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The Devil You Know (Ceasefire Series Book 1)

Page 18

by Claire Marta

  “Let me phone the hospital first to confirm Nathan is missing.” The archangel soothes. “You sure you want to go back there after last time?”

  He doesn’t think I have the guts. “This is personal. Nothing is going to stop me. Nathan needs me and I won’t let him down.”

  No one hurts my family and lives.

  No one.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “This elevator just happens to travel into Hell?”

  Two pain killers later and a bucket load of coffee and I’m sober as I’m ever going to be. It hasn’t improved my mood.

  “Yes.” Gabriel replies dryly. “There aren’t many doorways. Lucifer keeps a tight leash on who enters and exits his domain, but there are a few portals he’s not aware of.”

  We’re in a swanky office building in Holborn. A few smartly dressed early commuters are plodding in, blurry eyed and grey faced, for another day at work.

  “How long is this going to take?” I ask, ignoring the odd looks we invoke.

  We don’t fit in. Gabriel in all his biker leather looks rough and unapproachable. And I’m in trainers, a green jumper, and leather jacket that conceals the gun in the waistband of my jeans. Bag slung over my good shoulder, it’s heavy with the weight of all my weapons and ammo I could stuff into it, yet still carry comfortably.

  As the doors smoothly open, he ushers me inside. “Not long. It travels through a portal right into the main Hell dimension, although it might pass through the other seven on the way.”

  My resolve hasn’t shaken. I admit I’m nervous to see Lucifer again after our last encounter. Still not sure how to feel about it. My Plan? Storm into Hell, cause chaos, and get Nathan back.

  Jabbing a button, Gabriel bars the way before anyone else can follow us in. They take the hint. Scurrying back, they move to the next set of doors, not after any trouble.

  The doors close with an ominous click leaving us cocooned inside the metal box.

  Above, soft droning music plays from a speaker.

  “The tune might drive us insane before we get there.” I mutter. It’s the irritating kind that gets stuck in a loop in your head. One you find yourself humming unconsciously for weeks after.

  “That’s probably why they have it. You’d have to be crazy to want to go to Hell uninvited.” He points out with a chuckle.

  Tapping my foot, I examine every inch of the walls. I don’t enjoy the feeling of being trapped. Those nerves come from a primitive side of my brain that worries about how I’m going to get out if something goes wrong.

  Channelling it into something more productive, I run through every piece of weaponry I’m carrying.

  If even one hair on my brother’s head has been harmed my wrath will know no bounds. I’ll have no problem slaughtering every single being in my path.

  If the mother fuckers want a fight, I’ll give them a war.

  With a whoosh the doors slide open.

  The cold hits me first. So bitingly freezing it instantly numbs my fingers. Beyond the confines of the elevator ice and snow covers a wasteland as far as the eye can see. It looks like a canvas waiting for an artist to mould it into their vision.

  Stunned, all I can do is gawk.

  What happened to the lava pools, burning pits?

  Gabriel’s palm pressed on the flat of my back, manoeuvres me forwards.

  The snow crunches beneath our shoes tainting the untouched blanket of snowfall as we exit our transport.

  My eyes follow the white puffs of my breath as it rises and dissipates. “Why is it so cold?”

  “At a guess, someone’s fucking with the seals, trying to open the gates to let out all the damned souls.” He explains. “It’s sucked the normal blistering atmosphere right out of the place.”

  The eternal fires of damnation have dimmed.

  Hell has frozen over.

  You are fucking kidding me.

  Kind of ironic when I said I wouldn’t be back down here unless it did.

  “You think it’s Lucifer?” I question.

  Gabriel flexes his jaw, his gaze skimming the scenery around us. “No. In all his chaos there is calculation. He knows the dangers of releasing them. I would say he’s got a lot more on his hands than we realised.”

  “What dangers?”

  Nudging his chin, he directs me to follow. “It would tear his domain and Earth apart. There would be nothing for him to rule over.”

  White flakes drift endlessly down around us in the stillness. It eerie as fuck.

  Heart rate climbing, I reach for the handle of my gun and tug it free.

  “Come on. We don’t want to waste time out in the open. You’ll end up like a popsicle.”

  Striding forward, the archangel heads north. He’s moving with sure steps. As if he’s travelled this road endless times before.

  Trudging after him, I adjust the weight of the bag I’m heaving along. “You know we’re probably walking into a trap.”


  “That doesn’t give me any comfort right now.”

  Gabriel snorts. “Trust is a rare thing here, practically non-existent. We have to be careful with who we encounter, but we might be able to slip in unnoticed.”

  Trust. He’s here with me, but that doesn’t mean I’m giving him mine. Gabriel admitted to being my Grandfather, but that means nothing to me after his betrayal.

  He’s a means to an end.

  Mournful tortured cries of the damned are carried around us on the wind.

  Before long, an ice palace glittering in the dying twilight comes in to view, perched on a rugged slope. The structure is immense. Thick snowdrifts are piled against the pale stonework. Icicles hang from the spiralling towers and turrets gleaming like delicate spun glass. It’s something from a fairy-tale.


  I can feel it coming from the very centre of the place.

  I know the Devil is the cause.

  “Why the fuck haven’t we seen any demons yet?” I ask, feeling uneasy.

  “I told you we took a back way in. It won’t be guarded. Plus, the fuckers aren’t used to the cold. They’re all probably inside defrosting their balls.”

  Still, this is too good to be true.

  Shivering, I keep moving. I don’t need to catch frostbite. I can feel the chill seeping into my bones already. We’re struggling through knee high snow. Each step more of an effort than the last.

  Finally reaching an outer wall, Gabriel raises a hand, indicating me to halt.

  In silence, I listen for any signs of life but nothing apart from the far-off cries of tortured souls can be heard. It makes me wonder where they are.

  Feeling his way along the surface of smooth stone, he drives one in, sinking it in until there’s a click.

  With a groan, the whole section descends, revealing a narrow bleak passageway.

  “How did you know this was here?” I ask, trailing him cautiously as he enters.

  Not looking back, Gabriel shakes the snow from his clothes. “I’ve been here many times before. As an emissary for the light you learn a few secrets and tricks over time.”

  After a few minutes we emerge into a corridor.

  Tapestries regally drape the walls in elaborate gold and purple designs.

  Here the air is warmer but still holds winter’s touch.

  Light from torches hanging in metal brackets against the stonework cast dancing shadows to light our way.

  Pressing a finger to his lips the angel guides me silently along.


  Hushed voices can be heard the farther we venture. I recognize the sound of fear. The tone is unmistakable.

  “They know we’re here.” Gabriel murmurs. “But they’ve been ordered not to attack.”

  We’re expected. I knew we would be. This is, after all, an elaborate plot to draw me here.

  Scanning up ahead, I automatically raise my gun. Thick oak doors stand tall and imposing at the end of the passageway.

  With an easy confidence he takes
a hold of the ornate oversized handles and heaves them open.

  A great hall sprawls before us.

  Beside a massive roaring fireplace, lounging back on a throne of bleached white bones, the Devil himself is waiting.

  He’s just as devilishly handsome as I remember. Tanned skin. Broad shoulders that accentuate the strength of his warrior-like frame. A perfect specimen of masculinity. Ebony black hair slicked back, his emerald green eyes flash with hellfire.

  An aura of sheer animal magnetism pulses around him.

  I haven’t been able to erase him from my dreams or my nightmares.

  His darkness is alluring. It pulls me like a magnet.

  Two, half naked women are sitting at his feet in a bed of furs. A third is deep throating the fuck out of his cock, his fingers tangled in her blonde hair as he takes her mouth without mercy.

  Rage hits me so sharply I see red.

  “Don’t tell me it’s so cold she’s just keeping your dick warm for you.” I say between clenched teeth.

  Chin jerking up, he looks surprised to see me. “You’re back.”

  It’s a trick. Has to be. Another one of his mind fucks.

  Horned heads snapping in my direction, the exotic looking females hiss their displeasure.

  Taking out my gun, I aim it at their heads. I’ll happily put a bullet in them all and won’t bat an eyelid doing it. I haven’t killed anyone in so long it’s making me antsy.

  What I’m thinking must have showed on my face.

  Eyes widening, they gather their clothes before scurrying from the hall in fear.

  Swinging the weapon up I keep it trained on Lucifer’s chest. “What have you done with my brother? Where the fuck is he?”

  Carefully he tucks his impressive cock under his black robes. “I don’t have him.”

  Tearing my gaze away from his crotch, I ignore the memory of how good it was each time it was buried deep in my core. I can’t stop my body's response. Nipples hardening beneath my sweatshirt, I feel myself grow wet.

  “Bullshit. If you don’t produce him I will be more than happy to fill you full of blessed lead.” I growl.

  “Mavi, put your gun down.” Gabriel rumbles behind me. “This should be dealt with diplomatically. You can’t threaten him even if I'm getting a kick out of watching you do it.”

  Gabriel’s close.

  I can sense him a hand stretch away, but that won’t stop me. Not now.

  “I don’t work for you anymore, remember, so don’t expect me to follow your orders, Granddad.”

  Lucifer’s gaze snaps over my shoulder to Gabriel. “She knows?”

  “She does.” The archangel confirms.

  Something I can’t identify shifts in his expression. “I don’t have your brother.”

  “The fuck you do.”

  I’m barely holding onto my temper. He’s lucky I have lasted this long. I want to extract the information with my favourite knife. Work it out of his flesh until he’s begging me to stop.

  Lucifer’s penetrating gaze sears through mine. “Why would I take him when it’s you I want? If I was going to abduct someone, it would have been you again.”

  He has a point. Then again, he’s the master of lies. I can’t trust anything that comes out of his mouth.

  “Mavi had a vision of him here screaming for help. As you’re the only arsehole who won’t leave her the fuck alone she worked out pretty quickly it had to be you.” Gabriel explains, arms crossed over his muscular chest as he comes into view to my left.

  Pursing his lips, the Devil sits back in his chair, one long finger tapping his lips. “More than likely it’s one of the other rogue Generals I have on my hands. It sounds like their style.”

  I don’t like the sound of that. I can’t bear to imagine what they’ll do to Nate. What they’re doing to him right this second.

  “Why would they take him?” I question icily.

  “Because you helped me kill Fritz. You’re on their radar now as a threat. Something to be eliminated at all costs.”

  Fuck. That wasn’t really in my hands. He’s blackmailed me into helping him by holding my soul hostage.

  “Where do I find them?”

  Shifting on his throne, he leans forward intently. “You’re going to fulfil our bargain?”

  Lowering the gun in my hand, I dump the bag over my shoulder, which is starting to ache. “Not for you. To get my brother back. I won’t let you use me this time.”

  “But you enjoyed being my whore, didn’t you, Mavi? You can’t deny that.” He drawls back. A sly smile curls up the edges of his mouth, those green eyes taunting.

  “Fuck you.” I bark back with venom in my tone strengthened by the fact it’s true. I did enjoy it. Too fucking much.

  “I’d rather fuck you, darling. You can’t find another lover with the hex I cursed your cunt with. If a dick even attempts to enter that Eden between your legs, it’s owner will experience an excruciating death.” He sneers.

  Five swift steps and I'm before him, weapon raised. “Lift the hex.”


  Pressing the barrel of the pistol between his eyes, I tease the trigger. “This time we’re doing things my way. When I give you an order, you obey. I will have no problem splattering your brains over your pretty throne no matter who the fuck you are.”

  “Mavi,” Gabriel warns.

  Lucifer smirks. It’s cocky and self-assured as if he knows that even if I follow through with my threat it probably won’t kill him. I have no idea if it would. I’ve already driven a knife through his heart and he still managed to walk away.

  For a heartbeat our gazes hold.

  Batting my hand aside he rises with effortless poise to tower over me. “I have a prisoner who might know the location of one of the strongholds. I haven’t gotten around to torturing him yet...” He lets the rest of the sentence hang, unfinished.

  Temptation. He’s offering me something we both know I won’t refuse.

  “Give him to me. I’ll get it out of him.”

  His grin is as sharp as a knife. “I was hoping you might say that.”

  I’ll torture.

  I’ll kill.

  And I will enjoy every second of it.

  I’ll extract everything I need without mercy or guilt.

  I’m no saint.

  No Angel.

  The Devil is practically gleeful over it.

  I’m among monsters and he’s the King of them all.

  Descending the steps, he casts my companion a dismissive look. “You can leave now, Gabriel.”

  The angel shakes his head. “No, I think I should stay with my Granddaughter.”

  “Get out of my domain before I kick you out myself.” Lucifer snarls back, his lips curling in distaste.

  Anger tightens the angel’s face. He doesn’t want to leave me, that’s clear. I can glimpse the battle he’s waging within.

  “Mavi, if you need me, just call.” He grits out between his teeth, throwing the Devil a hostile glare. “And remember, if you play with a scorpion, you’re going to get stung. That’s its nature and it’s never going to change.”

  I nod in agreement. Staying here is a gamble I’m willing to take. I can’t let the Devil close again. If I do, I won’t stand a chance.

  Gabriel vanishes in a flash of white light before I can change my mind.

  “This way to the dungeons.” Lucifer informs me, not waiting for a reply. Turning on his heels, he stalks from the hall, robes billowing around him as he goes.

  Grabbing my bag, I hurry after him, trying to match his longer strides.

  “Trukun and Markaz are bent on ending my rule and setting all the souls housed in the seven Hell dimensions free. So far, their efforts have released four seals out of the nine.”

  “You don’t seem very concerned about it.” I mutter.

  “Until I know where they are there isn’t much I can do, although I’m now taking precautions.” Tilting his head, he regards me with a brooding look as we walk. �
�It’s fortuitous you arrived when you did. Saved me the trip of coming to get you.”

  “I told you why I’m here, There’s no other reason, so don’t even think of trying to give me something else to do.”

  Dank steps twist down, leading to a narrow spiralling staircase descending into blackness. Without breaking pace, Lucifer takes them two at a time.

  I can no longer make his form out. Swallowed, nothing lays beyond me but silence and the waiting black.

  Moving more cautiously, I press my fingertips against the roughness of the wall. The dark doesn’t scare me. Never has. I’m more concerned with falling on my arse.

  My footsteps echo around me.

  Spluttering into life, light from the flaming torches illuminate the stone chamber as I safely reach the bottom.

  Lucifer is waiting.

  With an impatient flick of his wrist, he gestures towards a door. “He’s in there.”

  I don’t bother to wait for him. I make my way to the wooden door. The chunky bolt baring it shut doesn’t take much effort to draw free.

  Inside the cell is a hollow cube of white rock walls. Its bear, apart from one occupant sitting naked and chained down to a metal chair. Beneath it, the floor is stained with old patches of violence which someone has not been able to scrub out, even though there's evidence in the swirls that someone has tried.

  Closing the door behind me, I walk briskly to the corner. Offloading my bag and shrugging out of my leather jacket, I crouch, unzipping it and find one of my favourite knifes. The weight feels pleasant in my hand. It gives me a buzz of anticipation.

  I’m more than up for this challenge.

  Rising, I swivel around slowly to take full stock of the demon I’ve been given to interrogate.

  Grey horns protrude from locks of shaggy blonde hair. He’s good looking with an angular jaw and a face that women would go for. Muscles firm and contoured, they strain as he tussles within his constraints. His ankles are manacled to the ground. Arms shackled behind the chair.

  Knife in hand, I tread with purpose to stand before him.

  I meet his gaze dead on.

  He recognizes me. Eyes dilating, he can’t hide the tell-tale rapid pulsing of his heart.


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