

  Jackson stood in one fluid motion, taking her hand and tugging her upward to her feet. She fell against him, feeling his remarkable naked body flush against hers. Her nipples tightened, and her core wept as if she hadn’t already had three orgasms this evening.

  A glance at Liam still showed that compelling, confounding expression on his beloved features. Was her face a window to her feelings, too? It would never do to have them know what she felt for them.

  And she did love them both. How, in the space of so few days, had she given her heart to both of them in equal measure?

  “This is too much,” she whispered.

  “What is too much, love?” Jackson asked.


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