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Remy and Rose' 2: A Hood Love Story

Page 13

by Mz. Lady P

  “I’m really not believing shit your ass says. For all I know you could be plotting against me too.” She just stared at me with tears flowing down her face. The grip she had on my shirt loosened as she walked away. I reached out to stop her but she yanked away. I wrapped my arms around her and held her in a bear hug, keeping her from getting away from me. We both ended up falling on the floor and I just held her as she cried.

  “Let me go. You have no idea what I’ve been through since you’ve been gone. I’m so tired of people telling me that we’re from different worlds. Your father just came and took you away without any regards for me or our children. I was with you at the hospital each and every day, praying that God would heal you. He took you back to Mexico and threatened to kill me if I tried to come. He told me to forget about you. He even tried to make me file for divorce. Don’t you see Remy? It’s not meant for us to be. We will never be happy as long as your family is against us. How do I know that one day you won’t leave me for good?”

  “I would never leave you by choice Rose`. I’m sorry that my family has never accepted the fact that I love you and we have a family. Fuck them and whoever else doesn’t like it. I would never fucking leave you based off what another motherfucker had to say about us. At this point it’s us against the world and I’m ready to take any motherfucker out that’s against us. I’m sorry for that shit I said. Just knowing a nigga was trying to step on my toes pissed me off. I’m mad at you because you entertained the shit. Yeah, I know I was in Mexico and you didn’t know what was going on with me. The fact of the matter is Rose`, I feel you even when we’re thousands of miles away from one another. You’re in my head and my heart no matter the distance. Our hearts beat to the same rhythm. I know you can feel that shit too, that’s why you never gave that nigga my pussy. I was coming for what the fuck belonged to me. Feel my heart Rose`. That’s all you Ma. Believe that shit bae. I love you Mrs. Ramirez.” After all I had said Rose` was still sitting here crying her eyes out.

  “I love you too. I’m just so sorry that you’re losing everything because of me. I have my father in my life and now my mother is back and we’re building our relationship. I feel so bad you no longer have your mother and you possibly may lose your father. I just feel like all of this is my fault. Loving someone is never supposed to be so complicated. Please forgive me for making your life a living hell. I know that you won’t admit it but before I came into your life things were fine. I just can’t help feeling like everything is my fault.” Rose` wrapped her arms around my neck and cried one of the hardest cries ever. I could tell that she really felt like the shit I was going through was her fault. I held her and just let her cry. This would be the last time she would ever have to cry in regards to the way my parents have treated me.

  “Dry your face right now. You know I hate it when you cry, especially when you have no reason to be crying. Don’t ever in life let me hear you say that losing my family is your fault. For them to make me choose between them and you only meant they weren’t my fucking family to begin with. At the end of the day you’re my family. You and the kids is all a nigga needs in regards to having a family. I chose you as my wife for a reason and we don’t have to explain why to anybody. As long as we got each other’s back we’ll be okay. Going forward, I want you to promise me that you will never let anyone tell you that you’re not worthy of being my wife. You’re my wife because you earned it. I love you so much and don’t you ever doubt that shit. Now let’s go upstairs and go half on another baby. I want a house full of kids just like my nigga Thug.”

  “I love you more Mr. Ramirez, but not enough to give your ass a football team.” I wasn’t even trying to hear that shit she was talking. I have every intention on pumping her full of kids. I picked her up bridal style and carried her up the stairs. As soon as we were on our way up the stairs, Remy Jr. was on his way down the stairs. He was sitting and scooting down each stair.

  “Where are you going baby?” Rose` hopped down and picked him up. I could tell already he was a little cock blocker. As bad as I wanted some pussy I could go without, being able to see my wife with our son. She had shed so many tears over his loss. The smile that she has on her face is priceless. We laid down in bed with our son in between us. So many nights we longed for this feeling. My family was now complete and all I wanted for us was to be able to live the rest of our lives in peace, but in the meantime I had to see what my father’s next move was.

  Chapter 25- Rose`

  It had been a little over a month since Remy had been back home. His wounds were healing really good and he was ready to go back to running his businesses. I’ve grown accustomed to him being in the house all day with us. He has been spoiling these kids rotten. Since Remy has been home it’s like I don’t even exist. It’s been so long since I’ve been able to just go out without the kids. Neicee was about to give birth any day. Honey and Boo were in the Bahamas celebrating their pregnancy. Yes, Boo had knocked her ass up again and they were both happy as hell. I hadn’t really had spent any time with my mother so I invited her out for a day of shopping. My Daddy had been saying how he wanted us to get closer and build our relationship. I was grateful that she had been helping out with the kids while Remy was away. It brought us a little closer. However, I still wasn’t comfortable with letting her all the way in. I’m scared that she might just abandon me again and I don’t think I’ll be able to handle that. I give her credit though; she’s trying really hard. Not to mention giving my daddy some act right. I never thought I would see the day when my mother and father would get back together.

  “Baby, I’m about to head out and meet my mom.” Remy was sitting in the kitchen feeding the boys and Heaven was at a sleepover at her friend’s house.

  “You need to change first. You’re about to pop out of that damn dress.” I looked down at my dress wondering what the hell he was looking at. My dress was fitting snug but Remy was over exaggerating.

  “I’m not about to change Remy. My dress is fine.” I poked out my lips in an effort to get him to let me keep it on.

  “You might as well stop all of that pouting and go change.” I rolled my eyes and went upstairs and changed into a longer maxi dress that wasn’t so snug. I went back downstairs and stood in front of him with my hand on my hip.

  “Are you happy now?”

  “Come here and give Daddy a kiss. You can’t be out there showing niggas my shit. You know a nigga ain’t got no problem with fighting to prove his love.” I walked into his embrace and kissed him on his soft ass lips.

  “All I want is your crazy ass. Let me go before my momma start blowing my phone up. I’ll bring some Applebee’s back for dinner because I’m not cooking tonight.

  “It’s cool bae, I’ll cook dinner tonight. Enjoy yourself and give your mother a chance. She’s really trying.” We kissed once more and I left out of the house. Remy never ceases to amaze me. I swear he makes me love him more and more every day. He tries his best to act like this issue with his father is not bothering him but I know that it is. When I met Remy he always spoke highly of his father. When he got the call that he had passed, Remy was tore up. This shit had got to be fucking with him. No matter what, he puts his game face on and caters to me and our children. I love him for being strong for everyone else when the world is on his shoulders. No matter what, I intend to hold him down. My baby deserves that much from me.

  As I drove to meet my mother I noticed an unmarked police vehicle following me. This wasn’t the first time I had noticed this same car behind me. So much had been going on that I forgot to tell Remy. I decided to switch lanes just to see would they switch lanes. They did. I switched back and they switched over and speeded up behind me. Next thing I know their sirens started blaring and they were pulling me over. I was kind of relieved that is was the police and not some crazy ass person trying to kidnap me. Y’all know I don’t need those types of problems. I pulled over and grabbed my license and registration from my purse. I looked in the rearview mirror and
watched as two plain clothes officers approached my car. The woman officer came to the driver’s side and the male officer went over to the passenger side.

  “Roll down your window Mrs. Ramirez,” she said as she bammed on my window with a big ass flashlight. I rolled down the windows without hesitation.

  “What’s the problem officer? I was driving the speed limit and haven’t ran any lights.”

  “Cut the car off and put your hands on the steering wheel where I can see them,” the male officer said with aggression in his voice. I did as I was told and the next thing I knew I was being pulled from the car. The female officer slammed me on the hood of the car and put me in handcuffs, as the male police officer started to check my car. I didn’t know much about the law but I do know they need probable cause to check my car. I know for a fact I haven’t done anything. This was about something else and I was sure I wasn’t ready for what was happening.

  “Why are you arresting me? I haven’t done anything. Please let me call my husband so that he can come and get my car.”

  “Shut up!” The male officer roughly put me in the back of their car. I was starting to panic as they drove away leaving my car on the highway. I just knew they were about to take me somewhere and torture my ass. For a minute I thought they were impersonating police officers. I breathed a sigh of relief when we pulled in front of the police station. I was placed inside an interrogation room that was dimly lit. The last time I was in this position was when I was caught with the drugs in Ace’s car. I was pissed off because these people weren’t telling me anything and all the shit they were doing to me was against the law.

  The door opened and the detectives walked in with all types of snacks. I just shook my head at them. This was the oldest trick in the book. If they thought I was about to touch or eat any of that shit they had another thing coming.

  “I don’t know what type of games y’all playing but I got shit to do. Why the fuck was I arrested?”

  “Calm down Mrs. Ramirez. You’re not under arrest. At least not yet anyway. Have you ever seen this woman?” They slid some pictures across the table and showed me pictures of a woman I’ve never seen before. I studied the pictures and slid the pictures back across the table to them.

  “I have no idea who she is.” They both started laughing like some shit was funny.

  “You mean to tell you don’t know your own daughter’s grandmother.”


  “Don’t play stupid Mrs. Ramirez. Helena Black was found murdered in her home a couple of months back. After doing an extensive investigation, we learned that she had filed for visitation rights of her granddaughter, which is your daughter Heaven. Explain to me why you didn’t show up for your court ordered appearance. We know why she wasn’t there.” I started to panic on the inside because I knew this shit looked suspect. Although I was nervous I knew I had to put my game face on. They had no suspects so they were fishing for information. Unfortunately I had nothing for their asses.

  “I’m telling the truth. I never met Ace’s mother. As a matter of fact I’ve never met any of his family members. When Ace and I messed around our relationship was a secret. I skipped out on the court date because I was not about to let a perfect fucking stranger get awarded custody of my daughter. I can assure you I had nothing to do with her being killed.”

  “What about your husband? He has taken the necessary steps to become her father. He has the motive.”

  “My husband stands to gain nothing from killing her. My husband doesn’t know her either. Look, it’s getting late and I need to get home to my kids. Can I please go home now?” I knew they didn’t have anything so they had no choice but to let me go. I was glad they had the decency to bring my car to the station. As I drove home I couldn’t wait to tell Remy about this shit. The more I drove the more the wheels in my head started to turn. That’s when it clicked. I remembered the conversation we had when he found out about her wanting visitation rights. His ass had killed the bitch. I wasn’t mad he did it, I just wished he would have told me. I would have been better prepared for their line of questioning. I was definitely going to get on him about not filling me in about the shit.

  Instead of me going home I went straight to my mother’s new apartment. The last thing I wanted was for her to think I stood her up. I looked through my property for my phone and the screen was completely shattered. That was so petty of them to break my damn phone. As I pulled in front of her house I saw her and my daddy in front of the house arguing. I knew it wouldn’t be long before they started this shit again. Growing up I always had to be the mediator in their arguments. I wanted to just pull away from the curb but I didn’t feel right doing that. I did roll my window down and listen to them arguing. Of course it was about my daddy cheating. I swear he is such a man whore. I loved my momma for the way she be handling his ass.

  “I told your black ass not to fuck with me Dino, but you insist on trying me. Now take your ass back to Madear’s house before I cut your ass again.

  “Take your ass in the house Sherita. I told your ass about showing out. Keep it up and I’m going to put my foot up your ass.”

  “Nigga I wish you would. Madear gone be picking out a plot for your ass.” My momma damn near pushed my daddy down the stairs but he caught his balance. I laughed as I watched him follow behind her in the car. I just knew it was about to be a rumble so I got out the car and went inside.

  “You better call that hoe and tell her it’s a wrap. I’m not going to go through this shit with you again.”

  “Just like old times huh? What did you do now Daddy?” I came in and kissed both of them and sat down on the couch.

  “Hey baby girl. I didn’t do shit. Now you know I used to mess around with that chick Joyce who work at the restaurant. Your momma saw her calling my phone and she’s been snapping ever since. She went up to the restaurant and beat her ass. The only reason her ass ain’t in jail is because Remy came down there and stopped Joyce from pressing charges.”

  “Fuck that bitch. She should have never popped slick at the mouth with me. I asked the fat bitch a simple question. She got smart so I whooped her ass and if you keep talking shit I’m gone whoop yo’ ass too.”

  “Gone head on with that bullshit. I’m about to go to Madear’s house. I’ll be back when you calm down.” My daddy walked out the door defeated. I couldn’t do shit but laugh because this was déjà vu all over again.

  “Dang Ma, did you have to beat that lady up?” I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Yep. Texting my man asking can he come give her some dick. I politely went up there and checked her ass but she couldn’t keep it cute like I was doing. She wouldn’t have gotten her shit busted.” My mother sat on the couch and fired up a square. I didn’t even know she still smoked.

  “Y’all a hot mess. I don’t know what I’m going to do with y’all.”

  “I’m good but you better get your daddy before I be on the news. Oh yeah, I’m sorry for not making it to our date we had today but I had to take care of that business first.”

  “It’s cool. Something had come up on my end as well. I just wanted to stop by and see how you were doing. Let me get home to my family. I’ll call you later.”

  “Okay baby. Make sure y’all have my grandbabies here when I get off work. Me and your daddy taking them to Key Lime Cove for the weekend. Remy already said it was okay. Don’t worry about packing them anything. I’ve already been shopping for them.” I was glad I didn’t have to explain why I didn’t make to our date. The last thing I want is my parents worried about me. I was glad they were taking the kids. That meant I could fuck my husband all over my house if I wanted to. I kissed my mother goodbye and headed home to talk to Remy.


  “I’ve been calling your phone for the longest to see where you were at. Your momma is crazy as hell. I don’t know what the hell Dino gone do with her ass. I was worried. How come you didn’t answer my calls?”

  “I heard about her whooping Ms
. Joyce’s ass. To answer your question as to why I didn’t answer my phone, I couldn’t answer because the stupid ass police broke my phone.”

  “What the fuck you mean they broke your phone?”

  “When I was on my way to meet my momma I was pulled over by the police. They took me in for questioning in regards to a murder. Ace’s mother was murdered and they think that we had a motive to do it. I know for a fact I didn’t kill the bitch. Is there something you need to tell me?” Remy continued to stir whatever he was cooking on the stove. I just stood in front of him waiting for him to say something.

  “Set the table. Let’s eat dinner first. I promise we’ll talk about it once we put the kids to bed.” He kissed me on the jaw and went to get the kids. Any other women would be spazzing out right now but not me. I know that there’s a method to my husband’s matter, so I know he has a good explanation for his actions.

  After we ate dinner my daddy came over and picked up the kids. He was supposed to pick them up in the morning but decided to get them sooner. He thought he was slick. He was trying to keep my momma off of his ass. I was actually happy he came and got them. It gave Remy and I a chance to talk and spend time with one another. We were sipping on some Patron and smoking a couple of blunts. I had been waiting patiently for him to tell me. In the meantime I would just enjoy this time with him because I knew sooner or later he would be right back out the door keeping late nights and early mornings.

  Chapter 26- Remy

  I knew sooner or later there would be some backlash from killing that bitch. It’s a good thing I’m cool with the chief of police. After hearing my baby was brought in on that bullshit, I immediately made a call to him after dinner. Needless to say we don’t have to worry about them bothering me or her. The detectives have been put on administrative duty for unlawfully taking Rose` into custody. Despite handling the shit, I knew that I still needed to come clean and tell her that I killed the old bitch. I really don’t understand why she wants me to actually tell her I did it when she knows damn well I did the shit.


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